An Alphabetical, (Flower and) Garden Variety TR- V is for: Vida la Tucson! TR COMPLETE! (3/14)

We loved the backlot tour and GMR, miss both so much :sad:
Glad you got Roll E charged up at HS
Sometimes just taking in the scenery and people watching is a fun way to spend time at HS.
I still haven’t tried Brown Derby, maybe some other time.
N is for: Nouveaux Dining; An Afternoon at the Brown Derby

A long-standing favorite of mine has been the Hollywood Brown Derby and there's rarely a trip that I don't make a reservation. I can’t recall the first time I tried it, but I am going to guess it was sometime as far back as 2017. What draws me there? Many things.

When I was a small girl, and for as long as I regularly visited my maternal grandmother’s house (they lived only a couple of hours away, so it was quite often and for as long as a few weeks at a time) up through high school, I listened to Big Band Era music. She, like most housewives of that era, busied herself with cleaning and cooking and writing letters. She never complained and took pride in her well-organized and lovely home. To pass the time, Benny Goodman, Frank Sinatra, and the Andrews Sisters kept her humming and happy. I vividly remember laying prone on the window seat in the sun with my Pirates of the Caribbean coloring books humming along. Every afternoon, we’d sit together on “the big red rocker” and watch The Music Man or a good old-fashioned John Wayne.

As I got older, I began to appreciate the simplicity of that era; folks finding pleasure in uncomplicated lives punctuated by an evening out of dancing and cocktails. Perhaps it’s a romanticized view and understanding, but as it was recounted by Grandma, it truly was like that after the war for the majority of suburban Americans. I also have long thought it might have been fun to open a dance club/restaurant where live Big Band would play and diners would enjoy a big dance floor where Lindy-hopping and Swing could be enjoyed, and the work of the week could find some distraction.

The fact that the Brown Derby offers amazing service and even better food is a true bonus. Believe it or not, I’ve dined at the Brown Derby and NOT gotten the Cobb Salad, but today was not that day. One thing I won’t pass up there is an Apricot Sour in remembrance of Grandma. She didn’t drink much, and being 4’10” she couldn’t, but when she did, it was always an Apricot Sour. If not that, it was blackberry wine. To my knowledge HBD doesn’t have Blackberry wine, but they do have Apricot Brandy.

Marcia and I got ourselves all checked in and while we waited to be called to our table I plugged in Roll-E at the outlet I’d used earlier.

(Hi Uncle Walt!)

The table was nothing short of amazing along the wall in a cozy booth. I imagined booths like this were once used as discreet dens of gossip sharing or for concocting shady business deals and ways to outsmart the IRS. There's nothing new under the sun.

Perhaps this Hollywood Elite, Hedda Hopper, used a booth like this to cement-block acting careers and ruin lives. If you think the media is new at that game, guess again. You’d have thought we’d have learned our lesson the first (few hundred) times around. It’s alive and well, and those with the loudest voices and access to print and media are doing just fine at that today too.

HERE's an article you might find interesting about her readership of 35 million+ (huge for the ‘40s) and how she happily torpedoed careers of suspected Communists. Interesting how she condemned so many despite being guilty of similar indiscretions. Marcia and I had a great discussion about her life and Hollywood shenanigans over a delicious lunch and cocktail.

The rolls here are nothing short of amazing- perfectly crunchy and golden on the outside, soft and fluffy on the inside (much like your authoress). The salted butter (also not unlike yours truly) is a nice touch and we made short work of them with the Caprese Salad we shared.

WOW, was this salad amazing! The mozzarella was so soft and buttery. The tomatoes were absolutely fresh and so, so summer-y good, even if it was April.

The waitstaff always offers to mix your salad tableside; I always say yes, because that’s what’s done. Otherwise, what is the point of this salad that’s presented so beautifully?

We wined and dined and wished so much that there was some live music playing. I think a hard-ticketed dinner-dance event would sell out quickly... perhaps something associated with Dapper Days. I’d pay for that for sure. I’d even take dance lessons so I didn’t look like doofus too.

We passed on dessert, but I can highly recommend the Grapefruit Cake. It’s one "sweet" at Disney that’s never let me down.

As I mentioned in the last chapter, we did a few more things after lunch but one I’d forgotten that we’d done was the Muppets until I went to the cell phone photos. Most of what I took was video, but here a couple of still shots that turned out.

