Amanda's Menu Planning Spectacular!

:hug: for you, Amanda. It sounds like you're had quite a struggle with the Munchie Monster (as Doreen and I call him) the last couple of days, but I think you're coming out ahead! There were TONS of temptations that you've resisted at home and at all these social functions that you've been to (let's think of that chocolate muffin, shall we?) and you deserve to pat yourself on the back.

I hope the :sunny: comes out today (that ole Munchie Monster hates light, you know) so you can get out and get some fresh air AND celebrate all of the GOOD choices you've been able to make.
Remember that all your WISH friends are struggling, too; we understand. ::yes::

Take care,

PS Amanda, it REALLY is time for you to reward yourself with that clippie bear! :Pinkbounc
I don't know - the clippie bear doesn't feel to self confident yet to come out of hiding ;) Maybe in a day or so.

I will admit the Munchie Monster was on my back yesterday but I did resist a lot of other things that would have been really really bad. Things like popcorn that DH popped about 9pm, Chocolate, regular soda, and a frozen pizza that he also made. I wish I had his metabolism.

The :sunny: is not out today :( and it is very cold here in St. Louis. I think I will do my pilates tapes today to stretch myself out. Hopefully it will warm up a little bit during the week so I can get back to walking and running outside. I don't own a treadmill.

Breakfast: 2 fried eggs with Cheese - 4 carbs and Bacon
(making dh an egg, biscuit, and bacon as well) Only making one biscuit so that there won't be any for me to have.

Lunch: Big Question mark here. I might make a cheeseburger with some celery sticks to munch on.

Dinner: Pork Chops, mashed Cauliflowerk with cheese and some bacon crumbles.

I need to work on my water today I didn't have hardly any yesterday and stuck more to Crystal Light and diet soda.

Amanda, you have made it through some TOUGH TIMES!! Here's an extra :hug: - this will get easier, I promise!! I know the 2 weeks before TOM my cravings drive me nuts - could that be part of your problem? Just knowing those cravings will go away soon helps me get through. :D Erin & I call that time our D-Zone (D for Danger!). I think you're doing very well considering all you've had to endure! Pat yourself on the back, and where's that bear?? I bet he'll be standing proudly in your signature within a few days!! ::yes::

I'm sore in my upper arms and shoulders today - it must have been from my power walking yesterday. Glad to know I'm not the only one experiencing this - I figured my legs would be hurting but they feel pretty good. :confused:

Your menus are looking good but are seeming a bit repetitive. Maybe it's time to try some new recipes?? I know when my low-carb food gets boring, then the carby junk seems much more interesting. If I'm treating myself to low-carb food that tastes great, then I really don't crave the other stuff.

Hang in there, Amanda! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
You are right Doe my menus are a bit repetitive which is one problem I do find with a low carb diet. I can't go grocery shopping until Friday though when DH gets paid. One thing I know for sure I am going to make is some chicken lasagna using zucchini as noodles.

I think I might make some Tuna Salad today and I haven't had that in awhile. I am craving soup at the moment but don't have the ingredients here to make any. So I am going to pick up stuff to make vegetable beef soup when I go to the grocery store as well.

Did 30 minutes of Pilates this morning and yikes my ab muscles are out of shape. I did 15 minutes of ab concentration and 15 minutes of arm concentration. I did arm moves without weights today because they are still a little sore.

I can't believe how little carbs I've had today. Especially coming off of yesterday where I was craving carbs.

I had 4 carbs and breakfast and 2 carbs at lunch and that was it! Tonight for dinner I am making delicious pork chops with a BBQ rub involving spices and lemon juice so <1 carb for that. I am making mashed cauliflower and green bean casserole. A little high in carbs but I've been so good! I am also going to award myself with a small chocolate peanut butter treat this evening for being so good today. I've had 4 glasses of water and only one diet soda. I'm going to have another soda with dinner and then drink water for the rest of the evening.

