Amy's Journal: Comments Welcome!

Woo Hoo for DS! It's good that you're getting your husband in on the act, it's great to have that support system. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for his blood pressure recheck.

Biggest Loser was eye opening, wasn't it? When he showed them the fat inside their bodies, I thought I was going to be sick. Now that is some major motivation! I do sometimes feel like they push them too hard (and the whole biological age, making them stand there while the number climbs higher seems cruel. Why draw it out?) but I do like that everyone on this particularly show "wins". I believe that everyone who has gone on it has continued with their positive changes.

Congrats on your loss by the way. :banana:
Thanks Jessi, it is nice for dh and I to walk together, he works 12-14 hours a day Mon-Thur and the weekends fly by. So having a quiet 45 minute walk together is really nice.

I too almost got ill seeing those inside "fat" pictures. And I was also feeling very heavy hearted because I was watching with dh and my daughter and sitting there thinking how they must be thinking about my insides.:sad2:

They do push them hard but I also wonder if right before they shoot those scenes the trainers say something like "this is for the show's drama, hang in there with me". Who knows? I would love to go on that show.

I think I am going to do BL here on Wish, anything that I can do keep up the motivation is good.

Dh and I did 42 minutes last night. It was pitch black and to do another lap would have been hard, we couldn't even see! My nice big moon rose later last night!

I ate five flex points last night, I was so incredibly hungry! I came home and had All Bran which was 2 points, which was fine since I had two points left. But I was literally feeling ill I was so hungry, so I made a peanut butter sandwich that was five points. Exercising late is sort of a mixed bag. I am tired from a long day as is dh and I also need to allow enough points to have some sort of snack afterwards. I guess its good to be hungry, maybe that means I am burnging some fat?!

Thanks for reading, hope everyone has a great day.

And I hope Tracy (Toystoryduo) is having a ball at WDW! My good friend (dh's coworker) is at WDW right now. She emailed dh last night as we walking to tell him she had done a work thing, and also mentioned they had just had steak and lobster from Narcoose's in their room at the GF! All this while I am sweating my buns off at the track! My day is comin...;)
Congrats on .8, amy! I'm really dreading tomorrow. It will NOT be pretty!!! But I must go!

Hope you have a good day!! Great news on the school!!!!
Oh Amy thats fantastic news about your DS..& your trip ;)
Its been a long time coming for him to settle & i'm so glad he is happy now, it must be a big weight off your mind too!
Well done on yet another loss :)
Hope DH's blood pressure is good
Congrats on the loss and yay for DS doing so great in school! I'm sure that is a huge relief for you.

Enjoy that quality time with DH and keep up the good work!:thumbsup2
Don't forget to weigh in today & PM your weight to dare2dream..

Black team NEEDS you!!!
Julie, I weighed in and emailed Brenda!

Today and yesterday were tough with food. I did much better today and while I still have flex points left, I would have liked to do better. I also didn't exercise yesterday or today. I had one of my migraines yesterday and just didn't feel up to it. Today, I have no worthwhile excuse!

Tomorrow is dd's birthday party, I need to survive pizza and Cold Stone.

I am feeling pretty washed out tonight, think I'll turn in. I am happy I joined the Biggest Loser thing, but I still need to find out what all I need to do other than weigh in. I just didn't get to WISH today or yesterday either. But I have the weekend to get on board with all of that!

Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
It's too late for me to say everything I want, but I just had to drop in and send you a :hug: and some :wizard: tonight!

I'll drop back by soon!
It's too late for me to say everything I want, but I just had to drop in and send you a :hug: and some :wizard: tonight!

I'll drop back by soon!

Pearlieq, I am so happy to see you. I think about you all the time and miss you! I need to visit your journal and see how things are going. :hug:

I did great with food yesterday. I took dd's birthday party friends to the rec center to swim and I walked for an hour. So that was good. Then I took them to Cold Stone and didn't order anything for myself. I did get five spoons and take a sample from each girl's ice cream which they found very funny! Went to church and came home and made a healthy dinner.

Then today, I had a problem with (you guessed it) chips! I did drink plenty of water and ate a light dinner but still. We went to the mountains to see some Aspen, we were going to take a hike but it was raining and lightening so that killed that. I went into a grocery store to use the restroom and bought some chips. Why do I do stupid stuff like that?

Tonight I was selfish. My sister called and it was right at the end of Cold Case. I had invested 53 minutes into that show, Dan was watching with me, we rarely get to watch a show together and I just let voice mail get it. When I listened, it was this sort of sad, pathetic message. She was missing my mom and said she was lonely. For around 25 years my sister chose to reject our mother, to blame her for everything and basically cause the entire family to feel stress and strain. Through the last 8 months since our mother died, I think the light finally came on for her. She is realzing what a waste she made of her relationship with her mother, and I think she wants to get closer to me. Whether that is because she doesn't want to regret that either or just because she has nobody else, I don't know. But that is not my problem. For years she has never missed an opportunty to treat me like total dog crap, so I guess tonight, I just didnt' feel the need to jump under the bus of her crisis. Dh was very proud. He hates the way when she calls, I am on the phone for hours listening to her.

I don't rule anything out with my sister. I sort of take it one day at a time where she is concerned. Since my mother died, we have had some nice times here and there. But she is sort of like Chinese food to me. I really have to be in the right mood to enjoy her! Tonight was not one of those nights. And in some ways, I find it almost insulting when she does this. It wasn't all that long ago she was standing around telling people how ugly my teeth are. Now suddenly I am her lifeline of support. Sorry, maybe I am getting to cynical, but frankly, Cold Case was more important to me tonight. Heck I even watched the second epiosde they had on for some reason!

