All I Got Was A Lousy T-Shirt. . .(SleepyD's WetnWild Shower Fan Club -16 Feb 07)

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firstmickey said:
It's about time! ;) :teeth: :thumbsup2
Yeah, your not-so-subtle hints finally got to me. . .well, that and the hook. To quote the song, "the hook brings you back." (Extra credit for naming the group who sang this line.)

Last edited by firstmickey : Today at 10:29 AM. Reason: Came for the pictures and I get FEET! ;) Pretty ones though!
She just had to choose bright red, didn't she? I showed Mumma and Paappa last night over dinner and thought I'd have to do the Heimlich maneuver on them! For the record, for posterity, I took one for the team. Let it be handed down through the years like the Headless Horseman, Sasquatch, and alligators in the sewer system. . .I took one for the team.

In the interest of actually advancing this as a TR, I shall give you this peek. . .


. . .of the artiste. . .aka Princess. . .
She's adorable! princess: She looks so sweet but I bet she gives you a run for your money.

Could have been worse...she could have used LaPositively Hot. (Hot pink) :teeth: :rotfl2:
Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!! Your princess is BEAUTIFUL! No wonder you gave in to the red toenails. I'm melting and she isn't even mine!!!

Now....NO MORE TEASING....get on with the report ;)
Your princess is beautiful. And she paints quite a toenail. I hope they weren't like that on the cruise!!! For one thing, the professional pedicurists would've had a little anxiety attack or two, me thinks!!

We did the cruise a few years ago and loved it. Can't wait to hear about your adventures!!
OK......... I'm hooked too!! I had to subscribe to this thread, just in case I don't get back here for a day or two. Can't wait to hear how this plays out.
Sleepydog! I was wondering when you were gonna be back from the cruise and begin posting the report as promised. I was getting worried! BTW, the princess is lovely and I can see why she's got you wrapped........ ;)
Blues Traveler.
John Popper would be the guy singing.

Nice intro.
Could've done without the feet tho.
ohhhhh...*rubbing hands together* This is gonna be a good one! Waiting patiently....
What an intro!!! It's shaping up to be a DIS classic.:banana:

Your princess is a beauty!
:happytv: ..wait, you forgot to tell what the lil piggys did and where did
they all went...after the big dog woke up?

man , what lil' peepers..grandmother has? "woof" in sheep...

oh yeaks, thanks for making your gender clear...for a second i thought
i misjudged you... :lmao:

..on with your show :thumbsup2 ,

unless your related to ..slide show bob [simpsom fame]..,

did you used to own " i go to extremes"...? :smokin:

oh, just so we can get the right mind you mind lookin at this pic.

:moped: ..and revealing what you seeing?
The "hook" would be Blues Travler...stop messing around and start typing. I do not have a patience problem. I do not.
grumpydude said:
The "hook" would be Blues Travler...stop messing around and start typing. I do not have a patience problem. I do not.
Oooh!!!! You're a little grumpy dude!!!!! :teeth:
Subscribing SD :thumbsup2

Cute feet.

(You might want to shave that big toe though)
Ohhh! This is going to be a good one. It's just so sad that my company has the DIS boards blocked. :sad2:
dallastxcpa said:
Ohhh! This is going to be a good one. It's just so sad that my company has the DIS boards blocked. :sad2:
I'd have to look for a new job! :lmao: LOL!
Blues Travelers! Great song!!!

sleepydog25 said:
Yeah, your not-so-subtle hints finally got to me. . .well, that and the hook. To quote the song, "the hook brings you back." (Extra credit for naming the group who sang this line.)

She just had to choose bright red, didn't she? I showed Mumma and Paappa last night over dinner and thought I'd have to do the Heimlich maneuver on them! For the record, for posterity, I took one for the team. Let it be handed down through the years like the Headless Horseman, Sasquatch, and alligators in the sewer system. . .I took one for the team.

In the interest of actually advancing this as a TR, I shall give you this peek. . .


. . .of the artiste. . .aka Princess. . .
Family Doc Seeks Flying Dutchman: How Johnny Depp and the Travel Channel Cost Us Thousands of Dollars, Part I

Damn the Travel Channel. They smirk at me from behind their desks. They leer at me while eating fresh chocolate croissants rushed overnight from Paris and drinking JamaicaBlueMountain coffee flown in from Kingston, served with fresh cream from Wisconsin and turbinado sugar from Maui. They air programming designed to entice and captivate my family. They have no physical product to sell, no inventory to keep, no overhead—no, they are in league with travel companies and tourist destinations around the world with one thing on their collective minds: our bank account. And. They’re good at it. . .really, really good.

It was a dark and stormy night. Wait, wrong story. It was stormy and dark night, and during the infrequent moments of satellite dish reception and constant flipping of channels with the remote by Doc (she can’t help it, having been diagnosed with chronic remotis changerus), she noticed a teaser for a piece about the making of the Disney Magic (no, not the pixie dust kind, Virginia—the ship). Seeing as there was nothing else to watch on the other 179 channels, soon she was settled down on the couch under some blankets with Rye, an 18-lb cat who is, I swear, afraid of his own shadow and whose tail is the size of an earthworm. He settles down only with her, only at night. I feed him and the other three felines, give them fresh water, clean their cat boxes, give them medicines when it must be done, and take them to their annual vet visits. But, nooooo, he won’t settle down with me! Sorry, I digress. . .which I do from time to time, so just steel yourselves for the inevitable. Let’s go back to our regularly scheduled programming. . .