Tomorrow I am back to work. B: Protein Shake - 9 carbs, L: Left overs from tonight, D: I think hotdogs and sausages.

Good Morning! least morning. I had the hardest time falling asleep last night. I was wide awake at 1a.m. this morning - not good when you have to get up at 7a.m. for work. But I drug my sorry butt out of bed and am at work now:( Tonight when I get home we will be watching my 2 year old nephew again for at least 4 hours - so no exercising tonight.

Since I woke up kinda late this morning I didn't have time to blend my protein shake so I grabbed my egg muffins - 2
Good Morning! least morning. I had the hardest time falling asleep last night. I was wide awake at 1a.m. this morning - not good when you have to get up at 7a.m. for work. But I drug my sorry butt out of bed and am at work now:( Tonight when I get home we will be watching my 2 year old nephew again for at least 4 hours - so no exercising tonight.

Since I woke up kinda late this morning I didn't have time to blend my protein shake so I grabbed my egg muffins - 2 carbs and I've got my watter bottle here filled and ready to drink. After breakfast I will take my vitamin. After I finish my first 2 glasses of water I am getting a soda so that the caffine will help wake me up. Diet soda of course!

Amanda, it can be HARD to get back into the old routine. In a few days, you'll be used to waking up early again and you will have time to get your breakfast shake ready! What do you put in your shake?

I ran out of Designer Whey protein a while ago. Finally bought more yesterday, so sometime this week I'll mix a scoop of protein powder, water, strawberries and ice for my breakfast shake. Occasionally I throw in half a banana.

Glad to hear things are going better as far as carbs! :sunny:
Ever have one of those days when nothing sounds good? Well that was me today. Nothing sounded good for lunch so I made a mock cheese and broccoli soup. Basically used Cream of Chicken soup, broccoli and cheddar cheese and mixed it all together. It really wasn't that bad. I am estimating 12 carbs for lunch today and 2 for breakfast only brings me up to 14 carbs for the day. DH told me he wanted pizza for dinner tonight - Pizza is a huge weakness for me so I got a protein bar at work and ate that about 4pm so that I wouldn't be starving at 6pm tonight (4 carbs for the bar) and I ordered a large peporoni (not my favorite) for DH and a chef's salad with cheese, salami, ham, and turkey. My plan is to eat the salad first and then perhaps have two slices of thin crust pizza (4inch square). I think I will be okay since I only have 18 carbs for the day so I still have 12 to spare. Water I am doing okay on today but will probably drink more with dinner.

And guess what - I stuck to my plan! My salad was so good I could have finished it but stopped myself because I want it for tomorrow for lunch. I drank another 2 glasses of water and feel great! I could just picture everyone behind me encouraging me to stick to my plan. This is the first time ever that I have not given up and eat 5 or 6 slices of pizza. I am very proud of me.


PS...My Bear Clippie felt brave enough to come out after tonight.
I don't know how you Mom's do it with having kids. 4 hours with a 2 year old is plenty for me. I am so tired today I can't even see straight.

B: 2 egg muffins - 3 carbs (they were on the big side), diet coke (I need the caffine and I can't get a flavored coffee) and my vitamins (please bring me energy).

L: What is leftover from my salad last night (YUMMY)

D: ??? I think I might make cheeseburgers or hotdogs tonight. I want something simple since I have a feeling I am going to crash when I get home.

If somehow I muddle out of this funk I will workout tonight doing a Walk Away the Pounds tape - 2 miles. It is freezing here in St. Louis - only 20 degrees - way to cold for walking or running outside. I wish I owned a treadmill.

