Marathon Weekend 2022

Good morning, runDisney all-stars! We are 128 days away from the start of Marathon Weekend!

For this week’s Sundays are for Disney, it’s a training check-in! How are things going? Want to brag? Need encouragement? Here’s your place for it.

The Chicago Marathon is six weeks from today and I’m in pretty good shape. I finished 20 miles yesterday and 18 two weeks ago. Overall, my mileage is a little down this month thanks to overbearing heat and humidity and a brand new job/schedule, but I’m happy with where I’m at.

After Chicago, I plan to take about a week to chill before diving into Goofy training.

Have a great week, everyone!
SAFD: Right now my training plan ends at my A race marathon in November. But training for that is going great! Following my DopeyBadger plan to the best of my ability. I recently moved into Philadelphia from a rural area, which means all training on concrete instead of the nice, soft rail trail I'm used to training on. My legs hurt the first week but I think I'm finally getting used to it. Given that all my races this fall are on city roads and sidewalks I'm hoping this is better training for that.

After the Philadelphia Marathon in November, I guess I'll ask Billy for an extension on the plan to January. Then February for Princess.
SAFD - Training for the Boston Virtual Marathon. Ran a 20 miler this morning and felt great! I could easily have run much further. My nutrition plan and tailwind are really working for me. It has been a long time since running this far has felt so good. Now, I just need some cooler weather.

For those in the path of Ida - stay safe.
SAFD: could use some encouragement. Although my training during COVID has been very good (thanks mainly due to the CRAW virtual adventure around the world), I’ve been working through hip bursitis over the past month or so. I felt I was managing it pretty well (still able to train with shorter runs), and I felt pretty good about starting my official Dopey training plan (starts tomorrow).

However, I signed up for a really small local 5k that I ran yesterday. Since I was recovering from injury, I decided to treat it as a tempo run instead of a race. My pacing felt relatively comfortable as I ran the first two miles at a consistent 7:25 pace. Since I felt good, I sped up a bit for the last mile which also wasn’t a problem. Unfortunately, some guy tried to pass me in the last 200m, and my competitive spirit kicked in, so I sped up with him until we were close to a sprint near the finish line. Once we got up to sprint speed, my hip immediately made itself known, and I slowed down (thereby losing this insignificant competition between the two of us).

Needless to say, it was my own stupid fault that I reinvigorated my injury, but it hurt a good amount yesterday. It’s feeling quite a bit better today, but I still feel I’ve set myself back a couple weeks. Just frustrated with myself as this is the third injury in a row for me. I am usually pretty smart when dealing with injuries, but feel that I somewhat blew it yesterday.
SAFD: I’m into the taper for the Weymouth Woods 50k trail race down in Southern Pines, NC next Saturday. Training has gone really well for it, even if the heat and humidity seems to be affecting me more than usual this summer. The race next weekend will be interesting. It starts at 8am and we’ve typically been in the mid- to upper 70s with dew points just a degree or two lower at that time lately. It could well be a slog with the tree cover proving to be a double edged sword by providing shade, but preventing a cooling breeze.

ETA: I’ll take a couple of easy-ish weeks following the race and then jump right into full Dopey training.
Training is slow right now. Recovering from a broken foot has taken longer than expected. I feel almost better but there’s still a little bit of pain so I’ve started to run some intervals but have mostly been walking 5k distances a few times a week.

I have a local 10k next week and a 5k the week after. Then the virtual Boston Marathon in October, LA in November and the 10k and Half Marathon in Dallas in December. So I’m not worried about the distance and I’m a slower runner anyway, so not concerned too much on time. I just need to get pain free so I can start running more.
I have a local 10k on Halloween with the Disney 10k next after that. I started working with a run coach this month and it’s gone really well. I had a strong 6-mile run yesterday and despite a blister, I was very happy with the run. I did get rid of those socks and ordered two new socks. I use mohair socks for my runs and I do need to replace a couple more pairs. They’re over 2 years old at this point with a lot of mileage on each pair.
SAFD: I'm training for my first Dopey, and I switched from the Galloway training plan to a much-improved @DopeyBadger plan a few weeks ago. I'm not fast, so splitting up the mileage across multiple days is working much better for me (and my schedule). Long, long ago I signed up for virtual Boston (figuring it's probably the only way I'll ever get in) but I'm playing it by ear and will gauge how I feel a week or so out to determine if I actually do it. I'm concerned about taking time off for recovery at that point my training schedule.

