Rumor about “modified experiences” when Disney reopens (read 1st post for potential modifications being considered)

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I really REALLY don't want to enter the great mask debate but I have a serious question. Assuming masks are a requirement... What about thrill rides??? I'm not sure a mask will stay on during Big Thunder or Space Mountain. I wouldn't want to receive a used mask across the face.

I don't know about your mask, but mine would stay on during Big Thunder, Space Mountain, Slinky or any other coaster I've been brave enough to get on.

I'm sure Disney will have a protocol though, because they certainly don't want a never-ending stream of e-stops from masks landing on sensors. They also don't want a bunch of people mask-less because they lost their only mask on a thrill ride.
I think this is an important problem Disney will need to address. Hard to move away if you are stuck in line. Disney will likely have to hire more security to enforce rules since there are more rules to enforce. (And I have been told this morning that CMs are completely powerless to do anything which Disney can either choose to fix or not.)

This is getting unreal. No one wants to go to Disney World and have it feel like a prison. And it's going to really start to feel like that with what appears to be an endless list of new rules and restrictions. Now you are even suggesting hiring more security and giving employees a whole bunch of power to enforce it all.

With all the money they charge to get in the place, and then you got to put up with CMs and security yelling at everyone because they aren't wearing their mask or they aren't standing in exactly the right spot. Or are they going to post a security guard in every bathroom, and then kick out out of the park anyone that doesn't wash their hands? (as much as we would probably like that to happen) If a kid rubs his nose under his mask and then touches something, do they get thrown out? When you buy popcorn or food or get a drink and lift your mask to eat it, is that a violation? Someone earlier was even suggesting a violation tracking system!

This is nuts. Look, I'm being realistic right now....I hope they don't open anytime soon. They need to just stay closed. Because this isn't going to work here. This is nuts.
I really REALLY don't want to enter the great mask debate but I have a serious question. Assuming masks are a requirement... What about thrill rides??? I'm not sure a mask will stay on during Big Thunder or Space Mountain. I wouldn't want to receive a used mask across the face.

I don't think a mask would come off on thrill rides. I don't always bother with a safety strap on my glasses anymore because I don't need it - if you're wearing it on your face, the force of the ride should keep it in place.
If social distancing works in China, it will work anywhere. There's no such thing as a line in China, it's a mass or people and they have zero qualms about putting hands on you to gain position. It was the biggest culture shock for me. Having 70 year old grandma's slip a leg over me and push ahead. If they can do it in Shanghai, it can happen anywhere.

Not sure if I can share YT links, but watch the Beijing subway. Even people getting off have to push their way out. It's like nothing I've ever experienced.
It's interesting that many people think that China is more culturally capable of physical distancing than Americans.
This is getting unreal. No one wants to go to Disney World and have it feel like a prison. And it's going to really start to feel like that with what appears to be an endless list of new rules and restrictions. Now you are even suggesting hiring more security and giving employees a whole bunch of power to enforce it all.

With all the money they charge to get in the place, and then you got to put up with CMs and security yelling at everyone because they aren't wearing their mask or they aren't standing in exactly the right spot. Or are they going to post a security guard in every bathroom, and then kick out out of the park anyone that doesn't wash their hands? (as much as we would probably like that to happen) If a kid rubs his nose under his mask and then touches something, do they get thrown out? When you buy popcorn or food or get a drink and lift your mask to eat it, is that a violation? Someone earlier was even suggesting a violation tracking system!

