An Alphabetical, (Flower and) Garden Variety TR- V is for: Vida la Tucson! TR COMPLETE! (3/14)

I know, it’s been a long, long time since I’ve added any content here, but I do have a fairly solid excuse. Since I posted the last chapter, I’ve been to 15 states, more National Parks, Monuments, and historical sites than I can count, relocated to Kentucky, and took thousands more photos. It’s been an adventure for sure. But let’s get back to this adventure! If you’d like to read about the grand and epic cross-country road trip with a chaser of Disney, you can find that HERE.


Who am I to talk? I am so far behind here. It's been weeks since I've posted an update and I don't even have the next one finished either! I don't even know what's been keeping me so busy!

We didn’t wait long at all for a bus to Kidani

Hopefully she finds something that she can eat....

I braced myself for any potential disappointment with a Chocolate Martini.

What was in that Martini? It doesn't look like any other one I've had. Usually they are more creamy.

I present to you perhaps the most… odd… looking rendition of naan on Earth. Does this even come close to looking like naan to anyone else? It looks like a cracker. NOT crispy at all on the outside nor soft and fluffy inside.

Yes it does look odd, but if you've had much gluten free items, they're never as fluffy and sort as gluten filled options. I'm guessing that's they best they could do in a tandoor. It was probably more Naan due to the preparation as opposed to the end product.

the bats are back for viewing enjoyment.

Are they trained? I heard that is why they were AWOL for a while. People wanted them to do "tricks" instead of just hanging there.

Remind me to tell you about the disastrous foray into the UK Pavilion I had on the scooter.

Oh? Do tell!

I ended up with this pathetic option and cannot recall a more disgusting meal on Disney property.

That does look pretty pathetic. I've become increasingly selective about French fries. I don't order them unless I'm sure they'll be cooked fresh.

Roll-E loves these quick little hellos, they don’t clog Main Street for what used to feel like hours and he can be on his way again quickly after a short pause.

I'm finding that too. I remember when there was a Pixar Parade in DCA and Fran and I always seemed to be getting to the park when that parade was going and it always made it difficult for us to get around.

Roll-E tried to take a selfie, but Steppe rudely photobombed it with her buns.

Did you ever take a picture of the scooter? I'm curious if it was one of those big and cumbersome models or if it was a small and compact one like mine.

I'm not sure what that thing in your hand is...but is that your scooter in the background?
I'm sorry I missed this game. I knew what it was when I saw the picture but only because I noticed it for the first time last month.

Great morning.

I really need to go visit the Fire Station.
I think a lot of people (including me at times) don't bother to look up. Up at Disney means more fun stuff!

Yes, it's a fun little diversion for sure!

Who am I to talk? I am so far behind here. It's been weeks since I've posted an update and I don't even have the next one finished either! I don't even know what's been keeping me so busy!

Slacker doesn't even begin to cover it. I just get more and more behind with each passing day. But ugh, this new job is kicking my hiney. I'd forgotten how exhausting it is to be so mentally challenged/stressed out.

Hopefully she finds something that she can eat....

She ended up with the braised beef and really enjoyed it. :)

What was in that Martini? It doesn't look like any other one I've had. Usually they are more creamy.
Painted Lemur- Amarula fruit cream liqueur and Van der Hum Tangerine Liqueur from South Africa combined in a chocolate-striped glass inspired by the distinctive striped tail of the Madagascar Lemur- $11.75

Yes it does look odd, but if you've had much gluten free items, they're never as fluffy and sort as gluten filled options. I'm guessing that's they best they could do in a tandoor. It was probably more Naan due to the preparation as opposed to the end product.

You are probably right. The science of baking depends on that gluten to trap the air.

Are they trained? I heard that is why they were AWOL for a while. People wanted them to do "tricks" instead of just hanging there.

I've heard a few stories: one is that yes, they'd become conditioned to not fly but, the latest story (the one I got this last trip) was that they had simply gotten too big for the enclosure.

Oh? Do tell!

