5/27/06 "Il pochi il fiero i blabbermouths" We *will* sail again Part 4

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kikipug said:
Somehow, I don't think he fits the bill...


Just can't see him in the huge diaper/sarong outfit.
Think Moses, find him a robe, tie it with a rope, fake a staff. Or make a quick run to the costume store, tell him he gets to be Egyptian for Halloween too. Always worked for me.

Now mine is 14, and wants more and more elaborate costumes. I keep telling her she is too OLD for Trick or Treat. When do they stop these days? I remember taking my brothers out when I was 11, and someone telling me I was too big. I never went again!
Dancind said:
Think Moses, find him a robe, tie it with a rope, fake a staff.

That's what I was thinking... unfortunately, his bathrobe looks like a firefighter's coat... don't think it would have the Moses effect... I might head over to Target at lunch...
Dancind said:
Now mine is 14, and wants more and more elaborate costumes. I keep telling her she is too OLD for Trick or Treat. When do they stop these days? I remember taking my brothers out when I was 11, and someone telling me I was too big. I never went again!
Tell me about it!! At the Renaissance Fair she saw an outfit that she absolutely LOVED (or so she said). The argument was: I can wear that for the Pirate night on the cruise. It was VERY nice, only problem........$250.00 :earseek:
Dancind said:
Think Moses, find him a robe, tie it with a rope, fake a staff.
Sounds good. The staff could even be used to fight off the rabble of non-believers!! :rotfl2:
I'm thinking about just putting a t-shirt on him that says "I didn't do it" (they have them in Target), and he can go as Denial... get it "the Nile"... :rotfl2:
kikipug said:
I'm thinking about just putting a t-shirt on him that says "I didn't do it" (they have them in Target), and he can go as Denial... get it "the Nile"... :rotfl2:
NICE!! I like it!

Just get some plastic frogs and fashion a head dress. Mud on the toes, and he's there!!
tinksdad said:
Just get some plastic frogs and fashion a head dress. Mud on the toes, and he's there!!

Plastic frogs... forget that... I've got enough real ones in my yard to outfit every kid in the class... too bad I threw out the dead one I found in my laundry room last night... it would have made a good necklace.
kikipug said:
Plastic frogs... forget that... I've got enough real ones in my yard to outfit every kid in the class... too bad I threw out the dead one I found in my laundry room last night... it would have made a good necklace.
Whoa!! Here I was trying to conform to "motherly sensibilities" and you're talking about dead frogs! You go girl!!
kikipug said:
Plastic frogs... forget that... I've got enough real ones in my yard to outfit every kid in the class... too bad I threw out the dead one I found in my laundry room last night... it would have made a good necklace.

My cat brought me a live one last night in the bath - want it????
kikipug said:
Speaking of costumes... Egypt Day is Thursday in 3rd grade... (optional of course, but try telling that to Christopher)... so, short of wrapping him in toilet paper and telling him he's somebody's mummy, anybody got any ideas???

The clock is ticking... Thursday will be here awfully quickly!!!

Is it politically correct to dress him in red and call him a burning bush????

A black cat?????

A towel around the waist - a sheet as a cape and a necklace with sandles?

Ok, I'm going to

Last year, for Christmas, we got Mike's mom a 1 yr subscription to Netflix. They have LOVED it. (they are the ones who recommended "24" in the Friends section of Netflix)

So we're going to repeat that gift this year ...(oh, yeah, and *this* cruise)

In the process of ordering it, it took me to my "netflix gift certificate page" and lo and behold....we bought a gift certificate for Mike's dad and step mom that, according to Netflix, was NEVER REEDEEMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember asking them mid year how they liked it and they said it was "ok." Well, from the looks of it, we plunked down over $200 for it and they never reedeemed the thing!!! And now, being that it's over 1 yr from the date of purchase, it's too late.

Oh, this is going to make for an interesting wedding this weekend!!!

I don't look good in green, but maybe I will wear green just so the smilie applies:

Ok, we'll see if this works....

I was still able to click on "print or email" in my Netflix gift subscription list for this certificate. I copied the code on the certificate. I applied it to MY netflix account and it seems to have taken it. It's going to deduct $17.99 a month from my total bill (since it was for a 3 at a time plan but we are on the 6 at a time plan)

It *seems* to have gone through....almost 3 yrs PAST when it says it should still work. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Maybe there won't have to be a family argument at the wedding. If this works, I keep my mouth shut and be thankful that they are morons!
OM, that's just wrong. Sounds like my Dad though. I bought them a DVD player a couple of years ago from Amazon. They couldn't figure out how to hook it up, so they didn't use it. I hope they sent it back for credit, but I don't know. The only I can be sure they will use is a WalMart gift card.
Dancind said:
OM, that's just wrong.

maybe you haven't gotten to my follow up yet. seems like it worked in my favor!!

maybe this year i'll get them bp cards and say "i wanted to get you something that you might actually USE!!!"
What do you call what I've done? It's not really "re-gifting"....since I didn't give it to them and they gave it to someone else.

Hmmmm.....I may be onto something....buy things for ppl that I like and then secretly "steal" them back!!!! :)

It's not stealing....I gave them almost FOUR years to use it. And technically it says it exprired after ONE!
HA! I just went back to my Netflix Gift Subscription page and it now says that that gift certificate has been redeemed in MY NAME!!!

"Hi folks"

Edited to say that I finally did it :banana: :banana:

It is time for the :dancer: of joy!

By a sheer act of chance I glanced at the upcoming post number :rolleyes1

Oh my, it is :hourglass for a milestone :flower:

Can I get it? :earseek:

Is there a pirate:

Am I :moped: enough?

Yes, :bounce: Yes, :Pinkbounc

SUCCESS....Post number 17900

That does count for something doesn't it???? :earboy2:

Or does this group only count in the 1000???

Oh well, 999 to go......
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