WDW Should Not Open in July. Discuss.

Should WDW open in July?

  • Yes. I'd definitely go if I had the chance.

    Votes: 133 26.3%
  • No. Not in July, but I would go before a vaccine is available.

    Votes: 203 40.2%
  • No. Not in July, and I won't feel safe going until there is a vaccine.

    Votes: 169 33.5%

  • Total voters
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Are you talking about airlines in the US?
If so, can you point me to a particular financial statement that show billions in reserves and low debt? I haven’t seen that before.
I think that she is talking about an airline we know very well, Lufthansa group. They were one of the healthiest with one of the widest route networks in the world until March. (And LH group includes Lufthansa, Austrian, Swiss, Brussels, Eurowings, Air Dolomiti, Edelweiss, and cargo)
No way should they open. Here in the UK, we had our peak in April, have been through 3 1/2 months of lockdown and only now are we cautiously reopening. Even then, Leicester is back in lockdown because their cases got worse.

I don't even like going out to visit the supermarket, let alone entertain the idea of visiting a theme park right now. Not just because of the masks, because I've got used to wearing them and know that I must, but because I don't want to catch the virus. I lost two relatives to it and that still stings in my mind.
Listen, here in NJ, the amount of virus is low because we legit *stayed home*. We all did. I know none of us will forget this time, but I will always remember how incredibly quiet it was here in busy NJ....for *months*. We stayed home as we spiked, and we stayed home as the numbers came home. I'm really proud of our governor. He's getting pushback from businesses, and I understand that too. But if we don't prioritize peoples' lives...who are we?

I’m in western NY, we stayed home for months too. Our numbers are about 1% +. But from what I’ve seen the last few weeks, they won’t be for long. People are wearing their masks for the most part, but lots of them have them below their nose or pull them on & off. And they don’t social distance in the grocery store anymore. The numbers coming out of Florida are insane. We have a trip booked for September. I’m already preparing my self, this will be the 3rd trip we cancel this year.
People who go to DIsney in Florida or California given the extreme rise in cases in BOTH states, I'm going to have a very hard time feeling sorry for them. They are truly bringing it on themselves.
Well considering Disneyland (CA) isn’t open and is unlikely to get approval anytime soon as our Gov is rolling back openings, I don’t think you have to worry about it here. We’ve got enough problems without it - and thankfully our state realizes it.
Some elderly folks have decided not to social distance from their family. No one is promised tomorrow especially the seniors. Do you not think they have the right to make that choice?
I think about seniors in nursing homes/assisted living. And this is how they’ve spent their last 4 months. And if they die tomorrow? Not seeing their family. Or being outside. I don’t know. Breaks my heart.
Yes, there are companies that are too big to fail. Just depends on how buddy-buddy you are with the Fed and DC.

Are you talking about airlines in the US?
If so, can you point me to a particular financial statement that show billions in reserves and low debt? I haven’t seen that before.
No, not US airlines
In order for Florida to get themselves under control, they needed to go commando, like last week. WDW included. When the curve starts trending upwards, you've got about 3 weeks of that happening even if you halt everything and become the best masking society in the world. Honestly, right now, they are just putting a band-aid on a severe wound. I know it's crippling, but Florida needs to immediately go to a Phase 1 for at least 3 weeks and they need to spend that 3 weeks trying to change the mindset of their residents to masks, masks, masks.
In order for Florida to get themselves under control, they needed to go commando, like last week. WDW included. When the curve starts trending upwards, you've got about 3 weeks of that happening even if you halt everything and become the best masking society in the world. Honestly, right now, they are just putting a band-aid on a severe wound. I know it's crippling, but Florida needs to immediately go to a Phase 1 for at least 3 weeks and they need to spend that 3 weeks trying to change the mindset of their residents to masks, masks, masks.

This is exactly right. If they shut down completely and only allowed masked customers into grocery stores and for take-out.....their numbers still go up for the next several weeks. Erin Bromage, immunologist, was just on CNN talking about Florida. He said that Florida has increased testing and yet their numbers are going up, and positivity is going up, which indicated the pandemic is accelerating in Florida. The W.H.O considers a positivity rate above 5% to be troubling. Florida's positivity rate is 18%.

