2017 Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend

Lungs continue to clear up. DS's cold is clearing up, too, just in time for his dance convention. Tried the bigger size Altras around the house and then to/from yoga, and they feel 99% great. WOW.

Got a notice from the Water utility today that they noticed increased usage, did some checking around our property, and apparently we have a leak. When I talked with them about how much we have been using, it's like 12 times what the house was billed for the month before we moved in. There are only 3 of us.

But the house was EMPTY for the reading she compared recent readings to (and had been empty for 6 months by then), so there shouldn't have been any water usage. So there's been a long standing leak. Did we get a home warranty? Of course not! I don't know if that's even possible for an older house. Because we're newbies and stupidly trusted our realtor. Our home inspection caught nothing about this. Gosh I'm so happy at the $$$$ we're about to get to spend!

You guys have been my therapy session recently. Danka.
Lungs continue to clear up. DS's cold is clearing up, too, just in time for his dance convention. Tried the bigger size Altras around the house and then to/from yoga, and they feel 99% great. WOW.

Got a notice from the Water utility today that they noticed increased usage, did some checking around our property, and apparently we have a leak. When I talked with them about how much we have been using, it's like 12 times what the house was billed for the month before we moved in. There are only 3 of us.

But the house was EMPTY for the reading she compared recent readings to (and had been empty for 6 months by then), so there shouldn't have been any water usage. So there's been a long standing leak. Did we get a home warranty? Of course not! I don't know if that's even possible for an older house. Because we're newbies and stupidly trusted our realtor. Our home inspection caught nothing about this. Gosh I'm so happy at the $$$$ we're about to get to spend!

You guys have been my therapy session recently. Danka.

:grouphug::hug: just think.... soon you'll be in Disney. It'll be a nice break. I'm sorry this is all happening to you all at once.
Feeling good and getting excited despite this pesky metatarsalagia that's cropped up! Anyone else have experience with this? I guess I'll be wearing flat comfortable shoes and avoid exercises that aggravate that 1st MTP joint. Why is it that feeling your best and being well trained can change in an instant!!!! Goodness gracious!
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Feeling good and getting excited despite this pesky metatarsalagia that's cropped up! Anyone else have experience with this? I guess I'll be wearing flat comfortable shoes and avoid exercises that aggravate that 1st MTP joint. Why is it that feeling your best and being well trained can chance in an instant!!!! Goodness gracious!


I still vaguely remember the day that started my knee nonsense though I didn't fully realize it at the time. In a challenging yoga class, going into a simple lunge, not focused (it was "just" a lunge) and the forward leg got wobbly and went side to side. I think it was then that something happened to my knee. And I'm still dealing with it.

Things can change in a millisecond. You have my empathy.
I left my running shoes outside last night and when the sprinklers came on, they soaked them! So no run for me today.

My 4-year old has been 'training' for his Mickey Mile and his Pre-K3 teacher (a runner herself) was talking to him about eating the right foods to give him energy. This morning he asked for pasta and a steak for breakfast :rolleyes1 and used the phrase "carb loading" when asking for dinner.
I left my running shoes outside last night and when the sprinklers came on, they soaked them! So no run for me today.

My 4-year old has been 'training' for his Mickey Mile and his Pre-K3 teacher (a runner herself) was talking to him about eating the right foods to give him energy. This morning he asked for pasta and a steak for breakfast :rolleyes1 and used the phrase "carb loading" when asking for dinner.
Take the insoles out of your shows and stuff the shoes with newspaper - the newspaper will absorb the water and help your shoes dry faster. Change it after an hour, put in new paper and then take that out after 2-3 hours. Put in round 3 of newspaper and leave it in overnight.

That's hilarious abut your kiddo! IT's so funny what kids pick up from adults. :)
I've started thinking about my strategy for the weekend. I want a good HM time for Dopey and this flat course may give me the PR I need until my next race ;)

5k - walking. Taking all the photos.
10k - run/walk. Taking all the photos.
Hm - 2:49:59 or die trying. I'm in corral H on a flat course. Feeling good. My current PR from two weeks ago was 2:52 on a hilly course - so I think this is very realistic.

You can PR at a Disney race! My fastest 10k is 1:13 from Disneyland Avengers. :)
@courtneybeth is this your first WDW race weekend? I can't remember. :)

I totally think one could PR on these courses. 4ish - 7ish will be a little crowded but otherwise you you should have some room to go at your pace.
I've started thinking about my strategy for the weekend. I want a good HM time for Dopey and this flat course may give me the PR I need until my next race ;)

5k - walking. Taking all the photos.
10k - run/walk. Taking all the photos.
Hm - 2:49:59 or die trying. I'm in corral H on a flat course. Feeling good. My current PR from two weeks ago was 2:52 on a hilly course - so I think this is very realistic.

You can PR at a Disney race! My fastest 10k is 1:13 from Disneyland Avengers. :)

Very possible. I would stay off your legs after the 5 and 10K. It looks to be a bit warm and I don't know what conditions you are used to. If hotter and more humid then normal for you, then drink the "watered down PowerAid" even if you aren't used to it. Get in the front of your corral. And check at the expo to see what corral and who is leading the 2:45 pace group, if there is one. The pacer really helped me last year. And don't discount walking the "hills"; the underpass before the Contemporary and just after mile 10...this swooping onramp. Take all you can from the crowds on Main Street, they are very energetic. Good luck!
I've started thinking about my strategy for the weekend. I want a good HM time for Dopey and this flat course may give me the PR I need until my next race ;)

5k - walking. Taking all the photos.
10k - run/walk. Taking all the photos.
Hm - 2:49:59 or die trying. I'm in corral H on a flat course. Feeling good. My current PR from two weeks ago was 2:52 on a hilly course - so I think this is very realistic.

