Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker discussion thread (*** now contains spoilers ***)

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ok, so parts I cried/got emotional at

- when Chewie got emotional/mourned Leia's passing

- When the Tantiv IV took of and you hear "and Leia" mentioned

- when Chewie finally got his medal🏅

Probably missing some

For me, it’s easier if I just list the parts of the movie I didn’t get emotional...

1) ...

Yeah, I got nothing :ssst: 😊
ok, so parts I cried/got emotional at

- when Chewie got emotional/mourned Leia's passing

- When the Tantiv IV took of and you hear "and Leia" mentioned

- when Chewie finally got his medal🏅

Probably missing some
Not C3-PO losing his memory?
My non-spoiler review.

I went in thinking I would either love it or hate it. I most definitely loved it. I think it did an excellent job of tying everything up. And for the first time really made be care about the new characters. There was a decent amount of fan service, which I normally don't love, but I thought it was done well.

Overall I really loved it.
Well, there were definitely others - those were just some that jumped out at me specifically

The one you mention I think since we saw that in the previews I knew it was coming so didn't hit me as hard

So, my favorite ‘tear jerker’ movie ending of all time was ‘The Way We Were’ I cried like a baby. However, this movie far and above surpassed that tear jerker status for me. When Ben came back to save her - and then they kissed, I LOST IT. Like, full on hysterical. 😭😭😭 Then when he died/disappeared I got mad. Come back, Ben. Please.[/QUOTE]

So, my favorite ‘tear jerker’ movie ending of all time was ‘The Way We Were’ I cried like a baby. However, this movie far and above surpassed that tear jerker status for me. When Ben came back to save her - and then they kissed, I LOST IT. Like, full on hysterical. 😭😭😭 Then when he died/disappeared I got mad. Come back, Ben. Please.


I did like when Ben cam back and like how you could tell he was pretty beat up and dragging one of his legs, etc.

I'll be honest I have mixed feelings about the kiss - I get why they did it but part of me wished they didn't go that route and let their connection be beyond anything romantic

I do echo other people's thought that Adam Driver was excellent in this film and hope that gets credit and not just ignored since it is an action adventure film

I did like when Ben cam back and like how you could tell he was pretty beat up and dragging one of his legs, etc.

I'll be honest I have mixed feelings about the kiss - I get why they did it but part of me wished they didn't go that route and let their connection be beyond anything romantic

I do echo other people's thought that Adam Driver was excellent in this film and hope that gets credit and not just ignored since it is an action adventure film[/QUOTE]

No!!! No no no. That was the best part and the part I was hoping would happen since TLJ!!! (which I watched again right before going to see this one, so I was even more anxious for it to happen!!!!!!) Sorry, sappy love story loving girl here. I know not everyone wanted a love story, but look at Han and Leia! I loved their dynamic. (And and Anakin and Padme!) This was even more amazing because you have the bad boy on the dark side and the sweet girl on the good side. Sorry, I’m going to ramble on here. You get what I mean. I loved it. I wish there was more of it and I wish he didn’t die.[/QUOTE]
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You don’t see the difference in a character being center stage for 3 films vs being introduced in the third film? He wasn’t part of the first 2 films, they brought him back because they exhausted the other options. And it really wound up not about the Skywalkers in the end. The end was all Palpatine vs Palpatine. Now I enjoyed him being back, but it would’ve been significantly better had this been planned and played out over multiple films rather than popping up in the conclusion. The same move didn’t work so well in Spectre either, it feels disingenuous.

I did kinda think that it now feels like the 9 movie story arc is more that of Palpatine vs the Skywalker's ... But I think I can expand my view and see it more as the story arc or the Force as at the end it really wasn't Sidious be Rey is was "all the Sith" vs "all the Jedi" ... And in the end both were destroyed (and thus "balance") but then the human connection between Ben and Rey brought Rey back - the "attachment" that Jedi were thought to surpress brought balance against the attachment that Anakin had that turned him.

In the end info think the trilogies work a bit better if thought of as three trilogies vs one 9 story arc
One of the highlights for me as well! I was really hoping for an Ashoka and Hera Syndulla live action cameo though

I was waiting for that too - though part of me was thinking "if Ashoka was out there the whole time why didn't she help before this?" So I think this was the best route

I also think we will get a standalone Ashoka live action film at some point or series on Disney+ or something
I didn't think it was double sided but do think the color of the blade looked rather "gold" or "amber"....which makes me think that there will be a new set of Kyber crystals for sale soon....along with a new legacy saber!

