American Idol, Season 5 **Official Discussion Thread**

lillygator said:
was that really a picture of Kelli? I thought her face looked a lot different.

I agree, I can't tell if I really think it's her or not? :confused3

Considering her upbringing she could have turned out like a lot of kids that have no mother, a father in jail, who admits to have been on drugs. I'm glad she's made to where she has. Good for her!
Thanks for the pictures damo. Those were really cute.

I listened to your CI link the other day and I was blown away. What a talent!

DaisyD, I bet those tribesmen even had piercings!

Concerning Kellie's prom dress, I just have to say that MANY of the girls in my area wore that type of dress to the prom for the last several years. I know this because our high school has a "Promenade" prior to the kids leaving for the Prom, held at the high school, and everyone comes out on stage with their partner. That is when the voting takes place for the Prom king and queen, and it is announced later that evening at the Prom. Would I want my daughter wearing a dress like that, NO, and thank goodness she didn't, but it wasn't unusual to see it. Tons of girls were wearing something like that, and the majority came from upper-class, two parent homes.
Oh yea, I'd also like to add that my daughter has a belly-button piercing, and at one time an eyebrow ring, and does have a piercing below her bottom lip, and is a straight A student at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. I don't think it has held her back yet. Oops, forgot to mention her tattoo across her lower back and on her foot, LOL. Did I want her to get these piercings and tattoos, NO, but she did it after she turned 18. Anyway, my point is, please don't judge based on what you see.
damo said:
Here is her yearbook page. The same picture is in it.(go to page 6 in her gallery)

I guess it is her. I wasn't so sure.

She sure was a cute little thing!

Thanks for the pics. She is really very pretty. I wish she would go back to looking like she did in the early auditions or like in the close-up yearbook photo with the circle around her face. She looks like an entirely different person on the show now with all that make-up on! :rolleyes:
corie161 said:
I agree, I can't tell if I really think it's her or not? :confused3

Considering her upbringing she could have turned out like a lot of kids that have no mother, a father in jail, who admits to have been on drugs. I'm glad she's made to where she has. Good for her!

While the dumb blonde moments are more than grating on nerves I agree with you. My mom is a social worker that deals with 8-18 year old gals with similar backgrounds as Kellie every day. The majority just think that's how it is and don't bother working for anything more. It's extremely difficult to break that cycle. :sad2:
I'm really kind of surprised at all the vitriol directed at Kellie Pickler. I happen to like her and apparently so do a lot of other AI voters. It would seem that the majority of DISers on this thread just don't fall into that category.

If there's one contestant in this year's competition who comes across to me as a phony, it's golden girl Katharine McPhee. I just don't think she's all that sweet and wonderful. Does anyone remember the night they made the cuts down to the top 24? (I call it "elevator" night) She was apparently very upset that one of her friends was cut (this was before her turn on the elevator) and proceded to spout off a slew of obscenities that were bleeped with the AI symbol directed at the judges. That left a bad taste in my mouth right from the start, although no one else seems to remember. Then on Tuesday night, I thought her comments to Simon when she was being interviewed by Ryan following her performance were quite snarky. So what if he got her name wrong? Throughout the season, he's been very supportive of her performances. Personally I think she's a beotch but putting a very pretty face on it. She can sing, I'm not taking that away from her but if many are going to be so judgemental of Kellie's perceived phoniness (sp?), I think the microscope needs to be held over Ms. McPhee also.

Flame away, I can take it.
Consider yourself flamed. I think you're completely off-base.
Figment22 said:
You didn't see both episodes I'm describing? I'm not making this stuff up.

I remember somone during the final cut episode being angry because someone who was so great got cut and Ryan asked her if she was angry enough to not take that spot if offered to her. She said something like Uh, no. Was that Katharine? I don't remember who it was. I found it to be a bit funny - not female doggy. :-)
Why would she be considered the b word for not liking that they couldn't get her name right. She's been in the audition process long enough and makes it to the top 24?

