10 Delicious Days of Deluxe Dining..Day5-Yachtmans Steakhouse-was it worth 2 credits?

Great Sci Fi review. :goodvibesI'm still on the fence about trying it. Maybe just for dessert, a break in the day.:sunny: How nice that your server let you come back for your desserts. :wizard: I didn't realize any TS would do this.

More please...
So, for years my Mom has always wanted to try the SOA show at the Polynesian. I had heard many, many negative reviews on this DIS boards regarding this show but because we were on the DxDDP and it was my Mom's celebration trip we decided we would try it out anyway and make our own minds up about the show. We had been to HDDR before and we loved it so we were hoping this could measure up.

First of all the Poly is very close to the top of my list for favorite resort. We've never stayed there basically because I can never rationalize spending that kind of money for a hotel room I am never in anyway but we would love to stay here one day. The grounds are just stunning and we arrived quite early so we were able to enjoy a lot of what the Poly has to offer.
We had spent the rest of the afternoon at HS and then headed back to the POP to change and get ready for the show. The easiest and fastest way that we found t get from the POP to the Poly is bus to MK then a nice boat ride to the Poly.

The show is located pretty far from the actual resort. It is actually closer to the wedding pavilion then the hotel. You wind your way around the marina and through some gorgeous foliage until a little tiny sign points you in the right direction.

The CM"s advise you to arrive 1 hour early which we did but there is really no need for this. We checked in, got our lei's, had a really pretty overpriced picture taken


(which we bought one of anyway which was then available on our photopass CD) and waited to be called into the seating area.


They did not call us until right before eight o'clock so we waited nearly an hour and had some fun on the beach and taking some fabulous pictures with the sun setting by the wedding pavilion.



(that's me morgy827 and stitch's real life names)
There is, of course, a cash bar available to you while you wait but beer and wine are free once you get into the show so I wasn't about to pay for a beer while I was waiting.

When we were finally called to the seating area we were led to a really great table right in the center at the back row. This row is slightly elevated and it offered a really great view of the show and the crowd. Unfortunately we were seated right by the kitchen as usual and it was a bit noisy but, on the other hand the service was really quick.

Speaking of the service, I though we had had the ultimate in service at Sci Fi that afternoon but the waitress at the SOA show really outdid herself. Now, I haven;t mentioned it before but Stitch is a type 1 diabetic (I know, hard to tell with all the food and desserts he eats but believe me he checked his sugar a million and times and we used a TON of insulin!!). So we asked our usual drink question about Light Lemonade (because Stitch and Mickey are addicted to eat) and she said she wasn't sure if it was light but she would check. By the time she came back we already had our salad and bread course but she told us that the lemonade was regular and asked us why we needed light. We told her that Stitch was diabetic and she proceeded to bring him the entire meal with all sugar removed!! I didn't have the heart to tell her that it wasn't necessary because Stitch would just take more insulin anyway but she brought him a completely separate meal and even offered a different dessert. The salad she brought dry, and the ribs she brought dry a swell. I just thought it was the best service ever and I also wrote Disney to comment on her excellent service.

Anyway, on to the atmosphere of the place. The venue is outside but you are sheltered but it is very hot and stuffy. The fans going do not really help and I could not imagine sitting in their when it was any hotter out. It made us very glad that we had chose the 8pm show because at least iyt had cooled down a little bit from the 5pm show. It is also very loud in the venue. With the show going on, children running around and the waitresses serving it became very difficult to hear the actual show. It is also very dark in the venue with only dim lights and candles to light the table so it is very difficult to see what you are eating. Despite this, the location is absolutely beautiful and very authentic looking.

