Rumor about “modified experiences” when Disney reopens (read 1st post for potential modifications being considered)

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Our society naturally abides to social distancing without even thinking about it. Yes, there are exceptions to the rule, and its not always necessarily 6 feet but;

- When you order tickets to the movies, when was the last time you chose seats in a half full theater where you purposely bought tickets sitting next to seats that were chosen by strangers when theres rows available that have 2+ seats between you and the next person (not in your party)?

- When you’re on an airplane, sitting in an aisle or window seat, when was the last time you hoped someone (not in your party) would sit in the middle seat?

- When you’ve been on the skyliner, have you hoped another party was allowed to join your gondola?

Some people like interaction with strangers, but for the most part as a society we naturally choose to be distanced. Which is why for the most part, people have easily adapted to the 6 ft distancing guidelines. Yes, some people still dont care and are on top of you, but you remember the people that get close to you while forgetting about all of the people that were actively keeping their distance from you. Because spacing is already engrained in your mind.

Masks on the other hand are not the social norm in the US. Before all of this, the majority of people you’d see wearing masks are from Asia, where its socially normal because of their poor air quality. The county I live in in New York has had a mask mandate at all stores for just under a month, I made it to the door of the grocery store before realizing I didnt have a mask on and went back to grab it from the car. I’ve seen it happen to countless other people. Masks arent normal or else mouths wouldn’t be made part of the human anatomy as a way of breathing.

People are protesting masks. You know what people arent protesting? Having to stand 6 feet behind someone at a store.

You can make (to a certain extend) social distancing a regular guideline moving forward. You cant make masks a permanent way of life moving forward, and it will be gone sooner rather than later.

So thats why in 2022, unless something goes completely awry, you wont be forced to wear a mask at Disney. I dont even think the masks will last into 2021. If I had to guess without any basis, I’d say most areas will have dropped the mask mandates before August.
Our society naturally abides to social distancing without even thinking about it. Yes, there are exceptions to the rule, and its not always necessarily 6 feet but;

- When you order tickets to the movies, when was the last time you chose seats in a half full theater where you purposely bought tickets sitting next to seats that were chosen by strangers when theres rows available that have 2+ seats between you and the next person (not in your party)?

- When you’re on an airplane, sitting in an aisle or window seat, when was the last time you hoped someone (not in your party) would sit in the middle seat?

- When you’ve been on the skyliner, have you hoped another party was allowed to join your gondola?

Some people like interaction with strangers, but for the most part as a society we naturally choose to be distanced. Which is why for the most part, people have easily adapted to the 6 ft distancing guidelines. Yes, some people still dont care and are on top of you, but you remember the people that get close to you while forgetting about all of the people that were actively keeping their distance from you. Because spacing is already engrained in your mind.

Masks on the other hand are not the social norm in the US. Before all of this, the majority of people you’d see wearing masks are from Asia, where its socially normal because of their poor air quality. The county I live in in New York has had a mask mandate at all stores for just under a month, I made it to the door of the grocery store before realizing I didnt have a mask on and went back to grab it from the car. I’ve seen it happen to countless other people. Masks arent normal or else mouths wouldn’t be made part of the human anatomy as a way of breathing.

People are protesting masks. You know what people arent protesting? Having to stand 6 feet behind someone at a store.

You can make (to a certain extend) social distancing a regular guideline moving forward. You cant make masks a permanent way of life moving forward, and it will be gone sooner rather than later.

So thats why in 2022, unless something goes completely awry, you wont be forced to wear a mask at Disney. I dont even think the masks will last into 2021. If I had to guess without any basis, I’d say most areas will have dropped the mask mandates before August.

Agree. Seriously doubt we see masks for long.
Face shields will likely be an alternative to masks for these reasons. Face shields are much lighter and less distracting for the wearer than they look. I very frequently forget I am wearing one. It is so light, it doesn't even feel like a hat.
My concern isn't so much mask/no mask and/or transmission of CV. It's more people who feel they have an obligation to be rude to other guests based on their spot diagnosis. The people that do that probably don't know what a face shield is, they'll see no mask and go on the warpath. They're the same people who talk about who does and doesn't "need" an ECV.
I agree I teach autistic kids and know how hard it can be to get them to adjust to something. We have been teaching online and most of them can't even adjust to that let alone a mask that they may wear now for short periods of time vs a whole day at disney

Which is why it’s probably wise for those of us who are uncomfortable in masks to wait it out until they aren’t required.