Well, a bit of a spoiler, but I got myself onto a sidewalk because I wanted to go INTO the Tea Shop. I got around the corner (with NO curb cut) and they LOCKED THE DOOR so I couldn't get in OR turn around!!! I was SOOOOO embarrassed and had to make a 30,000 k-turn to get back to where I could get back off that sidewalk.

That does look pretty pathetic. I've become increasingly selective about French fries. I don't order them unless I'm sure they'll be cooked fresh.

IT was just super gross. I wasn't hungry, but I was bordering on nauseated.

I'm finding that too. I remember when there was a Pixar Parade in DCA and Fran and I always seemed to be getting to the park when that parade was going and it always made it difficult for us to get around.

I detest them. I know loads of people just love the parades, and I do make exceptions for MSEP and Paint the Night, but meh... day time parades? Just no. I have places to be!!

Did you ever take a picture of the scooter? I'm curious if it was one of those big and cumbersome models or if it was a small and compact one like mine.

Lemme see if I can find a photo:


I think it was like this one...? Mostly.

I'm not sure what that thing in your hand is...but is that your scooter in the background?

It's a cinnamon roll from Gastons. :)
K is for: Karaoke Time!

Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t help myself. I get on a ride in Fantasyland and feel an unstoppable compulsion to sing my little ol’ heart out. Sorry if you were someone stuck on my boat or Clamobile (that IS a word- look it up!) but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.

"Yes, you want her
Look at her, you know you do
Possible she want you too, there is one way to ask her
It don't take a word, not a single word
Go on and kiss the girl"

<Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah….> <harmonizes because she can>

I especially love that middle section with the alto sax playing guy. La-la-la…. It’s one of the best parts about traveling solo. Not one can hear me, and if they do? Too bad. There are worse things, like flash photography, crying babies, and line cutting jerks. But I wasn’t traveling solo on this trip, so the serenading was kept to a minimum. Besides that, I was all flustered with navigating that _itch of a queue on Roll-E. No, seriously, I about got seasick just getting TO the Under-the-Sea part. It takes some skill to not crash at any of the 40 million tight turns in there.

"He gonna miss the girl…" (See that smile on Steppe’s face; please don’t interrupt the finale!)

No visit to MK for a first-timer should go without a trip on the Happiest Cruise that Ever Sailed. How else can the tour guide better annoy the visitor? Oh, right!! Singing it for 10 minutes and 30 seconds. Which I did, but a bit more quietly lest I embarrass her (more). Heh, with not very many rides to safely go on, I should get a little airtime, right? :confused3:rolleyes1

“It's a world of laughter
A world of tears
It's a world of hopes
And a world of fears
There's so much that we share
That it's time we're aware
It's a small world after all”

If only we could all remember and live that out. Sigh…

And as much as I like to sing on this ride, I love to take photos of all the things I already have 429,305,034 photos of. And , because I am willing, no eager, to annoy you with my serenading, I am also willing and eager to annoy you even more with the same photos I showed you in my last TR- just a different stamps.

(Listen closely at this part! The singing is actually YODELING, Y'all!!)

(This seems like it should be censored.)

(Liz Tayloresque)

(Shake it, Ladies!)

Who else gets giddy when your name flashes up on the good-bye screens? I admit, it’s pretty pathetically easy to entertain me. Coffee in the morning, a tidy home, clean sheets, and my name magically appearing at the end of IaSW. And corndog nuggies. Ok, fine. Occasional trips to WDW. But that’s all. Well, flights that aren't cancelled and make it on time too, but that’s asking entirely too much right now, sooooo…..

After a happy cruise for me (I can’t speak for Marcia- I have no idea if she was sick or not, I stopped counting.), I needed to tinkle. We all know where I was headed, but this Tangled Tinkle Trip I noticed some detailing I’d not ever noticed before. How clever!!

So, boys… next time you’re in yours, can you take notice for me? Does your Tinkle Room have similar theming details? I mean…. I’ve been known to accidentally stray into the boys’ room on numerous occasions, (my most Steppe-famous was at my own little Hoop de View), but I try not to do that intentionally.