I think her light saber was yellow which according to Jedi lore is described as

"Yellow indicated a Jedi Sentinel, a Jedi who honed his or her skills in a balance of combat and scholarly pursuits."

So I think it is pretty fitting as we saw her both in combat and studying the texts ... Plus the whole "balance" comment
Re: Things unsaid...

I have to add, it was either he loves her as others mention, but I think it more likely its that he is Force sensitive... several times in the movie he is clearly feeling the force (Leia's death, he knows where Rey is, etc.). I hope it's that anyway. I liked the Finn/Poe/Rey dynamic being about friendship rather than romantic love.

Re: "Things unsaid" - from JJ:

Seeing it again today. I left my first viewing with mixed feelings, but the longer it sat with me the more it grew on me. There's just so much happening it's a lot to take in. In the end tho, I'm satisfied, and I'm going in to my second viewing with excitement.
I did kinda think that it now feels like the 9 movie story arc is more that of Palpatine vs the Skywalker's ... But I think I can expand my view and see it more as the story arc or the Force as at the end it really wasn't Sidious be Rey is was "all the Sith" vs "all the Jedi" ... And in the end both were destroyed (and thus "balance") but then the human connection between Ben and Rey brought Rey back - the "attachment" that Jedi were thought to surpress brought balance against the attachment that Anakin had that turned him.

In the end info think the trilogies work a bit better if thought of as three trilogies vs one 9 story arc

I agree with your last point there, while they have connections, they don’t tell the same story. There’s no real arc for the franchise.

The balance thing was odd. I mean Palpatine survived being thrown into a reactor and the Death Star 2.0 being vaporized. Surely the master planner had a contingency plan here, especially since he can apparently switch bodies. And he wasn’t exactly a strict follower of the Rule of Two, so he likely had more apprentices being groomed. But if he didn’t, the death of all the Jedi didn’t stop Luke and Leia from force ghosting it up later, so we have to assume at a minimum that Darth Bane is still doing his thing on Moraband. And there are still plenty of force sensitive people out there, including a Palpatine. Some of those people are going to figure the force out and some will naturally be drawn to either side again. Not much has changed from the end of Return of the Jedi.

I saw it yesterday. I really enjoyed it, more than I thought I might as did my wife.
On the non spoiler side of a review. Those who might bring younger kids, there are some pretty intense parts closer to Rogue one in tone. Without out spoiling that is the best I can say. Might be worth previewing it kid free if you have kids under 10.
So at the end when Palpatine was explaining to Rey that she had to kill him to make the cycle mind started racing as to how she could end it, and not let the sith win. I fealt like it was the princess bride, where they were arguing the logic back and forth. I just couldn't wrap my head around how they were going to solve that.

I agree with your last point there, while they have connections, they don’t tell the same story. There’s no real arc for the franchise.

The balance thing was odd. I mean Palpatine survived being thrown into a reactor and the Death Star 2.0 being vaporized. Surely the master planner had a contingency plan here, especially since he can apparently switch bodies. And he wasn’t exactly a strict follower of the Rule of Two, so he likely had more apprentices being groomed. But if he didn’t, the death of all the Jedi didn’t stop Luke and Leia from force ghosting it up later, so we have to assume at a minimum that Darth Bane is still doing his thing on Moraband. And there are still plenty of force sensitive people out there, including a Palpatine. Some of those people are going to figure the force out and some will naturally be drawn to either side again. Not much has changed from the end of Return of the Jedi.

Yeah, at the end of the day once you go down the route of people coming back from the dead or cloning or whatever, you could always come up with a "return" to keep the story going if one wants too.b guess this was a little different in that it was full force power that disintegrated him, so one could look at it a little different than ending of Jedi but not something that can't be overcome if they want to revisit this story 10 years from now or whatever
Yeah, at the end of the day once you go down the route of people coming back from the dead or cloning or whatever, you could always come up with a "return" to keep the story going if one wants too.b guess this was a little different in that it was full force power that disintegrated him, so one could look at it a little different than ending of Jedi but not something that can't be overcome if they want to revisit this story 10 years from now or whatever

Sssoooooo.... are you suggesting that there could possibly be another movie down the road, where Ben comes back from the dead, and he and Rey get married and live happily ever after?!!! 😉😁😎

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