A thread for The Winkler Family and the loss of there 16 mo. old, Levi :(

I have had a lot of people PM me and ask about a possable memorial fund....I spoke with Alicia about this and she said she is not sure what she wants to do yet, she would like to start a fund (charity) for head trama research(in Levis name), but that if I wanted to try and set up a memorial thats what the money would go to. I called her bank and they do not do memorials:confused3 , so I spoke with my bank and they said they could set one up but it would have to be set up by a family member~ thats understandable, however Im sure They are all to busy to set up one right now. So I am guessing the best bet is........ if you would like to send money to Matt and Alicia that you PM me and I will give you there direct address, then you could send them a check or money order.:confused3 If you have any other suggestions please feel free to post.


When Mumbling Jumba (Michael) from the WPASADI thread passed away, they collected money to buy a star in Michael's name. Then his wife got the actual coordinates of Mike's star. lovetoscrap was one of the one's who was in charge of collecting the money, so it might be something to consider. There would be a star named for Levi.
Hi everyone! OMG! I am sooooo touched by your well-wishes and prayers for our fmily. Matt and I sat here reading through your words and found ourselves crying over many of your kind words. Right now, gettting through this seems impossible, but I know Levi is happy. It hurts so bad, though. I didn't really get to say goodbye, my head was still pretty messed up, but I managed to curl up beside him as they removed the machines. It just hurts...I can';t even explain. I just want my baby back......

It isn't fair...I am trying to hang on, I really am.

Thank you, Farrah, for starting this and for keeping evryone updated. 'll try to checkin, but I'm not xure how often I'll get over. ust bear with me...Please.

Thank you for all of your love and support.
Hi everyone! OMG! I am sooooo touched by your well-wishes and prayers for our fmily. Matt and I sat here reading through your words and found ourselves crying over many of your kind words. Right now, gettting through this seems impossible, but I know Levi is happy. It hurts so bad, though. I didn't really get to say goodbye, my head was still pretty messed up, but I managed to curl up beside him as they removed the machines. It just hurts...I can';t even explain. I just want my baby back......

It isn't fair...I am trying to hang on, I really am.

Thank you, Farrah, for starting this and for keeping evryone updated. 'll try to checkin, but I'm not xure how often I'll get over. ust bear with me...Please.

Thank you for all of your love and support.

Not sure what to say... but we love ya girl.... if you need anything.. even if it's just an ear to listen... just says so.... My heart goes out to you and your family...
Alicia, Matt and Isabelle: Although we only met for a moment at Epcot (thanks to your doggedly chasing me down), I feel so privileged to have met your family, and especially little Levi. There are no words--just know that our thoughts and prayers are with you at this unimaginably difficult time.
Alicia, Matt & Isabelle,

You and your family are in my prayers. May your precious memories of sweet Levi bring you comfort in the days ahead.

Alicia and family, my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family during you time of grief. God Bless and keep you.

Blessed Be,
I cannot imagine what you must be going through and I will pray for strength for you and your family. Wishing you peace and healing.
Hi everyone! OMG! I am sooooo touched by your well-wishes and prayers for our fmily. Matt and I sat here reading through your words and found ourselves crying over many of your kind words. Right now, gettting through this seems impossible, but I know Levi is happy. It hurts so bad, though. I didn't really get to say goodbye, my head was still pretty messed up, but I managed to curl up beside him as they removed the machines. It just hurts...I can';t even explain. I just want my baby back......

It isn't fair...I am trying to hang on, I really am.

Thank you, Farrah, for starting this and for keeping evryone updated. 'll try to checkin, but I'm not xure how often I'll get over. ust bear with me...Please.

Thank you for all of your love and support.

:hug: I still don't have the right words but know that I will be praying for you daily.:grouphug:
Alicia, Matt, and Isabelle,

I lost 2 of my brothers in tragic accidents when I was younger. I know the road your family has unwillingly begun to travel all to well and I will pray for you. Time is the only thing that will ease your pain, so I will pray that the coming months pass quickly.
Alicia, no one expects you to do anything except for what you feel you need to do for yourself and your family.

