2007 Tower of Terror 13K & 6.5K WISH Roster

My DD14, Jessica, and I will be doing the 13K and staying at POP. Can't wait!

Leana, and my mom Donna, both doing the 13K. Staying at Coronado Springs for now, unless we get a good AP rate elsewhere down the road.
Charlie and I will be doing the 13K. We are staying at POR.

Thanks for doing the list, Susie! :thumbsup2
I think I have everyone up to here. This list is getting big. :cool1: :cheer2:
Calcio and I will be there--registered for the 13K! Staying at the Swan. :dance3:

My trainer said she's gonna run it too.

Co-worker has registered for the 13K too and her boyfriend is doing the 6.5K.

This is gonna be cool!
DH (Jeff) and I will be doing the 15K and staying at BWV!
Lynnda (crzy4pooh) and I will be there. We aren't going to stay onsite though. :guilty: We will most likely drive over for the race and fun stuff and then leave at the end of the night and go back home.

I do not know if my wife would let me try this (going to WDW for vacation this summer and I have registered for the 2008 Donald as my first distance event of any kind). I would think there is some kind of time limit (15-16 minutes/mile), but I don't see anything listed on the site. Does anyone what the time limit is? I have seen windwalker referencing that he plans to do a slow pace, but I assume that his slow is quite different than what my slow is/will be. (Given some physical issues I've previously posted, I would have to walk this as I will the Donald.)

Also, if I could swing getting there and my training is progressing, does anyone have an opinion as to whether this might be a good event just to do as a first "race" to get some experience before the 2008 Donald as to how races are organized, run, the feel at the start, how to deal with the "Disney Experience" while participating, etc. I would really love to do this if "life" doesn't get in the way.

I hope this post isn't too off topic to the thread. If so, someone let me know and I will start another thread.
I do not know if my wife would let me try this (going to WDW for vacation this summer and I have registered for the 2008 Donald as my first distance event of any kind). I would think there is some kind of time limit (15-16 minutes/mile), but I don't see anything listed on the site. Does anyone what the time limit is? I have seen windwalker referencing that he plans to do a slow pace, but I assume that his slow is quite different than what my slow is/will be. (Given some physical issues I've previously posted, I would have to walk this as I will the Donald.)

Also, if I could swing getting there and my training is progressing, does anyone have an opinion as to whether this might be a good event just to do as a first "race" to get some experience before the 2008 Donald as to how races are organized, run, the feel at the start, how to deal with the "Disney Experience" while participating, etc. I would really love to do this if "life" doesn't get in the way.

I hope this post isn't too off topic to the thread. If so, someone let me know and I will start another thread.

I would venture to guess the time limit would be 15 minutes/mile.

IMO, this would be a good race to get your feet wet. I ran the 1/2 this year, and it was my very first race. I decided to go with the flow, and didn't encounter any problems. You may want to try a couple of local races to see how things are organized and run. The thing that got me at WDW was the number of runners.

Come on, you know you want to do it. :thumbsup2
I definitely want to do it. But ... I definitely don't want my DW to throw me out of the house or get me reservations for a nice windowless room somewhere with rubber walls (although the medication might be good).

ETA: Do any husbands think I could get away with saying the afternoon of the race that I am going out to get some milk and return home the next morning after catching the early morning direct flight back to CT (hopefully remembering to pick up some milk on the way back from the airport)?
I am signed up for the TofT event along with my hubby, John. He can not walk 8 miles at a 15 minute pace, so I hope that info is incorrect. Since there were no minimum times listed, could it be we have virtually the entire 4 hours to finish? (not that he'll need that much time!) it sounds more like a fun event then competitive challenge. We are booked at BWV for Fri and Sunday and waitlisted for Thurs. If it doesn't come through, we may stay at the Swan/Dolphin for one night.


Thank you for putting this list together. Would you please add me to the 13K, :goofy: DW:sulley: (8K), DD pluto: (8K), and DS :stitch2: (8K).
I'll be there staying at "Scopa Towers" with the BMXers. This is awesome, the RFTT in early October and the TOT 13K in late October. It makes it so much easier living in Florida.

See you there,
I definitely want to do it. But ... I definitely don't want my DW to throw me out of the house or get me reservations for a nice windowless room somewhere with rubber walls (although the medication might be good).

ETA: Do any husbands think I could get away with saying the afternoon of the race that I am going out to get some milk and return home the next morning after catching the early morning direct flight back to CT (hopefully remembering to pick up some milk on the way back from the airport)?

nepatsfan - I think it's in the WISH runner/walker bylaws that you have to be a little crazy to do what we do. :crazy: :teeth:

Speaking as a wife, I don't think your suggestion of going out for milk will work. Unless, that is, you do this kind of thing a lot. ;)

I think this race will be a lot of fun and a good warm up to the half next year. The half this past January was my first event ever and I wished that I had done some smaller races before. I think you need to go for it! :thumbsup2 There will be a lot of us there to help cheer you on. :cheer2:
I think I have everyone listed up to here. If I missed someone, please let me know. :upsidedow
escape--no, maybe unfortunately, I don't usually disappear for a day. I'll probably have to come up with something better. Maybe I'll have to consider the truth (that works for me sometimes). I am sure if I tell her all my internet friends who I have yet to meet and who consider themselves a bit crazy are going, she would agree its OK. (Or maybe, she, being the grounded one, isn't quite ready to "handle the truth.") Thanks for you encouragement.
Susie, me, me, ME!!! DH and I are registered and looking at Coronado Springs. :goodvibes Anne
escape--no, maybe unfortunately, I don't usually disappear for a day. I'll probably have to come up with something better. Maybe I'll have to consider the truth (that works for me sometimes). I am sure if I tell her all my internet friends who I have yet to meet and who consider themselves a bit crazy are going, she would agree its OK. (Or maybe, she, being the grounded one, isn't quite ready to "handle the truth.") Thanks for you encouragement.

nepatsfan, the truth always works for me but I really sold DW on the Food and WIne festival for her (us;) ) and MNSSHP for DD and DS.

As a side question, does anyone know what happened to the WISH team hat purchase thread - being inept at searching today - because I would really like to represent at this event?


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