You can PR at a Disney race! My fastest 10k is 1:13 from Disneyland Avengers. :)

Cheering you on for a PR!! (I am also in corral H btw :) )
This is my strategy...
It is normal for me to go out for a 6 mile run and it takes about an hour. So I will run that, it gets me through the MK and after that it is a crap shoot. I have trained, just not like the last few years. I have other stuff like my first grandchild born in October and we are moving and just no set goal so I am good with that.

With that, I will leave you with the quote I used last year:
A goal without a plan is a wish. Herman Edwards
I've started thinking about my strategy for the weekend. I want a good HM time for Dopey and this flat course may give me the PR I need until my next race ;)

5k - walking. Taking all the photos.
10k - run/walk. Taking all the photos.
Hm - 2:49:59 or die trying. I'm in corral H on a flat course. Feeling good. My current PR from two weeks ago was 2:52 on a hilly course - so I think this is very realistic.

You can PR at a Disney race! My fastest 10k is 1:13 from Disneyland Avengers. :)

I have PR'd a couple of rD races ... one was W&D last year ... which I hated the course and couldn't get off of fast enough ... which I did :)

But it's really not that bad. Just give yourself room. Try to stay straight. (Quit laughing everyone) and just enjoy the sights and sounds.

Folks will be cheering you. You'll be able to see the end.

It's completely doable! Survive the corral/start .... if you want a PR, just smile and wave at the photo ops, middle/end of the water/Powerade 'slows', get accustomed to saying 'excuse me' as you pinch through the group of 7 walking 7 wide ... enjoy it!

I don't really have a plan, but I'm not looking to PR on any of these races. I'll work on that during a non-Disney race. I just want to take time and get some photos. I turn 40yo tomorrow and never imagined myself running a half marathon at this age. I'm just celebrating being happy and healthy the entire race weekend!

5K - most likely a leisurely run in between photo ops
10K - I can run the entire thing, but I'm doing run/walk and want to get photos!
half - run/walk and lots of photos!

I've been reading that thread about pace groups. Does anyone have more details with people running so many different intervals? My run/walk intervals are 2min/1min.
I don't really have a strategy since I do not plan to PR any of the races. I spent so much money on these that I want to make sure I enjoy it and get my money's worth (not that those medals aren't worth the money).

5K- Nice and easy run, plan on lots of photo stops
10K- basically the same as the 5K
Half- I normally try to stay below two hours, but that might not happen during this race. I definitely want a castle photo and since I am dressing as Cinderella I plan to stop if they have the Glass Slipper/Carriage photo op.

I turn 40yo tomorrow and never imagined myself running a half marathon at this age. I'm just celebrating being happy and healthy the entire race weekend!

I didn't start running until my late 40's :sad2:. I have always been active. My oldest son was a senior in college and he asked me why I never ran, I was a walker and still am at heart, so I decided to try and I did the 15k Minnie marathon in 2008, and now here I am. Never too old to try something new.:flower1:

And :bday:
You guys are awesome :)

@courtneybeth is this your first WDW race weekend? I can't remember. :)

I totally think one could PR on these courses. 4ish - 7ish will be a little crowded but otherwise you you should have some room to go at your pace.

This is my first WDW race weekend and I'm a feeling of nervous and excited. I'm going to try to do my best and keep a steady pace (about 12:30), even right out the chute. There will be choke points and I know sometimes it's hard to find the tangents, and I'm going to be realistic. There will be points you have to walk. And you just have to go a little faster after.

Very possible. I would stay off your legs after the 5 and 10K. It looks to be a bit warm and I don't know what conditions you are used to. If hotter and more humid then normal for you, then drink the "watered down PowerAid" even if you aren't used to it. Get in the front of your corral. And check at the expo to see what corral and who is leading the 2:45 pace group, if there is one. The pacer really helped me last year. And don't discount walking the "hills"; the underpass before the Contemporary and just after mile 10...this swooping onramp. Take all you can from the crowds on Main Street, they are very energetic. Good luck!

I'm okay with walking hills. I'm from So Cal, so for me I hope this isn't more humid than I'm used to. I've run in New Orleans and Nashville before, but that's about as "southern" as I have run-traveled.

I'm going to see if I can grab that 2:45 pacer for sure. I think they do 5 min run, 1 min walk intervals. I am down with that for sure.

I have PR'd a couple of rD races ... one was W&D last year ... which I hated the course and couldn't get off of fast enough ... which I did :)

But it's really not that bad. Just give yourself room. Try to stay straight. (Quit laughing everyone) and just enjoy the sights and sounds.

Folks will be cheering you. You'll be able to see the end.

It's completely doable! Survive the corral/start .... if you want a PR, just smile and wave at the photo ops, middle/end of the water/Powerade 'slows', get accustomed to saying 'excuse me' as you pinch through the group of 7 walking 7 wide ... enjoy it!


Thank you! :) I'm excited to run the Right Coast Castle and see some of the backstage areas of WDW. Disneyland races are exciting, except for the Awful Tunnel in the backside of California Adventure.... but I'm ready to see the magic from WDW!

Going to stay off my feet and go slow on the first two races. It's a no parks trip.
Good point, @joan4mickey :)

What is everyone else's race plan?? I feel like I maybe need something more detailed than my current plan of run my intervals and have fun :)

I'm going to try and find a pace group and stay with them. I dunno if they go as far back as me.. but maybe that the first part of my goal... find them then stay with them haha.
My race plan is: 1. Finish 2. Have fun 3. Take lots of photos! Beyond that, we are doing the same run/walk intervals we have been training with. Usually 30/30 with some longer runs and longer walks based on how we feel.

I have been dealing with sciatic pain for the last several weeks. I've been going to the chiropractor but it doesn't seem to be helping. I'm not sure what to do.


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