I’ll leave you with the Gang of Three that still make me giggle as my next batch of photos is too large to include here.

Meanwhile, thanks for letting me de-stress a little by sharing wonderful Disney memories. I’ve only come very close to crying a small handful of times each of the 7 shifts I’ve worked so far. To say my new job has been one with a steep learning curve is a gross understatement. I’m overwhelmed at times and tired. So, so very tired. Please be patient with me as I am absolutely exhausted on my days off and need to simply sleep.

I love you all to pieces, and meantime... (just when you couldn't bear it any longer... it's like a Small World Vomitorium!)

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"Yes, you want her
Look at her, you know you do
Possible she want you too, there is one way to ask her
It don't take a word, not a single word
Go on and kiss the girl"

<Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah….> <harmonizes because she can>
La la la! Yay! Great song and may I harmonize with you?

Not one can hear me, and if they do? Too bad.
That's right. Sucks to be them. Too ba...err I mean good they get to listen.

Besides that, I was all flustered with navigating that _itch of a queue on Roll-E
The queue itched? Next time, might I suggest calomine lotion?

You're right though...That might be the original line from 20,000 leagues under the sea. I don't think they modified it other than props that fit TLM. Roll-e and relatives didn't exist then.

No visit to MK for a first-timer should go without a trip on the Happiest Cruise that Ever Sailed

The award for fastest transition from great to NO!! ANYTHING BUT THAT!!! goes to....


Crowd retches instead of claps.

Singing it for 10 minutes and 30 seconds
Singing it for ANY length of time.

<grabs AC/DC playlist to get rid of the worst song/ride ever>

Of all the original things they gotten rid of that were GOOD and they just had to leave this one? :sad:

It's a world of laughter
Turns playlist up louder.

So, boys… next time you’re in yours, can you take notice for me? Does your Tinkle Room have similar theming details?
I don't tend to look around much...guys tend to get wierded out if one does, but for you, I'll try to remember in Jan.

I’ve only come very close to crying a small handful of times each of the 7 shifts I’ve worked so far.
As Pooh would say...oh bother. Sorry to hear that. :hug:

To say my new job has been one with a steep learning curve is a gross understatement. I’m overwhelmed at times and tired. So, so very tired. Please be patient with me as I am absolutely exhausted on my days off and need to simply sleep.
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No visit to MK for a first-timer should go without a trip on the Happiest Cruise that Ever Sailed. How else can the tour guide better annoy the visitor? Oh, right!! Singing it for 10 minutes and 30 seconds. Which I did, but a bit more quietly lest I embarrass her (more). Heh, with not very many rides to safely go on, I should get a little airtime, right? :confused3:rolleyes1
I love IASW but I think I broke Jack on that ride. Fantasyland is not his scene at all.
Who else gets giddy when your name flashes up on the good-bye screens? I admit, it’s pretty pathetically easy to entertain me. Coffee in the morning, a tidy home, clean sheets, and my name magically appearing at the end of IaSW. And corndog nuggies. Ok, fine. Occasional trips to WDW. But that’s all. Well, flights that aren't cancelled and make it on time too, but that’s asking entirely too much right now, sooooo…..
I always look for my name and it makes my day when it flashes up!
I’ll leave you with the Gang of Three that still make me giggle as my next batch of photos is too large to include here.
Love these! Have you done the Pascal Hunt in the Tangled bathroom area? It's such fun! There is some great Hidden Mickey hunting through there as well. I see one right on your third poster.
Meanwhile, thanks for letting me de-stress a little by sharing wonderful Disney memories. I’ve only come very close to crying a small handful of times each of the 7 shifts I’ve worked so far. To say my new job has been one with a steep learning curve is a gross understatement. I’m overwhelmed at times and tired. So, so very tired. Please be patient with me as I am absolutely exhausted on my days off and need to simply sleep.
Sending good thoughts to you.....sounds like a lot to process all at once. :hug:
Besides that, I was all flustered with navigating that _itch of a queue on Roll-E. No, seriously, I about got seasick just getting TO the Under-the-Sea part. It takes some skill to not crash at any of the 40 million tight turns in there.
We love this ride but hate the standby line. It has too many turns. The worst one, though, is the Nemo ride in Epcot. Those are permanent walls that force you to needlessly weave through a ride that is often a walk on.

