Something About Nothing............ #14

Wow! Long day for you Charade. Hope you are now settled in your room. Say hi to Keisha for me.

Almost ready for bed. Mostly packed and found some of what I was looking for. Looking forward to some very warm temps these next two weeks.

Ah, a super nice Sunday in store for all, I hope.
One more day. I really need to quit the night owl/early bird routine once back home.

How Carole does such long trips and seems fresh as a daisy is beyond me:worship: I’m going to need a day of nothing Tuesday but cuddling my pooch

NBC grill was horrible last week fir me, worst chicken wings I’ve been served in ages. It was only place I could grab a last min res for 5 yesterday. Shocked the brisket was near perfect. Last time quite chewy & fatty.
Cheers to all those heading south!
Keisha you still up…..LOL….you are as bad as me. I think I will need a vacation from my vacation…LOL
Glad your tour was so much fun and yes, rest those feet for tonight!!
My arthritis is my feet has gotten much worse lately and my dogs are barking. I can remember the day I could walk forever and never had foot pain, but I’am having a good time just walking slower.

Why, yes it is. Although strictly Disney attire lol. I’ve a better in color. Made it and a string backpack out of a table cloth. Almost like Scarlett O’Hara & the drapes lol. Never made the light of day as the storm cancelled last year’s outing
Nice sewing on your haunted mansion skirt and backpack. The color is vibrant. Your hubby dressed up too. Awesome, you are a cute Haunted Mansion couple.

Your tours sound amazing! Kicking myself I waited too long to book day tours
I just got into this tour by a stroke of luck. The day I called about the tour someone had canceled and I was able to get that spot.

Robo - Would like to meet and at least put a face to the name.
That would be nice charade. I will message you here on boards and give you my number. You can send me a text.

Hey to Robbie & charade (you missed the blimp fly over this am)
Cool….I was at the Outlet Mall with sister today.

We are finally here.
Glad to hear you and B made it in.

Hit me up if u can do a hey
I have some business to attend to the first part of the day tomorrow. When are you leaving for home?

I was hoping I could connect with you and Mac together since you are hanging out.
That was a beautiful hotel. The location is farther down and after dark - I wouldn't head the one way - towards the Saraha/ Circus Circus area. It's starting to be a bad area towards that way. But head back towards Ceasars Palace/Treasure Island/ Mirage it's a great safe area.

We did enjoy the seafood buffet. I LOVED the seafood boil! It could have had a big more spice - but it sure was tasty! I had three plates of seafood!!!! Since I'm not a sweets person - I had extra sides! DD and Dh had many different sweets - including the flourless chocolate cake, a delicious carrot cake and ice cream.

Your drink sounds delicious! Enjoy your evening out.

It does look beautiful from the pictures I`ve seen from our friend Raymond, it does seem to not be in the area most folks stay but the hotel itself sounds amazing. Whether we`ll ever make it there I`m not sure, but as we cut down on Orlando trips I`m sure it`ll be on the horizon.

Anything seafood......we`re there!!! Yes, extra sides for me too please!!

Well, I just did something stupid!!! Last week I wrote a long post to catch up with things:)
I wondered why no one posted about it and thought I must be really boring:rolleyes:. I checked and it showed up but I didn't hit post again, because I thought I had done it before....... So a long story about being messing up the post:faint:.

So I am going to try again!

Pumpkin: Your trip to Vegas sounds like a lot of fun. I've gone several times over the years and have Never Won A Dime!!! Vegas was not too good to me, but it was fun to see the sights and eat good cheap food. We stayed at the Mirage one time and got to see the white tigers area.

Carole, your day sounds like a great way to spend the time. I can't believe Tom has gotten you flowers every Friday since your were married????!!!! That's wonderful. Roger used to get me roses frequently, but I mentioned one time that they were too expensive to waste the money. He took it to mean Never to Buy them again, LOL. I've since straightened that misconception up:laughing:, Your emojis are hilarious. I love the one with the eyebrows. I'm still chuckling over that one:)

Charade, I hope things go better for you from now on. You never know what will happen at the airport anymore.

