Third Wave is Here...

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I don’t think it’s bad - I think vaccine passports will become a thing in one way or another and so they should. It doesn’t need to discriminate against those who don’t get vaccinated.... i think the option to travel will be to show proof of vaccination or proof of negative test which makes it inclusive.
Yes 100% - if no vaccine then the neg test and perhaps quarantine. Although I hope they shorten it eventually.
Is it bad that I hope that vaccine passports will be a thing? Not for every day activities but the more crowded ones and travel. I am of the belief that everyone absolutely has the right to do what they feel is right for their families when it comes to a vaccine but I am also fed up with the population out there who is being vocal about the whole conspiracy theories and how the vaccines will kill us all and if not now then 10 years from now...
I saw someone comment under my friend’s FB post where she shared her getting vaccinated something along the lines of “oh good get the vaccine silly people, so they can lift the lockdowns and leave the rest of us alone”... just made me so mad!
If you can’t get one fine but if you are refusing one but counting on others to get it so that you could go on with your own life?
I don’t know why it’s making me so mad lately. I stay out of politics and vaccine discussions but now I have secretly started to hope that those that get it will have at least some more privileges. At least when it comes to travel, flying etc.
Not alone, I feel exactly the same way.
Is it bad that I hope that vaccine passports will be a thing? Not for every day activities but the more crowded ones and travel. I am of the belief that everyone absolutely has the right to do what they feel is right for their families when it comes to a vaccine but I am also fed up with the population out there who is being vocal about the whole conspiracy theories and how the vaccines will kill us all and if not now then 10 years from now...
I saw someone comment under my friend’s FB post where she shared her getting vaccinated something along the lines of “oh good get the vaccine silly people, so they can lift the lockdowns and leave the rest of us alone”... just made me so mad!
If you can’t get one fine but if you are refusing one but counting on others to get it so that you could go on with your own life?
I don’t know why it’s making me so mad lately. I stay out of politics and vaccine discussions but now I have secretly started to hope that those that get it will have at least some more privileges. At least when it comes to travel, flying etc.

I don’t think it’s bad. I agree with you. And I bet a large portion of the “anti-vaccine” people are the same people who don’t follow other recommendations.
Is it bad that I hope that vaccine passports will be a thing? Not for every day activities but the more crowded ones and travel. I am of the belief that everyone absolutely has the right to do what they feel is right for their families when it comes to a vaccine but I am also fed up with the population out there who is being vocal about the whole conspiracy theories and how the vaccines will kill us all and if not now then 10 years from now...
I saw someone comment under my friend’s FB post where she shared her getting vaccinated something along the lines of “oh good get the vaccine silly people, so they can lift the lockdowns and leave the rest of us alone”... just made me so mad!
If you can’t get one fine but if you are refusing one but counting on others to get it so that you could go on with your own life?
I don’t know why it’s making me so mad lately. I stay out of politics and vaccine discussions but now I have secretly started to hope that those that get it will have at least some more privileges. At least when it comes to travel, flying etc.
I don't think it's bad at all and it is exactly how I feel too.
Is it bad that I hope that vaccine passports will be a thing? Not for every day activities but the more crowded ones and travel. I am of the belief that everyone absolutely has the right to do what they feel is right for their families when it comes to a vaccine but I am also fed up with the population out there who is being vocal about the whole conspiracy theories and how the vaccines will kill us all and if not now then 10 years from now...
I saw someone comment under my friend’s FB post where she shared her getting vaccinated something along the lines of “oh good get the vaccine silly people, so they can lift the lockdowns and leave the rest of us alone”... just made me so mad!
If you can’t get one fine but if you are refusing one but counting on others to get it so that you could go on with your own life?
I don’t know why it’s making me so mad lately. I stay out of politics and vaccine discussions but now I have secretly started to hope that those that get it will have at least some more privileges. At least when it comes to travel, flying etc.

I agree!

A vaccine passport is not different than needing certain immunizations to travel into certain countries. You are required to have certain shots to travel into South American and Africa. Providing proof of a vaccination for Covid is no different than that, just on a bigger scale.
I have no issue with needing a vaccine to travel. My only issue with them requiring a passport is the time that it takes to get one and then not being able to travel for another year, etc since we don't have this physical passport. But if it's just a matter of showing the papers that you get after being vaccinated, then I'm all for it.
Yes 100% - if no vaccine then the neg test and perhaps quarantine. Although I hope they shorten it eventually.

