A Sisters‘ Summer Sailing to Scandinavia - update: After Cruise Day 2: Tivoli

Oh, I want to go back to Stavanger!!! So many memories l reading your beautiful report and seeing those gorgeous pics... We visited Stavanger by ourselves in the morning, but went on an excursion in the afternoon so didn't have time for much.

Good thing we didn't go to the Petroleum Museum though, don't think we would have managed to get our daughter out of that funky looking playground...

Looking forward to Alesund!
Can you tell me wich tour you did and what hour? Looking for ideas, thank you.
Do you remember the bakery name and how far was from port? Thanks, love the trip report.
Yes! I am very interested in going here as well! I showed DH and he got really excited! His grandmother used to make school bread and he really wants to try some from Norway.
Can you tell me wich tour you did and what hour? Looking for ideas, thank you.

It was the Lysefjord cruise (booked it through Disney), there were multiple times, ours left a bit after lunch (around 1:30 I think), we had time to go for a quick lunch before our excursion. It was about 3.5 hours long. It was very nice, the scenery was beautiful, we had a really good time. The ship wasn't too big, there was an inside cabin big enough to sit everyone, and we could also go and stand outside. It was a bit chilly (particularly at the end when the ship was moving faster) so we kept going out and in again.... And we stopped for Norwegian pancakes, which was very good!
A lifeguard packed in winter clothes guarding an empty pool deck.

I'm guessing you didn't jump in the pool.

Actually, the picture of Katharina being blown away is the picture that comes up on my phone when she calls or texts me… However, it is nothing compared to the one she uses for me, which is also from this cruise and which you will see later…

Uh oh. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

We got a table in the new part of Cabanas that sticks out a little and you have a fantastic view:

Neat! I'd probably try for that one every time.

I don’t think she was feeling sick, but I think she was afraid that she might start to feel sick soon. So, I gave her one of the motion sickness pills that I had been taking with me on every cruise so far and never needed them. I was fascinated that I was fine, but she was not. Normally I am the one who has big issues with motion sickness while she is normally fine. Maybe more experience with being on ships helped me or maybe the way a ship affects you is different from how other types of motion effect you?

Yuck. I don't think there's much rhyme or reason with motion sickness. I took pills every day on my cruise and was glad I did!

I had to tell her that there the “Toddler Time” event was ongoing and I was sure that she would not want to take part in that.

Aw, where's the sense of adventure?

I have to say that this was definitely one of the points we both did not like about the cruise: The lack of indoor quiet seating.

Seems like they're not really built for cold weather destinations.

This was the next evening. Yes, it was a CM with a blue name tag instead of a white one. And it meant that they had been given an award for excellency that his fellow CMs had voted on (so not given my the higher ups, but by the peers).

I imagine that would be a highly coveted honor.

Animator’s Palette was kind of the pinnacle of technology when the Magic premiered in 1998 with walls changing colors and pictures appearing magically. With modern screen technology it was nothing special anymore. I have seen the old version of AP on the Wonder. So, with the refurb things were freshened up and screens were installed and in my opinion this made the room really magical again.

Great! When I rode the Wonder in 2009 it already seemed a little dated.

It was really good! I love cordon bleu and this one was definitely very tasty!

Looks great! That's what I would have ordered.

We had a not such a good night. Again the seas were not calm. That was not the problem. But this caused our wattle bottles to fall off the shelf in the early morning hours, waking both of us up. Katharina had huge trouble going back to sleep after that.

Things you never think about when planning. I remember rough seas and the closet door constantly sliding open and closed.

The state is earning a lot of money through this and the money is put back into the country by paying for schools, health care, public transport and so. Today Norway is one of the countries with the highest standard of living in the world. But they are also smart and are getting prepared for when the oil runs out. They have a massive government “savings account” where a lot of the oil money goes into to be continue working. The Norwegian state is one large investor.