I don't recall what the mistake was---but seriously--is their ANY justification for the judge to not know to whom they are speaking at that point?

Was she supposed to respond to the friend who got cut in a sorority like fashion "ohhhh--you got cut *kiss kiss* I'm so sorry--they don't know what they are messing *kiss kiss*" Yeah--she'd be "fake", right???

If we are going to go there--can we remember that Elliot went to bead along with what's his name instead of rehearsing with the infamous PITA twin??? IMHO--that would be worse than macphee getting upset b/c her friend got cut.

These are humans btw--noone is perfect---but that doens't make them a "B".

the way you describe her is on the level with what's her name with the bad attitude.

And without seeing her mouth and hearing what she said--other than it could not be don't know what obscenity came out of her mouth.
Figment22 said:
. Does anyone remember the night they made the cuts down to the top 24? (I call it "elevator" night) She was apparently very upset that one of her friends was cut (this was before her turn on the elevator) and proceded to spout off a slew of obscenities that were bleeped with the AI symbol directed at the judges.
Flame away, I can take it.

I absolutely remember DD's 10 and 12 had just LOVED her and they were shocked when she did that. Pretty much changed our tune as well. Although, I haven't seen anything like that from her since and I do think she is one of the top performers, I will not vote for her in the end. I have to say that I'd still like to keep Katharine around longer than Kellie...sorry.

Edited to add that I would never call her or any other contestant a cruel name...just wanted to agree that I remember that incident and was happy to know someone else noticed because it was a big deal to my young DD's. And yes, you could most definitely tell some of the bleeped words and they included F*** among many was an image that just stuck with my family.
You didn't see both episodes I'm describing? I'm not making this stuff up.
It's not a matter of making stuff up, but rather blowing things out of proportion. If anything, Katherine needs to show more emotion, not less. :rolleyes:
Disney1fan2002 said:
I think the problem is, how she is being percieved on the show as a southern backwoods girl, venturing out into the modern world. She is really acting the part, to the point of real annoyance. We're probably not supposed to know she even knows what a prom is, nevermind going to one, with a belly ring and all.

I totally agree. I've competed in local Miss Americas... and have friends that have every desire, ambition, and likelihood of making it to the national stage. You cannot be as dumb as a sack of bricks in that competition. I am sure she did very well in talent and swimsuit. She may have done well in interview with her bubbly personality, but there's no way she can be stupid and have made it to that level of competition.

I think she's incredibly bright and is using everyhthign she can to her advantage. After the success of Jessica Simpson being driven largely in part to her "ditzy dumb southern belle" persona who wouldn't want the capitalize on it? She wants fame and fortune, doesn't sound half bad, and is on a show where America votes? Why not use the tried and true Jessica Simpson approach?

Doesn't mean it makes it right. Someone in the pageant circles clued me onto her history with MAO awhile ago (like auditions). When the whole, "I've never sung in front of very many people before" came spilling out of her mouth, I spit my drink out. She's entertainment!
Anyone else tired of the whole Ryan/Simon thing? I find I cringe everytime these two go at it. I am sure many with disagree, but I feel like Ryan just instigates it a lot of the time. Certainly not all the time, but what with all the little digs? Why the bad blood between the two of them?
UnderTheMistletoe said:
Anyone else tired of the whole Ryan/Simon thing? I find I cringe everytime these two go at it. I am sure many with disagree, but I feel like Ryan just instigates it a lot of the time. Certainly not all the time, but what with all the little digs? Why the bad blood between the two of them?

Scripting by the producers/writers? :confused3
It has to be the producers writing that stuff in. Apparently, they get together after every show and are pretty good friends, from what i've read, anyways. they know the audience likes that banter between them, just like with paula and simon.
Ugh- that's exactly the stuff that drives me crazy! Paula/Simon I will never understand. I am totally convinced something happened between them. Totally.
Randy, Simon and Ryan USED TO get together after the show and pal around. I don't know if they still do that, and I don't think Paula ever joined them.


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