Are you sending your kids to school next month?

As a teacher, what is most upsetting to me is that the people who need/want their kids to go back to in-person child care because they need to work, are the very same people who absolutely refuse to give up traveling, socializing, etc. Yes, social media has become a great tattle-tale. These people want and want and want, but refuse to make any sacrifices for the betterment of their community.
You act like the only reason that, in many families, both parents work is because they just didn't plan well. I can't respect that attitude. My husband and I were fortunate enough that we were able to plan for that, and that's what we both wanted. Others take different paths, sometimes out of need and sometimes out of desire to do so. Quit judging them all as if you have some second sight telling you that they just suck at planning. Maybe they chose a more expensive area for the excellent schools. Maybe they both want to work. Maybe they have expenses you don't know about. Maybe it's really none of your business. I was on your side at first, but I was clearly wrong to do so.

If you read all of my posts, you will see that I said that not everyone can do that and it varies by region. I also said that everyone needs to do what is best for their family. I don't care if people stay home or go to work. I was not judging anyone. I was giving my experience and my observations. Everyone is allowed their opinion.
That's what is going to happen nation wide, I guarantee it.

Yep because people won't take it seriously. If my kid was going to school I would have to do a full disinfect every single day. Booster seat in the car, backpack, lunch bag. She would have to strip in the laundry room and head straight to the shower after school. Shoes and masks sanitized daily.

Will parents do this? Will daycares mix the school kids with the little ones? How can they possibly keep everyone clean?
Yep because people won't take it seriously. If my kid was going to school I would have to do a full disinfect every single day. Booster seat in the car, backpack, lunch bag. She would have to strip in the laundry room and head straight to the shower after school. Shoes and masks sanitized daily.

Will parents do this? Will daycares mix the school kids with the little ones? How can they possibly keep everyone clean?
Many Jeff & orleans parish schools already have problems complying with existing non-Covid related rules. I have no faith that they will be able to keep kids & faculty safe.
One more minor reason for deciding to homeschool our kids: Parents who give their kids medicine to subdue symptoms before dropping them off at school.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say that there will likely be more of these parents among the group that wants schools to open with a regular schedule.
I’m not saying that’s a frequent practice by many parents. There are reasons why some people would need to.
Yep because people won't take it seriously. If my kid was going to school I would have to do a full disinfect every single day. Booster seat in the car, backpack, lunch bag. She would have to strip in the laundry room and head straight to the shower after school. Shoes and masks sanitized daily.

Will parents do this? Will daycares mix the school kids with the little ones? How can they possibly keep everyone clean?

My kids don't even have access to laundry rooms in many cases. We do their laundry at school.

I bought 100 gift bags that are large enough to pack a lunch in for DH. He will not be taking his lunch bag to school this year. Neither will I when I sub!
My kids don't even have access to laundry rooms in many cases. We do their laundry at school.

I bought 100 gift bags that are large enough to pack a lunch in for DH. He will not be taking his lunch bag to school this year. Neither will I when I sub!

I hadn’t even thought about lunch bags. It is a good idea to get paper lunch sacks for this year.
If I were a teacher, I would be quitting my job rather than go back.

As a teacher, then who is in the schools? If all the teachers that don’t want to go back quit, that will cause a million issues, too. Trust me, teachers “want” to be back, but I have talked to not a single one that feels safe going back. All feel pretty trapped because, as this thread kinda shows, society is counting on us to go back to fill in all the gaps that society cannot provide. The mentality is we “should” go back. “For the kids,” “like everyone else,” but schools are very different from what people outside of teaching perceive. The way the days will have to be micromanaged is exhausting BEFORE providing anything people “expect” us to provide....including an education.

I am a teacher and I’m very, very worried about going back. We are at the mercy of our parents, basically. At the age I teach, sickness is constant. Ugh.

The thought of what I will have to do every day when my students leave and when I (and my kids, since I teach) get home is overwhelming to say the least. I’m buying separate home/school shoes. I might rotate their backpacks and lunchboxes. Clothes off and shower right away, disinfect the car with nonexistent Lysol spray/wipes. This all sucks.
As a teacher, then who is in the schools? If all the teachers that don’t want to go back quit, that will cause a million issues, too. Trust me, teachers “want” to be back, but I have talked to not a single one that feels safe going back. All feel pretty trapped because, as this thread kinda shows, society is counting on us to go back to fill in all the gaps that society cannot provide. The mentality is we “should” go back. “For the kids,” “like everyone else,” but schools are very different from what people outside of teaching perceive. The way the days will have to be micromanaged is exhausting BEFORE providing anything people “expect” us to provide....including an education.

I am a teacher and I’m very, very worried about going back. We are at the mercy of our parents, basically. At the age I teach, sickness is constant. Ugh.

That is not the teachers' problem to figure out. I know in the helping professions, we often feel the pressure and the duty to sacrifice our own needs in order to help others. People take advantage of that and will take and take until you have nothing left. Don't let them take your life.
As a teacher, then who is in the schools? If all the teachers that don’t want to go back quit, that will cause a million issues, too. Trust me, teachers “want” to be back, but I have talked to not a single one that feels safe going back. All feel pretty trapped because, as this thread kinda shows, society is counting on us to go back to fill in all the gaps that society cannot provide. The mentality is we “should” go back. “For the kids,” “like everyone else,” but schools are very different from what people outside of teaching perceive. The way the days will have to be micromanaged is exhausting BEFORE providing anything people “expect” us to provide....including an education.

I am a teacher and I’m very, very worried about going back. We are at the mercy of our parents, basically. At the age I teach, sickness is constant. Ugh.

The thought of what I will have to do every day when my students leave and when I (and my kids, since I teach) get home is overwhelming to say the least. I’m buying separate home/school shoes. I might rotate their backpacks and lunchboxes. Clothes off and shower right away, disinfect the car with nonexistent Lysol spray/wipes. This all sucks.
Like @Happyinwonerland said, those aren't your issues to figure out. My kids are out of school, but I would 100% support teachers saying "nope, this is not worth dying for" and not returning.
Both of my daughters and my son-in-law are all teachers. One daughter is unmarried and lives with me; other daughter and husband live across the street. They are very concerned about returning to teach. They will have masks and shields and will remove their shoes and clothes before entering their homes. Thankfully they will be able to teach online at first. The sad part is they love what they do. My daughter and her husband are both special education teachers and their passion is to help the kids who need it the most. And we are in a very poor area where the kids get services at school that they would not get otherwise. It is a very difficult situation. I wish that our governor would put off opening until after the first semester but I do not see that happening. So my loved ones will return to work and pray.
We live in a current hotspot (SC). I have a middle schooler and a junior in HS. Our school district has issued a hybrid plan. Plus, there is a full virtual program available as well. I really want my two back in school for face to face instruction but don’t feel it’s safe quite yet. I fully support any and all teachers/staff that would say nope, not going back. We’ve actually had many teacher groups voicing concern. Not to get political but our governor has been of no help in this craziness, and certainly no support to our teachers.
There's another meeting tonight and I am guessing that they will be considering opening all virtual instead of offering virtual and in person. Although, I did see a few school buses today driving around for training.

I continue to be amused by it's work and die or stay home and live. Fortunately, there's still enough essential workers who keep going to work so others don't have to. Fortunately, essentials are all sterile, single, and have no older relatives.


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