I’ve only come very close to crying a small handful of times each of the 7 shifts I’ve worked so far. To say my new job has been one with a steep learning curve is a gross understatement. I’m overwhelmed at times and tired. So, so very tired. Please be patient with me as I am absolutely exhausted on my days off and need to simply sleep.

I've learned how different each hospital can be from our daughter. She now works at two different hospitals. One them them has a system with very strict guidelines on how to do things. The other hospital doesn't really have any specific procedure rules for some things and she finds it a little harder to know what they want at that hospital. But either way, the work day zaps her. They are also short staffed. Nurses are leaving because traveling nurses are making a lot more per hour than the nurses on staff.
Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t help myself. I get on a ride in Fantasyland and feel an unstoppable compulsion to sing my little ol’ heart out.
I occasionally feel an unstoppable compulsion to stuff cotton in my ears. Maybe it's just me.

Clamobile (that IS a word- look it up!)
Of course it is. How could it not be?!?!?
<harmonizes because she can>
Impressive. I occasionally try to and rarely succeed.
Nice shot. I at first thought you just grabbed that off the internet until I noticed the signature at the bottom.
It’s one of the best parts about traveling solo. Not one can hear me, and if they do? Too bad.
Yes! I have been known to burst into accompaniment in the privacy of my car on long stretches.
There are worse things, like flash photography, crying babies, and line cutting jerks.
This is very true. Sing if you must. But turn off the flash and NO CUTTING.
Besides that, I was all flustered with navigating that _itch of a queue on Roll-E. No, seriously, I about got seasick just getting TO the Under-the-Sea part. It takes some skill to not crash at any of the 40 million tight turns in there.
I never thought of that. Man... there are a ton of twists to that queue.
"He gonna miss the girl…" (See that smile on Steppe’s face; please don’t interrupt the finale!)
<wedges cotton deeper>
No visit to MK for a first-timer should go without a trip on the Happiest Cruise that Ever Sailed.
No. No it doesn't. It could easily go without a trip there! :scared:
Singing it for 10 minutes and 30 seconds. Which I did

<Pulls out earbuds and cranks up AC/DC... loud.>
“It's a world of laughter
A world of tears
It's a world of hopes
And a world of fears
There's so much that we share
That it's time we're aware
It's a small world after all”
Whelp... thanks a lot. There's that ear worm I have to contend with for the rest of the day. :sad2:
If only we could all remember and live that out. Sigh…
We're all trying to focus on desperately drowning out that song.
I love to take photos of all the things I already have 429,305,034 photos of.
(Listen closely at this part! The singing is actually YODELING, Y'all!!)
Oh? I don't think I've noticed any change in the AC/DC song at this point.
(This seems like it should be censored.)
Okay... I'm not getting this. I see a tiger, a trio of dolls (one partially hidden) and part of a shadow. What am I missing here?
(Liz Tayloresque)
Who else gets giddy when your name flashes up on the good-bye screens?
Okay... that part I do like.
Which is... kina two-faced of me, don't you think.
"I hate this ride... Yay! My name is on this ride!"
Well, flights that aren't cancelled and make it on time too, but that’s asking entirely too much right now, sooooo…..
After a happy cruise for me (I can’t speak for Marcia- I have no idea if she was sick or not, I stopped counting.)
Oy. Not exactly the most fun touring partner. You need to find someone who will step up their game.
So, boys… next time you’re in yours, can you take notice for me? Does your Tinkle Room have similar theming details?
Actually... there is an abundance of cast iron frying pans. :laughing:
(my most Steppe-famous was at my own little Hoop de View)
I’ve only come very close to crying a small handful of times each of the 7 shifts I’ve worked so far.
Oh no. I sure hope it gets better and easier for you soon.
To say my new job has been one with a steep learning curve is a gross understatement. I’m overwhelmed at times and tired. So, so very tired. Please be patient with me as I am absolutely exhausted on my days off and need to simply sleep.
Take all the time you need. And get that rest you so desperately require.
it's like a Small World Vomitorium!)
Vote to permanently change the ride's name to this!
I actually really enjoyed IASW in August. We had a boat to ourselves and the boats were going really slow. I learned on one of my tours, Disney slows the boats down or speeds them up depending on the crowd levels.
we had a really nice trip with all the dolls, creepy ones and all!
Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t help myself. I get on a ride in Fantasyland and feel an unstoppable compulsion to sing my little ol’ heart out. Sorry if you were someone stuck on my boat or Clamobile (that IS a word- look it up!) but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.