Dinner plans have changed because this morning I got a call that my friend is pregnant after months of trying so we are all going out to our favorite sports bar Buffalo Wild Wings. I usually just order wings here but I am getting a little tired of them so I think I am going to order a Blackened Chicken Salad with dinner. Tonight the scrapbooking bug has really bit me so I think I am going to do that so that my mind can rest instead of exercising. It is just to darn cold! Hopefully it will be warmer tomorrow. I did finally wake up this morning thanks to two diet sodas and my vitamins. Lunch was very delicious but I am HUNGRY at the moment. And I didn't think to bring anything to work to munch on, so I am trying to drinks lots of water to combat the hungries. I am betting I've consumed only 5 carbs today so far so I am very much under my 30. My salad tonight will be little to no carbs as well. I'm not going to indulge in anything tonight like an extra chocolate because I think that is causing me to stall a little. I've had little to know weight loss despite being cheat free for going on 6 days.

This looks to be another great day! And I really have Erin and Doe to thank for helping me to be cheat free. I've never gone more then a day or two of being cheat free (hence why the bear stayed away for so long).


Ate a protein bar before dinner so I wouldn't be starving once I got there and then bing. (4 carbs)

Drank water with dinner and ordered the blacken chicken caeser salad and removed all the crutons. Did have 2 french fries with cheese on them and one mini corn dog. I have plenty of carbs left for the day so I'm sure I am fine.

The rest of the evening will be water and sugar free jello so I am going to roll over my clippie.

Good Morning! Another Day - Another Dollar!

B: Protein Smoothie - I guess I didn't put enough stuff in it this morning because it was kinda small so I grabbed a protein bar just in case. Smoothie - 9 carbs

S: Protein Bar - 4 carbs

L: Subway - I'm going to try the Turkey Bacon Wrap this afternoon - 11 carbs

D: Double Cheeseburger in a lettuice cup. Yum. - 2 carbs

S: Sugar Free Jello

Exercise: Planning on doing the 2 mile walk tape this evening when I get home before even having dinner - that way it is done and out of the way and I can relax the rest of the evening. I think that is my issue with working out - I get home and all relaxed and then it is hard to get motivated to get in the evening.


Whoops! HUGE miscalculation today. A girl at work received these very fancy whopper chocolate candy type thing and was letting everyone try them. I checked the box and they were 6 carbs a piece and I thought, "Oh I have plenty of carbs left if I eat this I'll have 4 left for dinner tonight and since I'm only going to use 2 carbs with dinner I'll be fine." About an hour after I ate my candy I remembered - I ate the Protein bar this morning along with my smoothie which left me with no carbs left for tonight. Oh no! So I rechecked my numbers and I will use 1 carb at dinner tonight which makes my carb intake 31 for today. I will not be having any extras like celery and creamcheese with my burger and that is okay. I'll be having sugar free jello tonight with my meal which will make my plate look full. I am not counting this as a cheat but a simple mis caluclation. If I had remembered about the protein bar then I would have refused the candy because I really didn't want it that badly but since I had the carbs free (or at least thought I did) I figured - why not? That will teach me.

24 oz of water taken in today and I'm about to drink 16 more oz. now.

Exercise is done for the day! My plan of doing it first thing when I got home worked out perfect.

:sunny: :sunny: Good morning, Amanda!:sunny: :sunny:
You are looking quite radiant, Dahling, in your Cheat Free Clippie!
Hooray for you! I'm so glad that you decided to post it--it's a tribute to the hard work that you've put in to your program. The exercise, the healthy choices, the saying "no" that we have to do sometimes--your victories are represented in that little bear for all to see.

As far as miscalculations go, we all make 'em. The important thing is that you caught it and modified the rest of the day the best you could. No cheating there, that's for sure.

Have a great day, Amanda, and applaud yourself for all the positive changes you're making in your life!

Thanks for posting Erin! I was starting to feel a little lonely in my journal :)

Woke up this morning feeling like I've been hit by a truck. I had a very restless night with strange dreams. I realized I forgot to take my vitamin yesterday so that is a priority for me today.