I hate them. I fidget. I adjust. I’ll wait until I can enjoy Disney without it.
I think if anyone should feel unwelcome, it is those who want to break Disney rules, not the other way around. One could say this about any rule that some people don't like, like smoking. Now should someone lose their mind if someone has their mask pulled down while they walk outside eating a dole whip? Of course not. But someone standing in an indoor line or crowded store without a mask? I think anyone should feel comfortable reminding them to mask up please. I think the problem becomes one when everyone knows Disney has a mask policy on the books but "it's ok no one cares if you don't follow it."
It’s not another guest’s place to police other guests. Alert a CM and/or leave the situation if you feel it’s dangerous to you.
It's really tough. My son is 18 now and his sensitivities are not as hard for him to deal with as when he was younger. He wore a mask for the first time this weekend and did great. I made sure it was really soft and something he would like. But I know five years ago, this would have been a nightmare. I feel for everyone. Disney has always been great w/ autism and other disability issues, I have high hopes they will help this time as well.
Our society naturally abides to social distancing without even thinking about it. Yes, there are exceptions to the rule, and its not always necessarily 6 feet but;

- When you order tickets to the movies, when was the last time you chose seats in a half full theater where you purposely bought tickets sitting next to seats that were chosen by strangers when theres rows available that have 2+ seats between you and the next person (not in your party)?

- When you’re on an airplane, sitting in an aisle or window seat, when was the last time you hoped someone (not in your party) would sit in the middle seat?

- When you’ve been on the skyliner, have you hoped another party was allowed to join your gondola?

Some people like interaction with strangers, but for the most part as a society we naturally choose to be distanced. Which is why for the most part, people have easily adapted to the 6 ft distancing guidelines. Yes, some people still dont care and are on top of you, but you remember the people that get close to you while forgetting about all of the people that were actively keeping their distance from you. Because spacing is already engrained in your mind.

Masks on the other hand are not the social norm in the US. Before all of this, the majority of people you’d see wearing masks are from Asia, where its socially normal because of their poor air quality. The county I live in in New York has had a mask mandate at all stores for just under a month, I made it to the door of the grocery store before realizing I didnt have a mask on and went back to grab it from the car. I’ve seen it happen to countless other people. Masks arent normal or else mouths wouldn’t be made part of the human anatomy as a way of breathing.

People are protesting masks. You know what people arent protesting? Having to stand 6 feet behind someone at a store.

You can make (to a certain extend) social distancing a regular guideline moving forward. You cant make masks a permanent way of life moving forward, and it will be gone sooner rather than later.

So thats why in 2022, unless something goes completely awry, you wont be forced to wear a mask at Disney. I dont even think the masks will last into 2021. If I had to guess without any basis, I’d say most areas will have dropped the mask mandates before August.
It really isn't a matter of what people will prefer, but what will be required to open safely and smartly from a business standpoint. My hope is that we are wrong about another spike and this disease peters out. I really hope that! But if we aren't wrong, then public health measures will have to remain in place in crowded areas for a while. Chapek said as much this morning.
Your movie theater example made me smile, because my husband and I have a running joke that the theater could be completely empty except for us, and the only other people coming in would want to come and sit near us. A lot of people don't naturally socially distance. There are cultural differences, and physical differences, and political differences (people who don't believe the virus is real are less likely to distance because they don't believe there is a threat) that all need to be accounted for in the short term. No one is saying masks will be permanent. I certainly do not think that.
Which is why it’s probably wise for those of us who are uncomfortable in masks to wait it out until they aren’t required.

I hate them. I fidget. I adjust. I’ll wait until I can enjoy Disney without it.
We get it. You think anyone who isn't able to wear a mask should stay out of Disney. You've said it in basically every combination of words possible. And I'm not the first parent here of a child on the autism spectrum to tell you that it's time to stop. We hear you loud and clear. I am a supporter of masks. But enough. This is a really tough issue for people in a situation that you clearly have zero life experience with. Stop making it harder by repeating the same thing using different words over and over and over. This is a complicated issue for those of us either with disabilities or who travel with people with disabilities. Saying "well stay home" is not kind. Logical, sure. But do you honestly not see how it hurts someone to hear that their child isn't welcome at Disney, even as others are, due to a condition they were born with?