A negative test is not proof that you won't be displaying symptoms the next day or the next or the next. It is useless without quarantine and subsequent negative tests. I can't see safe countries letting people in to travel just because on the day that they entered they were negative when the following day they can be infecting all sorts of people.
I have no issue with needing a vaccine to travel. My only issue with them requiring a passport is the time that it takes to get one and then not being able to travel for another year, etc since we don't have this physical passport. But if it's just a matter of showing the papers that you get after being vaccinated, then I'm all for it.
I am hoping it’s just proof of vaccination for now just like the negative test.
A negative test is not proof that you won't be displaying symptoms the next day or the next or the next. It is useless without quarantine and subsequent negative tests. I can't see safe countries letting people in to travel just because on the day that they entered they were negative when the following day they can be infecting all sorts of people.
Yes it will probably be both test and quarantine. Although some countries already require one or the other, my FIL has to fly to one of the EU countries soon and they are asking for either one of these if flying in internationally:
-Proof of vaccine
-Neg test
-10 day quarantine
They are not asking for both... but I doubt this will be the case here. Maybe down the road.
My thoughts... I guess when you think about it, we’ve had vaccination “passports” for a long long time and not many people were disturbed by them at all.

Mine is a little yellow card that is in a little plastic sleeve. When I open it it documents that i’ve received vaccinations and/or booster shots for things like smallpox, chicken pox, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps & rubella. It also logs TB tests, hepatitis inoculations and now shingles, pneumonia and the first dose of pfizer for covid.

As far as having to show proof of immunization.. anyone who has put their child into childcare or registered them for school has had to show proof of immunization or provide a “form of conscious” stating that for religious purposes or personal beliefs that immunization was not completed. Working in childcare I’ve needed to submit proof of immunization every 10 years like I had to submit a clear police criminal records certificate and then an annual attestation stating I still have a clear criminal record.

If it means a return to normalcy or something very close to it, I will be happy to show my little yellow card to anyone who wishes to see it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It seems like a small thing to do for a return to living fully. 😉
Yes it will probably be both test and quarantine. Although some countries already require one or the other, my FIL has to fly to one of the EU countries soon and they are asking for either one of these if flying in internationally:
-Proof of vaccine
-Neg test
-10 day quarantine
They are not asking for both... but I doubt this will be the case here. Maybe down the road.

That makes sense to me. My concern was about having the choices a)proof of vaccine or b)negative test or c)quarantine. Having proof of vaccine lumped with the negative test make more sense.
That makes sense to me. My concern was about having the choices a)proof of vaccine or b)negative test or c)quarantine. Having proof of vaccine lumped with the negative test make more sense.
So I read the EU country my FIL is flying to entry requirements myself and its actually a bit different still, as of March 29 2021 international travellers arriving from a non EU country must have:
- neg test taken in departure country no more than 48 hrs prior
- if another test is done at the airport on arrival) and it is negative then the passenger doesn’t have to quarantine for 10 days
- fully vaccinated passengers don’t have to quarantine and currently only have to test upon arrival - but of course if arriving by air then airlines might require the neg test to board anyway

edited to add: my understanding is that test on arrival or 10 day quarantine for vaccinated passengers is new as of March 29 as my FIL flew in Feb and did not have to do either and he’s vaccinated.

It’s interesting. I think in a few months, we will either require 2 tests and a shortened quarantine or proof of vaccine and maybe a test on arrival - but just speculating.
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These changes all the time... depending on the receiving country whether or not they really want visitor.

There is a country, I am not making this up... requiring a rectal swab, as part of COVID admitting test into the country. Don't believe me... go google it. I hope this does not become a common practice.
These changes all the time... depending on the receiving country whether or not they really want visitor.

There is a country, I am not making this up... requiring a rectal swab, as part of COVID admitting test into the country. Don't believe me... go google it. I hope this does not become a common practice.
wow, certainly makes the nose swab seem fairly non invasive in comparison;)
I agree!

A vaccine passport is not different than needing certain immunizations to travel into certain countries. You are required to have certain shots to travel into South American and Africa. Providing proof of a vaccination for Covid is no different than that, just on a bigger scale.
I think the difference is the vaccine themselves. Those vaccines to enter countries have been tested for years before being marketed and then on the market for many years. Most anti Vaxxers are not anti all vaccines. They are anti vaccines that are not proven to be safe and effective over the long term. So in a sense, it is different.