As for the show we agree with what most people say...the first half is very boring and kind of cheesy while the second half is absolutely phenomenal. I'll review it in two sections because to me they were two completely different shows:


The first half of the show was very difficult to understand. The show started while the food was being served which made it very difficult to hear and to concentrate on. Form what I could tell the show was a bout a Luau teacher and her students. One came back to Hawaii after living on the main ladn for a while and she came back to visit and she decides that she wants to stay in Hawaii with her ohana,. Also, somehow two of the dancers end up hooking up and end up together at the end. I don;t quite understand what this had to do with the second part of the show except to introduce the dancers and allow time to serve the food before the real show begins. This section of the show could be much better if they did not serve the food the whole time it was on and you could actually understand what was happening. Although, I think even if you could understand, it still would not be that good.

The second part of the show begins and from the first beat of the music you know it is going to be fantastic. They introduce dances from all over Polynesia but of course the best is saved for last, the fire dancer.


He was amazing and the whole crowd was quiet while he was performing. I would go back just to see him perform again. The rest of the dances were really entertaining too and the music was great. If the whole show was like the second part the SOA show would be in as high of a demand as HDDR.

Now for the dinner. The food is served family buffet style with complimentary beverages includes Budweiser and bud light draft beer, white, red and blush wine, coke products, coffee, tea, iced tea, pink lemonade and milk. There are also drinks to purchase and some of them come with a great souvenir cup...which of course we bought.


I know that Mulan got a virgin Pina Colada (which was included as her non alcoholic drink), and Tink got a regular Pina Colada in a souvenir glass while Stitch and I both got drinks that we cannot remember the name of. Mine was good though and Stitch's was not but at least we got the souvenir glass and a couple of glow cubes from them. Mickey drank the Draft beer and I took advantage of the red wine, which was not too bad by the way. The waitress was excellent in bringing us drinks and right before the cut off she brought mickey and I each 2 glasses of what we were having so we would have enough for the rest of the show (I wonder if this is why the second half of the show is always so much better than the first?)

The first course is the salad and bread course. The bread is the same bread that is served at Ohanas' and it is fabulous!! It's pineapple coconut bread and the waitress brought out two of each platter so we would not have to reach across the table and the 6 of us ate it all.

The salad is brought to you on a big platter and you serve it onto this beautiful plate.

It's really good and citrusy. It's not the same as the salad at Ohanas' which I think I like a little bit better. The dressing on this salad is mango poppy seed. You are also served fresh pineapple on the side.

The next course is the main course and you are brought barbecue pork ribs, roasted chicken, Polynesian rice, and seasonal vegetables.

Dessert is the Kilauea Volcano Delight and it is served with a lot of fanfare. All the waitress parade around the floor while the volcanoes steam on their platters.

It's really neat and all the kids (and adults) are amazed). You are then served the portions on a main platter on your table which you then divvy up amongst yourselves.


Mulan Mulan really enjoyed the chicken as well as the men without shirts (I think most of us can agree on that one). She also liked that you got free Lei's at the beginning and she enjoyed her virgin Pina Colada. She did not like the rice and found that it was very dark and hard to see your food.
Donald Donald also really enjoyed the chicken and did not like the rice. The dessert he found way to sweet and Mulan ended up eating it. She obviously enjoyed the dessert.
Tink Tink also liked the chicken the best but did not like the dessert. She also found it much to sweet but I managed to eat her portion. I think she was the one most disappointed with the show because she was so looking forward to it.
Mickey Mickey liked the free beer the best and also did not like the rice. He also did not care for the sauce that was on the ribs and he did not like that he could not see what he was eating. Mickey and I are similar in that we like to see our food and make sure there is nothing fatty or too gross in it so it was a bit of a stretch for us not to be able to see what we were eating.
Stitch Stitch liked all the food, especially the quantity. He also really enjoyed the service and that the waitress made such an effort for him. I have never seen anyway eat so many ribs so he must have really enjoyed them. He thought that the second half of the show was beyond expectations (and he was not drinking so he can actually review it properly)
*****/5 (he wanted to give it a ten out of five but I told him that would screw up my rating system)
Morgy827 As for me I actually ended up enjoying myself more than I thought I would. The first half off the show was garbage but we pretty much talked and ate while it was on because we could not here what was going on. I really love the bread and the salad and the fresh pineapple was a nice change. The chicken was very tender and tasty and the ribs were good as well. Although because it was so dark I was leery about eating the ribs because I could not see if I was eating the fatty portion or not. It was also nice to have vegetables that were not green beans. The rice was kind of tasteless and they give you way too much of it. The dessert presentation was awesome but the actual cake was just so so. The table was a bit slow to clear between courses but the rest of the service was so great that it was not a big deal.

