~ A 21 month old, a celebrity sighting, & a whole lotta food~2 week trip~ 2/28 update

Great pics! I love all your Disney ornaments. Our tree fell over this year and broke several of our Disney ornaments including our DD's First Xmas ornament that we bought her in MK when I was pregnant. It was so upsetting but it wasn't anyone's fault. Oh well.

Dylan is getting so big! Isn't amazing how quickly they start to look like little kids versus babies?
Hi, I've spent the last several days reading your trip report and I've just loved reading it. Dylan is such a cutie! We're going to WDW in March and my DD will be 23 1/2 months old. I was looking for a TR with a child around her age and I'm so happy I found yours. We were there this past June when she was 14 months old and I don't think she got too much out of the trip. I think now that she's a little older she'll enjoy it more. I hope she's as well behaved as Dylan. He sounds like such a sweet kid!
Our holidays were nice, thank you!
They just flew by as always and now
we are into the cold month of january!
I noticed in your pics you are wearing
coats, how cold does it get in N. Ca?
Guess I always think of Ca as being warm
all year! I hear the sunshine state has been
very cold, today it was 28degrees! Yikes!!

Where we live it snows probably 2 - 3 days in the winter, but it doesn't stay on the ground very long before it melts. Right before Christmas, there were some mornings when I drove to work and my car temperature thing said it was 17 degrees! That is the exception though. Our winters get a lot of rain but are usually in the mid-40's or so. The summers are the other extreme. Most summer days are around 105 or higher. We get quite a range of temperature where I live.

Awwww, Dylan is just SO SO SO cute! :goodvibes I can't say that enough. I think he and my little guy would get along great. :)

I know they would. Dylan hasn't met a friend that he doesn't like yet, and your little guy looks like he likes to have fun too!

Alison!! Hi!!! Sooo glad you're back on the DIS!! Yep--FB can be VERY addicting right after you join! Glad to hear you had such a wonderful Christmas!! We got your precious Christmas card--thank you!! Off to find you on FB!! :goodvibes

We got your card as well. Thank you so much! I have spent way too much time on FB but I am doing a little better now. In the beginning you are trying to catch up w/ all of these people and it is time consuming (but fun).

Fantastic Christmas pics! Dylan is getting so big!

I know, he is growing so tall. At his 2 year old doctor's appt, he was 3' 2" already! You are supposed to double their height from age 2 to get an estimate of how tall they are going to be. If that is true, then he is going to be a giant!

Great Christmas photos, thank you for sharing them. I hope your family enjoyed the holidays. :hug:

Hi Raechal! I miss talking to you. Now that I am on FB I am going to try to find you. I think that you PM'd me your info before so I'll try to figure it out. I hope you had a great Christams too!

What a beautiful little family.:goodvibes You look like you all had a very nice Christmas. I agree, getting to be at home with your immediate family on Christmas morning is the best. Would you believe this is the FIRST year we've ever had that?!:scared1:

Can't wait to read the next update, but I'm fully aware of how life can get in the way of the Dis.

Aww, thanks so much. I really liked being at home on Christmas morning. It let us just enjoy Dylan w/out having to worry about entertaining everyone else. I can't believe that this was the first year for you!! Do you usually spend it with extended family? Are you guys planning another Disney trip any time soon?

I have enjoyed reading your trip report so much!!! Your son is a cutie! :goodvibes

Thank you so much for reading! :goodvibes

Great pics! I love all your Disney ornaments. Our tree fell over this year and broke several of our Disney ornaments including our DD's First Xmas ornament that we bought her in MK when I was pregnant. It was so upsetting but it wasn't anyone's fault. Oh well.

Dylan is getting so big! Isn't amazing how quickly they start to look like little kids versus babies?

How sad that you lost some ornaments. I know that it will happen to us at some point and I know it will be disappointing. At least we know that there are always new ornaments to buy. ;)

Dylan is definitely looking like less of a baby. It makes me sad to look back at the pictures from this trip and see how much smaller he was then. But it was 6 months ago, so it shouldn't be surprising.

Nice christmas pictures.

That bridge is soooo cool.

Hey Jordan! Your trip is right around the corner!!! So cool.

Yes, the bridge is really cool. It was built less than 10 years ago (not exactly sure), and the city had it built to bring more tourism to Redding. Not sure if it worked but we love it. It is near our house and there are a lot of walking trails around it, so we spend a lot of time there in the months when there is better weather. It is called the Sundial Bridge and it was designed by some famous architect.

