11/06/04 Western New and Improved Official Thread!


I have started gathering things for the cruise, but have yet to pack anything. We have been busy with the kids activities. I do need to pick up a few misc items from the store. What type of seasickness meds are people bringing for their kids? The under 12 set can't take Bonine. Regular Dramamine makes you sleepy. I am hoping we don't need it. I think I am going to get some ginger tablets and candy at Trader Joe's.

Sue88, I have parasailed before in Mexico. It was FUN! DH wouldn't do it because he is afraid of heights. I highly recommend it!

FYI, Red Sox fans, although we are loyal Detroit Tiger fans, we have been routing for the SOX!! We hope they go all the way!
Just curious, anybody out there from the Pacific Northwest? Doesn't seem like I see too many cruisers from out my way.
Iam so happy the sox's beat the yankees My husband is a diehard yankee fan I'm a MET fan since 1968 So i did the dance of Joy on Wednesday evening :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

ONLY 2 WEEKS TO GO :earsgirl: :earsgirl: :earsboy: :earsboy:
We're Red Sox fans in my house too ... been sitting on the edge of our chairs and biting our fingernails for a week, and things don't look to get any easier in the upcoming week. I'll be really glad to get on that ship and finally RELAX from all the stress of watching the Sox in the World Series, and also hoping that the Patriots are able to keep their streak alive. Things are good for sports fans in New England right now ... the Pats are playing the way they need to play, the Sox are in the World Series, and even the Bruins haven't lost a game

I'm actually thinking I'm ahead of the packing game for a change. I've already got all of my travel size health and beauty aids ready to be packed up, got my power strip ready to go and bought a new suitcase for the kids clothes.

I'll have Bonine, but probably won't need it. No one needed it last year. I'm thinking there might be some sort of Bonine for kids, because I did give them something last year, just to be safe, and I don't think it was Dramamine, although maybe it was ... I don't remember. Guess that's something I'll have to look into ... rather be safe than sorry.
You guys talking about packing will get a good laugh out of this... I had set up a three-tabbed spreadsheet to list everything we need to pack. Then our computer died. I just picked it up from the repair place today and when they said they had to wipe the drive, my first thought was "But my packing list was on there!!"

My next list will be on paper, just in case...
My husband FINALLY went to pick up our doc's at the travel agency today. He just called, he is lost on Rt. 18 yelling why couldn't they just mail them. Well, I didn't want the docs to get lost in the mail!! I told him he has 2 weeks to find the place and get home.

P.S. He is a big Cardinal Fan! Always liked them, even though we live in Yankee/ Philly/ Mets territory!
I have made several written lists of things to pack too. I also have a drawer where I stash anything that is purchased just for the cruise. Due to the quantity, the drawer is getting hard to shut!:teeth:
Even with all the pre planning I tend to wait to the last minute to pack and then I bring way too much stuff.
I like to drink bottled water and I am considering bringing my own. Don't really want to haul it though.

:hyper: :Pinkbounc :hyper: :Pinkbounc:hyper:
Can you buy the bottled water on your way to Port Canaveral? Or, if you're taking Disney transportation from the resort to the port, maybe after the airport on the way to Disney? It's less hauling.

I didn't think that the drinking water available on the ship was bad. But I can understand wanting what you're comfortable with!
We haven't been parasailing yet, but I know my dh would love to. I should really look into this and suprise him.

Also, you said :
Also, I have the second seating for dinner and will likely start off with Lumiere's. Anybody else with the same rotation?
We also have 2nd seating but how do you know your rotation already ? I didn't think we'd know until we got our KTTW cards. Is there a way to find this out in advance ?

I agree with CatLady in that I didn't think the water on board was bad, but we are bringing our own bottled water. We drive down to FL so it's not that much of a hassle for us.