Overall Rating
4 out of 5


12 DP credits

Actual Cost
$341.90 + $32.00 for the pictures and about $30.00 for 3 drinks.

$0 (included with your meal)

Would we go back
We would likely not return unless they change the first portion of the show. The food was good and the second portion of the show was good but I'm not one to go see a show twice. I would say if you are choosing between HDDR and SOA that HDDR is probably your better choice but I am glad that I saw the show once and was able to make up my own mind about it.

We ate a lot of food on Day 3 so we had very few snacks just 3 bottled waters ($2.50 each) and 2 slush lemonades (#3.10 each) for a total of $14.59 and 5 snack credits. No pictures because water is very boring...if you're wondering why there are so few waters purchased Stitch carried a water backpack in the parks which came in really handy for him and I and we did not buy one water the whole trip.

Total cost for DxDDP for 6 adults per day: $431.94

Total OOP Gratuity: $58.89

Total actual costs of meals and snacks: $704.94

Total price difference between cost of dining plan and actual costs: $214.11 for us

Up next...another character breakfast....Dining with the princesses at Akershus...would we wake up in time after all that wine...stay tuned to see!!
Loving your reviews. Well written, and gives us a great feel for what the restaurant is all about. Thanks, and can't wait for more!
Anothe rgood review. I'm glad to see SoA got a 4/5 because this is another resturant we chose. We have done show like HDDR at other places , so I wanted to see something different. My kids are very excited about this show too. I am excited about the dancers. That's for the review.
We did the SOA dinner show last April and have to agree with you on your review. While the service was great, the darkness was a real pain, especially since the meal is served family style. We paid extra for the tier one seating, which turned out to not be necessary at all. The first half of the show was definitely boring and hokey! The food was pretty good, with the bread being the best part for sure! The only thing I disagree with you on is that the night we were there (we attended the 8PM show) it was freezing in the venue. It was quite windy that evening and it came right in. So, I guess the heat isn't always an issue there. Okay, not sure why I'm rambling on. Oh, and yes, the Fire Dancer was great!!
Keep up the great reviews!
I'm loving your reviews so far...definitely subbing for the rest! :) I think we have the same taste in food so your reviws are really helpful. I'm trying to plan ADRs for my trip in Sept and I'm overwhelmed with the deluxe dining! :)
There have been so many places reviewed in your report so far, I feel like it must almost be over (which is always so sad!). But we're only on day three... yay!!!! :cool1::banana:

The waiter offers you a choice of the usual breakfast or a healthier continental breakfast. All of us chose the unhealthy version of course. Breakfast is all you can eat but is served to each person on individual plates so you just ask for more of what you liked and they bring a new plate out for you. Included on the plates are scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, french toast and potato casserole.


Just read your review of CRT breakfast, we are visiting here in September with our Mum's. Can you order refills from both healthy and non-healthy breakfasts?

Just read your review of CRT breakfast, we are visiting here in September with our Mum's. Can you order refills from both healthy and non-healthy breakfasts?

You sure can...you can request refills of everything during the breakfast and they bring you out new plates full of whatever you want.

There have been so many places reviewed in your report so far, I feel like it must almost be over (which is always so sad!). But we're only on day three... yay!!!! :cool1::banana:
I know...I feel like I;ve written sooo many reviews so far but there are many more to come.

Loving your review!

I'm loving your reviews so far...definitely subbing for the rest! :) I think we have the same taste in food so your reviws are really helpful. I'm trying to plan ADRs for my trip in Sept and I'm overwhelmed with the deluxe dining! :)
It is a bit overwhelming at first but also a lot of fun...I found it difficult to plan ahead with the ADR"s because we did not know the park hours when we made our ressies so we sort of had to wing it. It all worked out though.