I’ve heard of 3 situations where people who were vaccinated, caught the virus and died. Those three instances were 1-2 people removed from me. I had the virus, and I took my JNJ vaccine today. Why did I do it? To hopefully be able to travel without having to constantly test. We need to stop focusing on cases and focus on hospitalizations.....which was the cause for the 2 week turned one year+ shutdown. We shouldn’t be focusing on cases. It’s a contagious virus and everyone will be exposed to it.
Vaccine passports will simply be a reality. Probably rolled into the next chipped gov't issued passport. Critical for most cruise lines to survive and for many countries to reopen their essential tourism industries. Tourism funds many economies and for most countries there is no infrastructure and govt service including healthcare without international dollars. Closed loop staycation cruises have no appeal for most cruisers. Getting off the ship in port is baked into our experience. Vaccine passports are critical for this to resume and for most economies to recover. We live in a deeply interconnected global economy. None of us are islands.

I understood some initial vax hesitancy in the first few months. We have seniors with a memory of the first polio vaccinations in the 50s who watched some of the first devastating polio trials on ill children. Those children were their friends, neighbours and school chums. But now that thousands have been vaccinated and months have passed, that fear should have passed for most. And there is a bright line between legitimate concern for your own personal health security v a political or philosophical stance.
I think the difference is the vaccine themselves. Those vaccines to enter countries have been tested for years before being marketed and then on the market for many years. Most anti Vaxxers are not anti all vaccines. They are anti vaccines that are not proven to be safe and effective over the long term. So in a sense, it is different.

I’ve heard of 3 situations where people who were vaccinated, caught the virus and died. Those three instances were 1-2 people removed from me. I had the virus, and I took my JNJ vaccine today. Why did I do it? To hopefully be able to travel without having to constantly test. We need to stop focusing on cases and focus on hospitalizations.....which was the cause for the 2 week turned one year+ shutdown. We shouldn’t be focusing on cases. It’s a contagious virus and everyone will be exposed to it.

It’s very possible those people caught the virus shortly after getting the vaccine. It doesn’t offer immediate protection.

I don’t know who you have been listening to. But we are worrying about hospitalizations. Our ICUs in Ontario are filling up, they are having to send people all over the province to get treatment. And it’s not older people. It’s younger people who haven’t been vaccinated. This wave is not the same as the first. Young healthy people are losing their life and our hospitals are filling up. Also as your cases increase your hospitalization will go up. So of course the number of cases are an indication that things need to be done. If things had been done here as cases started going up our hospitals may not be full now.
It’s very possible those people caught the virus shortly after getting the vaccine. It doesn’t offer immediate protection.

I don’t know who you have been listening to. But we are worrying about hospitalizations. Our ICUs in Ontario are filling up, they are having to send people all over the province to get treatment. And it’s not older people. It’s younger people who haven’t been vaccinated. This wave is not the same as the first. Young healthy people are losing their life and our hospitals are filling up. Also as your cases increase your hospitalization will go up. So of course the number of cases are an indication that things need to be done. If things had been done here as cases started going up our hospitals may not be full now.
True! True! True! I’m living this right now with my mom. She has been moved six times since being admitted April 2. Now they are trying to turf her to long term care with no rehab or therapy to improve her physical state. It’s been a gargantuan fight to access service. This is directly caused by our over full hospitals and the powers that be trying to turn over beds to make way for the next round of sick people.
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I have an interesting situation with a close friend and the vaccine. She qualifies both by age (40+) and medical condition (MS). But so far she has not received the vaccine. Because of health issues (in addition to MS), she is more likely to have a bad outcome if she did get COVID. Her husband does not trust the COVID vaccine. Thinks it was rushed too fast. (Also thinks we should have just mostly let COVID run its natural course to achieve herd immunity). Anyway, I have been gently encouraging her to get the vaccine (i.e., pointing out where she could register and offered to help her find an AZ appt) but basically she admitted its 'not worth dealing with' her husband and his opposition to the vaccine. But based on recent comments, I've realized that she is hoping that it will be mandated for certain situations (maybe her job or travel, etc.) because then her husband is likely to grudgingly go along with her getting it.
I have an interesting situation with a close friend and the vaccine. She qualifies both by age (40+) and medical condition (MS). But so far she has not received the vaccine. Because of health issues (in addition to MS), she is more likely to have a bad outcome if she did get COVID. Her husband does not trust the COVID vaccine. Thinks it was rushed too fast. (Also thinks we should have just mostly let COVID run its natural course to achieve herd immunity). Anyway, I have been gently encouraging her to get the vaccine (i.e., pointing out where she could register and offered to help her find an AZ appt) but basically she admitted its 'not worth dealing with' her husband and his opposition to the vaccine. But based on recent comments, I've realized that she is hoping that it will be mandated for certain situations (maybe her job or travel, etc.) because then her husband is likely to grudgingly go along with her getting it.

I would be concerned about your friend because her husband has no right to try and tell her what to do as far as her health is concerned. It sounds like a very controlling relationship. That is actually a form of abuse.
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