This is nuts. Look, I'm being realistic right now....I hope they don't open anytime soon. They need to just stay closed. Because this isn't going to work here. This is nuts.
You are upset that staff would be allowed to enforce Disney rules? What's the point of the rules otherwise?
I really REALLY don't want to enter the great mask debate but I have a serious question. Assuming masks are a requirement... What about thrill rides??? I'm not sure a mask will stay on during Big Thunder or Space Mountain. I wouldn't want to receive a used mask across the face.
This has not been a problem in Asia where masks have been worn a while.
It really isn't a matter of what people will prefer, but what will be required to open safely and smartly from a business standpoint. My hope is that we are wrong about another spike and this disease peters out. I really hope that! But if we aren't wrong, then public health measures will have to remain in place in crowded areas for a while. Chapek said as much this morning.
Your movie theater example made me smile, because my husband and I have a running joke that the theater could be completely empty except for us, and the only other people coming in would want to come and sit near us. A lot of people don't naturally socially distance. There are cultural differences, and physical differences, and political differences (people who don't believe the virus is real are less likely to distance because they don't believe there is a threat) that all need to be accounted for in the short term. No one is saying masks will be permanent. I certainly do not think that.

Well we havent seen what will happen of the virus when heat and humidity are high on a consistent basis. We’ve also not seen once the virus starts mutating at a rapid rate, which typically weakens virus’ which is the reason SARs dissipated.

We do naturally socially distance, when possible. You may be thinking of being social, which is much different. Social people will get close to strangers to possibly get to know then, or converse with. But people that have no interest in getting to know you or converse with you arent going to go out of their way to stand on top of you and breathe down your neck. Yes, there are some, but not a lot.

Haunted mansion, what do they ask of you when youre in the stretching room?

‘“Please drag your bodies away from the walls and into the dead center of the room.”

And why have they had to say that for decades? Because people naturally space their party away from people who arent in their party. It isnt until theyre directed to get up close and personal with strangers that they actually do so.

People in cities and states with good air quality dont go to Los Angeles and feel the need to put a mask on because of their poor air quality.

Physical distancing is much easier to adapt to than convincing people to wear a mask for any longer than they have to. I wouldnt even be surprised that if the WDW parks open in July the mask mandate in most states are lifted, including Florida
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This is getting unreal. No one wants to go to Disney World and have it feel like a prison. And it's going to really start to feel like that with what appears to be an endless list of new rules and restrictions. Now you are even suggesting hiring more security and giving employees a whole bunch of power to enforce it all.

With all the money they charge to get in the place, and then you got to put up with CMs and security yelling at everyone because they aren't wearing their mask or they aren't standing in exactly the right spot. Or are they going to post a security guard in every bathroom, and then kick out out of the park anyone that doesn't wash their hands? (as much as we would probably like that to happen) If a kid rubs his nose under his mask and then touches something, do they get thrown out? When you buy popcorn or food or get a drink and lift your mask to eat it, is that a violation? Someone earlier was even suggesting a violation tracking system!

This is nuts. Look, I'm being realistic right now....I hope they don't open anytime soon. They need to just stay closed. Because this isn't going to work here. This is nuts.

It took me a while but I am now in the same boat. I'm sad, heartbroken, but Disney opening in the Summer and requiring masks in that kind of humidity and heat (we've gone every year for a decade during the summer), would be a complete train wreck.
I really REALLY don't want to enter the great mask debate but I have a serious question. Assuming masks are a requirement... What about thrill rides??? I'm not sure a mask will stay on during Big Thunder or Space Mountain. I wouldn't want to receive a used mask across the face.

Old people to the rescue. I live in a golf cart community. Carts average 20mph, but many go over that, sometimes by a lot. Our golf cart paths are winding, think autopia at higher speeds. The masks don’t fly off. Even on the downhills.
We get it. You think anyone who isn't able to wear a mask should stay out of Disney. You've said it in basically every combination of words possible. And I'm not the first parent here of a child on the autism spectrum to tell you that it's time to stop. We hear you loud and clear. I am a supporter of masks. But enough. This is a really tough issue for people in a situation that you clearly have zero life experience with. Stop making it harder by repeating the same thing using different words over and over and over. This is a complicated issue for those of us either with disabilities or who travel with people with disabilities. Saying "well stay home" is not kind. Logical, sure. But do you honestly not see how it hurts someone to hear that their child isn't welcome at Disney, even as others are, due to a condition they were born with?