Doc is quickly absorbed into the story behind the manufacturing and launching of the Magic (and her subsequent sister ship, the Wonder). Me? I’m busy reading Wine Spectator, The New Yorker, and Conde’ Nast. Okay, just kidding. I was reading an old Calvin and Hobbes collection (I sure miss them, Mr “I’m Going on Hiatus for the Rest of My Life” Watterson!) and attempting to divine the purpose of popcorn ceilings which we inherited upon moving into our house four years ago. Did someone actually think, “Geez, wouldn’t it be cool to make people’s ceilings look like cottage cheese? Every time they swat at a bug, it’ll make thousands of tiny particles fly into their eye, and they’ll have to vacuum again, too. Heyyyyy, it’ll be so funny to watch them try to paint walls and not get it on the curds or see how they pick those little kernels off the paint roller! This is gonna be so cool!” Devilish type who thought up that concept. . .hmmm. . .wonder if they work for the Travel Channel? Oh, and then I left to go type wine tasting notes. No, really.

See, I love wine, enough that I like to record what I experience--what I taste, see, smell, and what foods with which it pairs well--when I drink it. Plus, there’s the little matter of running a small wine shop in town. So, to the computer I went. Then, it started, what I like to call the Distance Voice.


“What?” I respond.

“You’ve got to come see this!”


“This show! It’s really cool what they did.”

“I’m sure it is; I’ll be there in a minute,” which was my way of saying maybe she’ll forget all about me if I stay in the study. But, no.

“Huh-onn!! You’re gonna miss it!”

What I’m thinking is, “that’s my pla-a-a-n.” What I say is, “Just a mi-i-i-nute.”

“This is fascinating,” she declares triumphantly as I enter the family room. I see some lug walking around on rebar with a tool in his hand and immediately retort, “Oh, my gosh, yes! An Italian welder!” Yeah, I got the glare for that one. Soon, we were ensconced in the vision, planning, and logistical efforts it took to make the Magic. Okay, she was ensconced. I was present and accounted for. But, I did finish watching the show, grudgingly admitting that it was better than Captain Cavema-a-a-a-a-n on Boomerang. And that, I thought, was the last we’d see of a cruise of any sort. Survey says: “EEEAAAAHHHH! Sorry that’s not the answer we’re looking for.”

In the proceeding weeks, Doc began dredging up the dock-umentary about the Magic (which if you haven’t seen means you ain’t a regular visitor to the Cruise forums) and remarking aloud about what it would be like to take a cruise. I quickly reminded her that we had an upcoming trip to WDW the first week of June, and that her schedule didn’t really allow for two vacation trips of an extended length, nor did our budget include a visit to the Land of the Expensive and a voyage on SS Mo’ Money. She demurred. . .for a time. I thought the topic was DOA. I wanted no part of a cruise.

Before some of you begin slinging tomatoes at your screen and giving me the curse of Davy Jones (no, not the Hey, Hey, I’m a Monkee one, besides, what would that curse be: “Aaargggh! Ye be saddled with a bowl haircut and a perpetual goofy grin fer the rest of yer life! Aaarggh!”), I never understood the allure of cruising the seven seas other than it used to mean you could wear a groovy earring and have scary tattoos. I’m an active guy. I run, bike, hike, play b-ball, and chase after a six-year old. What could a ship offer me? That was my attitude going into this whole notion of cruising that Doc had initiated.

Then came the discovery. It was a clear day: crisp and cool with a hint of spring in the air even though it was early February. My life would change forever. . .

“Hon!” Doc implored, “C’mere!”

As I was doing the dreaded laundry detail, any excuse to leave it was good. “Yes?” I queried.

“Look! The DIS Board has a Cruise Line forum!” she crowed.

Ever been zapped with a cattle prod? Me either, but I’m guessing it’s about like what that statement did to me. Suddenly, the laundry was looking mighty fine as an object of my attention. But, I was trapped seeing as I had willingly responded to her beckoning.

“There is so much information on cruising here! When to go, what to expect, door decorations, dining, wining, excursions, activities, shows. . .and all with pictures!” Doc isn’t easily excited. I was in trouble. . .with a capital T.

Stay tuned to this same bat station, same bat channel, for FDSFD: HJD&TTCCUToD, Part II. . .

OMG! :eek: You are a clone of my husband. Right down to the Wine Spectator magazine! :teeth: :rotfl2: He thought he would be bored silly on the cruise.

(I bet you're a convert now too, aren't ya?) But that would be jumping ahead......;)

“This is fascinating,” she declares triumphantly as I enter the family room. I see some lug walking around on rebar with a tool in his hand and immediately retort, “Oh, my gosh, yes! An Italian welder!” Yeah, I got the glare for that one. Soon, we were ensconced in the vision, planning, and logistical efforts it took to make the Magic. Okay, she was ensconced. I was present and accounted for. But, I did finish watching the show, grudgingly admitting that it was better than Captain Cavema-a-a-a-a-n on Boomerang. And that, I thought, was the last we’d see of a cruise of any sort. Survey says: “EEEAAAAHHHH! Sorry that’s not the answer we’re looking for.”

Bwahhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! :rotfl2:
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