The ABCs of Greece & Italy! X, Y, and Z, and that Friends is THE END!!! :) See you in Asia and Australia, Join Me THERE!!

Interesting to see your Santorini report. It is way different than my memories from spring 1990 (imagine that, lol). My biggest memory is that everyone in our watercolor class was renting little motor scooters, and when it was my turn to do a practice run around the parking lot, I wiped out and scraped my leg pretty badly. I then opted *not* to rent the scooter, and lazed around while everyone else went touring! So, yeah, I never actually saw the famous caldera (I had forgotten that was the reason it was famous, if I ever really knew.) I suspect I was grateful to have a day to myself at that point.
I'm glad you're enjoying it!! I think lots has changed and yet, some things are timeless.

OUCH!!! Such a shame to have missed out on the touring! But, if you gotta sit around and lounge there are worse places you could do that in.

We thought about renting scooters for the Amalfi Coast day, and I'm so glad we didn't!! YIKES!!!!
OK, Here I am back again trying to get all caught up.
Yay!! Alison is back!! (While I'm barely here.)
It's good that they aren't allowing cruise ships to dock there for the sake of Venice, but bad for you and your situation.
Yes!! Had we known, we would NEVER booked travel into and out of Venice!!! The way to do it is Bologna FOR SURE!!!! Live and learn!
I think I might have spent a night there35 years ago on the way from Venice to Rome.
It's a bit out of the way on the EAST coast, but it's certainly possible?
Yup. Make sure you carry coins....I wonder if they will get credit card enabled ones...
I doubt it. They'd probably charge more in fees than the 1 Euro for the toilet use.
It sounded pretty exhausting!
I've not had many trips as stressful as that in my lifetime.
I've booked mine 5 times, It was supposed to be April of 2020, then March, 2021, Then March 2022, And April of 2023, finally it will be Feb of 2023. I'm even working on the opening of the TR already!
I feel your pain. It was so devastating to have my heart broken over and over. And lose the money I did. But once I knew it would for sure happen (like after my negative test) I was giddy!!!
I can't even imagine doing the bunks. Fran and I spend a bit of time in the cabins so we like our large bed that is on the ground.
Having a Quad certainly pared down the overall costs per person, but it was majorly cramped for sure!!
Seriously? And only $2100 for the Cruise? I think ours was that per person.....
Interesting menu, there's a little of everything on there.
It was really a fantastic meal!!!
Well, you could have eaten there every night and had something a little different each time. That's why I'm glad we cruise with Disney, because I know their menus pretty well, and know almost what to order at every restaurant. Some people may think that's dull, but I find it comforting to know which things to look forward to at which restaurant.
Someday I'd like to cruise Disney and see what it's like. I know the food is probably WAY better than what we had. But, the drawback for me is that I honesty would have a hard time justifying the exorbitant costs since I am NOT on the ship a lot at all. I pretty much, at least on the 3 cruises I've been on, have been to simply get me from Point A to Point B to Point C, etc... The ship amenities aren't hugely important but then again..... I guess it'd depend on the destinations and itinerary too.