I've been mostly keeping out of this neverending back and forth, but am sending out a final plea here to try to get you to pause, think about how your words are affecting others, and stop engaging in the special needs aspect of this debate.
I can’t pretend to know what it’s like to be in your shoes as a parent... but this isn’t just any normal day, we are the most crazy of timelines where there’s a global pandemic going on in which a virus with no cure is everywhere. And Disney has made it clear they are putting safety first. We either stay home forever (not sustainable) or reopen with modifications to keep people protected. But in order to do that, we all must play along and do things like wear masks if that’s what wdw deems necessary. It’s not about attacking those who cannot wear a mask, it’s trying to be realistic, in this specific moment in time, and discussing what to do about those who can’t wear one. Sadly, if Disney starts making concessions people will take advantage and then the system to keep people safe no longer works. But knowing them they are a few steps ahead of this so hopefully we’ll see some creative problem solving to a once in a lifetime situation.

And the reminder that this will not last forever. And if any of the modifications don’t make sense for your family or my family, we can wait it out and go when it’s normal again. It’s not about being not welcome, just realistic.
I can’t pretend to know what it’s like to be in your shoes as a parent... but this isn’t just any normal day, we are the most crazy of timelines where there’s a global pandemic going on in which a virus with no cure is everywhere. And Disney has made it clear they are putting safety first. We either stay home forever (not sustainable) or reopen with modifications to keep people protected. But in order to do that, we all must play along and do things like wear masks if that’s what wdw deems necessary. It’s not about attacking those who cannot wear a mask, it’s trying to be realistic, in this specific moment in time, and discussing what to do about those who can’t wear one. Sadly, if Disney starts making concessions people will take advantage and then the system to keep people safe no longer works. But knowing them they are a few steps ahead of this so hopefully we’ll see some creative problem solving to a once in a lifetime situation.

And the reminder that this will not last forever. And if any of the modifications don’t make sense for your family or my family, we can wait it out and go when it’s normal again. It’s not about being not welcome, just realistic.

Thank you for understanding what I meant. I’m still a little shocked by that post.
This is getting unreal. No one wants to go to Disney World and have it feel like a prison. And it's going to really start to feel like that with what appears to be an endless list of new rules and restrictions. Now you are even suggesting hiring more security and giving employees a whole bunch of power to enforce it all.

With all the money they charge to get in the place, and then you got to put up with CMs and security yelling at everyone because they aren't wearing their mask or they aren't standing in exactly the right spot. Or are they going to post a security guard in every bathroom, and then kick out out of the park anyone that doesn't wash their hands? (as much as we would probably like that to happen) If a kid rubs his nose under his mask and then touches something, do they get thrown out? When you buy popcorn or food or get a drink and lift your mask to eat it, is that a violation? Someone earlier was even suggesting a violation tracking system!

This is nuts. Look, I'm being realistic right now....I hope they don't open anytime soon. They need to just stay closed. Because this isn't going to work here. This is nuts.
Sadly this may be the case. Every solution leads to 10 more questions/problems. It really feels never ending. But let’s hope we get some hard answers soonish so those with trips can decide if it’s worth it or not.
I really REALLY don't want to enter the great mask debate but I have a serious question. Assuming masks are a requirement... What about thrill rides??? I'm not sure a mask will stay on during Big Thunder or Space Mountain. I wouldn't want to receive a used mask across the face.
I don’t see this being an issue. The wind will push the mask in to your face if anything. I’ve ridden all of the roller coasters at Disney World with glasses and I’ve never even come close to losing them.
I don’t see this being an issue. The wind will push the mask in to your face if anything. I’ve ridden all of the roller coasters at Disney World with glasses and I’ve never even come close to losing them.
Only once was I afraid of that... But I rode Everest and have crazy low blood pressure.. as I was about to pass out all I could think was "Crap! I can't lose my glasses!" 😂