Keisha: Your skirt and backpack are fantastic. Good job. It looks like you are having a wonderful time at disney. Are you going to Universal too???

Well for good news!!! My daughter and I are going on a mother/daughter trip to Universal the end of November to Dec 1st. We are staying at RPR, my favorite resort, and we can't wait. We had to cancel a trip this Spring due to bad weather, so have waited a while for this one. My daughter loves to sit at the pool with a drink and a good book, and I love to go to the parks, but we will spend lots of park time too. I'm not a "sit at the pool" type of person, so I will get some alone time to wander around. She hasn't been to Universal for ages, so I've been filling her in on all things Universal. Thanks to all on these sites for all the suggestions and trip reports (Carole:).

So, this time I will hit the post.


Yes ma`am, he started buying me flowers when we were first together and I told him I loved the thoughtfulness of it, so he kept going and I kept thinking he`d stop.....but 30+ years later he`s still doing it. Unless we`re going away, then he doesn`t as that would be wasteful. He is simply the best!! The men in our different groups of friends all tell him he`s giving them a bad

Yes, sometimes men take things too sounds like a wonderful husband though!!

I think we`ve all thought we`ve posted at one time or another and haven`t pressed`re definitely not the boring one!!!

lol....I`m always a little bewildered by those slug looking eyebrows, so yes, that meme caught my eyes...:)

I`m so excited for your trip....and the fact we get to meet! Emails are nice, but nothing quite like a face to face chat. Yes, we`re not the biggest pool people, except maybe at night with the movies, although the choice of films now is much poorer than many years ago, too many animated ones now, I think it`s down to licencing which is a shame.

Good to see you didn`t "disappear" from the San.......:wave2:

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Toes in the sand, just don’t care 🌴 Do miss the mister. Always odd when he’s not about.

Had his flight on spirit moved multiple times

Started at 1:30 pm departure time. Multiple changes to 8 pm while at airport. Told him to sit tight. Within an hour bounced back to a 2 pm departure. I wonder how many people decided to leave later for airport based upon that 8 pm time and missed the final flight time

104 real feel already, in the 40s at night back home. Going to be a jolt to the system Monday evening

Not that I’m counting :rolleyes1Walked 10.37 miles yesterday. Believe I’ll crack 100 for this trip. My feet have filed multiple complaints letting me know they’ve had just about enough of this crap.

Ruth we were at CB @ U for 6 days, then onto BWV for another 6. Now solo at SF for 4. Intent annusl hook up with Mac & whomever else bopping around from here. I’m exhausted TBH

Im flying out at 4 pmish Sunday

Hit me up if u can do a hey

Hey to Robbie & charade (you missed the blimp fly over this am)

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Tell him to mind his own beeswax lol

Oh my

That is wildly unacceptable

Yep, we never ventured further north than Venetian for that reason. It was like that 25 years ago, lots of muggings. strip is rather sparse there anyway. Can get my ‘old Vegas vibe’ on at flamingo. Interestingly, it has lovely rooms for such an old bldg

Lovely pictures Janet!! And hope the mister got home safe and sound, yes I imagine a few folks would have missed that flight, I might have left the airport too.

Weather is beautiful for your visit!!!

I did not know that airports had therapy dogs.
Meet Bailey.

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Cute puppy!

I know at MCO they`ve been introducing many dogs at different times for folks to go and pet them. Their website or maybe Twitter site tells you the dogs they`ll have, time they`ll be out and where in the airport you`ll find them. It`s a lovely idea and the dogs are gorgeous.

We are finally here.


One more day. I really need to quit the night owl/early bird routine once back home.

How Carole does such long trips and seems fresh as a daisy is beyond me:worship: I’m going to need a day of nothing Tuesday but cuddling my pooch

NBC grill was horrible last week fir me, worst chicken wings I’ve been served in ages. It was only place I could grab a last min res for 5 yesterday. Shocked the brisket was near perfect. Last time quite chewy & fatty.
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Cheers to all those heading south!
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Tom had the brisket once and it was amazing, next time he sent it back as it was as you described, chewy and fatty. Leather soles would have been easier to chew! Glad you enjoyed it though.`s years and years of practice for us for sure.......some days we are whooped but keep going! However I will say after our 5 weeks last year, we were a little tired, but that loss of humidity after the hurricane helped massively, we got a fresh burst of energy!!