I’d also forgotten that later that evening, Caroline ( @disneyAndi14 ) met us by the Coronado Pool and enjoyed an exquisite charcuterie with us. So next time, join me as we relax poolside at the Coronado Springs Resort with cocktails, beautiful company, and tasty treats.
Nah. You've had surgery and are in pain. You were just on a dimmer switch that day.

I like that... "a dimmer switch"...

See? How could anyone remember all the things?
Even on a good Disney Day I can't remember all the things. Like underwear.

Yeah, okay, I'll give you that one. Plus the old location for drawing characters.
The back lot tour was great, but... maybe they felt it was too much like Uni Cali's back lot tour?

I loved doing that, although they've eased the pain with having that in AK (at Conservation Station) and Art of Animation. And during the Festival of the Arts too. But remember the busts of Hollywood talent? I miss those too. Now it's the most boring outdoor queue on property.

I'll agree with that too! The focus is so Star Wars-centric now that any other movies are being squeezed out. I wonder if DHS will soon become Star Wars park and we'll lose the rest. TOT will be come "Escape the trash compactor!", RnRC will be "Voyage to Light Speed", etc...


UGH. It's just a direction I haven't appreciated like most, I guess. I would be very, very sad to see TOT re-themed. If they would just upgrade the track at RnRC, I'd be very happy!

Cute outfit.

Yours too.

I just assumed you'd had 6-7 cups already at the resort.

No. Your confusing swill with coffee.

You know... I'm a little surprised that you can still get Joffrey's with Starbucks so close. And glad that you can.

You heard it here folks, all the poop that's fit to print!

**See latest chapter
For your... grandmother, I believe?

Yes, also see latest chapter.

So that's why the battery was drained! :laughing:

LOL!! No, but I found myself charging my phone more and more on the trip after this one (the 50th trip), I really should get a new battery. Or replace to power brick I left on in the airport on this one. :rolleyes2
And ride all the... wait...

there it is...

I've said before that I would be perfectly happy going to Disney and not riding a single ride.

Be careful what you wish for. You may get just that on your next trip unless you're willing to shell out even more.

I believe you... but this doesn't apply to you, of course. You're far from old or decrepit.

My aching body would tell me otherwise.
That is true. It's spectacularly done. However... Can we confine the SW stuff to the SW area???


This is not the droid you're looking for to photograph.

The whole area is so fun to photograph!
Interesting detail. What is it?

This is the detailing on the giant urns outside of Ronto Roasters. :)

Nor I.
I have my R2 droid and a "hand grenade" Coke bottle. That's about it.

I have a droid too that Zach didn't want as his new room is very, very small. But I think my favorite souvie from SW:GE is my Beer Flight Tooth thing from Oga's. I put some faux succulents in it and have it on my coffee table.

Yikes! (although they don't look too badly burned?)

I sported that tan line for months! LOL!
You look pretty spry (and pretty, too!) for a decrepit old lady...

See? Toldja. Neither old, nor decrepit.

Aw, shucks! Thank you! :blush:
I like the black and white photo of the DHS entrance. It fits with the theme.
Thanks!! I think this park really lends itself to doing some photography that's outside the box. :)

I miss the former MGM, too, especially the backlot tour. I liked the section with the movie homes, especially when it was decorated with Christmas lights. I still have a pair of the special glasses that the handed out that made the lights look like little angels. Those were some good memories of going to WDW with the kids. :)

For sure!! Although I never saw the Backlot Tour at the Holidays, I'd imagine they did a whiz bang job at it! I know so many loved the Osborne Lights too. Wish I could have seen both.

Here is another place that you have "found" that I can't remember seeing. I guess I need to explore a little more.

Keep on exploring. :) That's what keeps me going back.

The Frozen Sing Along was the first live show that WDW brought back, and it was great to see it again. There is one male historian that I love to watch and one that is really funny. It is also a nice place to sit and relax. :)

Yes, it was! I hadn't seen it at all until a few trips ago and have really come to like it.
Poor Roll-E, it wasn't his morning......or yours!

We eventually figured it out, and part of that figuring just took some sitting. LOL!
I miss this so much! The Citizens of Hollywood, the focus on the movies etc.