Dull? No. I think it's fun to anticipate as well; I know I certainly do when I plan a trip to Disney. :)
OK, that sounds like a nice adventrue
We had so many incredible adventures!!
I read all of his golf posts, they just sound like Charlie Brown's teacher to me.
Me too. I mean.... what I did read of them.
I think that would have been my favorite part also. The ruins are kinda neat, but I like things in neat little packages and all cleaned up with little signs to tell me what they are. :laughing:
:laughing: I get that!! The guided tours did help for sure at the arch sites, but the museum pieces were just so stunning. The artistry was mind-blowing!
I caught it too, but I'm just so far behind it's pathetic.
Me too!! (Do you even have a TR going right now?) I have made peace with myself and how I DIS right now... school MUST COME FIRST!
The world is a different place than 'Merica!
Every place has it's pros and cons for sure. We learned the dirty little secrets about Greece- while it's beautiful, misogyny is alive and well!
Mine is just old age. I toured Europe with a couple tee-totalers so not much drinky drinky
I've got the double-whammy of both.
Looks like you got some great shots!
I think I did!!! I'd love more time to really focus on it, but that would require an overnight trip.
I wouldn't even attempt it. Although this last trip to the hospital for Fran (different hospital) got me into some great shape. There were some pretty tough (for me) stairs that I climbed several times a day.
I hope Fran is feeling much better now. I'm afraid I haven't had much time to keep up on the diary but think about you 2 quite often!!! I have been tempted to text to see if you can spare a few moments to catch up and just chat. I'm a phone call kind of gal as you know. :)
I hope it didn't take long. It sounds like you worked up quite an appetite.
Not too terrible long, but meals are VERY drawn out in Europe. If you sit down at a table for a sit down meal you're gonna sit a long while. Typically you are there for 2 hours minimum.
I didn't realiT that your folks are in their 80s. That's a big commitment on their part for such a cruise!
They were real troopers for sure.
Those are quite cute.
Definitely eye-catching!!!
Yes we do eat a salad cause we know we need to
I hate getting old.
The tentacles are actually the tastiest!
Yes, they are. And the most tender too!
Well at least you didn't starve.
Oh no! No danger of that! There was always stuff you can make a sandwich from. But literally the pizza was inedible- all 4 of us agreed with that. Some of the soups were decent, it's hard to screw up a burger, but my folks ordered one one evening and tossed it. Sad.
I'm not sure we would want to visit that island. It sounds like a lot if work and not at all accessible. So I'm thinking pass.
No, this is NOT a good island to go to for folks with mobility issues. At all! I mean, some of the main roads maybe, but those quickly deteriorate and tbh, I'm not even sure if the cable car can accommodate a scooter or wheelchair. Maybe a transfer chair but NO way a scooter.
And I thought I was caught up and now you just posted another chapter.
Sorry, Alison!! I was between Units last night so could finally get the photos embedded into what I'd written. Writing a TR can be very time-consuming... a commodity that is in VERY short supply these days!!!
This looks like a fascinating place to visit. I never knew any of this stuff, especially the Biblical connections. I had to look up the location of Ephesus to see what part of the world you were touring. It must have been a thriving metropolis at one time.

I couldn't help thinking how clean and white everything looks, compared to our current polluted environment.
Of all the ruins we visited on our trip, aside from Pompei, these were the most fabulous!! Just incredible how well both preserved AND restored they are. Crazy!!!

Yes, I made it a point to read the Book of Ephesians before the trip and it really all came to life seeing it and from what the guide shared. Super cool!!!

Estimates of the population numbers throughout its lifespan vary wildly. Some go as high as 240,000 which most scholars say is WAY too high given the land area and excavated ruins.

Well, yes, the archeological area and countryside were clean but man the trash and filth and graffiti were off the charts in the cities. SO GROSS!!!! Athens and Naples literally had not one square inch of ungraffiti'd space and it was such a HUGE turn off. Yuck! 2 places I'll never go back to.
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Yep... my folks aren't spring chickens either and napping is high on the "to do" list.
Hey, I'm only 50+ and napping is high on MY list. Alas, it hardly ever gets to happen.
This photo makes the cat look like it's at least two-three stories tall! :laughing:
LOLOLOLOLOL!!!! Meet Gato the Gargantuan!!!
Didn't know you hit Turkey too. Nice! Some day I'd like to take a Mediterranean cruise too. We'll see if that ever happens.
I hope that it will for you someday! Retirement coming soon?
Place sounds amazing. Love all of that. Very interested. ::yes::
It's such a cool place with a rich history!!
I can't believe the prices on chariot coverage! Cobblestone robbery!
"barffet"... :lmao: Good one!
Too stunned with the beauty to take a photo or two?


Just kidding. Sometimes it's nice to just sit and take it all in.
To be honest, I learned very early on, that NO photos will turn out through a moving bus window. The glare, reflections, blur... just not worth it!
:laughing: I had the exact same thought!
Whether it's true or not is almost irrelevant. I mean... it'd be nice if there was some proof, but... finding that after 2,000+ years is gonna be tough. But it's the thought that she could have been there... I think that's cool in and of itself.
I agree 1000%
That's... kinda gross, actually.
I thought so too. I mean people go there to find meaning, to worship, to contemplate and there are people there making a profit off of spirituality. Yuck.

