Abby&Jon's PJ/Sept21,07/WP/Ariel's- didn't quite get the camera to work :(


"...oh he's a codfish, a codfish, a codfish..."
Feb 4, 2005
Well ladies, I'm about 4 months out so I thought, dang it, might as well start my PJ...
Here goes...

How did we meet? Boring. Jon & I met through mutual friends who were married this past September. It's been almost 2 years ago and we've been inseperable ever since. He claims it was what love at first sight. My take is a bit different, but he's definitely the right fit so, whatever...:laughing:

Last March (2006), he was sweet enough to accompany a friend, whose grandad had passed away, to Orlando. While there, his friend mentioned that I loved Disney, so he visited the World of Disney store in DTD & bought me small blue mickey head earings. I loved them! here's my reaction below:


ok, yeah, I just laughed at the poor guy, but I was secretly in love with the earings.

Moving right along, I a member of the WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) and absolutely love animals, my fav being the American Bison. I always raved about how much I loved the Bronx Zoo and seeing my fav animal. Jonathan, thank goodness, is a good listener. So he took me to the Zoo one day, with my immediate family tagging along, and right where the bison are, he asks me if I want to marry him. Right when he asked the question, my nephew comes up to me and says "abby look, the bison is doing doo-doo" :laughing: - so this was totally not the typical romantic proposal. Then there was a couple behind us totally staring at us and listening to our conversation. I said "yes" and demanded that we leave asap because people started crowding around us, my goodness, no kind of privacy!

So we've been dating for over a year and decided on the big day being September 21st of 2007. Jon and I are a very loving couple and have many friends, but we really wanted to have something small and intimate. Although not exactly initimate, we have been able to keep the list down to 65 people. Believe me, compared to some weddings we've been to, this amount can be considered intimate. I'm a big talker, so here's a pic of me "talking" and jon patiently waiting for me to zip it and leave:


oooh, bad pic, close your mouth abby, but this does express very well the nature of our relationship. :lmao: sad...

So I've picked out my dress:


here's the back:


My shoes: (got them off of Thanks Aprincess72!!!:hug:


And here are my BM's dresses from JCrew:


I love green orchids, cream roses, seashells, sand and starfish. I am trying to incorporate all this into our decor.

Here's our cake:

Photographer: Randy Chapman
Florist: Emily @ Charming Events
WP: Carol E Mickles (LOVE HER!!!)

Right now I'm scheduled to do my own hair and makeup. Seriously, I've had nightmare makeup and hairstyles in the past. It just so happens that I've always prefered how I fix myself up then when someone else has done it, so I am just going to stick with what I know for now. Hope that works:confused3
I am so grateful for previous brides being so open about their wedding plans - it really has made a difference for me. Thank you!!!:flower3:
I'm glad you decided to post a planning journal. I love your dress! The lace is beautiful. Can't wait to read more of your plans.
Awww... you two are so cute! I love the proposal! I think anything funny that happens always makes for a great story!!!

Love the dress & the shoes! ;)
oh my gosh, I LOVE your dress! Everything you have picked out is absolutely beautiful and you are your DF are so cute! I'm really enjoying your have the cutest personailty and the way you describe your relationship just cracks me wonder the guy loves you! ;)
Hi Abby!
I'm excited that you started a planning journal -- it's off to a great start! Keep posting more!
Your dress is beautiful! Your shoes look elegant yet comfy. Great choices you have made!
Love the cake! What flavors are you having?
Abby-your dress is just gorgeous! I adore it! the lace is really beautiful. Can't wait to hear about the rest of your planning!
great PJ, love your stuff! you're funny! :teeth: :thumbsup2
Abby I am so glad you started your PJ . I love your dress,love the lace and your bm dresses are adorable.
Thanks you guys! I'm glad I didn't bore you all to death:)

Laura - you seriously remind me of Mary Poppins (one of my all-time fav characters by the way). If there's anything we need, you always find something in your big bag of tricks. those favors look so pretty!!! i would absolutely love to see how you make them!

Jill - We won't be visiting wdw for the tasting:sad1:
My fav cake is strawberry shortcake. We requested fresh strawberries w/ vanilla custard, but I think we might be changing it to the Amaretto filling. My DF loves canolli cake - anyone know if Disney does that? It would be nice to make one of the layers out of canolli.
...and yes, the shoes look comfy. I wanted Aprincess72's sketchers(LOVED THEM!!!), but my mom is one of those hispanic women that are super gun-ho about dressing up and she will disown me:laughing: , for wearing something casual under my dress. Soooo we compromised for dressy, yet simple, low-heeled shoes.

Aprincess72- yes, having my nephew point out the crapping bison was quite memorable...:laughing:
Abby- I have a mold for them. I swirl the dark chocolate in with the white. After melting the chocolates in the microwave. They go in the fridge for about 30 min. and done. Haha that's funny about Mary Poppins. I was just looking at her carpet bag on disneyshopping last night.
Abby- I have a mold for them. I swirl the dark chocolate in with the white. After melting the chocolates in the microwave. They go in the fridge for about 30 min. and done. Haha that's funny about Mary Poppins. I was just looking at her carpet bag on disneyshopping last night.

Oh, where did you get the mold?

That's funny that you were checking out MP's bag last night?!?? What a coincidence...well, not really, since you both have a lot in common;)
Oh, where did you get the mold?

That's funny that you were checking out MP's bag last night?!?? What a coincidence...well, not really, since you both have a lot in common;)

I got it at Hobby Lobby. *Hint. Look in the soap making section. They are bigger and nicer molds.
oh my, your gown is stunning!!!! I'm an absolute sucker for lace and that gown is the tops!! your proposal story is hilarious - I give your fiance 5 stars for even attempting that at the Bronx Zoo!! I grew up in the Bronx but haven't been in years - way different than when i was a kid!:laughing:

everything looks great - can't wait to hear more!

hey abby,

just wanted to say that i also LOVE your dress, and I just love your story about your nephew pointing out the crapping bison, he must be sooo cute! :cloud9:
Awesome date for a wedding :cool:

I'm biased though, it's my birthday!! :p
hey abby,

just wanted to say that i also LOVE your dress, and I just love your story about your nephew pointing out the crapping bison, he must be sooo cute! :cloud9:

:rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl: :lmao:

HAHAHA! thanks........ sis! (and thanks for posting a pic of the little rascal...sooo cute!)


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