Airmiles Armchair Chatter

The advantage lies with purchasing them using a BMO MC or Amex if you are looking for AMs. The CC company doesn't know what was purchased at the store, only that there WAS a purchase at the store. Metro itself will give you nothing, gift cards do not count towards purchases made there for their own AM program (unless it comes as a special offer).

As for the special offer from MC, that runs until August 31st and gives you more AMs for the purchase. In my case, I have the Elite MC and I would normally get 1 AM for every $12 spent. Shopping at Metro would normally get me 3 AMs for every $12 spent. With this new offer, I will now get 5 AMs for every $12 spent.
It all depends on the MC you have. A plain, simple MC which would get you 1 AM for every $25 spend now gets you 5 AMs for every $25 spend. You just have to know what MC you have and what your spend limit is per AM to know what you will get. This offer is only for those stores mentioned in the offer, Shell and Metro being the two I would find handy.

I went on the 1st and picked up $1000 in Disney GCs, I don't like to have to much in GCs because of being unsure of the exchange rate but our trip is close enough that I'm not as worried as I would be and if MC is going. What I would get as a standard offer on that purchase would be 249 AMs (3 for every $12) . What I will get under this offer is 416 AMs (5 for every $12).
That makes so much sense ,,,
Thank You for the detailed explanation,, I appreciate it.

Hugs Mel
The advantage lies with purchasing them using a BMO MC or Amex if you are looking for AMs. The CC company doesn't know what was purchased at the store, only that there WAS a purchase at the store. Metro itself will give you nothing, gift cards do not count towards purchases made there for their own AM program (unless it comes as a special offer).

As for the special offer from MC, that runs until August 31st and gives you more AMs for the purchase. In my case, I have the Elite MC and I would normally get 1 AM for every $12 spent. Shopping at Metro would normally get me 3 AMs for every $12 spent. With this new offer, I will now get 5 AMs for every $12 spent.
It all depends on the MC you have. A plain, simple MC which would get you 1 AM for every $25 spend now gets you 5 AMs for every $25 spend. You just have to know what MC you have and what your spend limit is per AM to know what you will get. This offer is only for those stores mentioned in the offer, Shell and Metro being the two I would find handy.

I went on the 1st and picked up $1000 in Disney GCs, I don't like to have to much in GCs because of being unsure of the exchange rate but our trip is close enough that I'm not as worried as I would be and if MC is going. What I would get as a standard offer on that purchase would be 249 AMs (3 for every $12) . What I will get under this offer is 416 AMs (5 for every $12).

I have the Elite as well. I thought it was 1 AM/ $12. Why would you get 3AM/$12 normally? Is that a special I don't know about? I do know about the 5X AM offer that's out.
I have the Elite as well. I thought it was 1 AM/ $12. Why would you get 3AM/$12 normally? Is that a special I don't know about? I do know about the 5X AM offer that's out.
The 3 AM per $12 is for Metro. You will see this on your AM transactions as '3 X ACCELERATOR BONUS' when your MC AMs show up in your AM account.
There is also a 'GROCERY ACCELERTOR 2X' which is for shopping at all other stores that are classified as 'grocery stores' such as Loblaws. So, if you bought GCs from Loblaws using your AM MC you would get 2 X AMs for every $12. It's just better to purchase from Metro especially now that they have upped the anti.
How are our Ottawa area folks doing this morning? My house smells like 10 smokers spent the night. Walking outside gags me, it's like I'm eating it. The sky is so yellow and much to dark for this time of day. Can't imagine what it would be like to be closer to the fire.
Air quality being what it is, stay safe. Think about using a mask today if you need to go out.
I just walked the dog with a KN95 mask on. Glad I did. I had to take it off for a moment and the air just stunk. (I'm not a fan of wood smoke at the best of times). The KN95 did it's job and filtered a lot of the smoke (that I could smell anyway). Glad I still have a stash of them in a drawer.

