Amy's Journal: Comments Welcome!

Thank you so much ladies.

Dh had his second blood pressure check, it was down a bit which was good news. The doctor wants him to keep exercising and watching his salt to see if we can get it down more without meds. I am having him really watch his salt and do some deep breathing during his day to calm his nerves. Running a small company is now bottom of his list of likes in life I must say.

I did well on food today, here is what I have eaten so far:
Breakfast: 1 TB peanut butter, orange
Lunch: Serving of pasta with 2t of olive oil and 2TB of parmesan cheese
Snack: Fiber One Bar

Dinner is being eaten out tonight. We have really cut down how much we eat out to practically nothing. But stepdad wanted to see the kids and I didn't feel like cooking so out we go. We shouldn't spend the money and I shouldn't spend the calories but we are anyway. Its 90 degrees here today, about 15-20 degrees hotter than it should be. We had this nice crisp weather for awhile and now its hot again. I hate cooking when its hot.

I'll just try to be good and drink plenty of water.

I am taking all my own food camping. I just really need to stay focused. We are only going to be up there one full day plus a morning, so how much damage can I do? Well, knowing me, that's a silly question! I just plan to bring healthy snacks I like and push the water. I am sure we'll hike too so that will be nice. Or we may just sit around and drink beer. That will be nice as well.;)

I have a bit over three weeks before we leave for WDW, I really want to lose 6 pounds so I can be at a total loss of 20. I am just determined to not blow it there as well. I am checking on walking routes at Pop and SSR and I ordered some healthy groceries and water from Garden Grocer. No DDP this trip!
Way to go on your weight loss, Amy!:cheer2: You are doing such a great job!:cheer2:

Sending lots of prayers and :wizard: :wizard: for your DH. I hope things calm down at work for him soon. :wizard:

Have a great time camping this weekend!:hug:
Hope you are having fun on your camp-out! DH is always itching to go camping but we haven't gone since DS was in scouts. Now that I have some free time, we should do it!

Congrats on your weight loss. You're really doing well and should feel very proud of yourself!
WOW, Amy!! Your weight loss is AWESOME!!!!!

Have a fun camping weekend! Must be gorgeous this time of year!!!
Look at you, workin' that scale!!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :banana: :banana: :banana: :yay: :yay: :yay: CONGRATS on yet another loss!!!

I hope you were able to get through the weekend with little camping damage done. You've been doing so good lately, I'm sure you are in the right mindset to stay on track. And if not, SO WHAT, use some flex points and move on, right??

Hope you are having a great family outing!! :goodvibes
Amy - FABULOUS! simply FABULOUS with the weight loss over the past 5 weeks. I'm so happy for you!

I read the last 5 pages of your journal to catch up and you are in a really good place right now. I know the photo's of you and your mom may be hard to see right now, just remember who your mom was, not what a photo shows you.

Keep up the walking and good choices, you are doing a great job and I'm using you for my inspiration right now!
wow i cant believe your trip is only 3 weeks away!!
your turn to have a mai tai for me at pop ;)
keep up the great work buddy :)
Thank you so much everybody, your support and pride in me really goes a long way! I am sorry I haven't been on in a few days, I come onto disboards and end up on the trip planning forums then get sidetracked. But I am still here.;)

Camping was fun. It was cold up there, we were at 8500 feet and if the sun wasn't shining I was freezing! Especially on Saturday when a big rainstorm/hailstorm hit. The lightening was so close, most of the adults had left to hike and me Dan and my friend Laurie had a bunch of very frightened kids and dogs for a long 45 minutes during that storm. We huddled under our table canopy, it was coming down so hard we couldn't even make it to the cars or campers. But we survived. The elk were all over, it was so beautiful to see them. And at night hearing their bugleling to each other was lovely. But I was happy to come home to a hot bath and my creature comforts!

I did pretty well with food. I didn't have one beer or soda, I skipped smores but I did have too many chips and dips. But I had the flex points. I also took two good walks (one for 40 minutes the other for 30) so I got my activity in. I must say those hills at that altitude will get your heart pumping. I was proud, I wasn't anymore breathless than my friend Laurie who is very thin. Not bad given all that extra weight I carry.

I am feeling really lousy today, bad headache, upset tummy and almost feeling like TOM is coming on. I am very bloated. Since I have no set cycle, who knows. I may not make it to weigh in tomorrow, dd has an ortho appt., and if they run behind, I'll miss my meeting. So I may have to go either Thrusday or Friday. But I will get there this week for sure. I think making the meetings is what's keeping me consistent. Dh and I plan to walk tonight which will give me my 4x per week. Next week, I am going for five!

Thanks so much for sticking with my journal. I have 19 days til we leave and I really hope to be down another five pounds. We'll see.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time camping. Aren't Elk just gorgeous???

GREAT job on the food!!!!