I'm just starting my list (and packing) today. Just got our Bonine. Scottygirl, I asked my pediatrician on our last cruise about the Bonine for my, then, 10 yr old dd. He said I could half the pill and give it to her. It ended up she never needed it (on dh and I did !). Check with your child's doc about this. I also read ginger is a good natural remedy. I'll make sure to bring some of that too.

ILUVTOGO......sure hope your dh found his way home yesterday !:eek:

Is everyone gettin' excited ??!!!! :bounce:
Oh, PS......what is the Unimog excursion I'm hearing about in Costa Maya. I went to the web sites posted but couldn't find it ? Thanks !
:wave2: Hi MiaSRN62! First, visit the puertocostamaya.com website and click on "ADVENTURES". You should see a list of the excursions they have. Not all of these excursions are offered by DCL but several are. The scuba beach snorkel, one of the mayan ruin visits, and the Unimog tour are offered by Disney. On the Unimog you ride around in open air vehicles and see much of the Mexican countryside while a guide tells you about local customs, animal life, plants, etc. and then I think there is a nice beach to enjoy before heading back. It looks pretty nice.
As far as dinner rotation goes, Disney does not tell you ahead of time but you can figure what is most likely. They generally go by the ages of the people in your group. All adults in your group and you will generally start the rotation with Lumiere's. If you have young children you will likely start with Animators Pallette and if you have older kids it will likely be Parrot Cay. So I am just guessing what mine will be.
I have always wanted to try parasailing but already booked it, that way I am less likely to chicken out when I see just how high up you actually go. I think I will love it though. It must not be too scarey because I have heard that even elderly people have enjoyed it.
And YES!! I am way excited!!!

I saw the Magic on the Port Canaveral web cam this morning. We will all be there soon!

CatLady- I think you are right. I'll just try to get the water on the way to the port, that is the best idea. I would like the brand that I am used to and they don't have it in Florida that I have ever seen but I can get some that I will be happy with.::yes:: ::yes:: ::yes::
Thanks Sue......the airboat ride excursion looks fun too but don't think that's offered by DCL.
I'm guessing I might start off with the Parrot Cay dining rotation since we have older kids (12, 14 & 17) ?
Well.....back to packing/cleaning !
Yes Maria,
My husband finally did make it home! It was well worth the trip because we have our docs and a great Mickey bag that they came in. It is something I will carry around with me to hold my camera and incidentals.

My daughter will be 12 in December, is your daughter going to try the clubs? My dd loved them 2 years ago, hope she feels the same this year!

I also gave my kids a 1/2 tablet of Bonine daily on the last cruise and I took it myself. The only day I was really seasick was the day after I was off the ship! I was feeling really green:(

Hi Maryann !
My dd turned 12 this summer. She's VERY torn with going to the clubs because this will be the first time her sister can't go with her, as she turned 14 this summer. On our last cruise they were 10 & 12. They really stick together. But maybe if she met your dd, she'd reconsider. That's Heather in the pic in my siggy.

Glad to hear you finally have docs in hand too :Pinkbounc
The only time dh and I felt a little queasy <sp> was the first night while crossing the Gulf Stream. We'll be prepared this cruise. I'll have taken my Bonine around the time we have our DIS meet at 3 pm.
Originally posted by Sue88
[BI would like the brand that I am used to and they don't have it in Florida that I have ever seen but I can get some that I will be happy with. [/B]

What brand of water is it that you are accustomed to? I live down here, so if they happen to have it and you just didn't see it, I'd be happy to let you know. Bottled water tends to be regional, unless you are talking about something like Evian, which is imported.
Okay, I don't want to sound like a LUSH, but can you take Bonine and drink? I want to have a Bon Voyage drink for sure. DH and I went on a cruise about twelve years ago and the only time we felt queasy was the first night. We left out of Puerto Rico and were headed for Barbados. DD7 gets carsick, so she is the one I am most concerned about.

