12/09/06 Cruise Continued ~ Pirating Bananas DIS Geekorama Part 2 Part 9

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lbgraves said:
We went to a party this month that hung small powdered donuts from the door frame with string. They were spider eggs. ;) The kids knelt down & ate them with their hands behind their back. It was pretty funny to watch. You have to cut a bit of the string each time because their mouth gets on it but the bigger kids go last.

I'm sure the kids have fun with it, but the name sounds gross! :rotfl:
elaineteresa said:
Ken's mom is Hungarian - that is where ghoulash originated I believe - in Hungary. She makes it with egg noodles, braised beef - stew meat - not hamburger - various vegetables, like carrot etc. I love ghoulash.

Martha will be joining us on the cruise if anyone wants Hungarian cooking tips. She speaks Hungarian too.


Everytime I hear Hungarian I think of My Fair Lady!
lbgraves said:
Carnival means that I wont be in chat or on the boards very much this weekend while I recover. :crazy:

But then you will be saying NO a lot more, right? ;)
becka said:
Lisa - I am glad the cruise is just around the corner. You have sounded very stressed out lately and it sound like you really, really need this vacation. :)

And you will not cause her any stress on the cruise?? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
becka said:
My DS is such a guy already. When we were driving home this afternoon he told me that tomorrow I should not use the hair clip to put my hair up but that I should just leave it down. He likes it better that way. :rotfl: DH is always saying the same thing. What is it with guys and long hair? :confused3:

Awwwww...but he's not trying to grow a beard too is he? :rotfl:
lbgraves said:
Yes, he called at 7:45 am Monday to tell me that he had to go to MD that afternoon for the week. If things didn't start hitting the fan it would be better. I tried calling him. He will be home Friday night but we wont be able to discuss anything until Saturday. I am praying that the kids don't get suspended tomorrow...that will only make it worse. Yesturday when they were fighting with my friend's DS they were on school grounds. A talk DS had today with the counselor about other things brought that "disagreement" up. I never thought that it could affect them all that way since it wasn't during school. I am praying that nothing else is done about it. :(

:guilty: I hope things don't get out of control with that! The kids would be heartbroken if that happened to them! I am guessing you hae to talk with someone at the school tomorrow? :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
becka said:
Halloween Corners Game (Good for ages 3 - 8)

Stick up large Halloween themed pictures (ie witch, bat, ghost and black cat) in the four corners of a room. Play some music and when it stops, each child runs to a corner (if you have small numbers you can limit the number of children in each). The music operator without looking then calls out one corner. The kids in that corner are out. The last person left is the winner.

They do that at our skating rink with numbers! The kids love it! :thumbsup2
lbgraves said:
The funniest thing was that she doesn't even like donuts. :) She watched for a while before giving it a try. She sure doesn't look like she would be sick in another hour or so. :(

Oy! She got sick on top of everyting else? :guilty: Lisa, I want to come and help you!!!
pjpoohbear said:
OMG BECKA, you have made just the sight of a math problem make me burst out in laughter.

Becka is a professional laugh master!


So why are you sucking up? What does she have on you?? :lmao:
pjpoohbear said:
I have it on my ipod, I watched it at bowling last night and made my friend Tony jealous! (He was the one whom I invited on the cruise, instead he meet a boy and decided not to put aside the money.) Now he wants to cruise, TOO BAD, I have cool cruise buddies now!!!!!!


Did you see this Itunes fans?!?!
Jhalkias said:
Well, since you guys are all busy, I decided to try out a widget I downloaded for my dashboard on my Mac. It shows you the lyrics for any song you have playing on iTunes.

I just love this song - don't like the whole album, but the refrain from this song makes me think of my Sophia . . .

I'm gonna watch you shine
Gonna watch you grow
Gonna paint a sign
So you'll always know
As long as one and one is two
There could never be a father
Who loved his daughter more than I love you

Paul Simon - Father and Daughter


John, that is such a tear-jerker song! :sad:
Jhalkias said:
Amy is cracking me up!

She is in our living room, pretending to talk Japanese, and trying to fold a shirt like that video that PJ posted.



Moments like these are why I DIS.


:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao:
So she will do her part of the presentation in Japanese? :rotfl: :rotfl:
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