We did the SOA dinner show last April and have to agree with you on your review. While the service was great, the darkness was a real pain, especially since the meal is served family style. We paid extra for the tier one seating, which turned out to not be necessary at all. The first half of the show was definitely boring and hokey! The food was pretty good, with the bread being the best part for sure! The only thing I disagree with you on is that the night we were there (we attended the 8PM show) it was freezing in the venue. It was quite windy that evening and it came right in. So, I guess the heat isn't always an issue there. Okay, not sure why I'm rambling on. Oh, and yes, the Fire Dancer was great!!
Keep up the great reviews!
I guess it really depends on how the weather is. We had above average temperatures the whole first week we were there so it was sweltering inside the venue.

Great review! Looks like fun, but we are going to do HDDR first as well!
Good idea!

How long was the traveltime with bus ride and boat ride:confused3 - So I can plan our arrival
I would give yourself an hour. We did an hour to 45 minutes for every reservation and we were not late for any of them.

Anothe rgood review. I'm glad to see SoA got a 4/5 because this is another resturant we chose. We have done show like HDDR at other places , so I wanted to see something different. My kids are very excited about this show too. I am excited about the dancers. That's for the review.
Yeah, the second half of the show definitely makes the whole show worth it.Hope you have a great time!

Loving your reviews. Well written, and gives us a great feel for what the restaurant is all about. Thanks, and can't wait for more!
More coming up tonight.

Nice job with the report enjoyed it and looking forward to the rest of it .

I'll be posting on Akershus this evening. I spent the last few days with my husband in the ER. Everything is okay but it's exhausting and I haven;t had time to update but I've made it my goal to update tonight. See you all soon!!
I'll be posting on Akershus this evening. I spent the last few days with my husband in the ER. Everything is okay but it's exhausting and I haven;t had time to update but I've made it my goal to update tonight. See you all soon!!

Yikes :sick:! Hope all is well with Stitch?!

Take your time, we'll be here popcorn:: whenever you get a chance to update! :goodvibes
First thanks for all of your concern for Stitch. Everything is okay and we are back on track now.

So, our 4th morning began early!! We had all had a great time the night before, especially with the free wine and beer so getting up this morning was a bit difficult. It was also our fourth day in a row that was to be packed with things to do from 7am to midnight so we were getting a bid tired but there was no way I was going to miss getting in before park hours at Epcot. It was also Mother's Day today so we were celebrating Tink. We gave her a card and the Disney mother's day pin at breakfast. She also wore this shirt that I made her all day.

(It's hard to see but it's a collage of pictures from all of years together at WDW and DL). Our reservation was for 8am and the park did not open until 9am so we had plenty of time to enjoy our breakfast and still be one of the first ones in the park.

We got to Epcot at about 730 am and we lined up behind 10-15 people to wait until they would let us get in the park. 8am is the earliest reservation that you can get. At about 20 minutes to 8 they let us in and it was great. We headed to the left side of Spaceship Earth,


over the bridge



and to the Norway pavilion.

We took tons of pictures on the way. It was the Flower and Garden festival so we got great pictures of the topiary's with nobody else in the photos.







We also got some pics of the world showcase from across the lagoon in the early morning sunlight.






Continued in next post...
They rope of WS just before China but we were able to get some great pics of the Mexico and Norway pavilion with few people in them. We ended up getting there a bit early so we spent some time counting the trolls that are scattered across the pavilion. Here's some of the pics that we took.







When we finally headed in for our reservation we checked in and lined up to get our picture taken with Belle. This photo is included with your breakfast but, just like CRT, they only allowed 2 shots for the group of six. Tink and Mickey sat this one out while the rest of us got our photos. (I still think that this is a dumb policy. When we got home we added the photos to our photopass CD and we were able to add Belle's autograph to the bottom.


