Am I allowed to scan my MK shoot pics & other random debates...

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I do agree that photographers are artists. They have to have a good eye to see a good shot and MOST are worth the money that they charge. I guess without the photographers we would never be able to have memories of our big days.
..and you own those pictures so do what you want :)

Actually she does not own those photographs. The photographer owns all rights to those photographs. Please respect copyright laws.
Oh lol I didn't know they changed the person...when did they change it?

Few years ago, can't remember exactly when. 4-5 years maybe? I remember we came back on one trip (we used to live in NJ and come 2x/year) and the voice was different. Dorky, I told ya ;)
I don't think anyone's making fun. To photographers it's an important topic that affects business. IMHO, most consumers aren't educated about copyright and what it means. And why would they be? Just about everyone I know thinks that if you get your pics taken at Walmart you can scan 'em, copy 'em, do whatever the heck you want with 'em. And they do. Because most people don't know any better. Which is why OP asked. But I think that educating people about it is important.

Some photogs choose to include rights to reproduce your photos/high res files in your packages. Some choose to charge you extra. You can bet that in either case, you're paying for it some how. In many cases, the photographers who choose to include rights/files do so because they don't want to be bothered with creating albums. Their choice for their business model. But in many cases, photographers are feeling pressured into doing it "because all the other photographers are doing it".

If being able to post your pics online or make your own prints is important to you, choose your photographer accordingly.

1.) I am OP.
2.) My rights were included with my package as were many enlargements and a huge that's not the reason he includes it...
3.) We don't need to be educated about copyrights...we all KNOW we don't own the stupid images...i jst wanted to know if i could scan them...and its kinda upsetting so we can whine all we want...being a past disney bride with a bad experience as you said on the other thread with your mk shoot, you must know it's annoying to shell out $1,000 for less than an hour of photography then buy enlargements that could be printed better at walgreens or have to pay another $1000 for rights.
1.) I am OP.
2.) My rights were included with my package as were many enlargements and a huge that's not the reason he includes it...
3.) We don't need to be educated about copyrights...we all KNOW we don't own the stupid images...i jst wanted to know if i could scan them...and its kinda upsetting so we can whine all we want...being a past disney bride with a bad experience as you said on the other thread with your mk shoot, you must know it's annoying to shell out $1,000 for less than an hour of photography then buy enlargements that could be printed better at walgreens or have to pay another $1000 for rights.

Ya'll should know better than to get into a debate with a pregnant chick! They always win! :rotfl:

PS: Amanda, hope you didn't get offended by pregnant comment, I love you and sticking up for you! It's like... I know I know, we get it already, right?
Yeah I have to sy I don't mind paying for my negatives but 1000 just to have a copy of them is a little too much if you ask me...ooooh and BTW this just came to my memory.....when I was planning on having my wedding at home I booked a videographer and with our package we got 3 edited versions of our video and this came straight of the videographers mouth..if you need more copies let me know....we don't charge you for copies because a blank cd costs like $ I don't see how it could cost a photographer a fortune to give somebody a CD of thier images..I honestly don't get it. What is the harm of giving somebody their pictures on a pop it in your computer copy the files..takes maybe 10-15 mins dependeing on how quick your computer is.

I just put 300 pictures on a cd and it took like 5-10 mins
2.) My rights were included with my package as were many enlargements and a huge that's not the reason he includes it...

I said many, not all, choose to include rights so as not to have to deal with creating an album.

I'm confused though, your package includes the rights to reproduce the images, but you don't have the digital files to do so? If you've got the right to reproduce the images, you should have the files so which would save you from having to scan them. If you don't, well than that's just silly on the photographers part. I need to go back and re-read to see if I misunderstood.

3.) We don't need to be educated about copyrights...we all KNOW we don't own the stupid images...i jst wanted to know if i could scan them...and its kinda upsetting so we can whine all we want...being a past disney bride with a bad experience as you said on the other thread with your mk shoot, you must know it's annoying to shell out $1,000 for less than an hour of photography then buy enlargements that could be printed better at walgreens or have to pay another $1000 for rights.

Whine away. I'm the queen of the whiners, just ask my DH :)

I chose not to get ANY reprints of our MK pics, from any source. It's definitely annoying to shell out a lot of money for bad photography - which is why I wrote a letter of complaint to Disney Photo, who agreed that I had reason to complain and offered us a reshoot or a refund of 50%. We were living in NJ at the time, so we took the refund. But I would have gladly paid the full amount and then some to have had pictures that were good.

When you hire a photographer, you're paying for more than just the piece of paper that the image is printed on. Which is why photographers charge more for a 5x7 print than it costs to have your own images printed at Walgreens.
Yeah I have to sy I don't mind paying for my negatives but 1000 just to have a copy of them is a little too much if you ask me...ooooh and BTW this just came to my memory.....when I was planning on having my wedding at home I booked a videographer and with our package we got 3 edited versions of our video and this came straight of the videographers mouth..if you need more copies let me know....we don't charge you for copies because a blank cd costs like $ I don't see how it could cost a photographer a fortune to give somebody a CD of thier images..I honestly don't get it. What is the harm of giving somebody their pictures on a pop it in your computer copy the files..takes maybe 10-15 mins dependeing on how quick your computer is.

I just put 300 pictures on a cd and it took like 5-10 mins

When I proof something that I shoot, I do basic color correction/exposure adjustment as needed. When someone orders a print from me, I go in and fine tune the image, remove blemishes, stray hairs, etc. Multiply that times 1500 images or so to be put on a CD to give to a bride.

Don't do it, you say? And charge a lesser rate.

Sorry, I have too much pride in my work not to. And I want my clients to have the best possible images.

