~ºoº November 27, 2010- Western Magic! ºoº~

One more post and it's the top!

Amy, you didn't say how everything was going! You sound happy!

It's been a busy week here with spring break. Elizabeth was over all morning. Skylar had a party to go to. I took Christian to the batting cages. Found him a new bat. Had baseball practice. And that was just yesterday!

Happy Easter!
Hey Everyone -

Happy Easter! I have been sidetracked from the cruise because we booked a WDW trip from 11/7 - 11/14. I am so excited! Now 2 things to look forward too. Plus the longer days here in NE with the time change have been a nice break, if we could only get the warm weather to match it.

Hope all is well with everyone!
Hi Karolyn! We haven't heard from you in a while! Nothing like a WDW trip to get excited about! We are planning a trip from August 19 through Sept 2 with the free dining! We are very excited. It is going to be just Christian and myself with my oldest daughter, Stephanie, and her daughter, Elizabeth. I was with Elizabeth on her first trip to Disney (9 months) but I haven't been on her last 2 visits. I'm looking forward to doing the parks through her eyes!
We are joining the cruise, as our DVC incentive! It will be me, DH and DD8 and DD2 at the time of the cruise. It will be our second. (Our first will be that April - a three night over Easter break).
Hi dsparks and welcome jaurban! Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying spring! The weather was so nice here this weekend it was great!

Jaurban - my son will be 8 on the cruise and my duaghter will 10 so they will be in the same group in the lab.

Livingthedream - hope work is going well for you and you are loving it!

Have a great day everyone and talk to you soon!
Jaurban, Glad to see you are joining us! How was sailing over Easter Break?

Sports are in full swing now so I'm super busy. Yeah! Enjoy seeing everyone coming out from a long winter!

Check back soon!
Thanks, glad to be going and know that other kids the ages of mine will be there. (Our first cruise is actually next Easter break - sorry - I booked it a while ago, so it seems like it should have been now - but I will let you know in a year - wanted the baby to be 1 before we did this).
Aahh, I guess I thought you meant this Easter break lol!?!

Rainy and cold again today. Not suppose to be higher than low 40s today. I suspect baseball to be cancelled too tonight.
Wish it had been, but we will look forward to next Easter then, and then Thanksgiving after that!
Really looking forward to NICE weather starting tomorrow! 80s in the forecast for us! Woo hoo!

My daughter and I are having a garage sale on Friday.
Hi Everyone - Just checking in. We had weather almost hit 90 today in MA - talk about one extreme to the other! School vacation is almost over and I can't believe summer vacation is not far away.

Hope everyone is doing well!

I'm checking in too! I've been really busy--it's been great! Soccer and baseball are in full swing. The zoo opened this week--went there yesterday. Love, love, love the weather. 90s in MA already! Wow!

Amy, how is work going?
Yes - activities in full swing here too! My DS is a competitive gymnast which is year round practice but at least competitions are done for the season. So he just added baseball - oh to have that much energy! Dance is wrapping up for DD so that will be nice.

Another 90 day today but a cool front is supposed to be coming in.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Keep the thread moving with the 15th post to the page,which makes the next....
Hey, I know get a life! Such little things make my day! :lmao:

Only approximately 2 more days until the August park schedules come out! We can get that organized just in time to call for ADR's on May 21st. Woo-hoo! :woohoo:We have finalized that we will be there 14 days. Leaving on the 15th day! My daughter has an annual pass this year. This will be the first year in a long time that I don't have one. I plan on buying the 10 day park hopper with the water park & more options. That will give us things to do on the no park days. We love Disney Quest but haven't been since I think 2006 when we had a premium annual pass. Really looking forward to going!

I can't believe that we need to mow in APRIL! That will be a project for this weekend because we still have some sticks that need to come off first!
Ahh -14 days - that is going to be one awesome trip! Do you fly or drive?
I can't wait for park hours to come out for our Nov trip - I have a tentative schedule for ADR's but I would love to finalize it. Planning is such a sickness!!

And how do you know your post is going to be on the top of the page?
Ahhh, maybe I shouldn't tell my sickness. If you haven't reset your number of pages, there are 15 per page...so the next one is the top of the page!

I drive down to Florida. I bring too much stuff to keep the cost down--refrigerator, microwave, food, and I also have an electric wheelchair. Yes, we too have figured out where we want to eat but now we need the schedule to determine when!

We got in a baseball game last night. Perfect for the players but cold for the spectators. Raining again today. :sad2: Suppose to clear up for this weekend. The boys won 15 - 4!
Giving us a bump--we have to be at the bottom!

Still nice weather here but some showers moving in for later today. Hope they are gone by tomorrow evening for another baseball game!

Hope everyone is having a great week!


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