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Charles thanks for posting. I just wanted to say though that this happened to Sean too.
Was going to say the same thing. Sean’s account of how Charles treated him during this time also paints Charles as not just a silent victim. He knew & he knew how Pete was treating Sean at that moment and did nothing. He’s not the stand up guy here. Fat shaming is when he had courage? But knowing Pete was actively abusing Sean did not garner the same courage?
This might be the last DIS trip in a long long time. Let them enjoy the culmination of their hard work and the pinnacle of their company.
Walk and chew gum. I think that they can do what you say and at the time post:

We know that you are all hurting and trying to heal. We are too. Trust me when I say that we know these issues are serious, are at the top of our minds, and are being dealt with. As you know, we are are currently in California fulfilling an obligation we made to many people over a long period of time and while we have obligations to all of you, we have obligations to them as well. You have my word that as soon as we return from California we will be announcing changes and will have much more to say on these matters. Nothing that has transpired has slipped past us nor will it go unaddressed. Until then, please be kind to one another. Thank you.
Sincerely, John.

Instead we get a picture of a giant pretzel.
Charles' revelation is simply incredible, for him to come forward and publicly tell his story and personal history of SA is absolutely courageous. I've said before on here most people who have experienced SA do not come forward and perhaps Dustin and Charles' bravery here in public will encourage others to feel comfortable to tell their truths. That being said Charles' story is both heartbreaking and inspiring, he could have lived his life and stayed away from his past but he decided to confront it and corroborate Dustin's story, as well as help expose some truly horrible details of one man's behavior
By the way, the conversation on this topic in the Facebook group got deleted last night.
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Longtime DISer here, dating back to the OG platform. My hangouts used to mostly be the Trip Report boards, with some dabbling in Parks, Resorts, and the occasional foray into Community, and I’ve stuck mostly to the runDisney threads for a long time. I remember the Great Purge and the first(?) “other place” and the drama wrapped up in that. I’ve seen Mods come and go and was aware that things weren’t always easy around here, and had a couple instances of bizarre interactions/infractions myself, but never knew anything about the DIS ownership, connections to side businesses, finances, etc.

I’ve never listened to/watched the podcast, so never had occasion to visit the associated threads - until now. This thread only came to my attention because the possibility of the boards going away happened to be a side mention elsewhere; I’d have had no idea any of this was going on otherwise.

I’m appalled and saddened, as so many are, and I feel terribly for the victims. I very much hope that there is healing in this for you. It’s not at all on par with the details involved here, but I’m dealing with a toxic work situation myself, and while the details differ, the parallels involving a narcissistic person in charge are pretty amazing - I feel for you all, greatly.

I’m glad to now be aware of it all. And I wonder - how many others, especially long-timers, are there who have no idea? Who are going about their usual DIS thread visits and haven’t a clue? I’m glad to see this thread being allowed to unroll organically, without deletions or other interference, and hope it continues that way - open dialog feels like a novelty that’s very much needed here now.
I look back & remember thinking PW sure does brag a lot about all the cruises he’s booked & DVC points he bought. I then quickly came to his defense thinking he worked so hard he has earned it.

Boy do I feel like the village idiot now. I should have seen the writings on the wall.
Was going to say the same thing. Sean’s account of how Charles treated him during this time also paints Charles as not just a silent victim. He knew & he knew how Pete was treating Sean at that moment and did nothing. He’s not the stand up guy here. Fat shaming is when he had courage? But knowing Pete was actively abusing Sean did not garner the same courage
They all got abused by PW and am sure were afraid of speaking up
I've also never seen or heard anyone write/say that Sponsorship was a way of making amends to a third party. Ever. Well, until today anyway.
Reasonably certain 8 and 9 read:

8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.

9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

Definitely not seeing it either.
I assume you mean that the way to stop that behavior in its tracks is for the perpetrator to immediately stop. Because it was not DW or anyone else's responsibility to stop that behavior. I think I'm particularly geared up about this because it is very similar to an experience I had (not at all related here - just that it's triggering) as a kid by a family member AND because I just watched the episode where PW disparaged someone who had been SA because she was drunk and "who knows if she consented" - but if you're drunk, you cannot consent (this video had been recently reposted on the other site). The whole spiel PW had was incredibly difficult generally - and then in light of all of this, it's physically revolting (and I don't want people to take away the concept, this poster included, that the responsibility to end abuse resides with the person affected).
No. I'm speaking to the specific instance DW described. If you're an adult and you're uncomfortable with the way someone is "approaching" you, there are ways to put a stop to it. From what I read -he wasn't able to do that. As I mentioned at some point -everyone is different and I can only speak for myself. I'm not assigning blame to a victim.
I could see supporting a business that makes clear choices to address this stuff, ensure it cannot happen in the future (with others by creating clear standards and practices around employment), and finds some way(s) to attempt to make amends with those harmed (even though one can't undo emotional damage).