:wizard: for Weigh in!
Thanks Julie. Elk are gorgeous, and the sound they make is one of the most beautiful sounds I know.

Forgot to add above that I got my cholestrol tests back, they were all good. So my breasts are clear, my blood pressure is good, my ch. is fine. Just waiting on the pap test results and then I am in the clear for a year. So glad I went to the doctor. I come from a long line of women who don't go, that cost my mom her life and I don't want to be a repeat offender!
Hi Amy
so glad everything came back from the Dr's ok :)
The camping trip sounds great - even the the rain/hailstorm!!
way to go on the walks too - your doing such a great job & i'm so happy for youe Amy :hug:
Thanks Tracey, I am working hard and feel more "on track" than I have since I don't know when.

Well, the doctor called today about dh. Dan has elevated liver function levels for years. They really never made a big deal about it, he never had to take medicine, they gave him a CT scan once and said the liver looked normal and I was never really that worried. This started in 1995, we had gotten some life insurance after Matthew was born and the blood work came back funky. We had to pay a higher rate until a doctor's note saying this was nothing took care of that. Well, it came back elevated again at his recent physcial, they did a repeat and now say he probably has hepatitis and they want to do a test for that. I am freaked. My dad died of hepatitis so this really upset me. I know that today is different than 1968 when my dad was diagnosed but still. I just don't know what to think. He goes in for that blood work tomorrow.

And on top of that there are rumors all over his company about impending lay offs.

So today has been stressful, no wonder my stomach is upset and my head hurts.

So I would appreciate some prayers for Dan, I am sure it will be fine, but I am still sort of worried. And I am betting that the stress of this and work will make his blood pressure worse too. I am just baffled why the other doctor never mentioned hepatitis as being a possible culprit of this elevated liver function. :confused3

He goes tomorrow for the blood test and we should have the results by Friday or Monday. I hope its Friday, I hate the thought of worrying about this all weekend.
:hug: :grouphug: :hug: :grouphug: :hug: :grouphug:

I hope everything goes well with DH's blood work and his job situation. :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Hang in there and don't let the stress turn into emotional eating. Find a different outlet, you've come too far the last month or so to fall into bad habits, right?
:hug: Amy,

We will keep Dan and you and the kids in our thoughts and prayers. Keep looking to the Lord for strength, WISH sis. :hug:

Sending our love and prayers from Ohio.....:grouphug:
Amy, :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: and lots of :wizard: for DH's good test results and work stuff. Hang in there. Did you and DH get to walk tonight? I hope so. That would be a wonderful stress reducer for both you!

Take care and remember all the positive changes and challenges you have overcome in the past couple of months. Focus on how strong you are now when you start to stress about the other stuff.:grouphug:
Hi Amy, I'm sending good thoughts and prayers for good blood test results.

Glad you had a good time camping and way to stay away from the beer and soda, and the s'mores! Those would have been my downfall.

You are in a really good place right now and I kno wit is going to stay that way. Enjoy your next trip. I need to vacation vicariously through you!
Thank you so much Anna, Amy, Tracy and Diane. What woudl I do without my Wish Sisters?:grouphug:

We did get a walk in tonight. I did some research on elevated liver enzymes and while there is no real treatment, it can lead to end stage liver disease. In fact, people with this are far more likely to develop end stage liver disease. So that freaked me out and I don't intend to browse this subject further since I am not a doctor and don't need to be playing medical detective. It appears that a lot people that get this are overweight and many of them develop diabetes too. And diabetes runs in his family big time. What worries me is that the two major causes of this, heavy drinking and obesity don't apply to him at all. Which means he can't modify a behavior and see results. Dan did say they did test him for Hepatits back in 96, I was preganat with Maria and having all sorts of problems and maybe he didn't tell me or I forgot. In any case, it was negative. I am trying to just stay calm and as Tracy said turn to God. What else can I do?

He was also more than three years past due for a physical. I have no idea why I didn't stay on top of this, I know full well, I have to be the one to do so. He will go to the doctor, he just won't generally make the effort to make the appointment. Knowing that as I do, I should have been more diligent. With him and myself.

Oh and I ate very well today. So I didn't fall prey which is good. I can't afford to not do this, if Dan should get sick or need treatment, I need to stay strong and healthy for him and the kids. I feel more motivated than ever.
Amy, My thoughts and prayers are with you and Dan as he goes thru his medical tests. I know how worrisome that can be. You really need to believe that everything will be ok, then you can breathe a big sigh of relief when its all over. Keep the faith and a positive outlook too!

Keep us informed and have a great day!
HI Amy. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you. I hope all is ok w/ Dan.

I'm so glad all your test came back good.

I think we all tend to go to the internet to do reserach and sometimes that can be good and sometimes that can be bad since we always tend to think the worse. Try to keep a positive outlook.

Please keep us posted.



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