Airmiles Armchair Chatter

Soooooooooooooo I am headed out tomorrow afternoon for a MRI scan and thought I'd like to just tell you all how great you are here.
I appreciate everyone sharing their lives so generously and appreciate you all.
Contrast Dye has to be used with this MRI and I am anaphylactic allergic to it. Things have been put in place
to mitigate this,,13hr. 7 hr. and 1 hr. Benedryl & Predisone pills and a hospital environment with a code blue team.
I am apprehensive but looking forward to it being done.
So if I post anything crazy tomorrow I am blaming it on the meds ,,,,lol


Hugs Mel
Soooooooooooooo I am headed out tomorrow afternoon for a MRI scan and thought I'd like to just tell you all how great you are here.
I appreciate everyone sharing their lives so generously and appreciate you all.
Contrast Dye has to be used with this MRI and I am anaphylactic allergic to it. Things have been put in place
to mitigate this,,13hr. 7 hr. and 1 hr. Benedryl & Predisone pills and a hospital environment with a code blue team.
I am apprehensive but looking forward to it being done.
So if I post anything crazy tomorrow I am blaming it on the meds ,,,,lol

View attachment 765939

Hugs Mel
We all appreciate you as well. My thoughts will follow you tomorrow. All will go well. Group hug :grouphug:
So true. There is clean air out there. This morning it happens to be over Ottawa (at the moment). I went for a walk without a mask and it was lovely. Got home and opened all the windows to air out the house. Not sure when I'm going to have to close it up again but it's nice to have fresh air for a moment anyway.

The things we used to take for granted. We are truly blessed in this country to have so many things we take for granted. Water, air, open space...
We'll be thinking of you and sending good vibes and pixiedust: tomorrow, Mel! The planning is done and it sounds like you have a great team to get 'er done. Blessings!
We'll be thinking of you and sending good vibes and pixiedust: tomorrow, Mel! The planning is done and it sounds like you have a great team to get 'er done. Blessings!
Thanks Deb
I leave at 1:45 for the test Today!
Yep all doped up with meds and drinking tea here.
Thank for the Good Vibes.
Hugs Mel
Just home from MRI test

All prep done ,,IV inserted and THEN the team decided that I am just too high risk to die from the Dye.
Ok ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, they did the MRI without it ,,,I was in there a long time but hey let's hope they saw what they were after.
Should get results next week.

Chances are that it might be a Trigeminal Nerve Sheath Tumor, skull base,,, I had one 20 years ago but it disappeared.
(Left it with the Ex hubby I say.) LOL

And to be honest it's not very viable tumor to be remove without serious consequences so says the best Neurosurgeon in Ontario (arrogant man that he is) he has actually retired now. ,,,, so if it's back then it will probably mean medication treatment.

Well a bit to digest but one must remain optimistic and positive or at least try right.
Thanks for letting me natter on.

Hugs Mel:)
Just home from MRI test

All prep done ,,IV inserted and THEN the team decided that I am just too high risk to die from the Dye.
Ok ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, they did the MRI without it ,,,I was in there a long time but hey let's hope they saw what they were after.
Should get results next week.

Chances are that it might be a Trigeminal Nerve Sheath Tumor, skull base,,, I had one 20 years ago but it disappeared.
(Left it with the Ex hubby I say.) LOL

And to be honest it's not very viable tumor to be remove without serious consequences so says the best Neurosurgeon in Ontario (arrogant man that he is) he has actually retired now. ,,,, so if it's back then it will probably mean medication treatment.

Well a bit to digest but one must remain optimistic and positive or at least try right.
Thanks for letting me natter on.

Hugs Mel:)
I'm glad that you are done with that for now, Mel. They have the expertise, so we have to trust them, right? Fingers crossed that they do see what needs to be seen, and that they can quickly come with a plan of action. Take care!
Just home from MRI test

All prep done ,,IV inserted and THEN the team decided that I am just too high risk to die from the Dye.
Ok ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, they did the MRI without it ,,,I was in there a long time but hey let's hope they saw what they were after.
Should get results next week.

Chances are that it might be a Trigeminal Nerve Sheath Tumor, skull base,,, I had one 20 years ago but it disappeared.
(Left it with the Ex hubby I say.) LOL

And to be honest it's not very viable tumor to be remove without serious consequences so says the best Neurosurgeon in Ontario (arrogant man that he is) he has actually retired now. ,,,, so if it's back then it will probably mean medication treatment.

Well a bit to digest but one must remain optimistic and positive or at least try right.
Thanks for letting me natter on.

Hugs Mel:)
Glad to hear that you are home and all went well.
Just remember what you said yesterday to not make any important decisions - like shopping. Or go ahead and buy your tea set and if anybody asks you about it then say oh I made a purchase??? - must have been when I was recuperating.
Did anyone else get this
I have no idea what it's from
June 8, 2023
View attachment 766243

I got 9

Glad your MRI went well. I had to have 2 of them back in Oct/Nov....don't recall exactly when. My doctor booked me in at a private clinic near Square One. It was great...nice staff and on time. They even worked with me on booking the day and time. That was a shocker. So if you have to go again you might want to go to this clinic. Interesting little tid bit.....they could not get all the images from one scan so they brought me in twice. They had to be minimum 7 days apart for OHIP to pay for it. End result....I saw the specialist in March and he says "Very thorough work up, this is great. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do. This is a situation you just have to live with". Why do they have to bring you into the office for that...could he have not called me?
I got 9

Glad your MRI went well. I had to have 2 of them back in Oct/Nov....don't recall exactly when. My doctor booked me in at a private clinic near Square One. It was great...nice staff and on time. They even worked with me on booking the day and time. That was a shocker. So if you have to go again you might want to go to this clinic. Interesting little tid bit.....they could not get all the images from one scan so they brought me in twice. They had to be minimum 7 days apart for OHIP to pay for it. End result....I saw the specialist in March and he says "Very thorough work up, this is great. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do. This is a situation you just have to live with". Why do they have to bring you into the office for that...could he have not called me?
Yep I will say the whole medical system has recently changed. I was originally booked at that Clinic,, I had been directed there via my niece nurses , but then they clinic graciously texted me that they felt a hospital based team would be better.

I agree sometimes a video call or telephone call to deliver results would be nice.
I am sorry your news wasn't more positive., but we sure can still kick quite a bit of Disney/Universal A@@ can't we Hon!!

Hugs Hon
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