I've been mostly keeping out of this neverending back and forth, but am sending out a final plea here to try to get you to pause, think about how your words are affecting others, and stop engaging in the special needs aspect of this debate.
I think this is an important problem Disney will need to address. Hard to move away if you are stuck in line. Disney will likely have to hire more security to enforce rules since there are more rules to enforce. (And I have been told this morning that CMs are completely powerless to do anything which Disney can either choose to fix or not.)
So you wouldn’t leave if you thought your life was in danger even if you were in line. Altercations with other guests never end well. I know it would suck to have to abandon a line I was in, but I would if I thought my life was in danger.
So you wouldn’t leave if you thought your life was in danger even if you were in line. Altercations with other guests never end well. I know it would suck to have to abandon a line I was in, but I would if I thought my life was in danger.
If someone is that dangerous that asking them to follow the rules (whether it is a guest or a CM asking them) will make them violent, then they really should be removed from the park, don't you think?
We get it. You think anyone who isn't able to wear a mask should stay out of Disney. You've said it in basically every combination of words possible. And I'm not the first parent here of a child on the autism spectrum to tell you that it's time to stop. We hear you loud and clear. I am a supporter of masks. But enough. This is a really tough issue for people in a situation that you clearly have zero life experience with. Stop making it harder by repeating the same thing using different words over and over and over. This is a complicated issue for those of us either with disabilities or who travel with people with disabilities. Saying "well stay home" is not kind. Logical, sure. But do you honestly not see how it hurts someone to hear that their child isn't welcome at Disney, even as others are, due to a condition they were born with?

I've been mostly keeping out of this neverending back and forth, but am sending out a final plea here to try to get you to pause, think about how your words are affecting others, and stop engaging in the special needs aspect of this debate.

I am sorry your feelings are hurt. It’s never my intention to hurt another DISer. I have a right to post my thoughts, just as you did. I respect that right.
It really isn't a matter of what people will prefer, but what will be required to open safely and smartly from a business standpoint. My hope is that we are wrong about another spike and this disease peters out. I really hope that! But if we aren't wrong, then public health measures will have to remain in place in crowded areas for a while. Chapek said as much this morning.
Your movie theater example made me smile, because my husband and I have a running joke that the theater could be completely empty except for us, and the only other people coming in would want to come and sit near us. A lot of people don't naturally socially distance. There are cultural differences, and physical differences, and political differences (people who don't believe the virus is real are less likely to distance because they don't believe there is a threat) that all need to be accounted for in the short term. No one is saying masks will be permanent. I certainly do not think that.
If social distancing works in China, it will work anywhere. There's no such thing as a line in China, it's a mass or people and they have zero qualms about putting hands on you to gain position. It was the biggest culture shock for me. Having 70 year old grandma's slip a leg over me and push ahead. If they can do it in Shanghai, it can happen anywhere.

Not sure if I can share YT links, but watch the Beijing subway. Even people getting off have to push their way out. It's like nothing I've ever experienced.
If social distancing works in China, it will work anywhere. There's no such thing as a line in China, it's a mass or people and they have zero qualms about putting hands on you to gain position. It was the biggest culture shock for me. Having 70 year old grandma's slip a leg over me and push ahead. If they can do it in Shanghai, it can happen anywhere.

Not sure if I can share YT links, but watch the Beijing subway. Even people getting off have to push their way out. It's like nothing I've ever experienced.

As kids we used to call it the bulldozer method. My best friend moved here as a kid and she was always trying to get her parents to get in lines at the bank and grocery stores. They didn't get the line concept at all, they would get yelled at and they didn't understand english very well. It was tough. I totally agree with what you are saying.
As kids we used to call it the bulldozer method. My best friend moved here as a kid and she was always trying to get her parents to get in lines at the bank and grocery stores. They didn't understand the line concept at all, they would get yelled at and they didn't understand english very well. It was tough. I totally understand what you are saying.
My first Asian experience was living in Japan. When I had the opportunity to go to China, I thought "sure, they're different, but there's gotta be some things similar" certainly not line and subway etiquette, or toilets, whoo boy.
It isn't an issue of finding the right style or the right size or getting used to it. I'm not going to get into what autism is, but you might want to read up on it.

And someone already said they called Disney about this, they said considerations will be made for special needs.
i would not take a phone CM says a true, they have been known to say what they feel is right. I would not plan a trip using this phone call for someone not needing a mask until Disney releases it
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