Wow. Wish my government would be pro-active like that. :rolleyes1

Actually, this makes Norway the perfect country to visit as a tourist: A lot of old charming buildings are still preserved because there was not a lot of money to build something new. But for a visitor it is a country that offers all modern amenities that you could wish for. The only downside is that this all comes at a price: Norway is an expensive country to visit.

Darn. Guess I won't be traveling there for a little while!

They were American. However, when we said we were from Germany it turned out that they were fluent in German as well and even knew Nuremberg, where I live!

Wow, that worked out well!

I think it is a shame that Disney does not use this art work for any merchandise.

I agree. I'd decorate the whole house this way!

Al Gore, who won in 2007 together with the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change "for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change"

He didn't get an award for inventing the internet?:rolleyes1

The frames were then put into the different smoking ovens:

You could have quite the BBQ party here.

We talked about how sad it was that Germany once was such a nationalistic country and how he was embarrassed about that Norwegians thought it would be a good idea to play along and voluntarily offer designs on their cans that fit the political climate in Germany.

Well, Norway was occupied during the way. I'm sure many felt the need to play along and avoid suffering reprisals.

Supposedly they were especially good because they were smoked and then put into high quality oil. I would not know, I have never felt the desire to eat any canned sardines.

Me neither.:crazy2:

It probably cost at least as much as they charge in Epcot for it, food is really expensive in Norway. Therefore going on a cruise where most of your meals are covered is actually a good way of seeing the country!

It's not often you can say that Epcot's prices are comparable with the outside world.

Outside they had a very strange looking playground that seemed to have been made by repurposed abandoned oil drilling gear:

I bet the kids love that.

This was a counting clock telling you how much money they had already set aside:

So you really don't have to spend everything?

Yes, Katharina does look skeptical here. But who would not be skeptical about imagining to sit in one of these, being dropped ten stories into the harsh North Sea during a storm???

Yeah, I'll pass.:scared1:

It was a bit anticlimactic as the only thing that happened was that this thing started to turn:


If you know chicken strips on the DCL ships departing from US ports, you will immediately notice that these were very different! One of the things that can change depending on where they get their food from. During the cruise the shape and size of the hash browns also changed.

Interesting! They must have some different suppliers around the world.

And she was indeed part of the original crew of the Disney Magic. She had worked at WDW for a long time before that and then was asked to take a job in the entertainment department for the cruise. It was fascinating to talk to her.

That would be a neat conversation.

While we were having dessert our lovely server came to make us fun hats out of napkins. Katharina was first and she was very skeptical about what was happening there as you can see:

She liked it even better when I was treated to some ridiculous headgear as well:

When in Rome...

She liked it so much that this is now the picture that comes up on her phone when I call her… I chose it not (only) because of the headgear, but because you look really happy!

:rotfl2::rotfl2: Turnabout is fair play.
It was the Lysefjord cruise (booked it through Disney), there were multiple times, ours left a bit after lunch (around 1:30 I think), we had time to go for a quick lunch before our excursion. It was about 3.5 hours long. It was very nice, the scenery was beautiful, we had a really good time. The ship wasn't too big, there was an inside cabin big enough to sit everyone, and we could also go and stand outside. It was a bit chilly (particularly at the end when the ship was moving faster) so we kept going out and in again.... And we stopped for Norwegian pancakes, which was very good!
Thank you so much!!! I want to do that too, walk the city first and then go to the tour.

A great picture...perfect for her ringtone. Can't wait to see yours Magdalene.

Looking lovely ladies!
I love that the School Bread looks exactly the same in EPCOT as the original in Norway.

I don't think I'd like those choppy seas. It's so different in the Caribbean.

What a lovely town! After reading this chapter, I want to visit!

I'm sure it's a regulatory requirement, but it makes sense. You don't want to use a hose that was previously used for fuel, or worse.

Again, just lovely.

Once the fish are smoked, this machine cuts their heads off (and frees them from the frame):

"Okay fish, I have bad news and good news. Which would you like to hear first?"

Thy also had a rescue ladder that you could try out:


This looks like fun. Too bad you have to wait for an emergency to use it.