Brings a whole new meaning to "Holy crap!"
These are just awesome. Can't believe there's that much still standing/restored
And who knows... if the polar/Antarctic ice keeps melting, maybe it'll be on the sea again.
I doubt it. It's a LONG way inland. But it did strike me that the Earth has been changing for a good long time and to think... not a single car or coal plant around when things morphed. Huh! I had to laugh a little at one sign near here in Tucson (at the Montezuma Well) explaining why the site was abandoned. It said they "had to move on to other places as the climate had become too hot and dry". I wondered if their highways and petrol cars had something to do with that. LOL! Anyway, it did make me chuckle.
I'm both "Really!" at the comment that you were standing right where Paul stood and :laughing: at the thought of junk shops being prevalent for millennia.

I have a picture in my mind of some Neanderthal hunting a mastodon (throw back to SE at Epcot) and a scrawny dude standing nearby selling "souvenir sticks" to mark the occasion.
Okay, that's funny!!!
That's what thousands of years of technology gives you....
"Look... if we build it too good, we put ourselves out of business. But if we build them to quickly fall apart, we'll work forever!"
Hey smart!!!
Your guide has taste.
That's okay. We know you're busy. You take care of what you need to do and we'll read about your incredible adventures when you have time to share.
Once in a while I take a break and pry my book out of my hands.
Not too bad. It's warm this week here too. Temps in the 5-20 range. Very warm for this time of year. Sunday we're supposed to get up to 30! But I'll believe it when I see it.
Ohh bust out the shorts!!!
Sometimes they are really good. I only usually eat them when they're really good.
We LOVE Calamari!
I do if it has the right kind of dipping sauce!!
Ugh. I never trust taxi drivers like that, but I will give them the chance to see if they're lying or not. We did have a guy in Mexico who came back for us.
Always good to have a back up plan!
Sorry the buffet wasn't so good. It never is. Unless it's at Palo. And I hear that is now gone and it's all served now.
OH a shame. I know that you really loved that place.
Or not. I just saw that you posted another update since I quoted these messages. :sad2:
Gotta make hay while the sun shines, my friend! But probably not another one for a few weeks now. Antimicrobials are coming up and it's... a lot. :(
Stunning! Your pictures are stunning! I loved the stories as well :)
Good luck with the studying and test!
Aww, thanks, Paula!!! I had a lot of fun finding good photos to capture. It was hard with the crowds, but I think I did ok. :)

Thanks!! I"m gonna need it!!!
Good one! I didn't follow that whole gross saga very closely, but that was a good use of pun!
Oh! It's a geo-thermal lake? Nice! I'll be up soon.