Just know that you are surrounded by friends and family who care and are here to listen, hug, pray or all.

:grouphug: Slightly Goofy (who is crying for you and your loss)
My thoughts and most importantly my prayers are with you and your family. May God place his loving arms around all of you and help you heal physically and mentally. Your special angel will always be watching over all of you.

God Bless!
Hi everyone! OMG! I am sooooo touched by your well-wishes and prayers for our fmily. Matt and I sat here reading through your words and found ourselves crying over many of your kind words. Right now, gettting through this seems impossible, but I know Levi is happy. It hurts so bad, though. I didn't really get to say goodbye, my head was still pretty messed up, but I managed to curl up beside him as they removed the machines. It just hurts...I can';t even explain. I just want my baby back......

It isn't fair...I am trying to hang on, I really am.

Thank you, Farrah, for starting this and for keeping evryone updated. 'll try to checkin, but I'm not xure how often I'll get over. ust bear with me...Please.

Thank you for all of your love and support.

Oh Honey your so very welcome....I wish I had thought of starting this thread on the first day because so many prayers are spread out all over DIS that you may not find some of them.

I cant imagine what you went threw, and will continue to go threw, as you try to go on without having Levi in your lives...Just know that We are here for you and that Levi is your gaurdian angel and will be watching over you and yours. As hard as it may be try to forgive god...he must have a plan, and you will meet up with little Levi in gods house someday. I have always tryed to think of my children as a loan...they are not REALLY mine, They are gods and he let me barrow them...HE will take them back when he wants them, because they are/were his children before they were ours. I know that no words can comfort you rightnow but I hope that you know there is light at the end of the tunnel, and as time progresses it will get easier for you to move on with you, Matt and Isabelles lives-It will take some time but I know you, and I know you are a strong woman and will stay strong for Isabelle. I also know the Levi will always be in your thoughts and that he will never be replaced or forgot about. I admire you for finding the ability to continue caring for your husband and your daughter during this hard time.
If you need anything, ANYTHING at all..Im just a phone call away. I can be there in a hour!!:thumbsup2 Love you sweetie!!! Hang in there Okay.:hug:
Dear Alicia, Matt, and Isabelle,

Words cannot express the sadness I feel for you and your family at this tragic time. May you continue to heal physically and emotionally. You and your angel, Levi, are in my thoughts and prayers!

:hug: Jenna
Alicia, Matt, and Isabelle -- You are in my thoughts and prayers. I have thought of you daily since this thread began. I hope you draw strength from the love that surrounds you here. Though we can't be with you in person, our hearts are with you.

How heartbreaking. :( I'll keep this family in my prayers.
Prayers to your friend and her family from us in Pa..What a beautiful child,Levi is...He is looking down on his family from heaven..:angel: :angel:
I am so saddened to read this today....hugs to this family and prayers that their daughter continues to do well and that they can together cope with the loss of their sweet Levi.....
My deepest sympathies to you - I am so sorry to hear of this tragic loss.
Alicia, Matt, and Isabelle,

Words cannot convey the sorrow I feel for you and the loss of your precious boy. All I can say as comfort is this, your family will be in my thoughts and prayers throughout my days. Everytime I hug my children I will hold them a bit tighter and hold them a bit longer.

I pray that any words or comforts that we can provide help ease your pain at your son's passing. God bless your family and may you feel his presence in the coming time. That he will hold you up when you feel you cannot stand. That he will comfort you when no one else is there, and he will help your family come together even more in this time.

Truly I am so sorry for your loss.
My dear Alicea,

My head aches for you, dear. I have had that feeling that I just didn't know if i could make it one more day when my daughter was missing and feared dead. I only had one thing that belonged to her and I would hold it an cry into it until I couldn't cry anymore...and then another day and the same thing again. And that is what hurts so much knowing that a young mom and dad and child are going through this pain and suffering. I think of you every day and wish I could do something for you.

Bless your heart, curling up next to your baby at the most tender moment as he walked with the angels...God bless you, and I will continue to pray for you and your family. One thing is for sure, I don't take the days on this earth for granted since reading your words.



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