And a picture of me taking the picture above:


Who doesn't love pictures of pictures being taken?


She liked it so much that this is now the picture that comes up on her phone when I call her… I chose it not (only) because of the headgear, but because you look really happy!

Great picture, and again perfect for a ringtone! The hat gives you really good posture, like you were trying to keep it from falling off.
The architecture of the town is quite interesting. Thanks for showing us all those pictures of the town!

I'm sure using plastic sardines made the tour so much more pleasant than it could have been. Not being a fan of sardines, I'd never considered how they would have been packaged.

The Petroleum Museum sounds very interesting. I've toured a number of facilities that drill for oil. We have "oil islands" off the coast in Long Beach, plus we have several other oil fields throughout the state.

Carioca's looks like a fairly innocuous dining room. I haven't been on the Magic since it was redone.

Your report is getting me so excited for my trip!
I am all caught up again.

We had ordered hot tea from room service and they delivered two cups, one carafe of hot water and TWO tea bags… So, that was not a lot of tea for us unfortunately.

That does not sound like a very generous serving.

In my opinion that part is getting pushier every time I go on a cruise…

That is a real shame. I used to really enjoy them.

I love this pin.

I have to say that for me Cabanas on the Magic is the best of all the buffets I have experienced.

I really liked Cabanas on the Magic.

Normally I am the one who has big issues with motion sickness while she is normally fine. Maybe more experience with being on ships helped me or maybe the way a ship affects you is different from how other types of motion effect you?

The motion on a cruise ship is very different. I suffer really badly from motion sickness on land, but we have been in some really wild weather on cruises and I was absolutely fine.

The speaker was a former professor from the US and to be honest, Katharina and I did not really enjoy his talk.

What a shame. Was he a "professional boredom", too?

I have to say that this was definitely one of the points we both did not like about the cruise: The lack of indoor quiet seating.

I think I would have really missed the Outlook Cafe on that sailing. It was so great to have that option on our Alaska cruise.

I had never spent much time in this space on previous cruises, but actually thought that it was a really nice place to sit

We usually spend a fair amount of time in the Promenade Lounge.

She picked the wrong deck at first, but this led to a very lucky coincidence: We came across Minnie without any line!!

That was really lucky and I love the resulting photo.

We got some drinks, which turned out to be not very good (according to Katharina’s notes the cocktails were too sweet and the wine was too sour)

I think this is better on other cruise lines. Both Norwegian and Royal Caribbean serve sparkling wine for the occasion.

I have seen the old version of AP on the Wonder. So, with the refurb things were freshened up and screens were installed and in my opinion this made the room really magical again.

I have never rated the pre-refurbishment Animator's Palate, but I loved the new version on the magic.

And then missed the sunset because of the clouds:


I actually really like this photo.

and Commodore Tom doing a perfect job

I had not realised that he had headed back to the Magic.

However, when we said we were from Germany it turned out that they were fluent in German as well and even knew Nuremberg, where I live!

It really is a small world...

I just know that we were not that thrilled with breakfast there and never returned.

That is a real shame.

Once the atrium ends above deck 5, there is actually a really nice surprise! However, here once again I think the surprise on the Wonder is much nicer than the one on the Magic.

I agree with this.

I had always read that all the drinking water is desalinated and cleaned sea water. However, this picture proves that it is not. Not sure what they were using it for though, cooking, crew, passengers? I also always found that the tap water was very drinkable on my previous cruises. However, here on the Magic we noticed that the tap water had a distinct chlorine taste.

I think it is cheaper for the cruise lines to take it on in port than making it on the ship. The fact that the tap water tasted chlorinated indicates that this was water that was taken on in port.

The other big ship was a French cruise ship from Croisières de France, which is a subsidiary of Royal Caribbean Cruises.

That photo will soon be piece of history as this cruise line either just has been wound up or is about to be.

It looked interesting and we had a closer look – I even took a picture because I found it so fascinating. I cropped it to show what we thought was so interesting:


That really is fascinating.