Then forget it. I don't want body parts getting frostbite then falling off.
Try swimming down a bit…
This reminds me of an episode of Monk I watched a couple of weeks ago. :laughing:
Never seen that. :)
OH no, the Greeks were very an inventive and advanced civilization! Just ropes and pulleys ya know. ;)
I never thought of it that way. Efficient we were!
Talk like Yoda you do.
Just sunning themselves! (Reminds me of the lions and zebra on Jungle Cruise. ;)
Yes!! :laughing:
Maybe someday you can make it there!
I hope… But don’t have much of it.
Hey coming from the King of Puns, I'll take that as a complement.
Nope, that wasn't the one. I tried that one.
No idea, then.
I think if we'd started at the time we could have, yes. The taxis were just too unpredictable for my comfort level. Another time. :)
Then you chose wisely
Hey, I'm only 50+ and napping is high on MY list.
Alas, it hardly ever gets to happen.
Ah yes. You is a busy lady.
LOLOLOLOLOL!!!! Meet Gato the Gargantuan!!!
I hope that it will for you someday! Retirement coming soon?
Alas, no.
To be honest, I learned very early on, that NO photos will turn out through a moving bus window. The glare, reflections, blur... just not worth it!
There are ways to improve the odds, but... yeah, I hear ya.
I thought so too. I mean people go there to find meaning, to worship, to contemplate and there are people there making a profit off of spirituality. Yuck.
But it did strike me that the Earth has been changing for a good long time
Not that long. Just Four and a half billion years or so.
I had to laugh a little at one sign near here in Tucson (at the Montezuma Well) explaining why the site was abandoned. It said they "had to move on to other places as the climate had become too hot and dry". I wondered if their highways and petrol cars had something to do with that.
Ohh bust out the shorts!!!
Actually... did see one guy in shorts out the other day. Yesterday or the day before, I think.
Today Mikki and I would find ourselves without the parentals as the poop-outedness had reached maximal levels. They were content to nap, eat, find quiet places to read and otherwise enjoy the ship.
See this is why I prefer cruises that don't go to destinations where there's lots I want to see, or cruises with many many sea days. I love being able to just chill out on the ship. Eat, drink, some more....
Besides, there are so many new friends waiting for us!"
I agree with pkondz they do look like gargantuan gatos!
Specifically, the tour’s name and theme was: Biblical Ephesus.
I have a feeling much of this tour would have gone over my head as I was raised basically atheist.
We ate a hasty breakfast in the barffet (honestly, the Golden Corral might have better food); by now I’d settled on a bowl of cream of wheat with a few berries and coffee for my morning meal every single day.
This is just so sad. Even the daily buffet on the Disney ships has fantastic choices. The fruit is super fresh, the pastries are good. Some mornings I would go up and get us a giant plate of fruit as an appetizer before going to the sit down restaurant for breakfast.
To get your tour group number you had to meet in the large theater, get your assigned number, then wait until it was called.
This is how it works on Disney too. But rarely did you wait that long. They also staggered the arrival times.
Okay, I just made myself snort laugh when I read my hashtag again, when proof-reading. #spacesmatter
So are the arches made out of butt hoses? And what exactly is a butt hose?
Please. Feel free to add your own sarcastic meme-worthy quips to the Souvenir Shops- You Can't Escape Them List:
Well I can tell you there are no souvenir shops at the vet, they just separate you from your money without cheap trinkets.
It’s crazy to me that a huge city once right ON the sea is now 2 miles inland. That, my friends, is the power of mud and a river.
Or tectonics.
Why does a floor or road built 10,000 years ago still look like this, but the one built 2 months ago by my city looks like this:
Because they don't build them like they used to.
But what was actually fascinating to me was that after Bryan Adams they had to ban the use of amplifiers because they found that the vibrations of the sound equipment were damaging the ruins. So, now anyone that performs there has to do so without high tech amplifiers.
I'm surprised that they didn't know this already.
Meanwhile, of the 9 Units in my Pharmacology Class, I'm done with 8 of them. The biggest and scariest, Antibiotics and other Anti-Microbials along with a few miscellaneous topics, is left and will take me at least 2-2 1/2 weeks to get through. Then I need to do a focused review of it all for a couple of weeks. Then I can take my Practice Test and see where I'm at. Tick, tock, tick, tock....
Hang in there! You're doing great!
It's a bit out of the way on the EAST coast, but it's certainly possible?
I think it was something like the hostels in Venice were full and we couldn't find an affordable hotel. That place was just far enough away that we could get there before the hostel closed for the night and they had room. And maybe there was a train leaving for there at the right time. But the name sounds awfully familiar.
Someday I'd like to cruise Disney and see what it's like. I know the food is probably WAY better than what we had. But, the drawback for me is that I honesty would have a hard time justifying the exorbitant costs since I am NOT on the ship a lot at all.
See I like cruising Disney because I like being on the ship. There are so many tasty options, even the QS places have good food, but my favorite is to go to the dining room that serves sit down lunches and breakfast. Basically I love not having anything to do because at home I'm doing everything everywhere all. the. time.
Me too!! (Do you even have a TR going right now?)
I haven't updated it since August when the "you know what" hit the fan with vacancies and Fran's surgeries. I thought I was going to do an update on my days at the park for OBB with M&M, but I just wasn't feeling it.
I hope Fran is feeling much better now.
Nope, a whole host of complications, that I probably couldn't even remember all the details even if I did talk with you on the phone, have happened since the beginning of November.
Not too terrible long, but meals are VERY drawn out in Europe. If you sit down at a table for a sit down meal you're gonna sit a long while. Typically you are there for 2 hours minimum.
That's probably why I enjoyed Europe so much. I get peeved when a restaurant puts a 90 minute limit on seating. Even though it's usually enough time, I feel the pressure to rush and I hate that.
OH a shame. I know that you really loved that place.
They still serve most of the same stuff, it's just you order it instead of pick it off the buffet. I guess I'll find out in about six weeks.
“Why travel all this way and not see what there is to see?! Besides, there are so many new friends waiting for us!"

That would be my thoughts too.

