Are you sending your kids to school next month?

My daughter's school doesn't require masks and still plans to allow the kids to go to the playground every day. They refused to offer virtual until a lot of us parents threatened to withdraw. It's a charter so they don't have the same rules as the county and they have taken a very no-action approach to the virus.
I’m not sure I’d be sending my child to a school that didn’t insist on both teachers/staff and kids wearing masks at all times.
Ok, the emergency clincs or testing sites will be swamped. Idea is the same: it will be a mess trying to figure out whether it is seasonal allergies, the flu, a cold, or Covid. Our good friends who are family practice docs are dreading it.
Except that if we're really doing what we're supposed to do to avoid transmission of Covid, then cold and flu rates should plummet this fall. My doctor told me this week that flu season abruptly took a nosedive when Covid precautions started.
It's so frustrating. I feel like we don't know who to believe these days. I'm just praying our numbers stay low.
It’s very frustrating. I’ve read a certain district in neighboring towns will have the high schoolers carry a portable barrier that they will take with them from class to class. Crazy!!! I just hope August numbers stay low and hope that these schools are making the right decisions for our children.
It’s very frustrating. I’ve read a certain district in neighboring towns will have the high schoolers carry a portable barrier that they will take with them from class to class. Crazy!!! I just hope August numbers stay low and hope that these schools are making the right decisions for our children.
OMG that's crazy! I couldn't agree with you more!
Im picturing in my head the Fall and Winter season when people cannot tell the difference between this coronavirus and the seasonal cold/flu. Everyone is going to be suspicious of each other; Doctor’s offices will be booked with people trying to get a note; Diagnostic tests being backed up even more than the one to two weeks that we have in places now.
This is my fear with school. I have to self report and not enter the building if I have any of a list of symptoms that include symptoms that could be seasonal allergies or a simple cold. I cannot return without a note from a doctor or two negative Covid tests taken days apart. No idea how much leave time I will burn through this year or how they will find subs. We deal with a severe sub shortage in the best of times. I have started taking my seasonal allergy meds now and added daily vitamin C. Just hoping that with masks and hand washing, I will remain generally healthy.

My daughter's school doesn't require masks and still plans to allow the kids to go to the playground every day. They refused to offer virtual until a lot of us parents threatened to withdraw. It's a charter so they don't have the same rules as the county and they have taken a very no-action approach to the virus.

My state doesn’t require masks under 10. How they think this will be safe in a school is beyond me. My district has decided that 4th grade and up will require masks since 4th graders are 9 & 10. I teach 4th so I feel better but you can bet I’m steering clear of those younger grades. I wouldn’t send a child to an unmasked grade, if I had young kids.
DDs school starts tomorrow (she goes to a private school with 350 kids PK-8), but we have elected the online option to start—we can switch to in person at any time during the semester (her semester ends the week of Thanksgiving). There were a couple of factors for us...

We are in TN and our county has been seeing a spike in cases, our positivity rate is around 7%, and over 85% of our county deaths have occurred in the last month.

Her school is allowing face shields instead of face masks in the classroom for
K-3 grade...while shields are better than nothing, I do not feel they are an adequate substitute for masks. I understand that they probably think shields will be easier to manage than masks for kids. They also will aim for 3-6 feet of distance instead of 6 feet, 3 feet isnt much. Half the school would be going to church at a time...not comfortable with that. Anyone with symptoms that could be attributed to COViD needs to be symptom free for 72 hours or have a doctor note with a specific diagnosis (respiratory viral infection is not acceptable but a diagnosis of strep throat is). So if she gets a cold (which she always does) and has a lingering cough, that would stretch into a 1+ week stay at home anyway. Kids are going to be constantly missing anyway because of illness not COViD related but needs to be treated as COViD suspicious for safety reason.

I like knowing what we are doing and not worrying week to week about if her class will go into quarantine or if the kid coughing in the drop off line has COViD or just a common cold. 5/19 kids in her classroom are starting online, including 2 of her good friends. We will try for picnic meetups outside to do homework together and ride bikes with one of her classmates.
Nobody should be sending their child to a school that doesn't require masks. Children under the age of 10 may not get as sick, but they transmit the virus as well as older kids. (And shields don't do anything)
Yes, agree. I was disappointed in her school allowing shields instead of masks. I could send her in a mask, but if all the kids in her class use shields it doesn’t help.
Nobody should be sending their child to a school that doesn't require masks. Children under the age of 10 may not get as sick, but they transmit the virus as well as older kids. (And shields don't do anything)

They don't? I haven't heard that one yet or possibly overlooked that info. Please tell me why as my sister who works for Head Start is planning on using shields.
They don't? I haven't heard that one yet or possibly overlooked that info. Please tell me why as my sister who works for Head Start is planning on using shields.
She is using masks and shields, right? Because you still need masks.
She is using masks and shields, right? Because you still need masks.

That I don't know......I will ask her. I think she was doing the shields to protect her eyes. She's ahead of me on info so she probably knows to wear a mask, too. :)
Nobody should be sending their child to a school that doesn't require masks. Children under the age of 10 may not get as sick, but they transmit the virus as well as older kids. (And shields don't do anything)
Why? Maybe their situation is different from yours. This has been one of the biggest problems I've had discussing this with anyone. What you believe is right in your situation can be completely different than what you would feel is right in my situation, which could again be completely different than what you would think is right in the situation of anyone else.
Our district is not requiring Special Ed students to wear masks. My daughter teaches Special Ed so will have close contact with these kids. She will wear a mask and shield and hope for the best.
Why? Maybe their situation is different from yours. This has been one of the biggest problems I've had discussing this with anyone. What you believe is right in your situation can be completely different than what you would feel is right in my situation, which could again be completely different than what you would think is right in the situation of anyone else.

Science and the coronavirus do not at all care about what this person believes is right for their child.


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