I would hope that of some of the profit made, the business leaders involved can find a way to show that they value financial restitution and/or active support of groups that work to support survivors of SA, etc. I realize that folks like Sean have done tremendous internal work to be able to share their story, etc and that to some extent, I imagine they want to be done with this. But this company has profited off of Sean's emotional labor of keeping their story relatively quiet (as well as others).

Someone earlier mentioned statute of limitations and district attorneys and the cost of hiring someone to deal with this; I would think that a more likely next step, if anyone had the stomach for it (and it would be understandable if not), would be to consult with an attorney who might take on a civil case on the agreement that payment for services would come from a judgment (if one was found for any initiating parties).
I know I keep saying this but most people don't yet know that any of this is going on. Look at the Facebook groups and other forums on this very site. Most people are following along as if nothing has happened. The minute John comes out with a statement, that all changes and the information becomes truly public. They probably aren't ready for that to happen yet, and their lawyers have probably advised against it.
And to add to this, a large portion of the DIS audience doesn't even know the podcast exists. They don't have the slightest idea who Pete or John or Craig is. Even in the DIS Unplugged FB group, something will occasionally come up about one of the team and somebody will reply with "Who is that?" or "I didn't know they did a podcast. What's in called?" I guarantee if you go into some of the forums on this site, you will find plenty of people who have never seen a single episode of any of the shows. That's not their connection to the content.
Charles Boda here:

Pete confessed to me the truth of what he did to you after almost two years of villainizing you as the one who "broke his heart." Here is how that played out:

As most DIS fans know, I have a felony. What they don't realize is that the "domestic partner" everyone thinks I stabbed was actually an abusive roomate who drugged my drinks and sexually assaulted me. We were never in a relationship, and although I suspected he was obsessed with me, I wasn't entirely aware of the assaults until he showed me pictures of them. I vomitted. The next time he put his hands on me I defended myself. My abuser even tried to visit me in jail to get me to move back into the apartment we shared. Instead, I became homeless but my abuser continued to stalk me for months.

Cut to a few years later. I was living in Pete's spare bedroom and working for the DIS. Pete was my sponsor in an addiction recovery program. He was sitting in his office with me and explained his true behavior to you in some detail. No one else on staff knew, and they likely believed his fictional account of how you "broke his heart."

I told Pete what he did to you was essentially what my abuser did to me. Pete replied that he decided to be my sponsor (after initially thinking I was hot and then finding out I was straight) because helping me would be making amends for what he did to you. This was an emotionally damaging revelation (I was his penance for abusing someone else) and I felt like a fool for letting another abuser get close to me. I did not give him the judgement-free response he thought he was owed. After 3 days of checking my bathroom for hidden cameras (he admitted he had used them before), I moved out of the house but could not afford to quit the DIS.

I continued working and tried not to focus on what I knew about him. I didn't want to be homeless again after so much work turning my life around. I was scared and confused. Eventually, on a trip to DL, I lwt Pete know I was upset that he was involved in fat-shaming Kevin and John at a work dinner without them present. Pete does not accept any criticism from anyone, so he immediately cut me off from certain jobs responsibilities. I spoke with my girlfriend about his behavior when I got home and she helped me confrot what I'd been trying to block out the entire time. Pete is a narcissistic sexual predator who controls eveyone he knows, friends, family, employees, by getting them on his payroll somehow and using his money to exert power over them. Things that were treated normal by Pete ("take close-up pictures of that hot singer at at Tiana's Place, I'm gonna ask the Maitre D' if I can get a private meeting. They know who I am here.) that we'd just avoid and get back to our real work suddenly couldn't be avoided.

Once I faced that reality, I couldn't pretend anymore. I couldn't even look Pete in the face without revulsion. I refused to be controlled, left the DIS, and went freelance.

I internally debated coming out openly about what I had learned, but telling my story meant telling yours. I didn't think it was right to bring you into a public discussion. The internet can be very cruel and victimshaming.

Please forgive my lack of communication, but I have a lot of PTSD about what happened to me by my abuser and then Pete's confession after years of lying to me to gain my trust.

While working for the DIS I loved my job and my coworkers. Few people enabled Pete, most folks were just controlled or extorted by him. There are a lot of victims to go around.