YES!! I wonder if they'll ever bring back the Streetmosphere. :( They were so fun. I wonder how long they'll use Covid as a reason to not do this. I mean... a packed hub for fireworks is ok, but a (much smaller) crowd for a much shorter show like this is a no-go? I don't get it.
Sounds absolutely perfect!

It really was! A really lovely day. MUCH better than laying around on my couch wallowing in self misery.
We loved the backlot tour and GMR, miss both so much :sad:

They've taken so much out.... the Animation Courtyard with the busts, Animation Academy, the Streetmosphere, just so much!
Glad you got Roll E charged up at HS
I'm sure not as happy as the folks who'd have had to push it somewhere where I could. LOL!
Sometimes just taking in the scenery and people watching is a fun way to spend time at HS.
OH for sure! And the best part of that park is that there are tons of places to sit and relax too. Not quite as many by a long shot at MK.
I still haven’t tried Brown Derby, maybe some other time.
It's a really nice place and now with their outdoor lounge with hightops it's nice for a quick drink and snack too.
The table was nothing short of amazing along the wall in a cozy booth. I imagined booths like this were once used as discreet dens of gossip sharing or for concocting shady business deals and ways to outsmart the IRS. There's nothing new under the sun.
I love those cozy booths along the side!
The waitstaff always offers to mix your salad tableside; I always say yes, because that’s what’s done. Otherwise, what is the point of this salad that’s presented so beautifully?
I don't mind them mixing it as long as I control the amount of dressing going on. Nothing worse than an over dressed salad.
I’d also forgotten that later that evening, Caroline ( @disneyAndi14 ) met us by the Coronado Pool and enjoyed an exquisite charcuterie with us. So next time, join me as we relax poolside at the Coronado Springs Resort with cocktails, beautiful company, and tasty treats.
I'd love to get the name of the company you used. That would be great for Bill and I to do one day on our March trip.
To pass the time, Benny Goodman, Frank Sinatra, and the Andrews Sisters kept her humming and happy.
Swing music is really fun to listen to. It makes the era sound exciting but there was a lot of sadness, too, because of the war. I love the dancing and it looks like so much fun.
I vividly remember laying prone on the window seat in the sun with my Pirates of the Caribbean coloring books humming along.
Was this from Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean ride?
One thing I won’t pass up there is an Apricot Sour in remembrance of Grandma.
That sounds good. I used to drink a Brandy Stone Sour, which is similar.
Perhaps this Hollywood Elite, Hedda Hopper, used a booth like this to cement-block acting careers and ruin lives. If you think the media is new at that game, guess again.
The studio system of the era controlled the actors' careers. Hedda played her role very well. I would hate to get on her bad side. :)
I can’t recall the first time I tried it, but I am going to guess it was sometime as far back as 2017.
lol. I thought, when you said "as far back as", that you'd say 1990 or something. Not just a few years ago. :laughing:
I listened to Big Band Era music.
Nice. Love listening to Glenn Miller.
She never complained and took pride in her well-organized and lovely home.
And what's wrong with that? I think you should take pride in any endeavor that you are successful at and have put in some effort. :)
To pass the time, Benny Goodman, Frank Sinatra, and the Andrews Sisters kept her humming and happy. I vividly remember laying prone on the window seat in the sun with my Pirates of the Caribbean coloring books humming along. Every afternoon, we’d sit together on “the big red rocker” and watch The Music Man or a good old-fashioned John Wayne.
Man... that is some very nice memories you have there. :)
I also have long thought it might have been fun to open a dance club/restaurant where live Big Band would play and diners would enjoy a big dance floor where Lindy-hopping and Swing could be enjoyed, and the work of the week could find some distraction.
That would be cool, but... do wonder how today's generation would respond to it.
Believe it or not, I’ve dined at the Brown Derby and NOT gotten the Cobb Salad
This is possible? ;)
One thing I won’t pass up there is an Apricot Sour in remembrance of Grandma.
That's a nice little tribute/tradition you have there. :)
being 4’10”
Very nice shot. Very evocative of a drink in rememberance.
(Hi Uncle Walt!)
Glad you said that! I didn't think it was anything but just a shot of the original Derby.
I imagined booths like this were once used as discreet dens of gossip sharing or for concocting shady business deals and ways to outsmart the IRS. There's nothing new under the sun.
HERE's an article you might find interesting about her readership of 35 million+
What a horrid woman. Just disgusting.
perfectly crunchy and golden on the outside, soft and fluffy on the inside (much like your authoress).
The salted butter (also not unlike yours truly)
WOW, was this salad amazing! The mozzarella was so soft and buttery. The tomatoes were absolutely fresh and so, so summer-y good, even if it was April.
Impressive! And delicious!
The waitstaff always offers to mix your salad tableside; I always say yes, because that’s what’s done. Otherwise, what is the point of this salad that’s presented so beautifully?
So you did have the Cobb. Huh.
We wined and dined and wished so much that there was some live music playing. I think a hard-ticketed dinner-dance event would sell out quickly... perhaps something associated with Dapper Days. I’d pay for that for sure. I’d even take dance lessons so I didn’t look like doofus too.
Now that is truly an exceptional idea. I wonder if you could contact the Dapper team and set that in motion?
We passed on dessert, but I can highly recommend the Grapefruit Cake. It’s one "sweet" at Disney that’s never let me down.
Interesting. I doubt I'll ever eat there, but... if I do, might have to remember this.
:laughing: Fun shot!
I’d also forgotten that later that evening, Caroline ( @disneyAndi14 ) met us by the Coronado Pool and enjoyed an exquisite charcuterie with us.
I like that... "a dimmer switch"...
every now and then I come with something.
not often...
Even on a good Disney Day I can't remember all the things. Like underwear.
Most men would say they were okay with that.