I feel the need to sing too on all the Fantasyland rides.

Besides that, I was all flustered with navigating that _itch of a queue on Roll-E. No, seriously, I about got seasick just getting TO the Under-the-Sea part. It takes some skill to not crash at any of the 40 million tight turns in there.

That is a very twisty queue.

And as much as I like to sing on this ride, I love to take photos of all the things I already have 429,305,034 photos of.

I do the same thing. I have tons of pictures but still take more, of the same thing.

Who else gets giddy when your name flashes up on the good-bye screens?


I needed to tinkle. We all know where I was headed, but this Tangled Tinkle Trip I noticed some detailing I’d not ever noticed before. How clever!!

I noticed this for the first time too. Being short I don't remember to look up.

So, boys… next time you’re in yours, can you take notice for me? Does your Tinkle Room have similar theming details?

I would love to see some photos of the details(without any humans) in the men's room.

Meanwhile, thanks for letting me de-stress a little by sharing wonderful Disney memories. I’ve only come very close to crying a small handful of times each of the 7 shifts I’ve worked so far. To say my new job has been one with a steep learning curve is a gross understatement. I’m overwhelmed at times and tired. So, so very tired. Please be patient with me as I am absolutely exhausted on my days off and need to simply sleep.

So sorry it's been rough. I'm sure it will get better.
L is for: Liberty’s Leisure and Loving Lunch

Sticking with the theme of “Tame” and deciding that cruising was what we could safely do, we struck out for the stalwart decks of the Liberty. She’s a proud and lovely vessel and I’ve never been sorry for having taken a spin around the Rivers of America Loop.

There’s not much to add in the way of describing with words a journey on the Liberty Belle, but I do think some of the photos turned out fun. I hope they never change the Native American scenes. And the little boat docked beside that grotto! What a story that conjures!!

We'd gotten a bit of a later start so after we'd spent time on Main Street and rode the Liberty, it was time for our lunch at Skippers Canteen. There are some GF options there and Marcia felt like she could find something to eat. We got a window table in the main dining hall which was a little bit of a bummer as it’s pretty loud in there. Not to worry, we still had a yummy lunch! I had the Red Sangria (juice with a splash of wine- expensive yet refreshing).

While we sipped, I took a gander around the room and found a couple of nice little Easter Eggs:

We both thought the Pao de Queijo sounded pretty good. Had I known it was gigantic and filling, I might not have ordered it. I think we took most home and ended up throwing it away the next day. The verdict? A bit bland and dry. The sauces were great though! And made it worth eating a few. My guess is that I ate two. If you want a meal filler this is the ticket.

Speaking of our meals, Marcia went with the GF option of:

Falls Family Falafel- A secret recipe of chickpeas, garlic, onions, lemon juice and herbs with white bean dip and tomato-cucumber salad $10.00

She loved it, but it too was more than she could eat. That one didn’t go to waste as I made short work of it for breakfast the next day.

I chose the:

Sustainable Fish "Not Piranha," served on Cassava fritter with wilted greens and a guava-habanero sauce $31.00

It was soooo tasty! I loved this! But because this Trip Report is far beyond ancient, I have zero idea whether I finished it or not but do remember it was more than an ample portion and the slightly spicy (definitely not overly so) sauce was wonderfully flavorful. Before we set out for more adventures I made sure to use the prettiest bathroom on property and to say hi to Walt's Butterflies:

We left almost overly stuffed. So much so that dinner wasn’t necessary.