Yes, a day of relaxation sounds a good one once you`re home....and not long till you get to do it all again.......:thumbsup2

Keisha you still up…..LOL….you are as bad as me. I think I will need a vacation from my vacation…LOL

I say that after every trip......but, the joys of being retired means we can rest up till we feel back to normal once the jet lag disappears.

Yes looking for something on the tube. I sleep very poorly away from the mr. Seems I still haven’t gotten the solo traveler thing down yet. Don’t think I ever will TBH

When Tom used to go away with business I slept like a top when he was guess I just got used to it, but last visit to NY with my mum, I found I was restless without him! We do miss our husbands when they`re not there.....:hug:

My arthritis is my feet has gotten much worse lately and my dogs are barking. I can remember the day I could walk forever and never had foot pain, but I’am having a good time just walking slower.

Nice sewing on your haunted mansion skirt and backpack. The color is vibrant. Your hubby dressed up too. Awesome, you are a cute Haunted Mansion couple.

I just got into this tour by a stroke of luck. The day I called about the tour someone had canceled and I was able to get that spot.

That would be nice charade. I will message you here on boards and give you my number. You can send me a text.

Cool….I was at the Outlet Mall with sister today.

Glad to hear you and B made it in.

I have some business to attend to the first part of the day tomorrow. When are you leaving for home?

I was hoping I could connect with you and Mac together since you are hanging out.

Nothing wrong with walking slower get to smell the roses that way, so many just ramble from one ride to another and go commando, I`ve heard about folks like that and seen it for myself....not for us at all.

I love my friends dearly, but they are a bad influence on me :rolleyes1

That`s my story and I`m sticking to it!! We had a wonderful evening with them all, meal was so good and we all ate far too much, then went to a few bars in the town which were an education in itself!! That was fun for about 3 minutes, so we grabbed some cabs to go to someone`s house and carried on celebrating......and celebrating!! We left their home around 2am and straight to bed after drinking a lot of water, but I wasn`t in a bad way at all neither is Tom as we were fairly good, but I can imagine at least two of them won`t get up till much later! But, such a lovely night with good friends.

Slept till just after 8 and woke refreshed, Tom cooked us French toast with bacon, haven`t had that for years, so I doubt we`ll need lunch today as it was very filling. We have some rain today and glad we have no need to go out anywhere, Singapore GP is on later so we`ll watch that.

Dinner will be chicken in white wine and cream sauce with some roast veg, but otherwise a lazy day ahead with maybe a snooze on the sofas for both of us!! And tea, lots of tea.

Happy lazy Sunday indeed!!!



Ah the last minute packer I am. Woke up right around the time our alarm goes off, but with a late afternoon flight, no need for alarm. So leisurely, long hot shower, then time to see what to wear, and anything else I want to pack. Will fill up the car’s gas tank soon, as nice the big box store gas station opens at 8 am every morning. Then it’s time to have a little breakfast, as I’m more happy flying with a mostly empty stomach. Pill taken, and getting to like what did I forget? But whatever, almost anything can be bought down there.

And so, hope Keisha, Mac, Charade and Robo are alm having a great time, and for Keisha, safe travels this afternoon. And yay, for lazy time with dog soon enough.

I guess between DH being away a lot during our marriage, I can sleep good solo or with him. Though lately, DH has been a most restless sleeper. And he’s been home the most since he has been retired from his first work.

Ooh time to pick up some iced coffee for little one, and hope she is awake by the time we get back from the gas station.

Sunday relaxing for me, hope it is for all today.
hoping I could connect with you and Mac together since you are hanging out.
In studios today. Not sure if doing hhn. Like u, the arthritis in my feet make long days quite uncomfortable, good shoes or not.

Give a holler
Good to see you didn`t "disappear" from the Sa
She would be much missed!

I do have a real beef with the boat service this trip. I get that it can take 1-1/2 hrs if one appears a half hour before closing.