I loved doing that, although they've eased the pain with having that in AK (at Conservation Station) and Art of Animation. And during the Festival of the Arts too.
True. I actually hesitated before mentioning it... but then thought "No. It fits in best at Studios..."
But remember the busts of Hollywood talent? I miss those too. Now it's the most boring outdoor queue on property.
They're gone?!?!?!?!?

UGH. It's just a direction I haven't appreciated like most, I guess. I would be very, very sad to see TOT re-themed. If they would just upgrade the track at RnRC, I'd be very happy!
I really don't mind the SW additions. Actually I like the SW additions... but I don't like that it's taking over the whole park.
Instead of the hey days of Hollywood it's now SW and Toy Story. That's it.
No. Your confusing swill with coffee.
I forgot to take your refined palate into consideration.
**See latest chapter
Nailed it!
Or replace to power brick I left on in the airport on this one. :rolleyes2
Be careful what you wish for. You may get just that on your next trip unless you're willing to shell out even more.
Yeah... been reading about that. Oy.
The whole area is so fun to photograph!
This is the detailing on the giant urns outside of Ronto Roasters. :)
I am impressed both with your eye for detail and your ability to remember that! :worship:
I have a droid too that Zach didn't want as his new room is very, very small. But I think my favorite souvie from SW:GE is my Beer Flight Tooth thing from Oga's. I put some faux succulents in it and have it on my coffee table.
I sported that tan line for months! LOL!
I love those cozy booths along the side!

Such a nice spot to sit a spell and relax. :)
I don't mind them mixing it as long as I control the amount of dressing going on. Nothing worse than an over dressed salad.

I haven't had one that's been overdressed yet, but do agree that it's very easy to do and restaurants do it all the time.

I'd love to get the name of the company you used. That would be great for Bill and I to do one day on our March trip.
I will for sure have the next update with the name of it in the next couple of weeks.
Swing music is really fun to listen to. It makes the era sound exciting but there was a lot of sadness, too, because of the war. I love the dancing and it looks like so much fun.

OH I definitely agree, no era has been without its share of sadness or heartache. Soon after the war people did have work and a very structured, uncomplicated work week. I do wish at times people could be satisfied with simpler things, that kids would get back to playing kick-the-can on the street til dark, all that...

Was this from Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean ride?

Usually on the way out of the park Grandma and I would stop in the Emporium and grab something. The one memory I have that is most clear is bringing home a POTC coloring book and a 64 pack of Crayolas. :)

That sounds good. I used to drink a Brandy Stone Sour, which is similar.

I'll have to look that one up!

The studio system of the era controlled the actors' careers. Hedda played her role very well. I would hate to get on her bad side. :)

Yes, most definitely that was true. Judy Garland was a grotesque example of that.
lol. I thought, when you said "as far back as", that you'd say 1990 or something. Not just a few years ago. :laughing:

Nope, I've only been going since 2000. ;)

Nice. Love listening to Glenn Miller.