I don't know if this reply will see the light of day. Life has been much more healthy and happy since I left the DIS. I don't want to open up Pandora's box of internet cruelty. Even if I have, I guess it's important to remember what was at the bottom of that mythical box after all the negative forces were set loose on the world: Hope.

I hope you're well. I hope you forgive my silence. I hope someone, somehow, learns from this.

TLDR: I knew, Pete confessed to me, I'm sorry
I am Sean Faulk. I made a new account because idk my old account but I made the name the same to match.

**** you Charles. If anyone wants to go to ‘that site’ and see my account of Charles Bodas treatment of me is welcome to do so because my story hasn’t changed in over a year.

Charles treated me like absolute dirt the entire time he worked there. I did NOTHING to Charles and he ridiculed me, judged me, tried to get me fired, made fun of me having to be an escort and trashed my name to anyone that would listen.

All while actively knowing what was going on, he admits it himself. He also admits that he kept quiet to better his own situation. Somehow ‘fat shaming’ is the final straw for him?

This is a man who ‘loves his co-workers’ and ‘had to check to make sure he wasn’t filmed in the bathroom’ but he had no problem throwing me to the wolves and for what gain? Money? Gifts? Housing? Jewelry?

Maybe being an escort made me deserve what Pete did in his view. Ultimately, he has sympathy for 1 person here.

Y’all wanted to trash Craig, ryno, Corey and everyone else because you THOUGHT they knew, Charles actively knew.

I’ve been posting for a year that Charles was awful and this backs it up.

Charles, if you can see this far down off that high horse you live on - you’re a cuck.
And I'm fine with that.
Same but maybe they should keep their pretzels off instagram lol
It is just a really bad look for John to not say anything and then start posting pictures of pretzels like "Yay, fun!"

Let me preface: I want them to have fun at DL. I don’t behoove them of that - even Ryno said this was going to be a welcome escape. I want that for them. But they know, they will be dealing with questions. I hope they are ready, and I feel an official statement would have at least helped them so they didn’t have to keep acknowledging it. They absolutely have been put in a crummy position, and they have my sympathy because who wants to discuss trauma at the happiest place on earth.

What I don’t understand is John put out a statement about how DU doesn’t hold the customers money, etc. He knows people are concerned and restless, as they have every right to be. For the sake of your company, say something!! Even if it is you aren’t at liberty to discuss it. Acknowledge the HUGE *** ELEPHANT! Geez.

Instead you post a picture of a pretzel? WTH. I’m baffled at whom he is taking advice from. The optics are horrendous, imo.
I am Sean Faulk. I made a new account because idk my old account but I made the name the same to match.

**** you Charles. If anyone wants to go to ‘that site’ and see my account of Charles Bodas treatment of me is welcome to do so because my story hasn’t changed in over a year.

Charles treated me like absolute dirt the entire time he worked there. I did NOTHING to Charles and he ridiculed me, judged me, tried to get me fired, made fun of me having to be an escort and trashed my name to anyone that would listen.

All while actively knowing what was going on, he admits it himself. He also admits that he kept quiet to better his own situation. Somehow ‘fat shaming’ is the final straw for him?

This is a man who ‘loves his co-workers’ and ‘had to check to make sure he wasn’t filmed in the bathroom’ but he had no problem throwing me to the wolves and for what gain? Money? Gifts? Housing? Jewelry?

Maybe being an escort made me deserve what Pete did in his view. Ultimately, he has sympathy for 1 person here.

Y’all wanted to trash Craig, ryno, Corey and everyone else because you THOUGHT they knew, Charles actively knew.

I’ve been posting for a year that Charles was awful and this backs it up.

Charles, if you can see this far down off that high horse you live on - you’re a cuck.
God, your pain is so obvious to us all. I am so very sorry for everything that you have been through.
No. I'm speaking to the specific instance DW described. If you're an adult and you're uncomfortable with the way someone is "approaching" you, there are ways to put a stop to it. From what I read -he wasn't able to do that. As I mentioned at some point -everyone is different and I can only speak for myself. I'm not assigning blame to a victim.
I'm not re-litigating someone else's story. If I recall correctly, the situation occurred when an individual was unconscious (asleep). You may think you know how you'd react in such a situation; it's been my experience (as someone with lived experience with this - and professional experience) that we almost never know how we would respond because situations rarely play out as we imagine them (and it's unlikely one knows how they'd respond to something happening to them while unconscious). I appreciate that you feel you have a viewpoint about how you would respond and I applaud you; and, respectfully, this isn't about you or me - so let's focus our attention on how employees were treated in a company we've (in some way form, even if just through these message boards) supported.
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