Masks, good ones that tie on, should be fine. I'm making masks that I designed the fabric to have little hidden Disney motifs-- the latest one was the Aulani shave ice. Might as well look cute as we sweat and pant.
Not to say people aren’t going to stick to their guns and cancel their vacations if the mandate stays in place while they have a trip planned, but it’s also much easier to cancel a trip over that type of issue in your head while the parks are closed. Once the parks are open, DisUnplugged channel has videos talking about what’s going on in the parks, Vloggers uploading park videos on YouTube, friends or family posting pictures on social media, etc. The cancellation you made in your head might get overtaken by seeing people going and having fun at Disney and having the urge to go, regardless of the requirements.

How many ticket increases has Disney gone through that people have said its become too expensive and they’ll no longer go, and still go?
And if they don’t require them, perhaps the mask warriors can take their self-righteousness to another site. But I agree. I’m ready for an official policy one way or another.

They won’t make an official policy until close to opening, and My guess is it will follow whatever local guidelines are. I’d be surprised if they end up required, so if that’s going to be a dealbreaker, that’s what I’d plan for.
I dont see anything wrong with Disney attempting to curb the spread. It is amazing to me how little Americans can handle being inconvenienced for a short period of time.......sad really.......
The folks in Shanghai all behaved perfectly today 🙄 How have generalizations not been thrown out the window here yet? Oh, right. Internet.

Even Disney doesn’t know how Americans will react. Until yesterday they didn’t know how Chinese would react. Maybe wait for evidence first before painting 300 million people with your brush, eh?
Not to say people aren’t going to stick to their guns and cancel their vacations if the mandate stays in place while they have a trip planned, but it’s also much easier to cancel a trip over that type of issue in your head while the parks are closed. Once the parks are open, DisUnplugged channel has videos talking about what’s going on in the parks, Vloggers uploading park videos on YouTube, friends or family posting pictures on social media, etc. The cancellation you made in your head might get overtaken by seeing people going and having fun at Disney and having the urge to go, regardless of the requirements.

How many ticket increases has Disney gone through that people have said its become too expensive and they’ll no longer go, and still go?

Finding an extra few dollars to paying for tickets is a lot different than being forced to wear a mask all day in hot Florida sun, especially if you personally feel they are useless. And then you find out you can't get in because of the capacity limitations yet still have to pay for the hotel. And then you have no firework shows, no parades, social distancing everywhere and get yelled at if you stand in the wrong spot, and then you got to put up with the dirty looks from strangers when your kid takes off the mask.

And you are still paying full price for all this.

Yeah, not my idea of fun.
If someone is that dangerous that asking them to follow the rules (whether it is a guest or a CM asking them) will make them violent, then they really should be removed from the park, don't you think?
I didn’t say if they were violent. It’s not appropriate to police other guests. And what happens when that guest tells you to mind your business? Then what? You still have to leave the line now to go get a cm or whatever. So calling out other ppl is just b/c it makes you feel better, but it will likely accomplish very little. And, if the virus is so dangerous that this unmasked person poses such a threat to you why would you engage with them at all? Wouldn’t you want to get away from them as soon as possible?
What makes you think this is a short period? The governor of California doesn’t think we should have any sports, and Disneyland should not reopen, until there is a vaccine! That’s going to be years! If ever!
So are we going to be wearing face masks for years?

You keep saying it’s going to be only a short time. But you refuse to put a time on it. So how do you know it will be short? Just like the lockdowns were supposed to be short. Started with 2-weeks, then turned into a month. Now 2 months. No one knows how long this is going to go. It may be permanent.
Oof! The govenor of CA did not say Vaccine or stay at home the rest of your life. Facts matter. He said a therapeutic or a vaccine. This means a treatment is also acceptable to get things going again full force.
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