If you like that, you should try (and this may shock you) Jackie Gleason some time.

And what's wrong with that? I think you should take pride in any endeavor that you are successful at and have put in some effort. :)

I agree in whatever it is you put your heart and mind to.
Man... that is some very nice memories you have there. :)

I think so too! :goodvibes:

That would be cool, but... do wonder how today's generation would respond to it.

I dunno. A few years back I was at DLR and there was a group of Swing Dancers who would set up an area with a DJ and it was sort of an open dance for them and really whoever else wanted to join. Almost all of them were under 30 or so.
This is possible?

Yep. :)

That's a nice little tribute/tradition you have there. :)

I think so too!
Very nice shot. Very evocative of a drink in rememberance.

This one screamed B&W to me. Tough to discern which ones do for me.

Glad you said that! I didn't think it was anything but just a shot of the original Derby.

It's hard to see who it is in this grainy photo of a photo. But yes, original BD in Hollywood.

What a horrid woman. Just disgusting.

Yep, there are 1,000 following in her footsteps now.

Now that is truly an exceptional idea. I wonder if you could contact the Dapper team and set that in motion?

I doubt they'd listen to lil 'ol me.

Interesting. I doubt I'll ever eat there, but... if I do, might have to remember this.

I hope you can.
every now and then I come with something.
not often...

Your TR would script otherwise.

Most men would say they were okay with that.



Of this I have zero doubt.
True. I actually hesitated before mentioning it... but then thought "No. It fits in best at Studios..."

I would whole-heartedly agree, but... so did all the other stuff.
They're gone?!?!?!?!?


I really don't mind the SW additions. Actually I like the SW additions... but I don't like that it's taking over the whole park.
Instead of the hey days of Hollywood it's now SW and Toy Story. That's it.


This is not entirely accurate. They did REPLACE a lot of good stuff sadly.
I forgot to take your refined palate into consideration.

Yeah... been reading about that. Oy.

It's not gotten exactly glowing reviews. My brain hurts from trying to figure all of that out. I think I'll just wander around aimlessly in the parks on my next trip and hope for the best.

I am impressed both with your eye for detail and your ability to remember that! :worship:

I love the little details of the parks.
Nope, I've only been going since 2000. ;)
Well, that's different. You said 5 years, not 20+
If you like that, you should try (and this may shock you) Jackie Gleason some time.
Really! Huh!
I dunno. A few years back I was at DLR and there was a group of Swing Dancers who would set up an area with a DJ and it was sort of an open dance for them and really whoever else wanted to join. Almost all of them were under 30 or so.
I would not have guessed that!
This one screamed B&W to me. Tough to discern which ones do for me.
That's where the artistry comes in. ::yes::
It's hard to see who it is in this grainy photo of a photo. But yes, original BD in Hollywood.
That I knew. Did not know it was Walt, though.
Yep, there are 1,000 following in her footsteps now.
I doubt they'd listen to lil 'ol me.
You never know. A good idea is a good idea.

This is not entirely accurate. They did REPLACE a lot of good stuff sadly.
I was more referring to the new land. But... yeah, that too.
Well, a bit of a spoiler, but I got myself onto a sidewalk because I wanted to go INTO the Tea Shop. I got around the corner (with NO curb cut) and they LOCKED THE DOOR so I couldn't get in OR turn around!!! I was SOOOOO embarrassed and had to make a 30,000 k-turn to get back to where I could get back off that sidewalk.

I can see where that would be a problem. It's kind of sad. Fran and I pretty much know where all the "ups and downs" (as we call them) are in Disney parks. It's rare that we get caught in that situation anymore.

Lemme see if I can find a photo:


I think it was like this one...? Mostly.

Ah yes, that is a large and cumbersome model. I like our little scooters that make tight turns and can zip, zip, zip around.

Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t help myself. I get on a ride in Fantasyland and feel an unstoppable compulsion to sing my little ol’ heart out. Sorry if you were someone stuck on my boat or Clamobile (that IS a word- look it up!) but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.

Nope just you. I find that I don't even sing when I'm alone in the car, which I used to do as recent as 15-20 years ago.

Besides that, I was all flustered with navigating that _itch of a queue on Roll-E. No, seriously, I about got seasick just getting TO the Under-the-Sea part. It takes some skill to not crash at any of the 40 million tight turns in there.