I was reasonably excited for this buffet. I had heard some good things but I was not thrilled with the lunch or dinner selections so we had decided to do breakfast. When we first walked in I was pretty underwhelmed with the decor of the restaurant. It's pretty plain and not at all as regal or authentic looking as CRT. Our table was in the very corner right beside, can you guess where?? The kitchen...again. Normally this would make the service quicker but it was really slow. The waitress was not unfriendly but she was not the greatest either although we may have been a bit jaded from the fabulous service that we had had the day before. Also, when we went to our next meal we realized that they double charged us for the breakfast so we were short 2 credits. It was no problem to fix at guest services but definitely detracted from the service even more considering how long we ended up waiting for our bill at the end of the meal.

The princesses we saw at this meal were:


Snow White



It was nice to see Ariel in her gown but the princesses had very poor interaction here. The best interaction was Ariel with a little girl who was dressed as Little Mermaid. She spent a lot of time with her. Our table , however, had little interaction at all. They pretty much posed for their photo and left. We even had to call one of them back because we wanted more than one photo.

As for the actual food there is a small buffet that you walk up to as well as a family style plate that is brought to your table. The walk up buffet was not for us at all. It was a small selection of fruit (which was okay), cheeses (the best part), assorted breakfast breads, and smoked meats (yuck!!).

I guess we are not fans of a Norwegian breakfast! The platters that were brought to the table consisted of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and potato casserole.

You are allowed to get your plate refilled as many times as you want but being that our waitress was MIA for the majority of the meal we did not get a chance to do that.


Mulan Mulan liked this meal because she was able to get Ariel's autograph without waiting in the huge line at MK (which she ended up doing later on in the trip anyway). She thought that there was a very poor selection and that the characters were pretty much a repeat of CRT.
**1/2 out of 5

Donald Enjoyed the croissants but not much else. The buffet would have been better if the food items had been labeled but not of them were so you did not know what you were eating. This was especially important with the smoked meats.
**1/2 out of 5

Tink Enjoyed the Fresh fruit but at this point she was sick of scrambled eggs served at every meal. There was a poor selection, poor set up, and it was not worth the price at all. There was very poor interaction with the princesses and there is not a great selection of food for kids.
**1/2 out of 5

Mickey Liked the croissants as well but found that the eggs were cold and the bacon was very greasy. He also did not like the idea of half buffet half service.

Stitch Stitch was sick this morning and only ate half of an apple which he said was good. I won't include his rating in this review.

Morgy827 I enjoyed the potato casserole. Everyone else said it was too sweet for a breakfast food but it was my favorite. I did not like the scrambled eggs at all. They were kind of slimy. The bacon was greasy and the sausages were very undercooked. I did not like the buffet portion. The only good part was the cheese. There was no selection of fruit (apples and bananas) and the breads were dried out. I liked the picture with Belle but they could give you one pose per couple instead of 2 per 6 people. The princesses were boring but I did like seeing Ariel in her gown.

Overall Rating
2.1 out of 5

6 DP credits

Actual Cost

$28.08 (the only place we felt that the 18% gratuity was not well deserved)

Would we Return

As you can probably guess we will not be coming back to Restaurant Akershus. The atmosphere is lackluster, the service poor and the food not tasty at all. The princesses were even dull. After having been to CRT and Akershus I have to say that if you are choosing which one to go to CRT is definitely the better choice. It may be more expensive but you get some bang for your buck. I could have had a better meal for $10 in the resort food court then we had here. The best part of the whole meal was that we got to leave the restaurant and make it to the front of rope drop. We ran with the massive crowd towards Soarin' and ended up being on the first 'flight' of the day. Now that part was fun!!

(the crowd waiting on the other side of rope drop)

(the characters at rope drop)

(running to Soarin'...at the front of the crowd)
Up next, the best meal of our whole trip...can you guess where??
Thank you for another good update. What a shame you didn't rate Askershus! Can't wait to hear all about your favourite meal!!
Your review of the Princess Breakfast at Norway has me rethinking my plans for the end of the month.

I booked it for my friend and I as a "girly" kind of treat but I'm thinking room service for breakfast might be a better alternative.


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