Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Good Thursday morning 🐥

It was wonderful getting to see Barbara yesterday! It was too freezing for us to chat long but it meant so much to just get talk for a few minutes in person, a blessing indeed. I'll get to see Terri later today, as well.

Thank you all for the chair and robe good wishes! I think the chair should be fine. i agree Pea, that over time it should soften a bit. The robe, I contacted the seller Just Love last night to ask whether they had a similar robe without the strange weight of this one. It's the oddest thing and I am not sure how to describe it. The robe itself is not heavy. However immediately after putting it on, i feel a huge weight pulling down my shoulders :( Picking up the robe, it has a weighted bean bag (lol I know that is an odd description but it's the best I have) feel. With my TMJ, that's just not good. I haven't yet found a phone number to call them so hope they reply via Amazon!

Good to see a post from you, Kirby! Thank you for having Lou Lou help you shop and having her push her own cart, too. Kids do enjoy doing that. I remember at a children’s museum I volunteered for, we had a pretend grocery area that was a big hit. Years later, I tried to create a smaller version at a preschool I taught at. Hugs and how wonderful to reconnect with an old friend! I hope you have a great visit catching up with her. Oh no! I just read your later post. Hug and prayer for Lil Joe to feel better very soon!

Congratulations to you and your DH, Dazed! I do love reading shares of long and happy marriages. God Bless you both and may you enjoy many more years of joy together in good health and, of course, one extra blessed day post Covid!

Hug, Pea, wishing you a good morning, too! Enjoy your visit with your brother! That’s great you’ll finally get to see each other, cherish the time! :)

Waving hi to you, too, B and B!

Footballmouse, prayers the roofer comes (and has come by now)! Early today before the rain! Hug and I hope work goes smoothly for you, too, my friend.

Aw, cute morning picture, dear Lynn! It really does warm my heart and make me extra grateful to God, of course, too, that you are healthy and back with us, whenever I see your morning welcome picture. Please send some 70 degree weather my way! Enjoy it.

🌷to all. Will check back later.
Since Lil Joe is home today and I can't go anywhere (he is acting fine but just in case), I decided to make some Sugar/Spice Pecans. While I'm working on them my mind was wandering and so I have a question. What do you store your leftover soup in if you want to freeze it for another meal sometime? I've never done this, always eaten it later in the week as leftovers for lunch. I'm getting tired of leftovers and don't want to just throw it away.

I put it in a ziplock bag, and I either lay it flat in the freezer on a pan so it freezes solid and is easy to stack; or I freeze it in a pan shape (short and round) so it's easy to put into the pan to reheat. The ziplock makes it less likely to get freezer burn. (if you fill it right), unlike a freezer bowl where there is usually an air gap that can get it; plus you can cut the ziplock apart to get the frozen block out if you forget to thaw it.
Good afternoon.

Started the morning going to the viewing for a neighbor. Ken, with his wife, were original owners in the neighborhood with us. We have known them for 33 years. We took another neighbor with us so she didn't have to go alone. Ken will be missed.

Then out for some errands and, now that lunch is done, it is so nice out we are going to go on a hike.

We've been married 37 years.
Congratulaions! 1984 was a good year to get married.

I kind of expected that the person who won was going to, unfortunately it wasn't the person that I wanted to win.
I thought that maybe that the one with no votes would have gotten at least one vote
I was surprised by that too. I like the winner but was surprised that all but one vote went that way and surprised at who got the only other vote.

Had to google and learned something new today.

I'm usually the one who gets sick after the kids.
Me too. I keep the kids when they are sick, then I get it next.

What do you store your leftover soup in if you want to freeze it for another meal sometime?
I have containers that look like these that I use and reuse for soup, chili, and spaghetti sauce that I freeze.
@dazedx3 Happy Anniversary.

@flyingdumbo127 It is nice to talk with friends. Glad you could see her and hope you can talk with many others too.

Warm day here today 57 degrees. It is supposed to get colder with snow showers this weekend. I have a hair appt on Saturday so I don't want snow. My hairdresser is near my house so I have a bit of a drive.

I make stuffed peppers stuffed with mashed sweet potato, pinto beans, chopped onion (just a little for flavor) and a bit of shredded cheese. I like the red peppers.

We are going to younger DS's house for Christmas brunch. He also invited me to go to his inlaws with them after brunch. I know the in laws as his MIL and I chaperoned field trips when the kids were in elementary school. Other years Chris and I were invited to the inlaws and decided not go. Chris felt like he was imposing. I decided why not go this year. So, I am going to younger DS's for brunch, then to his in laws, then I am spending the night at DS's house so I don't have to drive back to older DS's house in the dark. He is DDIL are very kind to invite me with them. The upside is I get to spend alot more time with the 3 grandkids I don't see too often. If I find the gathering to be a bit too much I can always go take a walk. DS's MIL and FIL have a very walkable neighborhood. They live in the same town as where my house is so I am a bit familiar with their area. Same thing goes for being at DS's house. If I need to I will go take a walk around his neighborhood. Walking is a good thing.