Starvanger looked like a very interesting and pretty kind of place.

One other lady was hanging out there as well and by chance she was wearing that same jacket that we had seen earlier in the day on someone else. The 1998 DCL Entertainment jacket. Since we had started a conversation with her about the view and Stavanger I decided to ask her. And she was indeed part of the original crew of the Disney Magic.

What a fantastic opportunity to meet somebody who was on the original launch team.

I think this was one of the few menu description fails on this cruise. On my Panama Canal cruise it drove me crazy that the menu was promising those exotic things and then what came out only fit the description loosely. So, I am very critical in this regard and I have no big memories of this happening a lot on any other cruise than the Panama Canal cruise.

My personal favourite in that category is The Beast's Potato Soup from the Prince and Princess Menu, which had plenty of lentils in it, but no potatoes.

As my sister is enjoying the Floridian Sun, I thought I'll try to get some replies in, as I finally managed to leave work a little early on a friday.....

Sorry everyone for my lack of presence on this TR, but thanks to Magdalene it is at least moving....

Katharina just has that type humor that really cracks me up! :duck:

I hope that's a good thing. ;-)

Love this! :love: Hate it is the first time I've seen it! :sad1:
I hope that that's a typo....

The food looks good, and the lamb is probably what Pat would pick so I'm glad you liked it. Be interested in hearing how Katharina did with her food allergies since that is probably the biggest concern for Pat and I going on a cruise.

Well, I'm doing much better now, when eating something I shouldn't. As I don't have real allergies, just don't do well with a lot of stuff. But usually small amounts don't matter so much, not like with allergies, where also small amounts are risky. And then of course the sea air is good for all my other allergies, so I don't suffer so much because of them and stand the food stuff better as well.
So I did quite well. The buffets were very easy of course. In the restaurants I just picked the dishes that were least problematic. We actually didn't put anything food related in the reservations, because I wanted the freedom to chose whatever I fancied for the meal and live with the consequences...

Sorry I missed this by a day, especially since I started to send it Thursday night knowing it was already Friday in Germany, but............

Happy Birthday Katharina!!!!! :cake: :bday: party:

Again, sorry I'm a day late! :blush:

Thank you very much Marv! I actually saw this the day you posted it, but didn't get around to reply, because I had a very busy birthday weekend:
Friday - took a day off work, Mike as well, and we spent a lovely day at the zoo, saw Hidden Figures at the cinema and had smoked ribs from a small place were the really have them everyday fresh from the smoker - that's quite a speciality in Germany.
Saturday - friends took me "Boßeln" which is a traditional "sport" in Northern Germany - some kind of outdoor bowling without the bowling pins, only the bowl, and usually quite som alcohol (which we didn't consume) and a meal of kale and Pinkel.
Sunday - getting the appartment and food and drinks ready for my birthday tea with friends.

It was a wonderful weekend but unfortunately without time for my DISfriends.
Do you remember the bakery name and how far was from port? Thanks, love the trip report.

Yes! I am very interested in going here as well! I showed DH and he got really excited! His grandmother used to make school bread and he really wants to try some from Norway.

The bakery is called Godt Brød, they seem to have branches in every major town in Norway, here is the one in Stavanger.

Saving my comments until the top of the next page. Otherwise you seem to miss them.............. :sad1:

As I explained, didn't miss anything, so comment away, please! Just be patient with me
Loved the pix and narrative about the Canning factory, unlike you I love canned sardines especially the mustard ones . The town or village looked really nostalgic . I have never tried school bread as I do not like coconut !! I know sardines but not coconut ,
Trying to catch up on old replies! The next day has already been approved by my editor and the day after that was just sent to her. So, we will pick up speed again. The delay was caused by me spending some days in Florida visiting DBF (and WDW and Universal since it is not too far from South Florida, where he lives). And then when I got back I got really sick. Now I am feeling healthy again and still rested from my vacation. So plenty of energy for this trip report hopefully!