So it's more than just the cost of the CD and the 15 minutes to burn it.
I just wish you could speak with the Disney photographer before he actually takes pictures. Sort of like a planning session with them to tell them what you are looking for in pictures, etc. I think that would help out the bride and the photographer.
1.) I am OP.
2.) My rights were included with my package as were many enlargements and a huge that's not the reason he includes it...
3.) We don't need to be educated about copyrights...we all KNOW we don't own the stupid images...i jst wanted to know if i could scan them...and its kinda upsetting so we can whine all we want...being a past disney bride with a bad experience as you said on the other thread with your mk shoot, you must know it's annoying to shell out $1,000 for less than an hour of photography then buy enlargements that could be printed better at walgreens or have to pay another $1000 for rights.

It's so true you can get better prints at walgreens,cvs,target and else where lol..I swear to GOD the pictures that Disney sent me look like crap compared to pictures I took with my sony cybershot and got prints at target lol.

I have a feeling this thread is going to go on lockdown..:rotfl2:

Toni you are cracking me up lol

Ya'll should know better than to get into a debate with a pregnant chick! They always win! :rotfl:

PS: Amanda, hope you didn't get offended by pregnant comment, I love you and sticking up for you! It's like... I know I know, we get it already, right?

I'm a photographer -- not wedding just free lance for some extra bucks when the opportunity arises, but I always photograph my friends weddings as well. I stay out of the way of the professional photographer and don't bumble in on the portraits or anything, just the action stuff. I take my professional equipment with me wherever I go and afterwards as an additional gift to the couple I give them print 4x6 copies of the pics and a hi-res cd with all the images on it. I also give them a signed release saying they can do anything they want with the images on the disc. They didn't pay me for my services or anything but I still own the copyright to those pictures which is why I give them the release so they can take it into Ritz or Target or someplace and have a wall mural made out of the pictures if they want to. I get that they may want to do stuff with their pictures (even if I shot it professionally) which is why I give them the disc (or in the case of my best friends wedding, 2 discs. I went a little photo crazy that day) and the release. I think that's why a lot of photographers do this now so that you can make your own enlargements or something. I know from my stand point it would be a little easier to include that price in my fee and then hand them over to a bride instead of trying to work on another wedding 6 months down the line and get calls from Mrs. X who wants 11x14s of this, this, and that now. Is Disney's fee for this high? Definitely, but since when does Disney and reasonable prices go hand in hand? And a photographer cannot make money off your face without your consent. I know I've asked friends if I could use pictures of them from their weddings in my portfolio, but I would never use them to make money because it would be illegal. I think if you want to scan in your pictures and share them with people so they can see it would be acceptable (not necessarily legal but not really frowned upon). Just don't post them on a site where people can order their own copies because then that is illegal because then that site is making money off of someone's copyrighted work. But if you wanted to scan in a picture to e-mail to Great Aunt Bertha then go ahead as long as she doesn't try to make a profit from it. In this day of age of cell phone cameras and e-mail and scanners it's unreasonable to think you won't share your pictures with others digitally so just do so responsibly. Make sense?
I said many, not all, choose to include rights so as not to have to deal with creating an album.

I'm confused though, your package includes the rights to reproduce the images, but you don't have the digital files to do so? If you've got the right to reproduce the images, you should have the files so which would save you from having to scan them. If you don't, well than that's just silly on the photographers part. I need to go back and re-read to see if I misunderstood.

sorry, i confused you, the package i was referring to in my rant was my wedding package with an outside photog...the pictures i was asking about were my mk shoot ones

Whine away. I'm the queen of the whiners, just ask my DH :)

I chose not to get ANY reprints of our MK pics, from any source. It's definitely annoying to shell out a lot of money for bad photography - which is why I wrote a letter of complaint to Disney Photo, who agreed that I had reason to complain and offered us a reshoot or a refund of 50%. We were living in NJ at the time, so we took the refund. But I would have gladly paid the full amount and then some to have had pictures that were good.

When you hire a photographer, you're paying for more than just the piece of paper that the image is printed on. Which is why photographers charge more for a 5x7 print than it costs to have your own images printed at Walgreens.

I know I'm paying for more than the paper..I'm paying for disney! What I want is better quality than walgreens...not better prices
It's so true you can get better prints at walgreens,cvs,target and else where lol..I swear to GOD the pictures that Disney sent me look like crap compared to pictures I took with my sony cybershot and got prints at target lol.

Toni you are cracking me up lol


:rotfl2: I am in a silly mood tonight!!! I don't know what my problem is. I am cracking myself up over here. :rotfl:
I just wish you could speak with the Disney photographer before he actually takes pictures. Sort of like a planning session with them to tell them what you are looking for in pictures, etc. I think that would help out the bride and the photographer.

I totally agree... sometimes with the MK shoot (from what I read) it's not always the cost of reprints, most aren't happy with most pictures taken from the beginning... i think it need to be finetuned, so more brides are happy. Whether prints or CD's are onvolved or not, we want great pictures for the money spent.
Ya'll should know better than to get into a debate with a pregnant chick! They always win! :rotfl:

PS: Amanda, hope you didn't get offended by pregnant comment, I love you and sticking up for you! It's like... I know I know, we get it already, right?

:rotfl2: :hug: :cutie: LOL johanna!
sorry, i confused you, the package i was referring to in my rant was my wedding package with an outside photog...the pictures i was asking about were my mk shoot ones

Gotcha, that makes sense now :)

I know I'm paying for more than the paper..I'm paying for disney! What I want is better quality than walgreens...not better prices

I agree 100%. I honestly (and mind you, this was back in 2002 when we got married) found the quality and style of the Disney Photographers not to my liking. So, like you, we hired an outside photographer.

It's sad that with the MK photo sessions we're stuck with them (and at a pretty high price for a brief time). :( I can't tell you how much I cried over our MK pics when we got them back.
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