(Okay, I just made myself snort laugh when I read my hashtag again, when proof-reading. #spacesmatter)

I read it that way too. :lmao:

Here are my thoughts: Whether it is true or not, the site holds some very poignant reminders of how horribly persecuted the early Christians were.

I agree with this.

He told us to “go in peace” and boy do we all sure need a lot of that lately!

I love the way Mass ends.

***** Feel free to skip the next 4 paragraphs copied from Wiki if you just ain't into history all much.

I LOVE the History!

(My photos of the remains of the Library):

Astounding! I can't get over the detail and how beautiful. Your photos really do the site justice.

It’s crazy to me that a huge city once right ON the sea is now 2 miles inland. That, my friends, is the power of mud and a river.

The opposite of what we have here in Louisiana, where the coast is eroding.

Which begs the question: Why does a floor or road built 10,000 years ago still look like this, but the one built 2 months ago by my city looks like this:

I've watched and read all the "The Last Kingdom" books. Utread is always asking why what the Romans built still stands and why what they have built doesn't.

(The Wheel described in the blog below)

Very interesting.

I won’t give commentary to each photo I took, and just let the detail and history speak to you through them. Our guide was very knowledgeable and told us quite a lot of history and folklore about the ruins as well as the current restoration efforts of this magnificent place.
Just Gorgeous!
Your pictures make me want to go on this type of cruise. My grandson graduates from High School next year and we are talking about a cruise for his high school trip. I am trying to do something with each of the grandkids. The boys I am leaning toward cruises just because they can eat all day. My 7-year-old grandson eats as much as his father and is super skinny. I wish I had their metabolism. The 2 girls are getting Disney in June. I still want to take the oldest on something that lets her see a bit of the world and I think she would love this one. We will have to wait til she graduates from college in a couple of years. School has to come first.

Looking forward to seeing more as you have the time.
Oh no Andy! I hope you get some answers. That's very difficult to be pulled in different directions.
Thanks. Hopefully getting there...
Why travel all this way and not see what there is to see?!
Exactly! I kind of feel that way about traveling anywhere. Drives my wife nuts, but I'm like I can sleep at home. Then again, she gets frustrated because at home, I swing the other way and I'm a total homebody.
Specifically, the tour’s name and theme was: Biblical Ephesus.
Sounds interesting!
Oh man... the number of humorous words that can be found in a hashtag... :rotfl2: :lmao:
(Okay, I just made myself snort laugh when I read my hashtag again, when proof-reading. #spacesmatter)
Clearly we both have similar senses of humor.
If Jesus were here, would there be tables of plastic icons overturned today?
I'd like to think so. Maybe he'd just blow it all up.
Yeah... something like that!
Which begs the question: Why does a floor or road built 10,000 years ago still look like this, but the one built 2 months ago by my city looks like this:
I'm going to say that the 10,000 year old road and those beautiful tile floors weren't built by the lowest bidder... :rolleyes1
Meanwhile, it's supposed to be about 72-75 all week here in my Winter Home of Tucson, and I can't think of a lovelier place to spread out my notes, books, and pens (I'm a super huge pen freak) and focus.
Sounds very nice! I hope you're enjoying your winter home and getting some good studying done!
Holy crap... (Not the cheap souvenir kind)
Today Mikki and I would find ourselves without the parentals as the poop-outedness had reached maximal levels. They were content to nap, eat, find quiet places to read and otherwise enjoy the ship. We, on the other hand, found ourselves asking, “Why travel all this way and not see what there is to see?! Besides, there are so many new friends waiting for us!"
I definitely would agree with the "we came all this way, let's see what's here!" philosophy.

Specifically, the tour’s name and theme was: Biblical Ephesus. Historically, Ephesus was home to a great many Biblical events and sites of the Early Christian Church as well as some incredible ancient ruins and Holy sites important to Islam, Judaism, and Pagan worshippers. It was definitely a melting pot of cultures, and we were definitely excited to see it in person!
Awesome! I would be very excited to tour here.

First, a word from our sponsors... take a moment to read all of the wonderful benefits you can enjoy with your car's extended warranty!! Agents are standing by to tell you more!

What struck me more than anything was the intricate stonework/masonry used!!! It's either a holy smokes mess, or intentionally haphazard, making it even more impressive. #butthosearches

(Okay, I just made myself snort laugh when I read my hashtag again, when proof-reading. #spacesmatter)
:rotfl2::rotfl2: Even funnier with the sharp contrast in subject matter.