I bought a treadmill in January so all my training so far has been indoors. Now that the overnight temps are getting cooler (high 50s, low 60s), I will start building in some outdoor miles. So far, so good!

p.s. I almost forgot, I picked up new shoes to try and I LOVE THEM! I normally run in NewBalance Fuel Cell Propel, and my local running store had a try-out day for the Fuel Cell Elite V2. They are probably overkill for my ability, but they are so squishy, yet responsive, breathable and soooo light weight. I'm going to try and reserve them for my longer runs in hopes I can use them for Dopey.
I’m 33 days out from my marathon, and trying to not freak out with what I’m sure are all of the “first timer/new runner” feelings. How will I ever make it through 26.2 miles? Will I be trained enough? What if the weather is it’s usual cold/wet self? What if my shoes are a huge problem? (My feet start to get sore at about 9-10 miles right now.) Will I be able to finish before the cutoff time? What if I HATE it, and I’m already signed up for Goofy so I HAVE to do another one?

once that race is done I’ll be asking Billy for a bridge plan to get to goofy and MW. And hopefully I’ll have a sense of how much time/days per week I can realistically train with the kids back in school and all of the sports.
I’m 33 days out from my marathon, and trying to not freak out with what I’m sure are all of the “first timer/new runner” feelings. How will I ever make it through 26.2 miles? Will I be trained enough? What if the weather is it’s usual cold/wet self? What if my shoes are a huge problem? (My feet start to get sore at about 9-10 miles right now.) Will I be able to finish before the cutoff time? What if I HATE it, and I’m already signed up for Goofy so I HAVE to do another one?

once that race is done I’ll be asking Billy for a bridge plan to get to goofy and MW. And hopefully I’ll have a sense of how much time/days per week I can realistically train with the kids back in school and all of the sports.

Trust your training
Trust your training
Trust your training

The weather will be whatever it decides to be. Be prepared to adapt to it, but don’t worry about it.

If you haven’t figured out if your shoes are right by now, you’re not going to. Trying to change/adjust at this point is far more likely to cause a new problem than solve an existing one.

You will run to the best of your ability based on your training. If that’s within the cutoff time, you’ll be fine because, wait for it, you trusted your training.

During miles 17-26.2 you WILL hate it. You will question the multitude of life choices that have brought you to this point of being so miserable.

When (not if) you cross the finish line you will experience a rush of adrenaline and emotions that make it all worthwhile. You will start to think “when can I do this again?” You’re already signed up for Goofy, so problem solved!
I’m 33 days out from my marathon, and trying to not freak out with what I’m sure are all of the “first timer/new runner” feelings. How will I ever make it through 26.2 miles? Will I be trained enough? What if the weather is it’s usual cold/wet self? What if my shoes are a huge problem? (My feet start to get sore at about 9-10 miles right now.) Will I be able to finish before the cutoff time? What if I HATE it, and I’m already signed up for Goofy so I HAVE to do another one?

once that race is done I’ll be asking Billy for a bridge plan to get to goofy and MW. And hopefully I’ll have a sense of how much time/days per week I can realistically train with the kids back in school and all of the sports.
Yeah, marathons are a love, hate kinda thing. Be prepared to hate it, but know that the feeling will pass and you will still have a blast at WDW.
SAFD: I just finished week 1 of my marathon plan, so not much to report. Ran my blind progression run too slowly, and my Easy B run too quickly, but not concerned--it's just something to work on.

@FFigawi I think I saw your mojo the other day hitchhiking its way back towards you (admittedly, the ocean crossing could be problematic!) I'm sure you'll find something real or virtual to give you focus.
Yeah, marathons are a love, hate kinda thing. Be prepared to hate it, but know that the feeling will pass and you will still have a blast at WDW.

This is one of the reasons I have been hesitant to run a marathon. Just getting to race day will involve long runs of a length that I also feel like I will hate. But I also kinda want to do it. Maybe next year. Whatever, I should just admit to myself that I’m going to do it.
I’m 33 days out from my marathon, and trying to not freak out with what I’m sure are all of the “first timer/new runner” feelings. How will I ever make it through 26.2 miles? Will I be trained enough? What if the weather is it’s usual cold/wet self? What if my shoes are a huge problem? (My feet start to get sore at about 9-10 miles right now.) Will I be able to finish before the cutoff time? What if I HATE it, and I’m already signed up for Goofy so I HAVE to do another one?

once that race is done I’ll be asking Billy for a bridge plan to get to goofy and MW. And hopefully I’ll have a sense of how much time/days per week I can realistically train with the kids back in school and all of the sports.
Trust your training
Trust your training
Trust your training

The weather will be whatever it decides to be. Be prepared to adapt to it, but don’t worry about it.

If you haven’t figured out if your shoes are right by now, you’re not going to. Trying to change/adjust at this point is far more likely to cause a new problem than solve an existing one.

You will run to the best of your ability based on your training. If that’s within the cutoff time, you’ll be fine because, wait for it, you trusted your training.

During miles 17-26.2 you WILL hate it. You will question the multitude of life choices that have brought you to this point of being so miserable.

When (not if) you cross the finish line you will experience a rush of adrenaline and emotions that make it all worthwhile. You will start to think “when can I do this again?” You’re already signed up for Goofy, so problem solved!

@camaker absolutely nailed it. So I'll just say, "this, this, this..".


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