I’ve been at boat dock for 45 min as of 11:05 am

Could just be CB & A guests adding to the throng. :confused3Haven’t seen room keys ckd in over a decade. However, when it’s busy, they need to consider reassigning boats.

PB & HR appear to be walk on nearly any time I’ve been there

Very nice stay at SF this go-round otherwise. Nice to see them & CB running a tight ship

& away we go🛥️
One more day. I really need to quit the night owl/early bird routine once back home.

How Carole does such long trips and seems fresh as a daisy is beyond me:worship: I’m going to need a day of nothing Tuesday but cuddling my pooch

NBC grill was horrible last week fir me, worst chicken wings I’ve been served in ages. It was only place I could grab a last min res for 5 yesterday. Shocked the brisket was near perfect. Last time quite chewy & fatty.
View attachment 794465
Cheers to all those heading south!
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Hi Keisha: I know how you feel needing more days. We only have 5 days coming up!

Oh No, I was going to try NBC grill this time! I had always heard great things about the food. I'm hoping it was an off day. I have always wanted to do Mythos, but have heard not too great reviews of it too. However, Confisco grill seems to get good reviews.

Have a good day and trip home:)
B is waiting to ride the Hulk coaster, so I’m doing a semi live update.
We got to the hotel around 9:00 last night, so didn’t do anything for the rest of the evening. This morning we decided to be lazy and slept in until 10:00. We got a snack at Starbucks, picked up tickets/passes, and stopped by the desk to let them know our refrigerator was not working.

B wanted to take the water taxi, so we walked over to SF. By the time we got to Citywalk we had about 40 minutes until our lunch reservation so we went into a couple of shops.
Lunch was at Toothsome. The last time I was there the food was okay but, as my dad used to say, nothing to write home about. I ordered the wild mushroom chicken risotto and B got the salmon. We were both happy with our choices.

We got into IOA around 2:00. B got pictures with Spiderman and then we rode the ride. It was a walk-on. I was surprised. We wandered through a few shops and then she decided she wanted to ride Hulk. I found a shady spot to wait.

And she just finished the ride. That was quick.
In studios today. Not sure if doing hhn. Like u, the arthritis in my feet make long days quite uncomfortable, good shoes or not.

Give a holler

She would be much missed!

I do have a real beef with the boat service this trip. I get that it can take 1-1/2 hrs if one appears a half hour before closing.

I’ve been at boat dock for 45 min as of 11:05 am

Could just be CB & A guests adding to the throng. :confused3Haven’t seen room keys ckd in over a decade. However, when it’s busy, they need to consider reassigning boats.

PB & HR appear to be walk on nearly any time I’ve been there

Very nice stay at SF this go-round otherwise. Nice to see them & CB running a tight ship

& away we go🛥️

I think if more folks complain they might do something, showing room keys at peak times would help. I do get that the boats are not solely for hotel guests, but at really busy times they may need to do something. You really shouldn`t wait that long for a boat.

The longest we`ve waited for a boat at Sapphire has been around 15 minutes, maybe 20 going to HHN.

Glad you`ve enjoyed both hotels this time, have fun tonight!!!!

Hi Keisha: I know how you feel needing more days. We only have 5 days coming up!

Oh No, I was going to try NBC grill this time! I had always heard great things about the food. I'm hoping it was an off day. I have always wanted to do Mythos, but have heard not too great reviews of it too. However, Confisco grill seems to get good reviews.

Have a good day and trip home:)

NBC has always been a hit or miss for us too, Tom wants to go back for a burger as they were always very good. Love Confisco, it`s so much better than Mythos and very pretty inside too.

B is waiting to ride the Hulk coaster, so I’m doing a semi live update.
We got to the hotel around 9:00 last night, so didn’t do anything for the rest of the evening. This morning we decided to be lazy and slept in until 10:00. We got a snack at Starbucks, picked up tickets/passes, and stopped by the desk to let them know our refrigerator was not working.