I had the windows open yesterday evening but when I walked upstairs at bedtime I could smell wood smoke (you know like the scene in Spaceship Earth at Epcot). Closed all the windows and I'm not certain when they are going to be opened again. I'm glad it's relatively cool outside so that I don't have to turn on the A/C and draw outside air in.

My thoughts go out to all those elsewhere in the country who have been dealing with this air quality issue for weeks now. Stay safe everyone.
Sending anyone is in the east well wishes with the smoke, and I pray no one experiences fires destroying their homes.

As an northern Albertan where we have had our fair share of fires this year already - and spent 4 weeks with those kinds of's NOT fun. Even though my city was the city that houses the evacuees - the fires were less than 15km away from our city at certain times. It's down right scary. We had important documents packed and kept vehicles full of fuel, clothes washed, and I had a little stockpile of non-perishable food to grab if we needed to go.

We watched highways be closed, making an already 4.5 hr drive to the nearest big center turn into 6+ hrs with detours. Once highways reopened - seen some of the devastation of seeing one property saved but see the next one turned to ash. We seen our family's former lake lot be nothing but the woodstove left with only 5 properties still standing while 23 other beautiful lake/cottage/retirement homes become ash as not one fire - but 2 from different directions come raging through.

It's scary!!!! Hospital visits - due to asthma with the heavy smoke. One night the smoke was so thick it felt like the zombie apocalypse was happening. It was the creepiest thing I had ever experienced.

Sending you all positive well wishes - as we know what you are experiencing right now. The picture I attached is what it looked like at 5:00 pm on a Friday - at the start of the fires.

Don't laugh - this morning when I went out do put out the garbage it smelled like pipe tobacco. You know that sweet smell? Maybe my neighbours were out for their morning puff (you know the other stuff)
It is quite hazy here in Ajax and usually from my house I can see the Pickering Casino off the 401 but we can barely see the building now.
So I'm minding my own business, staying inside and working on a quilt. Canada Post comes to deliver the mail to the community box across the street from my house. Carrier leaves the box to go and deliver mail to an older couple a few doors over. I look out and notice that they have left one of the three towers doors open. I can see packages and mail.

The carrier comes back gets in the van then pulls away. Door is still open. I went over to pick up my mail and to see if I can just shut the doors. Nope, they don't budge.

I came inside and tried to find a # to call to let someone know they need to lock the doors. Finally found one, called and got put on hold. Person comes on the line she takes down all my information... Then I tell her what needs correction. She says just a minute I need to submit a ticket. 5 minutes more on hold why she submits the ticket. Comes back and gives me the ticket #. I then ask how long it will be before someone comes to secure the box. She says it should be within 4 hours and that I will get a call when they come.

I don't need a call I say. I am quilting in the front room and will see when they come and fix it.

It will be interesting to see how long it takes someone to come and close those doors. Let me end this by saying I'm not impressed.
So I'm minding my own business, staying inside and working on a quilt. Canada Post comes to deliver the mail to the community box across the street from my house. Carrier leaves the box to go and deliver mail to an older couple a few doors over. I look out and notice that they have left one of the three towers doors open. I can see packages and mail.

The carrier comes back gets in the van then pulls away. Door is still open. I went over to pick up my mail and to see if I can just shut the doors. Nope, they don't budge.

I came inside and tried to find a # to call to let someone know they need to lock the doors. Finally found one, called and got put on hold. Person comes on the line she takes down all my information... Then I tell her what needs correction. She says just a minute I need to submit a ticket. 5 minutes more on hold why she submits the ticket. Comes back and gives me the ticket #. I then ask how long it will be before someone comes to secure the box. She says it should be within 4 hours and that I will get a call when they come.

I don't need a call I say. I am quilting in the front room and will see when they come and fix it.

It will be interesting to see how long it takes someone to come and close those doors. Let me end this by saying I'm not impressed.
Woah! That's not good! We went to pick up our mail a couple of days ago, and the carrier was filling the boxes. I wouldn't let DH go around to pick it up because all the doors were open. The carrier kindly gave us our mail, including the package that was still in her car. :-)


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