You had a very full first day! I am sorry that you weren't able to get a Palo ressie, but the regular restaurants are so nice it doesn't matter that much. I know what you mean about the shirt sizes! I have to go up two sizes if I want to throw it in the dryer. Sounds like the show was a lot of fun!

That was Katharina's thinking, too. Since it was her first cruise, she was just happy to do the "normal" program.

We did the same thing on the Alaskan Cruise. But I waited form the time that I got on the ship until they opened. I think I was 4th in line.

I guess that was the smarter way of doing it...

That's really too bad, although I remember you not being as impressed with it on your PC cruise. It would break my cruise not to have brunch there!

We had a great brunch on the Fantasy in December, but I think I am fine if I only do it every second or third cruise. Remy on the other hand...

Two of them are clearly plated with less food "touching", so who is the one with the touching phobia? I'm guessing it's Katharina since I've seen your buffet plates before and you don't seem to have this issue like I do.

No touching phobias for any of us. I think Katharina is just more orderly than me and takes more effort in trying to plate her food nicely. I am more impatient and just throw it on the plate.

How annoying to have folks flaunting their status and perceived Itinerary superiority! I'm glad you met some nice people and friends.

Michael and I recently talked about how all of our cruises had very different demographics. And actually, the December Fantasy cruise was the one with the most annoying people...

I always decline the mint jelly. I think it's one of those hold overs from when meat wasn't so fresh, so it was meant to mask the taste.

I think now that I confused mint sauce with mint jelly. I have gotten mint sauce in the UK quite often and really liked the minty taste with certain meats. But it was far more "natural" in appearance and taste than the green glibber that they called mint jelly.

How wonderful to be traveling sisters. I have been trying for years to con my sisters into traveling with me but it tends not to work out with our schedules matching. Regarding the early morning noise you were hearing, you mentioned a music festival; when in college, I worked with a music festival company and we would use the hours from sunrise to about 8 a.m. to work on setting up stages, etc. Then when the businesses opened we would retire until later in the day. That may or may not have been the noise you were hearing.

Hope you can get your schedules to align some time soon!

On the festival, I seem to remember that it was indeed some kind of after party event or so. So, once the clubs closed at 6am, they came out in the street for a street party.

Just stumbled back onto this trip report---so glad you are able to continue it. Looks like a great start--glad you and your sister are good travel companions. Not sure I could say the same...we might end up more like :duck:

Welcome back!! Sorry that you and your sister are not that great of travel companions! Didn't you travel to Alaska with some extended family?? I seem to remember a few comments from that trip report...
My world is now shattered! If you guys can't break through bureaucracy, there's no hope for the rest of us!

Well, it is the Germans who invented bureaucracy (indeed, the Stein-Hardenberg Reforms in Prussia in the early 19th century were one of the important steps towards a modern state administration and influenced a number of other European countries' bureaucracies). The latest news on the BER airport are that the company building the airport just recently got a new CEO after they had to admit that it will not open this year. Opening is now set for 2018. 7 years after it was supposed to open.

How many languages do you know? We already knew your English is impressive!

German and English fluently. I can read Danish, Swedish and Norwegian ok, I speak broken Danish now. I can read some French and speak some French. Currently I am trying to learn some Japanese for our trip this summer. Have not gotten very far yet though. It's tough!

The grass on the roof is fascinating.

It is good for insulation. Here using plants on modern buildings for insulation purposes has become quite a thing. You can seen it now and then. I find it fascinating how such old traditions suddenly can get a new life in modern architecture.

I remember seeing this once on the Travel Channel. They were premiering a new show geared towards families traveling with young kids. We thought that would be perfect for us! And then in the first episode, the family (American) traveled to Copenhagen to go to Tivoli. Looked like a great trip, but at that moment, we knew this show wasn't meant for families in our income bracket.

What a shame!! That is one of my issues with a lot of travel writing and travel shows. They don't talk about everyday experiences, but about those hotels that cost 300 $ per night and such. And with Copenhagen it is not just the flight from the US. The city is really pricey all around.