I don't think I've ever been on MK's version of that ride. I have no recollection of the queue.

No visit to MK for a first-timer should go without a trip on the Happiest Cruise that Ever Sailed.

Again, I'm not I've been on MK's version of this.

Meanwhile, thanks for letting me de-stress a little by sharing wonderful Disney memories. I’ve only come very close to crying a small handful of times each of the 7 shifts I’ve worked so far.

I'm pretty far behind, but sorry to hear that it has been so difficult for you. I hope things have gotten better since you posted this.

we struck out for the stalwart decks of the Liberty

It looks like I need to try this at MK. Very different from what's at DL!

We both thought the Pao de Queijo sounded pretty good.

Is that the gluten free Brazilian cheese bread?

Falls Family Falafel- A secret recipe of chickpeas, garlic, onions, lemon juice and herbs with white bean dip and tomato-cucumber salad $10.00

I don't like chickpeas at all, so Falafel have never been anything I've wanted to try.

Sustainable Fish "Not Piranha," served on Cassava fritter with wilted greens and a guava-habanero sauce $31.00

This sounds kinda good, but the word habanero scares me.

We left almost overly stuffed. So much so that dinner wasn’t necessary.

That normally happens to me when we have an afternoon meal at Disney. Maybe a little snack at dinner time so I don't go to bed hungry.

MILF wasn’t open

I'm not even sure what acronym this is but I couldn't help but laugh at how naughty it sounded! :laughing:

COP was as amusing as always. And it sure felt good to sit in a real chair in some real AC for 20 minutes. Yes, I sang. Don’t judge.

:laughing: I'm too self conscious to sing, but I do enjoy me some CoP!

We made it to the bus stop long before it was dark. In fact, we made it just in time to see a pretty cool sundog, my photos of which absolutely do not do it justice.

I just figured out what a sundog was on Pkondz's latest update.

In the end, I just let the drivers do it most of the time. It worked out best for everyone.

I get this if you're not confident with your skills of loading on the bus, however I wish they would ask if you want their help. I find it rather demeaning when they just take control of the scooter and start maneuvering you around. :headache:

What I didn’t do was plug Roll-E in, but that’s another adventure for another day!

I've made that mistake many times.
I wasn’t too worried about being delayed because Roll-E was now in the “Yellow Zone” and rather than be dead on the tracks, I opted to make haste to find an outlet.

Believe it or not there was a time where we knew where outlets were in WDW and DL. Now we have better batteries, but back when they used to run out quickly, we were keen on where to find most outlets.

Happy as a clam with my phone (did I mention that Roll-E had a built in USB port?)

I don't remember what was the occasion....perhaps the time when Fran's scooter completely died on one of our trips, but we rented a scooter and it had a USB port too! That was a nice touch!

I really dig this Victory Garden display. This whole area has some downright fabulous nuggets of tribute to the heroes of WWII in fact.

I don't even know where that is! How cool!

While neither of us are big Star Wars fans, I will admit that the area is amazingly well done.

It is amazingly done, and I'm a huge Star Wars fan.

We were limited to shows, and it was pretty warm out, so this was a nice place to plop. Still wish the other historian was still acting here. Nevertheless it's a cute show. I don't think Marcia appreciated the inane humor like I do, but I think she rather enjoyed sitting for a while in the AC.

I would have really liked to see that show. I don't remember why we didn't

Our new resort, that is!! This was the day we moved from the intolerable noise and sleepless nights of the Nemo room to the far-more-peaceful and beautiful room at the Coronado.

Yay for an upgrade of a room!
A long-standing favorite of mine has been the Hollywood Brown Derby

We haven't been there in a while, and maybe I want to fix that.

there's rarely a trip that I don't make a reservation.

As I said, it's been nearly 8 years since I think I've been there.

The table was nothing short of amazing along the wall in a cozy booth. I imagined booths like this were once used as discreet dens of gossip sharing or for concocting shady business deals and ways to outsmart the IRS

It looks like an amazing restaurant that needs a revisit.

The rolls here are nothing short of amazing- perfectly crunchy and golden on the outside, soft and fluffy on the inside (much like your authoress).

I need me some tasty rolls like that!

I’d also forgotten that later that evening, Caroline ( @disneyAndi14 ) met us by the Coronado Pool and enjoyed an exquisite charcuterie with us.



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