11/8/03 Western Cruise roll call.... "looking for info from DISers"

DCL customarily releases your cruise documents anywhere from 3 weeks to 10 days prior to your arrival.

If you get them sooner, you're lucky. If not, then you just have to be patient. One thing's for certain, they will come. :D
Good morning!
Its Sunday which means November 1st is next week! This cruise is getting close - Yahoo!
So hows everyone's cruise plans, packing, etc going? Anyone start anything yet?
Lets get this party going!
:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

well the rain has started - only 4 more days off until the cruise after today (and full day trips planned) - DS & I are staying home today so guess it's time to decide what we're bringing for clothes - be back later

well i got DS packed as much as I can for now - he'll be wearing his pants/bathing suits/shorts most of the time for 2 days - cant get his pile down any smaller - some days wearing his shirt from dinner night before or night of
gonna get away from this for a while and take a walk as the sun finally came out

well now I have my own clothes partially packed - at least I know what I want as time gets closer
Getting started on DHs now - wish me luck - Im packing khaki pants, and dressier shorts so at least they'll be in the suitcase- I'll let him decide what else to take
Good morning - can you feel our waiting days dwindling down?
:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

still waiting for those docs - not today
We got our t-shirts today and they look great!

Thanks David for all of your hard work.

Have a great week everyone. I will be mailing out green mickey heads for those who asked by the end of this week.

Hello cruisers of 11-08
Just wanted you each to know that this is when Norm and I will be down in Key West = take my cell phone number down just in case you have any questions while down there - it is 321-506-2246 - we plan on leaving here on Thursday and be back Monday - Make sure you have all the information I have on Key West so it will help you while down there - you can stop at the shop and my sister Rose will be there and glad to help you.
If you have any questions, just call the shop at 800-950-4550 or email me at snelsonbrown@aol.com
I wish you all the very best while in my hometown and the rest of your cruise - stay safe and enjoy yourselves.
Shirley and Norm
Just think -- in two weeks we will be getting ready for our MAGICAL vacation!!!!!

What do you still have to do to get ready for the trip?

Originally posted by mkpb
Just think -- in two weeks we will be getting ready for our MAGICAL vacation!!!!!

What do you still have to do to get ready for the trip?


LOL - only EVERYTHING still! When I used to vacation less often I would be packed far in advance - that was part of looking forward to the trip. Now though, I'm pretty much last minute, and hate the chore that packing has become. I expect to be figuring out what to wear and then packing it Sat/Sun before the cruise. Since I leave work at noon Tuesday 11/4 for WDW, I really need to get it done that weekend.
Good morning
anyone else having trouble with Lisa's email adrs? Just tried sending a decline to the Key West scavenger hunt but it couldnt go through. I think DH wants to spend lots of time on Duval St

All packed - well except for the large misc suitcase!
Got our docs yesterday - still need to fill them out
Need to get my driver's license renewed as it expires while on our MAGICal cruise
Getting a flu shot next wk
"All Packed" makes me SICK!!!! We only have a small pile of supplies I picked up at Wal-Mart last week. I'm hoping to make a bigger pile this weekend (only 2 left!). One of the suit cases I'm taking is in London right now.

Have a great day, guys!
I have lots left to do. Figure out what we are bringing, buy what we don't have and pack it all up. Plus the misc. things like get Travellers checks, a bunch of singles for tips, stop the mail, nag my husband until he tries on his suit etc. etc. pirate:

Two weeks and two days and we are outta here!! :earseek:
So sorry Barb...I sent the wrong link for my email address. If anyone is wanting to join us for the DIS Scavenger Hunt in Key West please email me at: sandlabel@cs.com

I havn't even thought about packing yet....Broke the news to the children's teachers about missing 6 days of school. I was very surprised that my daughter's 3rd grade teacher was much more understanding than my other daughter's Kindergarten teacher! The good news is they are not sending any homework with them...we get to complete all the missed work when we return!!

:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Haven't even started packing - though I have "gathered" a few things. Hoping to hit the stores this weekend for items we need and start putting some things near the suitcases. I usually don't pack them until a couple nights before as I HATE ironing - even more so on vacation!

We travel to Disney the same time in November every year because Ben(DS11) has at least 2-3 days off during that time.
This year he is in 6th grade Jr. High in our district and for the first time he also will get to make up his homework when he returns. This is actually a new written policy in our school district. I have been told that it is an attempt to keep parents from taking their kids out of class but I think it makes it easier. It certainly varies from teacher to teacher as to how they react when a child will miss school but both of the last two years he has been loaded up with homework to the point where a medium size suitcase had to be added to our already to much luggage just to carry homework. We made sure it was all finished before we returned and when Ben went back to school he was nearly 3 weeks ahead of the rest of the class. So here is hoping that the homework situation works out well for everyone. :bounce:

:earsboy: :earsgirl: :earsboy:
I'm still looking for some scrapbookers on the 11/8 cruise. So far there are just two of us! If you are a scrapper and are interested in a little gathering, let me know and I'll let you know when and where.

We are just about packed. Need to get some more hangers for the hanging clothes and then just have to pack the personal care bag. But then again I have been ready to go for about 2 months.

Hate to see what happens when we start having kids!!!!

We will also be a no on the scavenger hunt we are meeting friends that live in the keys for lunch.

Angela & Jason
Well we are about ready to go but....
We can't find our Birth Certificates! I have an extra one for DS and can drive an hour to get a copy of mine but DH is from NJ and we are in NC!!!! I will try to call NJ in the AM and get one sent fast.
Has anyone ever dealt with NJ about getting a Birth Cert. before?

We had those Birth Cert. last fall when we cruised and have searched high and low. We have even kept our old documents (heaven Knows why!) and they are not with these. Any NJ past experiences would be helpful!
Carla :eek: :(
I'm not from NJ but had to get our Texas birth certificates in a hurry for our Florida drivers license.

Here's the website for NJ birth certificates:
This address seems to have a 5-8 business day before receiving.

I found this one that cost more but gets it to you in 2-3 days.

I faxed our forms with a copy of my credit card and a copy of our ID (which was a TX drivers license) to viatl statistics in Texas and got the certificates in 2 days.
Hello, Everyone:

Well, I've fallen off the "Board" for the last few weeks. Nothing major, but just a lot of little things (kids' school projects, soccer games, following the rise and fall of the Chicago Cubs, a much-overdue visit from the Ohio in-laws, a major overhaul of our 5-yr old DD's bedroom, Halloween preparation, weekend pharmacy work, DH suddenly doing a lot of out-of-town business travel, etc) Anyway, the stress level has hit a high...but the time until our vacation of a lifetime is sure going quickly!! At the 30-day mark, my 3 dd's and I (actually, our 5 yr old, Marissa, did much of the work) made a countdown chain. We used construction paper (disney Cruise colors) and made 30 links. We numbered them, and added lots of Disney decorations. Our 3 kids take turns cutting the chain every morning...I can't believe we are at 14 days!!! Our packing is far from done, but we have some things put aside (I've been so busy rearranging bedroom closets that I've had to hold-off packing cruise clothes!!) I envy those of who who are so organized and are already packed - but, somehow, we'll pull it together in the next 14 days!! It's so hard to believe that we've had 15 months of waiting - and now there is only 2 weeks left to go!! Can't wait to meet all of you!

Dave - any lime green adult size shirts left? We still haven't received the last newsletter from you, but we did get the other messages about the shirts. Hope all is going well with your new home!

Take care everyone! Make a pot of homemade chicken soup, drink lots of O.J., and take your vitamins - we all want to be in great health for this cruise!! Janine :yo-yo:


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