Here are my thoughts: Whether it is true or not, the site holds some very poignant reminders of how horribly persecuted the early Christians were. They literally had to hide and live in caves or houses like this one high up in the hills to avoid being martyred. This was a somber reminder that some things must come at a great cost. I was inspired by those who endured this who were willing to sacrifice so wholly for something they believed in.
Absolutely inspiring. It's also wonderful perspective for us. We like to claim persecution now, but in reality we have it so good.

True of any tourist attraction, anywhere in the world, even Mary, the Mother of God’s house, had a souvenir shop between the chapel and the exit. There HAS got to be some irony in that.
:sad2: I shouldn't be surprised, but...

Things Disney World and Holy Places have in common: Souvenir shops.
I almost went down a tangent with more similarities but then thought about DISboard rules and thought it might get me banned.

Stunning! What an amazing ruin. Nice photos, too.

Ephesus was recipient city of one of the Pauline epistles; one of the seven churches of Asia addressed in the Book of Revelation; the Gospel of John may have been written there; and it was the site of several 5th-century Christian Councils (see Council of Ephesus).
Hugely important in Biblical history. A lot of my favorite verses come from Ephesians as well.

Ahhh....I mean, it did make the chapter better. No offense, it just works every time.

Just as a point of fact, we did not go the site of the Temple of Artemis this day. But we did see that stadium, what’s left of the magnificent Library of Celsus, and the large public marketplace that Paul preached in and worked at doing his tentmaking business for 2 years.
I always forget that he had to work and make money too.

(It was probably on this road just to the right of this photo that Paul was arrested for cutting into the business of the Temple of Artemis. Souvenir shops were even big business back then!!!)
Even thousands of years ago people got arrested on trumped-up charges.

Which begs the question: Why does a floor or road built 10,000 years ago still look like this, but the one built 2 months ago by my city looks like this:

Well, one was built with care by a trained artist who spared no expense. The other was built by the lowest bidder after the general public screamed for tax cuts and less revenue for the DOT. They also wanted this @#$% paving project completed as fast as possible because it was making their commute last 3 minutes longer. :rolleyes1

Sorry, the scars run deep.:laughing:

But what was actually fascinating to me was that after Bryan Adams they had to ban the use of amplifiers because they found that the vibrations of the sound equipment were damaging the ruins.
:scared: I'll never listen to Summer of 1969 the same way again.
I know! I KNOW!! I'm just completely MIA these days. I'm so sorry, but this class is all-consuming on every level. I study from about 9 AM until anywhere from 6-9PM... depending on when I just can't anymore. But good news! I'm on my last intensive review of all the material (90 chapters of medications, side effects, how they work, drug-to-drug interactions, contraindications, prescribing guidelines, etc...) after having gone over all of the material at least once and hope, HOPE to take the Pre-Test on Sunday. That will give me a good idea of where I really am. The instructors give out a bit more supplemental study material and a personalized study/review plan according to how you do, so I'm anxious to take it and see.

Honest thoughts? I'm exhausted. I haven't taken a day off since January 3rd. I have gotten to visit the Desert Museum (my 2nd favorite place after WDW maybe (I was pretty stoked to have scored a Student-priced AP this time around!). I love to go there and take walks and just de-compress.

Anyway, I'm woefully behind here and long to read your reports too. I miss you all!

Wish me luck for Sunday; it's a lot of material.
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I know! I KNOW!! I'm just completely MIA these days. I'm so sorry, but this class is all-consuming on every level. I study from about 9 AM until anywhere from 6-9PM... depending on when I just can't anymore.
Long days! No wonder you're MIA.
But good news! I'm on my last intensive review of all the material (90 chapters of medications, side effects, how they work, drug-to-drug interactions, contraindications, prescribing guidelines, etc...)
90??? Chapters???

Honest thoughts? I'm exhausted. I haven't take a day off since January 3rd.
Gee... I can't see why you'd be tired.

I have gotten to visit the Desert Museum (my 2nd favorite place after WDW maybe (I was pretty stoked to have scored a Student-priced AP this time around!). I love to go there and take walks and just de-compress.
Glad you're taking some time off!
Wish me luck for Sunday; it's a lot of material.
Good luck!


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