As far as dining rotations go I requested the APL rotation and we have second seating. DCL said the rotation would not be guaranteed. Two weeks from now we will be sailing toward Key West on the Disney Magic!!:boat: :boat: :boat: :boat: :boat:
:hyper: I was just thinking that! Two weeks from now our adventure will have just begun! It is WAY exciting!:hyper:

Scottygirl, I just picked up some Bonine and the package says that alcohol can increase the chance of drowsiness. I imagine some people would not be effected by it and some may get sleepy. I have not tried Bonine before but I may take half a tablet tomorrow just to see how I feel with it. I tend to be effected more than others by medication and even the newer Dramamine makes me feel uncomfortably "buzzed". I really don't want to use that!
I have heard that the newer formula for Dramamine and Bonine are actually the same thing but I looked on the packages at Walmart today and they have different active ingredients so I am hopeing that Bonine works for me.

Catlady, how's the weather this week in Florida? I am a midwest girl and we are haveing a lovely fall weekend with highs in the 70's:) We had some colder weather last week though so I am glad that I will be heading your way for the cruise.
On the water issue- I don't mind evian and do buy it occassionally so I will be happy with that. My favorite is called Arrowhead. It is common here but when I have been in Florida in the past few years I have never seen this brand.:mad:

I am counting down the days of work that I have left until the cruise. Only 8 work days left!:hyper: ::yes:: :hyper: ::yes:: :hyper:
Sue88, no Arrowhead water here, sorry. I did a Google search and found that it's owned by Nestle, but it doesn't really say much about the source of the water, other than that it's "from high in the mountains". That's not terribly helpful, is it? :) Anyhow, the major brands of water you are likely to find here are Zephyrhills (regional, from a spring in the Tampa area), Aquafina (owned by Pepsi), Dasani (owned by Coke -- I know these are from regional sources because they had a recall in Europe over theirs), and Evian. Of course, there are others, but at least you are familiar with one of them!

The weather here is beautiful! I'm flying out on business to Charleston, SC today, and I'm kind of sad about it because the weather is so nice. We went through a long stretch where very weekend was either having a hurricane or cleaning up from a hurricane that it's a real luxury to have nice weather to enjoy.

The one thing I say a lot about bonine: If you decide to take it, start taking it the night before. If you wait until 45 minutes before sailaway, it's too late for it to get into your system. Take it from someone who scuba dives and has had to "feed the fishes" before on more than one occasion!
I have taken Bonine and also had a drink at the going away party on board the Wonder. It didn't seem to make me feel drowsy and I'm very sensitive to medication like Sue. Dramamine, otoh, really knocks me out. I know the ingredient in Bonine is meclizine, where as Dramamine contains dimenhydrinate.
As for the dining rotation, I hadn't realized we could request a certain rotation. Is there a benefit to requesting the APL rotation ? I'm thinking there is if formal night is the 3rd night because then you'd be in Lumiere's for that ? That would be ideal. I used to have the list of rotations but can't find them now.
As for the weather in FL....I'm hoping for sun and warmth when we get there on Nov 2 ! Sue, even though I prefer 80 and above for temps, your 70 degree weather sounds like heaven right now. Our "high" yesterday was 58 ! Waking up to some frost on the ground this morning and predictions of possible snow the first week of Nov in the long range forecast ! I'll be glad to escape all that !!! My bones are already aching from the cold :(
Looking for a thaw-down in FL and on the cruise.....I might not want to come back ;)
Catlady, Thanks for doing the search for my brand of water! Pretty funny that it only says its from "High in the Mountains". Now I am picturing that they fill the bottles from some disgusting pond on a hill somewhere.lol.

I may like the water offered on the ship just fine, who knows.

You scuba?! I have ALWAYS wanted to do that!! I consider myself an "armchair" scuba diver because I have read so much about it. I do plan to snorkel plenty on this trip.

We were in the 50's last week too. I am NOT looking forward to winter weather! Just keeping thinking about the lovely Caribbean sun.:sunny:



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