As the numbers go up, the state is mostly open. Indoor dining is at 50%. And I saw this today in the NYT. 239 experts sent a letter to the W.H.O with mounting evidence that the virus is airborne. It doesn't seem "as airborne" as say, the measles is. But, this virus hangs in the air. From the piece: "The coronavirus is finding new victims worldwide, in bars and restaurants, offices, markets and casinos, giving rise to frightening clusters of infection that increasingly confirm what many scientists have been saying for months: The virus lingers in the air indoors, infecting those nearby."

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/04/...tion=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage
In order for Florida to get themselves under control, they needed to go commando, like last week. WDW included. When the curve starts trending upwards, you've got about 3 weeks of that happening even if you halt everything and become the best masking society in the world. Honestly, right now, they are just putting a band-aid on a severe wound. I know it's crippling, but Florida needs to immediately go to a Phase 1 for at least 3 weeks and they need to spend that 3 weeks trying to change the mindset of their residents to masks, masks, masks.
Yep. I am in MA and our worst day for new cases was at the end of April nearly 45 days after we shut down because it kept spreading between those who unknowingly had it before shutdown and the people in their homes. And our worst day was about 4000 cases. We now still have 200-300 new cases per day and things just started opening up in early June in a very limited way. It takes SO long to come down from high numbers of daily cases. Florida having so many cases circulating while everything except bars is still open is madness. When I think about 11,000 new cases yesterday I think about how many people those 11,000 exposed before they knew they were sick as they went about their almost normal lives in a fairly open state. Add the days before yesterday of 9000 and 8000 new cases every day and it is madness thinking about how many contagious people have be walking around there for the last couple of weeks.

I keep seeing prognostications in other threads from people still planning to take their trips that the numbers for Florida should be better by the time Disney opens because of the Orange County mask mandate but I don’t see how that is possible with so many newly infected people in a mostly open state. I think it will be mid August before they can hope to see any significant improvement and even that might be wishful thinking.
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I think about seniors in nursing homes/assisted living. And this is how they’ve spent their last 4 months. And if they die tomorrow? Not seeing their family. Or being outside. I don’t know. Breaks my heart.
This says it all. My mom moved to independent living less than a month before everything got locked down. She spent her 93rd birthday alone. She's not been able to see her great-grandchildren, grandchildren or any family since March. :( :(
I think about seniors in nursing homes/assisted living. And this is how they’ve spent their last 4 months. And if they die tomorrow? Not seeing their family. Or being outside. I don’t know. Breaks my heart.
My Gram passed away in April, alone. My aunt got to see her the night before for appx. 1 hour because she was "actively dying." It's heartbreaking.
I'm in a rural county of Florida, not near the hardest hit spots. Even so, they are not sending the children back into classrooms next month. They will continue virtual classroom. And yet, here they are opening the theme parks. I guess to some people it trumps education...And no, not all the kids are still getting an education...
I'm a teacher and agree that virtual education is inadequate. That has nothing to do with Disney parks, though. As you pointed out, you're in a different county with different decision makers. The schools should reopen, too. Children are at the least risk of complications from the virus (and the ones with risk factors could still learn from home), and they benefit greatly from being at school.
Unfortunately the risk of going to a park in Europe can't be remotely compared to visiting one in the US. The EU countries got the virus under relative control. In the US it's out of control. Europeans have been vastly more compliant individually in terms of taking responsible steps to wear masks and follow social distancing protocols. Europeans are typically aghast at what is happening in the US today.
Including Sweden? Lol. Not all European countries are alike. Some of them have a higher rate of infection than the United States.
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This says it all. My mom moved to independent living less than a month before everything got locked down. She spent her 93rd birthday alone. She's not been able to see her great-grandchildren, grandchildren or any family since March. :( :(

I’m right there with you. My mom fell on January 2 and broke her hip. She was back and forth between hospital, rehab and assisted living. We finally thought things were going well and on March 11 she was taken to the hospital for stomach issues. Found out she had blood clots in her legs and lungs. Her assisted living closed to the public on 3/12 so the only silver lining was we got to see her a few more days till she was discharged on 3/15. She also celebrated her 83 birthday alone:( she’s now in nursing care and they FaceTime us once a week....the facility is great and they do a wonderful job posting stuff on Facebook but it’s just not the same. She also sufferers from dementia so I don’t even know if she understands why we can’t see her anymore
Same thing is true among different states in the U.S., and people have no problem comparing them.
Which makes percent positive a good number to go by. Unless that number is high then you move to next number that looks good. That's how it works right. 🙄
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