My lovely half sister sent me a beautiful cross and poem for Christmas. The poem is about how Chris is always with me and watching over me. I cried of course but such a wonderful gift. She is so kind. We are going to chat tomorrow. A woman I work with is calling me today to chat. She is retiring at the end of the month and when I congratulated her she asked if we could chat. She just found out last month about Chris. She lost her husband back in 2009. We have chatted at work over the years whenever she came into the office. I am looking forward to talking with her and finding out how she managed to get through the tough times. I know everyone is different but sometimes there is insightfulness that may help. Plus we can brag about our kids. She sold her house and bought a condo so I am going to ask her about that too.

I did pop into the virtual Christmas party at work last night just for a bit. It was nice to see everyone. We played a trivia game and I came in second. I guess the brain is still working or I am a lucky guesser. Other people had to leave too so it wasn't a problem.

Have a nice Thursday.
This is the strangest weather. Its sunny and 75 degrees, half way through December? lol!

Potato salad is made, laundry is done..just finished watching General Hospital and am going to do beauty treatment before dinner. I also went outside and picked up downed branches that I have been throwing on one side of the house all summer and threw them in the burn pile.

I can't figure the neighbor next door out. He hand dug a garden plot in the summer, then never planted anything and let it grow back over. Now he just used a rototiller and made an even bigger garden spot. Who does that in the wintertime? LOL

Have a nice rest of the afternoon and evening all
For some strange reason, I can no longer quote on my phone. :confused3


Those stuffed peppers sound delicious! I usually make mine with ground turkey, mushrooms, rice, and cheese, but I'm always eager to try new versions.

It's unusually warm here too. Not sunny, unfortunately, but it definitely doesn't feel like nine days before Christmas!
I put it in a ziplock bag, and I either lay it flat in the freezer on a pan so it freezes solid and is easy to stack; or I freeze it in a pan shape (short and round) so it's easy to put into the pan to reheat. The ziplock makes it less likely to get freezer burn. (if you fill it right), unlike a freezer bowl where there is usually an air gap that can get it; plus you can cut the ziplock apart to get the frozen block out if you forget to thaw it.
I have containers that look like these that I use and reuse for soup, chili, and spaghetti sauce that I freeze.
I second the ziplock bag method. I rarely make soup, but that how I freeze sauce.
Thank you for your input! It helps a lot!
I had to look up goetta, too. Sounds and looks delish!

We use a Rubbermaid bowl to freeze soup in. We take it out and just pop it in the microwave.

Snowysmom, what a nice post today!

Had a nice visit with my brother, we went out to lunch. He makes me laugh. Then this evening, had a surprise visit from an old friend who was in town, which was really amazing. Like feast or famine around here! :laughing:

PollyannaMom, I can’t quote, either, the page gets jumpy. There must be a glitch in the system.

We made a chili with cornbread tonight. I couldn’t find the recipe but remembered in my head, we’ve made it so many times. It was good but a little weak. I think I might’ve miscalculated on some of the spices. Still good, just not as much heat as we normally like.

Going into a work stretch, will follow along but may not be able to post much. 🐥 Wish me luck. 🤕
Aw what a nice post, Pea!

Thank you all for the afternoon updates :)

I think verdict is the chair is a keeper (will decide for sure over the weekend) the robe sadly is going :( Its weight is SO weird and causes me TMJ trouble. I've seen any garment that has that beanbag but very heavy weight feel to it--does that makes any sese, btw? Is it because it's velour whatever that means? I may have to go with a long sweatshirt or night gown both pull over but would (I hope) work better. If any of you see anything on Amazon with the same round neckline (zero collar) as the red one I posted (that's going back) please, please let me know. It can be a long sleeve sweatshirt, robe, nigh shirt, lol don't care! Need something.

Love to all and sweet dreams, too!
DS had tickets to go see the new Spiderman movie yesterday afternoon. His buddy was supposed to come and pick him up and go with him (DS paid for the tickets, buddy was covering gas). His buddy never responded to any texts or phone calls, so I paid for an Uber and he and I went; and DH picked us up after he got off work. I feel so bad for DS; this kid is his only friend (not joking; he has pushed away everyone else during his rages before the meds). They've been buddies since they started Tigers together, like 11 years ago; and this kid flakes on DS a lot. (kid has his own issues, and is on meds too). DS had a panic attack at the end of the movie, because the end of the movie hit him hard. (won't say why, so I don't spoil it). We ended up with CFA for dinner because it was late when we got home.