B wanted to take the water taxi, so we walked over to SF. By the time we got to Citywalk we had about 40 minutes until our lunch reservation so we went into a couple of shops.
Lunch was at Toothsome. The last time I was there the food was okay but, as my dad used to say, nothing to write home about. I ordered the wild mushroom chicken risotto and B got the salmon. We were both happy with our choices.

We got into IOA around 2:00. B got pictures with Spiderman and then we rode the ride. It was a walk-on. I was surprised. We wandered through a few shops and then she decided she wanted to ride Hulk. I found a shady spot to wait.

And she just finished the ride. That was quick.

Glad you enjoyed Toothsome and the rides aren`t too busy!

Very lazy day as planned, haven`t done much at all except catch up with a few folks on the phone.

Dinner was very nice, made an apple pie for dessert and whipped up some custard to go with it, definitely heading into the warmer dishes now. Tonight some tv and early night after a late one last night.

And another week lies ahead!
I do have a real beef with the boat service this trip. I get that it can take 1-1/2 hrs if one appears a half hour before closing.

I’ve been at boat dock for 45 min as of 11:05 am

Could just be CB & A guests adding to the throng. :confused3Haven’t seen room keys ckd in over a decade. However, when it’s busy, they need to consider reassigning boats.
I apologize. We are part of the problem.

Back in our hotel room. Neither one of us does well in extreme heat. We have decided that we are going to take one day and do early entry and maybe just do the HP stuff that day.

Now we need to decide what to do about dinner.
Ah we checked in around 7 and got food at the fast food place. Flight was odd, a little longer flight, as went mostly a wider straight line, not anywhere near the coast. And yay for us, as think has never happened to us before. My checked bag was the second to come out, and little one’s one was the third one after mine. Stop at Target to stock up our refrigerator, and have snacks and sweets too.

Full and happy, neither of us feel like moving. Little one promised to be up earlier, we shall see tomorrow.

Charade hope they got your refrigerator fixed.

Keisha, that’s crazy re: wait for boat. When I stayed at SF, never seemed to have much issue that I could remember.

Ah so muggy out each time we were outside.
Tired at horror show. Flipping coin as to taking break or staying into hhn

Hope it was a good night...looking forward to hearing all about it!

I apologize. We are part of the problem.

Back in our hotel room. Neither one of us does well in extreme heat. We have decided that we are going to take one day and do early entry and maybe just do the HP stuff that day.

Now we need to decide what to do about dinner.

You`d love our weather this week Charade.....mid 60`sF, but we`re due some rain so maybe it wouldn`t be that nice for you.

Did your daughter enjoy Velocicoaster?

Yes, we have rain and possibly thunderstorms at some point today.

Monday is autumnal now, we had our lamps on in rooms around 7ish last night and pitch black when I get up, it`s still dark now, so summer is definitely a memory now.

Made chicken curry last night, Indian style and will make some coconut rice tonight to go with it, probably the only time we eat rice is with curry and prefer it not to be plain, so a spicy dinner tonight. BLT for lunch but breakfast first, poached egg on toast I think.

Not much happening today, quiet one for us, I was asked to go do the school readings again, but.....decided not to do it for one reason or another, so will find another outlet to encourage reading and literacy if I can. So this week, I have some baking to do for a couple of events in the village. Keeps me out of mischief.

Anyone ever look at houses for sale on websites? It`s always interesting to see what some houses look like inside, I know someone who has an identical house as theirs up for sale in the same street.....interesting to see.

My aunt used to live in a very nice area of Boca Raton, found one or two there that would nice to live in!!!! Always gives me the bug to move again when I do that!

Time for more tea......

Safe travels home for our mac and keisha today.....glad you both had such a nice time!!!

(I want this doormat)



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Sounds like everyone has had a most excellent trip on their vacation! Hope all post about their trip and the fun they had.

This has been a fun vacation for me.

Always enjoy going to Orlando.
Weather has been hit a bit more than I like.

It’s hot back home so no escaping it.

Will be taking a long nap once I get back home !

Mr Mac has kept the cats fed and the house clean he tells me.
Looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight.

He leaves tomorrow for Florida and I will be back on cat feeding then.

Looking around to who will be the first for posting this morning.

My bets are on Shumi !


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