Hi, I've spent the last several days reading your trip report and I've just loved reading it. Dylan is such a cutie! We're going to WDW in March and my DD will be 23 1/2 months old. I was looking for a TR with a child around her age and I'm so happy I found yours. We were there this past June when she was 14 months old and I don't think she got too much out of the trip. I think now that she's a little older she'll enjoy it more. I hope she's as well behaved as Dylan. He sounds like such a sweet kid!

Welcome & thank you for reading my TR! You will have so much fun w/ your DD on your trip. I think she will definitely be able to appreciate it more now that she is a little older. My biggest recommendation is to know how far she can be pushed. We are really lucky that Dylan is such a good boy and we knew that as long as we got his nap in every day that he would be able to hang with us. It helped to mentally know that we HAD to leave the park every day for his nap, so that we didn't try to make him stick it out through the whole day.

I hope that you write a TR so that I can read about your trip with her. Are you doing a PTR? Have a wonderful time if I don't hear from you again.
So I am finally getting around to a regular update. Thank you so much for sticking with me!

When I last left off, we were at DHS and we had just avoided a huge rain storm by going into American Idol. When I got to our stroller, the poncho had been lifted and the seat of Dylan’s stroller was pretty wet, but it could have been a lot worse .

I got the stroller and went to find Todd & Dylan playing on some stairs near the exit to AI. Dylan was splashing in the puddles and was soaked, so the wet stroller ended up not being a problem.

We walked over to the Backlot Express for lunch. The guys ordered while we tried to find a seat. Everything inside was taken so we had to find a table outside that wasn’t too wet.


The seating area is so pretty outside and I like looking at all of the props here. Dylan really liked the big car that was right next to our table. He spent more time playing on that than eating his food.



Todd & I split a double burger & fries since Todd had just eaten that huge rice crispy treat. We had brought an Uncrustable sandwich for Dylan so he ate that and some of our fries. The food was decent and it filled the need to eat, but there is nothing exciting to talk about. We could hear the Indiana Jones Stunt Show going on right next door and we realized that it was going to end soon, so we left right before and headed over to the bathrooms. We just beat the crowd and did not have to wait in line.

Todd said that he would change Dylan’s diaper so when I came out, I found my dad standing outside with a smirk on his face. I asked him what was so funny and he told me to check out the guy with the ice cream. So I turned around and saw why it was so funny. This guy was in his mid-50’s and he was eating an ice cream which was smeared all over his face (I am NOT exaggerating!). It gets better…. He is wearing a clear rain poncho and you can see through the poncho (unfortunately). His shirt was hiked up over his belly, which was huge and hanging out over the waistband of his shorts. AND… in the middle of his bare belly was a neon yellow fanny pack strapped right around the middle of the biggest part of his waist. How is that for a word picture?

It was so funny that I could barely stop myself from laughing. When Todd came out I discreetly showed him this person and later on he said, “I think that guy rode in on the short tram.” LOL. In all honesty it was so sad that I couldn’t bring myself to actually take a picture of him. But it’s not stopping me from sharing him with all of you. At least he looked like he was enjoying himself.

We decided to ride on the Great Movie Ride next. We saw that the wait time was 30 minutes so we got in line since we hadn’t ridden it yet on this trip.


Walking in line, this is one of my favorite pictures of them together. Dylan can be such a mini-version of Todd and it is so cute how they are walking exactly alike.


This building is so cool, inside and out. I really don’t mind standing in line because there is so much detail to look at. The entrance to the building has this grand walkway which feels so rich with detail and I really enjoy looking at all of the props & costumes too.




This line took a true 30 minutes to get through and this was the only line on the entire trip that Dylan tried to get away from us. We ended up holding him most of the time and had him play with all of his toys that glow in the dark. When we got into the room that shows all of the movie clips, we had to block his eyes during the Alien film clips. Those still scare me a lot, so I didn’t want him to see any part of that!

We finally got on the ride and I took a lot of pictures that didn’t turn out so well due to the lighting and I didn’t want to use a flash.







Love the Munchkinland area! So fun. Dylan really perked up in this area.



Dylan was sitting on my lap through the whole ride, just taking it all in. When we got to the Alien part in the ride, I tried to distract him from seeing the actual aliens and he didn’t seem to be scared at all. When we got to the video montage part at the end (probably my favorite part of the ride) he kept turning his head back & forth to watch the video clips on all of the different screens. What he ended up doing was rocking himself to sleep.