Great movie, though. DS says best Spidey movie ever; and he's the kid who wanted Spidey or Venom costumes every Halloween and wore them year round. (photos are DS when he was... 3 or 4. )


Today, we'll have the tamales I didn't make yesterday, and then tomorrow is Santa Fe rolled chicken (whatever that is; I picked it up at the fresh market). Have some running around to do this afternoon; and the plumbers are coming (finally) to see about the leaks in the wall in the living room and the laundry room.
@flyingdumbo127 Sorry about the bath robe. I searched for lightweight bathrobes on Amazon and got alot of possibilities. I am not sure what style you are looking for. For example there is this one:

Kohls also has some and there is mostly like a 20 or 30% off coupon out there at retailmenot.com. I have a nice lightweight one from Kohls. I hope you can find what you want.

I work today then I will probably go somewhere to look around. My sister is calling today so I am looking forward to talking with her. I am going to the house early tomorrow morning as I have a haircut appt. I want to get back to my DS's house before the snow comes in. Not alot of snow expected but I am hoping for less than 2 inches in my area. The plow guy plows snow over 2 inches and I really don't want to have to pay for it his early in the season. Plus he can only plow half of my driveway as the dumpster is taking up the other half.

Have a good day.
Good morning DIS! Still going to be mid 50's today,,its still 48 outside now, which is not normal for this time of year. At least there is no snow in sight. I am starting to dislike snow the older I get, and now that I can't even shovel it anymore, I just don't want to see it.

Going to make dark chocolate cherry biscotti today. Since they are already 'dry' cookies, and you store them airtight, they should last awhile. Does anyone happen to know if you can freeze them? If so, would they be better in ziplocs, or a plastic container made for freezing them in? TIA

Did laundry yesterday, dusted and vacuumed the dining room and living room, so today both bathrooms need to be cleaned. That should be the extent of my chores

Mona, I don't think of velour as being a heavy material..so it has to be the 'beanbag' part of it that is making you so uncomfortable. Hope you find one you like that is light enough

@Snowysmom--have a nice chat with your sister..and get a haircut that makes you feel better!

OIP (3).jpg
Happy Friday :banana:

The stuffed pepper casserole turned out really good. I put a Pillsbury French loaf in the oven to also have with it. The recipe is below.

Fell asleep around 7:30 so of course I was wide awake at 11:00. I really need to figure out how to put my CPAP machine back together. I took it apart to clean it a while ago and now I can't figure out how to attach one of the hoses :confused3.

Due to a meeting late in the afternoon this week and the little Xmas party yesterday, I'm over my 40 hrs. by 90 minutes. I'm going to clock out early today and hopefully I can take a nap before I work at my other job tonight.

I have a taste test that I'm doing later this morning. I'll be tasting cinnamon rolls and I get paid $12. It's easy money so always try to get picked for them. I've stopped doing the product testings for P&G since I'm not working from home every day. That was a real bummer because they pay really good to test their products. I'll still fill out the questionaires, maybe some of the studys will have late pickup times.

That's it for me, I noticed I have some work emails popping up so I guess I should get to those. Plus I need to get my sheets and blanket in the wash. Have a great day everyone! :wave:


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Happy Friday :banana:

The stuffed pepper casserole turned out really good. I put a Pillsbury French loaf in the oven to also have with it. The recipe is below.

Fell asleep around 7:30 so of course I was wide awake at 11:00. I really need to figure out how to put my CPAP machine back together. I took it apart to clean it a while ago and now I can't figure out how to attach one of the hoses :confused3.

Due to a meeting late in the afternoon this week and the little Xmas party yesterday, I'm over my 40 hrs. by 90 minutes. I'm going to clock out early today and hopefully I can take a nap before I work at my other job tonight.

I have a taste test that I'm doing later this morning. I'll be tasting cinnamon rolls and I get paid $12. It's easy money so always try to get picked for them. I've stopped doing the product testings for P&G since I'm not working from home every day. That was a real bummer because they pay really good to test their products. I'll still fill out the questionaires, maybe some of the studys will have late pickup times.

That's it for me, I noticed I have some work emails popping up so I guess I should get to those. Plus I need to get my sheets and blanket in the wash. Have a great day everyone! :wave:

Recipe filed for future use!

CPap machine - have you checked you tube for videos? Maybe there is one there for your machine that will help with reassembling it?

I used You tube to clean my fridge shelves - would have broken something but for youtube.
Flyingdumbo I see kohls is offering 40% off until the 19th, with of course some exclusions. Maybe a robe from there would work. How is your heater search going?
Hugs and prayers to all Quackers as we get close to Christmas. I am so far behind, but I’ll get there. My kids go Monday and Tuesday next week, can hardly wait for break to start. We all need a refresh.


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