B: Egg Muffing - 2
L: ???Not real sure but I am thinking Tuna Salad with Celery Sticks.
D: ?? Again not sure - I'm sort of working without a plan here which I know isn't good. Nothing really sounds good to me today. I can't wait to go grocery shopping so that I can get some different things to eat because I'm a little burnt out on my menus for the moment. I'm going to check out Atkins sight so I can get some new recipe ideas.

Exercise: Same plan as yesterday - gonna go home and do the 2 mile walk tape. It takes about 27 minutes to do the 2 miles at 4.0 mph pace. I know that I will need to increase it - but for now this little tape helps me stay in shape so that when I start walking/running outside again I don't have to start from the beginning. This weekend it is going to get up into the 40's - still cold but I might go for a power walk anyway.

I'm off to another cheat free day!

Man I hit a brick wall today. About 3pm I started getting that dizzy feeling like your blood sugar is to low. Plus everyone at work was eating these very good looking browines and cookies a guy brought in from Mrs. Fields. I had a mini twix bar - 9 carbs. Along with my whopping 2 carbs from breakfast and lunch I have had 11 carbs for the day. I got off work late so I didn't workout and DH made dinner. Pork Chop (over cooked) greenbean casserole (okay 10 carbs per serving) and Fettuicini Alfredo (thanks babe but can't have) I had a couple bites. So my dinner was less then satisfying I was really wanting Cheddar Brocooli soup from Panera Bread and was about to suggest it when I realized he was cooking dinner. He was trying so hard I hated to tell him no. I'm gonna go make a hotdog with cheese (no bun) and then lay on the couch. Hopefully I'll have more energy later. Vitamin was taken today.

Amanda I hope you get your energy and appetite back soon! Here's some extra pixie dust :wizard: to help you feel better fast!

I've been neglecting journals lately but I've caught up on yours! Your bear is looking so proud, just as he should be!! You've been doing an amazing job, Amanda! You were so sweet to eat what DH cooked for you - he really was trying to do a nice thing. ::yes:: My DH will offer to go out and pick up dinner but he doesn't cook :D .

Keep it up, Amanda, step by step! :sunny: Count each day as a victory!! ::yes::
Good Morning. Last night was tough since DH gave me a lot of low carb but also low protein food for dinner last night (greenbeans and 1 small hotdog) I was starving by 9p.m. I ate a protein bar so that I could sleep without my tummy keeping me up. So I had 35 carbs yesterday.

Today's plan - THANK GOODNESS IT IS FRIDAY! DH got paid so I am off to the grocery store after work today and I've got lots and lots of new recipes to try.

B: Protein Bar: Protein - 22 grams, Carbs - 4
Water - 16oz.
L: Cheddar Cheese and Broccoli soup from Panera Bread - 12 grams of Carbs,
Water - 16 oz.
D: Not sure yet - whatever looks good from what I buy at the grocery store. I might go ahead and make the vegetable beef soup tonight so that I is what I'll be having for dinner then.

Oh my God! That Soup tasted like heaven at lunch today. Yummy! I haven't really drank a lot of water today so I am going to have to make up for it tonight. Went grocery shopping and got lots of stuff to make lots of easy meals. Tonight we are having Vegetable Beef Soup. Took Beef, Zuchini, greenbeans, Cauliflower, and 1/2 bag of assorted Veggies and mixed it all together. I'm estimating about 6 carbs per bag although I think that might be high since the assorted veggies aren't that much in there.

Also picked up heavy whipping cream to make some legal desserts.