We got off the ride and I carried him out. He stayed asleep as I put him in his stroller, which doesn’t happen very often. He must have been pretty tired!


It was almost time for my parents to leave to go to the airport. Since Dylan was asleep we talked about trying to squeeze one more thing in before we needed to go.

What did we end up doing?
That picture of Todd and Dylan walking is priceless. People say I walk like my dad. I kind of shuffle/waddle.

Backlot Express. How was the food? I've not heard too many reviews of this place. I think I ate there in maybe 1992. It's been awhile.;)

I had to google sundial bridge--very interesting.

The detail at DHS is awesome, especially if you're familiar with SoCal landmarks.
Yay, another update!

I hope that you write a TR so that I can read about your trip with her. Are you doing a PTR? Have a wonderful time if I don't hear from you again.

I've never done a TR before but I really think I will this time. I'll probably try to start on a PTR soon. All the wonderful TR's on here are inspiring me, LOL.
Love the picture of Dylan and Todd walking. Some of my fave pics of my DD are of her walking with my DH from behind. the picture of you walking with Dylan sleeping is also very sweet. I have loved reading your TR and is has definitely given me more ideas on places that I want to take DD to when we go back. I always feel like there's not enough time for all the attractions or the food!
YAY! Great update, Alison!! You have me rolling just picturing that guy in his clear poncho eating ice cream--belly hanging out!! Oh my!! :lmao: The Great Movie Ride is something we missed on our last trip but something I definitely want to see next time!! :goodvibes Can't wait to hear what you decided to do next!!
Hi Alison! Glad you are back! :goodvibes
Loved your Christmas pictures - I agree Christmas morning with just the immediate family is special; we used to rush the morning to get out the door to go visit the rest of the family but the past two years we've taken our time, then had the in-laws come over here and later in the afternoon gone to spend the evening with my family = much better! ;)
I hope to be starting my December party of 28 TR soon! I just don't know where to start :confused3 I guess at the beginning! :rotfl:
Talk to you soon!
That picture of Todd and Dylan walking is priceless. People say I walk like my dad. I kind of shuffle/waddle.

Backlot Express. How was the food? I've not heard too many reviews of this place. I think I ate there in maybe 1992. It's been awhile.;)

I had to google sundial bridge--very interesting.

The detail at DHS is awesome, especially if you're familiar with SoCal landmarks.

The pic of Dylan & Todd is one of my favorite from the trip. They are such pals and this is just a reminder of that to me.

You know, the food at Backlot Express is standard. We always get the burger there (but they only give you a double burger option, no single burgers) so we end up splitting it. I think I had a salad there once and it was good too. It's just nothing to write home about...

Still enjoying every moment of your diz adventure, hate to see it end!!

I just realized how close I am to the end and I got a little sad. :sad2:

Yay, another update!

I've never done a TR before but I really think I will this time. I'll probably try to start on a PTR soon. All the wonderful TR's on here are inspiring me, LOL.

That's how I got started, by reading everyone else's. The thing that pushed me over the edge is that I realized that I would have a really detailed account of Dylan's first trip. I am going to use this whole TR in a scrapbook for him with pictures, so that he can have it when he gets older.

If you decide to start one, please send me the link and I will read it!

Love the picture of Dylan and Todd walking. Some of my fave pics of my DD are of her walking with my DH from behind. the picture of you walking with Dylan sleeping is also very sweet. I have loved reading your TR and is has definitely given me more ideas on places that I want to take DD to when we go back. I always feel like there's not enough time for all the attractions or the food!

I like the pic of him sleeping too. Usually it is Todd who is carrying him when he is asleep like that, so I never had a picture like that before. So sweet! :love: I'm glad to hear that I have given you some ideas for future trips. There is never enough time for everything. Our trip is a perfect example, we were there for 2 weeks and we left a lot of things for another trip. A lot of it had to do with the weather, but we didn't plan on it interrupting our trip as much as it did.

Love the update.

Thank you!

YAY! Great update, Alison!! You have me rolling just picturing that guy in his clear poncho eating ice cream--belly hanging out!! Oh my!! :lmao: The Great Movie Ride is something we missed on our last trip but something I definitely want to see next time!! :goodvibes Can't wait to hear what you decided to do next!!

As I was writing this update, I was starting to kick myself for not having taken a picture of the guy. But even if I had, I probably wouldn't have posted it. I would have felt too mean. But, oh my goodness! The people that you see at WDW!!