That looks like a very small area to handle a cruise ship crowd!

Once they started letting people on board, things improved quickly.

Yuck! I refuse to endure Black Friday crowds. There's nothing I need that badly.

Not even limited edition Disney Cruise Line merchandise??? :earseek: I am shocked!!

:crazy2: This is why I don't eat green slimy things.

Might be a wise precaution... I do like green jello though. In Germany that is one of the two standard varieties: red is raspberry and green is sweet woodruff.

Oh no! Maybe you can go on another cruise to try and exchange it again.

What a great idea!! I will just keep cruising until Disney exchanges that shirt for me!!
Didn't you travel to Alaska with some extended family?? I seem to remember a few comments from that trip report...

We're fine as a group-a trip with just the two of us though might go south sooner rather than later. Very different personalities :)
I really don't know. The only possible explanation I have is that Royal Caribbean pays for more security and check in staff and thereby keeps crowds down. You can also go straight on the ship as soon as you are checked in.

I am wondering if DCL cruisers are a bunch of impatient people who just need to be at the port as early as possible (conditioned from doing rope drop at the parks), while RCCL cruisers are more relaxed? The issue is that so many people at DCL arrive before the ship is even available for boarding. And I guess at RCCL you cannot board at 10am either?

I think you are correct........about my speed indeed! :rolleyes:

I guess you appreciated the delay in February then!

Can't wait to see if you actually share some of those, or edit them first.......... :rotfl:

I share all critical comments my sister makes - I think they are quite amusing!!

WOW! I AM way behind..........:scared1:

(Okay, I admit I saw you had originally used 2018 in Katharina's quote of your post, but I couldn't resist the urge to edit it back in because that is too good to pass up commenting)


Very creative, and a whole lot better use of the wall than the original. :thumbsup2

Yes, I agree. And you can imagine that being a German I have a very distinct view on walls...

I like your snack offerings better than the ones we get on Southwest. ::yes::

soft pretzel bread beats hard pretzels? :thumbsup2

Looks more like a salad and pastry to me........ :confused3

No, if you put the salad inside a bread, it is called a sandwich. Might be a salad sandwich though... :rotfl2: I think it was something with grilled veggies and goat cheese.

There's a sight you don't see every day! What an interesting concept.

Copenhagen was amazing with regards to bicycles. SO MANY!! You can't imagine it unless you have seen it.

On a positive note, if your enemy was attacking by air I doubt they would even know there was a home there at all. :laughing:

I don't think the Faroer Island farmers were in danger of air raids...

The Matterhorn??? :confused:

Yes. Will go in more depth at the end, when we actually visit the Tivoli.

Katharina just has that type humor that really cracks me up! :duck:

Michael always claims that of us two sisters one has a sense of humor, the other does not. I think you can guess whom he assigned the humor to. :sad2:

Funny the concessions we make at times for our........uh............ better halves! :rolleyes2

Yes. See comment above. :rolleyes: ;)

Love this! :love: Hate it is the first time I've seen it! :sad1:

Oh! I wonder what went wrong?!? You were supposed to get it!!

Very Nice! Love the shirts!

Yes, we wanted to establish good Disney credentials for our first day onboard.

Well that stinks! I thought Disney always tried to meet everyone's needs.......... :p


The perfect combination! :drinking1

Yes, Michael always complains about WDW not delivering enough on the potent side. But the Uh Oha at Trader Sam's recently met both the delicious and potent qualities.

I don't think I've ever had mint jelly that didn't. I think that's just what you get.

As I said above, I think I got confused about mint sauce vs. mint jelly.

Disappointing that they don't have better desserts, but that one does look and sound really good!

This one is amazing. The other ones. :confused3 I have no idea what they are doing. They have great desserts at WDW.

Would love to see how Pat and I would do with this contest......... :-)

:rotfl2: The Match Your Mate is quite dangerous. Even though it is Disney they do not hesitate asking "interesting" questions.


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