But more touring was!

First though a quick detour to take a(nother) photo of the Starfruit Tree that I (still) promise you is there. (You doubters know who you are.) I first saw this on another previous trip and was amused. What an unlikely place for such an unusual tree.

The palms in Adventureland are pretty dreamy too!

Botany aside and bellies full we thought we’d explore Tomorrowland. Not that there was much we could do there; the WEDWAY wasn’t open yet, SM was out, out, out due to our delicate constitutions, MILF wasn’t open, Buzz isn’t my thing (where IS my laser?!) which really only leaves COP.

We also had some time to play. Just 2 old farts having a bit of fun. We’re allowed, ya know.

COP was as amusing as always. And it sure felt good to sit in a real chair in some real AC for 20 minutes. Yes, I sang. Don’t judge.


My Gramma’s fridge!!!

We still had some gas in us (lunch was great!) so crossed back over to finish off the day with POTC and HM. Sorry, no photos, by then I was sore and hurting and was simply anxious to return to our Nemo room.

Well, okay just one as we cruised through Frontierland:

Besides, remember no camera was used in the making of this TR. Without one, HM is impossible to get photos of.

We made it to the bus stop long before it was dark. In fact, we made it just in time to see a pretty cool sundog, my photos of which absolutely do not do it justice.

Betcha wish I had some photos, or better yet video, of me parking Roll-E on the bus. I found it hilarious myself once the damage control on my pride-o-meter was cleaned up. The driver was doing some damage control on his face as the eye roll got a bit stuck. I did get better, but not much. In the end, I just let the drivers do it most of the time. It worked out best for everyone.

Before I tucked, in I zapped a leftover falafel and took a couple of Tylenol. What I didn’t do was plug Roll-E in, but that’s another adventure for another day!
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She’s a proud and lovely vessel and I’ve never been sorry for having taken a spin around the Rivers of America Loop.
I adore the Liberty Belle! In no particular order, I can have a perfect day at MK only doing the following attractions; Liberty Belle, Country bears, Tiki Room, CoP, the carousel and the People Mover. Add in some Hidden Mickey hunting and a snack or two and I'm golden. :)
We'd gotten a bit of a later start so after we'd spent time on Main Street and rode the Liberty, it was time for our lunch at Skippers Canteen. There are some GF options there and Marcia felt like she could find something to eat. We got a window table in the main dining hall which was a little bit of a bummer as it’s pretty loud in there. Not to worry, we still had a yummy lunch! I had the Red Sangria (juice with a splash of wine- expensive yet refreshing).
Sounds much better than our shandies.
Sustainable Fish "Not Piranha," served on Cassava fritter with wilted greens and a guava-habanero sauce $31.00
Now that looks delicious! Glad you had a much better Skippers experience than we did.
First though a quick detour to take a(nother) photo of the Starfruit Tree that I (still) promise you is there. (You doubters know who you are.) I first saw this on another previous trip and was amused. What an unlikely place for such an unusual tree.
Where is that tree? Must check it out next trip.
COP was as amusing as always. And it sure felt good to sit in a real chair in some real AC for 20 minutes. Yes, I sang. Don’t judge.
I always sing! How can you not??
Sticking with the theme of “Tame”
Wait... there's a theme????
struck out for the stalwart decks of the Liberty.
Okay... she got seasick, right?? Right?????
I hope they never change the Native American scenes.
So... I looked at your photos and... I'm not sure if I've been on the Belle? I know I've done the one in DL, but...
A lot of your photos looked unfamiliar. Then again, that could just be a result of not being on it often... or recently.
Nicely done. :thumbsup2
Soooo many details. :)
Ah! So that's the boat you were talking about.
And no, it does not look familiar.
after we'd spent time on Main Street and rode the Liberty,
Walking the streets and hanging around the docks, huh?
We got a window table in the main dining hall which was a little bit of a bummer as it’s pretty loud in there.
Been there many a time. ::yes::
Hmm... you're going to have to give me rundown on this one.
The verdict? A bit bland and dry. The sauces were great though! And made it worth eating a few.
Hmm... so not good... but good?
Falls Family Falafel- A secret recipe of chickpeas, garlic, onions, lemon juice and herbs with white bean dip and tomato-cucumber salad $10.00
I'd try that.
That one didn’t go to waste as I made short work of it for breakfast the next day.
Sustainable Fish "Not Piranha," served on Cassava fritter with wilted greens and a guava-habanero sauce $31.00
Interesting! I don't remember that one on the menu, but... maybe I just ordered other things.
It was soooo tasty! I loved this! But because this Trip Report is far beyond ancient, I have zero idea whether I finished it or not but do remember it was more than an ample portion and the slightly spicy (definitely not overly so) sauce was wonderfully flavorful.
Glad you liked it. I'll have to remember that one.
First though a quick detour to take a(nother) photo of the Starfruit Tree that I (still) promise you is there. (You doubters know who you are.)
The palms in Adventureland are pretty dreamy too!
Fit in perfectly. :)
the WEDWAY wasn’t open yet,
Probably too zoomy for Marcia, anyways.
MILF wasn’t open,
I'm sorry, what wasn't open?!?!?!?
Buzz isn’t my thing