Hi Alison! Glad you are back! :goodvibes
Loved your Christmas pictures - I agree Christmas morning with just the immediate family is special; we used to rush the morning to get out the door to go visit the rest of the family but the past two years we've taken our time, then had the in-laws come over here and later in the afternoon gone to spend the evening with my family = much better! ;)
I hope to be starting my December party of 28 TR soon! I just don't know where to start :confused3 I guess at the beginning! :rotfl:
Talk to you soon!

I can imagine that your Christmas feels much more relaxed the way that you do it now. I love spending time with our families, but it just really hit me this year that we needed to start making our own traditions within our little family. I want Dylan to have memories of being in his own home on Christmas morning, you know?

You are so brave to take on that big of a group. I wonder if writing a PTR would help you organize all of your thoughts? If you can pull it off, you will reign as the Master Planner. :worship: LOL
LOL Well, "magically" we did pull it off! It was last month! :rotfl: I kept telling everyone I was so proud of us :lovestruc
Now I'm just wanting to do a TR and since it's my first I have no idea what I'm doing :confused: need to figure this out :)
Too bad you didn't get a picture of the ice cream eatin' fat man. But, yo did a great job describing him. I need that laugh today.

I love the picture of Dylan and Todd walking into the Great Movie Ride. So sweet! Framable for sure.
I like the pic of him sleeping too. Usually it is Todd who is carrying him when he is asleep like that, so I never had a picture like that before. So sweet! :love: I'm glad to hear that I have given you some ideas for future trips. There is never enough time for everything. Our trip is a perfect example, we were there for 2 weeks and we left a lot of things for another trip. A lot of it had to do with the weather, but we didn't plan on it interrupting our trip as much as it did.

You have totally given me a few ideas! I need to reread your full TR and some others with pen and paper so I can write them down. I know what you mean about the photos. I love photos of my DD walking alongside my husband from behind, but I rarely get any of me and her. she just looks so little! We went for 9 days last time and barely had any time in MK. We went with my sister-in-law and her family so we ended up having to do things that our nieces and nephews wanted to do. I can't wait for this next trip when it's just the 3 of us. :banana:
LOL Well, "magically" we did pull it off! It was last month! :rotfl: I kept telling everyone I was so proud of us :lovestruc
Now I'm just wanting to do a TR and since it's my first I have no idea what I'm doing :confused: need to figure this out :)

Wow! I didn't realize that it has already happened. Good for you. I really think you should do a TR. Did you actually do a Grand Gathering? That would be really fun to hear about.

Too bad you didn't get a picture of the ice cream eatin' fat man. But, yo did a great job describing him. I need that laugh today.

I love the picture of Dylan and Todd walking into the Great Movie Ride. So sweet! Framable for sure.

Yeah, the ice cream guy will be forever burned in my memory. It's not like you get to see something like that every day.

You have totally given me a few ideas! I need to reread your full TR and some others with pen and paper so I can write them down. I know what you mean about the photos. I love photos of my DD walking alongside my husband from behind, but I rarely get any of me and her. she just looks so little! We went for 9 days last time and barely had any time in MK. We went with my sister-in-law and her family so we ended up having to do things that our nieces and nephews wanted to do. I can't wait for this next trip when it's just the 3 of us. :banana:

I know how that feels. When we go with our family, we are considered "the experts" so everyone wants us to plan it. But then you spend so much time pleasing everyone else's wants. That's why I really wanted a trip with just the 3 of us at DL at Thanksgiving. It was wonderful to just go with the flow.
I know how that feels. When we go with our family, we are considered "the experts" so everyone wants us to plan it. But then you spend so much time pleasing everyone else's wants. That's why I really wanted a trip with just the 3 of us at DL at Thanksgiving. It was wonderful to just go with the flow.

I can't wait! And after reading your TR and Becky's, I'm thinking that we might need to add some of the shows to our list of things we'd like to do. Like the Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, and the Playhouse Disney shows. We were to afraid that she might not sit through them, but you gals have given me hope! We have an ADR to try Boma one night so we can check out AKL, I think you went there too? I have to go back and check.
Great Update, how sweet that Dylan fell asleep. :goodvibes

Hi Raechal! I miss talking to you. Now that I am on FB I am going to try to find you. I think that you PM'd me your info before so I'll try to figure it out. I hope you had a great Christams too!

I PM'd you!


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