I own this long sleeved white shirt that is kinda tight, when I bought it I thought I would only wear it under things. Today I wore it under a Rams Jersey well after 2 hours of everyone calling me Issac Bruce I took the Jersey off and felt so uncomfortable wearing just the white shirt. One of the guys I work with (who is really really cute) was talking to me and I mentioned I was uncomfortable today. He was like, "Why?" So I just said well this shirt is kinda tight and it makes me feel self-conscious. Again, "Why?" And I didn't want to say - Because I'm fat, so I just said - well because it does. And he says, "Well don't worry because you have nothing to worry about." Made me feel like a million bucks. DH commented that I looked cute when I came home to.

hi amanda........sorry i just havent had the time to get to everyone's journals for a few days........including my own......remember even if dont write i am still thinking bout my mo buddy........anyways looks like you have had a few good cheat free days.....hooray!!!!!!.........tell ya what if you do your power walk outside tomorrow, i'll do my run long as this little bit of snow disappears.........i dont like slick spots when i run..........let me know what you plan to do.
Littleduck- I'll be running outside tomorrow morning before the Rams Game!

So nice I'm posting it twice:

I own this long sleeved white shirt that is kinda tight, when I bought it I thought I would only wear it under things. Today I wore it under a Rams Jersey well after 2 hours of everyone calling me Issac Bruce I took the Jersey off and felt so uncomfortable wearing just the white shirt. One of the guys I work with (who is really really cute) was talking to me and I mentioned I was uncomfortable today. He was like, "Why?" So I just said well this shirt is kinda tight and it makes me feel self-conscious. Again, "Why?" And I didn't want to say - Because I'm fat, so I just said - well because it does. And he says, "Well don't worry because you have nothing to worry about." Made me feel like a million bucks. DH commented that I looked cute when I came home to.
:Pinkbounc Hey, Amanda! You're looking good and feeling fine! :Pinkbounc DH better watch out--you're going to be turning lots of heads now!

Congratulations on your cheat free successes. It's a new day filled with lots of challenges, but you can conquer them--I have no doubt. Go, Amanda!:hyper:

Have a great weekend,
Thanks Erin! I will say I feel great and yesterday I felt like I had so much self confidence.

Today is going to be a very DANGEROUS Day! There is a Rams Playoff Football party at my house and that means - lots and lots of snacky foods. I'm making a pot of Chili (which I don't like so no worries there) and will have hot dogs and cheese for everyone (so that's okay). But then there will be chex mix out, and other snacky foods that people are bringing. I'll have my diet soda and water so that is okay. I think I'll eat a very big lunch before everyone gets here at 3pm so I won't be so easily tempted. I've decided to allow myself 55 carbs today which is legal on Protein Power - technically it is in phase II but I figure it is a special day. I'm allowing myself one coffee this morning - 5 carbs, breakfast will be Eggs and Cheese (2 carbs) and like I said a BIG Lunch of Chicken Breast, Salad, and Grilled Zuchhini. I'm also going to go walking this afternoon and exercising always helps me to stay focused on my goal.


Breakfast - 2 eggs and cheese - 3carbs; Coffee - 5 carbs = 8 carbs

Exercise: Walked half and ran half - not sure on distance but it took me about 25 minutes. I'll have to check distance. But I did it outside - How ya doing Littleduck?

Lunch: Planning on grilling a chicken breast with some seasonings and making some veggies to go along with it. Plan on eating about 2 or 2:30 since guest are coming over at 3:00 p.m. and then the snack foods will be out.
I didn't do as well as I wanted to. I had one hot dog with a bun and had some little smokies wrapped in croissants plus snacked on some chex mix. I'm sure I am over the 55 grams of carbs I set for myself today. Although I was low in carbs before the game - only 9 used. But the bun alone had 24 carbs in it.

Good points today:

Stuck to Diet Soda and Water
Avoided the Brownies
Avoided the chips and dip
Stopped eating at 8pm
Did my walk/run

Not sure if I am going to count today as cheat free or not. I'm sure I'm over the 55 carbs, but I don't think I'm way over them. Not sure how many carbs were in those croissants. I'm going to sit on it tonight and see how I feel about it. Also anyone want to chime in on what they think please do so. And be honest - don't try to spare my feelings. Even if this day counts as a cheat it really is only a minor setback and it is back to program tomorrow.



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