In a way, I feel like this is somewhat of the same thing I do with food and my weight. I don't do what is the healthy, smart, self saving thing. I do what will work against me. If there is one thing I have learned from some of my recent grief counseling, its that its okay to put yourself first. After all, I am often lonesome and basically have an ache in my heart 24/7. She's not there for me, so mean as it sounds, maybe I can't be there for her either.

I may call her this week or just send an email. I said a prayer and asked God to give her comfort but that was all I felt I could do tonight.

So I guess the moral of today's story is that I didn't conquer the chips but I did at least not fall prey to one of my sister's phone conversations from hell.

I am ready for a good week. I plan to walk tomorrow and Tuesday, that will give me my 4x per week. I am a little concerned about the salt I ate today but all I can do is move forward. I did get right back on track within the same day and didn't just throw in the towel for a food fest. But that was a lot of chips I ate nonetheless!
Hi Amy,

I am so proud of you for putting you first last night!:hug: You handled the situation with your sister beautifully. Excellent job, my friend!:hug:

I loved your comment about how your sister is like Chinese food!:lmao: I know exactly what you mean! ::yes::

Have a wonderful week!:hug:
Good job with your sister last night! Self preservation is a GOOD thing!!!

Aspens turning.....hmmmmm......maybe a trip to the mountains is in order.........Nothing turning near here yet, but soon!!!

Have a wonderful Monday!!
good for you Amy
You should definatly put yourself 1st more often :)
Hope you have a great week :)
Thanks everybody for sticking with my journal.

Today is WW day, I feel very good about the week, no idea what the scale will say. I came in with flex points left over, very unusual for me! So that is a good thing. I also made my 4x per week exercise challenge. I did three walks at the track and one at the rec center. I also really made sure I parked far away, ran up my stairs a few times, several times a day and just really worked on getting as much little bits of activity where I could. I didn't have one diet soda either which is something else I have been working on. So I feel like this was a very good week overall with my weight loss efforts.

Dh is having some major stress at work which is making me stressed too. When I think about the last seven years since he was laid off I am sometimes surprised we haven't both gone crazy. We'll feel some security with his current job and then something happens to make us feel like he may lose that again. Its a constant up and down. And he's looked but in this area, there is very little. Moving out of state would be best but since my house is worth about 25% less than it was when we bought it, that's not a viable option. Sometimes I think about that incredible job offer dh got years ago out of state when we couldn't leave because of my mom and I wonder about the what if's. He gave up a lot to stay here because he loved my mom as much as I did. Now here he sits in a job he hates with the blood pressure and health concerns to go along with it. I really worry about him. The travelling we do is the one thing that seems to get him through the other 50 weeks of the year. I hope we don't have to give that up, but if we do, well we'll survive it.

I heard back from a few job apps I filled out. Turned down on every single one. Disappointing and a bit degrading but I'll just keep plugging away. I just hope I don't end up at age 43 wearing a polyester uniform and asking if they want fries or onion rings with that order! I am still convinced there is somebody out there who will hire me. I need a Ginny. Ginny was the wonderful lady that hired my mom in 1972, on the spot. My mom had been out of the work force for around 14 years and my dad had just died. She had tried for a few jobs and got turned down. One day she decided to try again and the lady doing the interview was a widow as well, took one look at my mom and hired her! She and my mom were good friends until the day my mom died. So someplace out there is my Ginny, I just need to find her!

And the good news is that through a very horrible week, I managed to stay on track. If the scale doesn't show a number that reflects that, I need to just remember that there is more to this than the number. I'll post my results later. Thanks for reading or rather listening!
Hi Amy! Just stopping by to check on you and try to catch up!!! I hope your weigh in today goes well! I'm sorry to hear about the stress for DH's job. I hope things calm down with that soon!!!

All the best!
Don't worry, the right job will come in time. Just be patient!

CONGRATS on the awesome food/exercise week! If you can stay on track in the midst of stress and family drama, there is no stopping you.

I'm off to NYC but I will be sure to check in when I get back, to see how your WI went!
Thanks Amy. Hey email me, I lost my whole harddrive and all my address book too! I have neglected you badly and you are so good checking in on me!:hug:

Well, my four week roll is now a five week roll. I was down 1.2 So I am down a bit over 7 pounds in five weeks. I can take that, naturally I wish it was more but then again, I am pretty darn happy with that!

This week I wan to continue with what I did last week, but be better about posting my daily food.

I also have to survive a camping trip this weekend. Camping to me has always been a food fest. This time better not be!

I'll post food for today either later or tomorrow.

I am proud, I had a tough week but I hung in there and didn't cave!
Yea!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: You should be very proud of your 5 week roll. +7 lbs in 5 weeks is great and very sustainable. I am really impressed with your "stick to it" iveness! You handled a number of tough issues this week without resorting to comfort foods - Great job!

Have fun camping this weekend. Try taking healthy snacks, only small portions of treat stuff, or treat stuff that you don't like for the rest of the family. Take some good long hikes too, and bring plenty of water.:cool1:
:banana: :dance3: well done Amy - i'm so proud of you :hug:
That is an awesome loss :)

dont think of the camping trip as a food fest - think of it as a great exercise opportunity - lots of walking in the fresh air :)

i cant wait for the day that some lucky person hires you, it will happen - i'm sure - just be patient, everything happens for a reason :)

Hope DH is ok :hug:


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