I mean, sure, yes, of course. It's not to everyone's liking.
which really only leaves COP.
I dunno... spinning theatre and all...

At this point I doubt her ability to handle any ride!
Cute shot of you and you both. :)
COP was as amusing as always. And it sure felt good to sit in a real chair in some real AC for 20 minutes.
No napping?
Yes, I sang. Don’t judge.
:laughing: Not me! That song's way too catchy.
Like that detail shot. :thumbsup2
My Gramma’s fridge!!!
We still had some gas in us (lunch was great!)
by then I was sore and hurting and was simply anxious to return to our Nemo room.
Poor thing. You were over-doing it, weren't you?
Besides, remember no camera was used in the making of this TR. Without one, HM is impossible to get photos of.
Yeah... unless you have a fondness for blurry, streaky photos.
In fact, we made it just in time to see a pretty cool sundog, my photos of which absolutely do not do it justice.
They are fun. :)
Betcha wish I had some photos, or better yet video, of me parking Roll-E on the bus.
Well... yes.
What I didn’t do was plug Roll-E in, but that’s another adventure for another day!
:scared: Uh, oh!!
La la la! Yay! Great song and may I harmonize with you?
Oh sure. The more the merrier.
The queue itched? Next time, might I suggest calomine lotion?

You're right though...That might be the original line from 20,000 leagues under the sea. I don't think they modified it other than props that fit TLM. Roll-e and relatives didn't exist then.

LOL!!! The word rhymed with Witch but started with a B.

Boy how I'd have loved to have been able to go on that. :sad:
The award for fastest transition from great to NO!! ANYTHING BUT THAT!!! goes to....

Well, we all have to be good at something!

Of all the original things they gotten rid of that were GOOD and they just had to leave this one? :sad:

I don't see them EVER getting rid of Small World. It's Walt's Baby.

I don't tend to look around much...guys tend to get wierded out if one does, but for you, I'll try to remember in Jan.

What I showed it by the sinks and facing the door, so there was no weirdness involved. ;)
I love IASW but I think I broke Jack on that ride. Fantasyland is not his scene at all.

That doesn't surprise me. I can take or leave Fantasyland and can even skip it altogether, but when I do make a point to go there I always try to do IaSW at least once.
I always look for my name and it makes my day when it flashes up!


Love these! Have you done the Pascal Hunt in the Tangled bathroom area? It's such fun! There is some great Hidden Mickey hunting through there as well. I see one right on your third poster.

I have and have found all 10. It took me quite a while and in the end my daughter found the last one. It was super fun!!
Sending good thoughts to you.....sounds like a lot to process all at once. :hug:

I am really hoping another couple of weeks will get me there to place where it's not so hard.


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