Amy's New Start : Comments Welcome!

Amy, yesterday was AWESOME!!! I LOVE Del Taco!!!! Their nachos are a carb fest/fat fest wonder!! And the chili cheese fries are the BEST!!

OK, not a good post.....:laughing:

anyway....... Great job getting the walk in . I hear ya on the winds. Ours were in the 50mph range all day. Poor little Max couldn't even lift a leg to kept blowing him over!! :rotfl:

don't totally rule out TOM. Could be a phantom TOM, or I went thru the phase of 2 months on like clockwork, the 4 -6 off. No idea where I am now.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!!
I think you have a great plan for exercising. Heck, just the fact that your exercising gives you ammo to bully DH should be enough motivation! :laughing:

I only watched 1/2 of BL last night. The kids' bedtime is 8:30pm (I know, I'm such a mean mom!) and I refuse to watch "live TV" so we always wait until about 7:30-7:45 and start watching the recorded show. And we usually make it to the 1 hour point before their bedtime. And unfortunately DD9 has tap/jazz on Wed nights, so we don't get to watch the last hour until Thursday!

Great job sticking with your points, I'm sure it'll pay off at weigh-in this week!
Great job getting your walk in yesterday, Amy!:cheer2: Great job with food yesterday too!:cheer2:

Del Taco sounds yummy!:thumbsup2 We don't have any around here. Are they anything like Taco Bell?

I hope you have a great day tomorrow!:hug:
Tracy: Del Taco is sort of like Taco Bell, except they have burgers and fries too. I sometimes wish Colorado didn't have Del Taco's (I have spent a lot of calories there since they came on the local scene) although if I stick to plain tacos or their del carbon tacos, I feel okay eating it.

Amy: Bullying dh is always something to look forward to.;)

Julie: Oh Lord what is a phantom TOM? Why do we women have so many weird things associated with our reproductive organs????

Yesterday was a good day. I walked 30 minutes, had hoped to get in an hour but I just ran out of time. I FINALLY got to Sams Club, the grocery store and Target. It was a long day getting all that shopping done and then coming home and finding a place in my small kitchen to put away over $400 worth of food. I bought a ton of healthy things and I also picked up a new workout DVD. It's Jillian from BL's circuit thing. Might be good for me to do some strength training since I NEVER do!

Food yesterday:

Breakfast: Bagle w/ 1 t. butter: 3
Lunch: Grilled chicken sandwich, no mayo: 9
Snack 1: celery with peanut butter: 2
Snack 2: veggies w/ 2 TB hummus: 2
Snack 3: Mini Luna bar with 1 cup skim milk: 4
Dinner: WW oven fried chicken, 1/4 baked potatoe w/ 1 TB butter, 1 cresent roll, salad w/ dressing, 1 cup grapes: total for dinner: 16
Total for the day: 36

Again, over points and a lot of food but today I got in 4 veggies and one fruit so that was good. And I did get that 30 minute walk in. I just wish I had skipped the cresent roll (3 lousy points for one tiny roll) but I did resist my second roll and threw it out. And that McDonald's chicken sandwich was high in points, but I was so hungry and not near home. I thought I could hold out for a home lunch but my errands took so much longer. So I pulled through the drive thru and resisted the fries. And I still have flex points. But I need to watch those high point choices. Had I eaten a lower point lunch and skipped the roll, I wouldn't have used up 5 flex points. Live and Learn!

Today is going to have its ups and downs. Dan and I have our meeting at school to discuss the learning issues with dd and see what the test results showed. I have a feeling its not going to be good news. No parent wants to hear their kid has a learning disability. But at least this school has taken the time to test her and come up with a plan. Then stepdad is coming over tonight for dinner. My new plan is once a month to see him so I guess this will be "it" for January. He is the kids' grandpa and they do love him so I need to make that effort. Then I can take him home and not worry about until the next time!
Well done for getting those walks in Amy :)
i wouldnt worry about the scale this week i would stick to it for another week before you make a decission - sometimes it can take a couple of weeks for your body to adjust.

I'm watching the US biggest loser show but i think i'm one season behind!
the one i'm watching has the black team added - is that the old one for you??? if it is plz dont tell me who wins!!
i like to watch for motivation ;)
Also watching Paul Macenna's i can make you thin....still not sure about that one!

How did the meeting at school go? Its good that they're are trying to help & if anything has shown she can then get the support she needs (& you :hug: )

Hope dinner was fun with stepdad :goodvibes
Tracey, I think that's 2 seasons ago! But, I know you can watch the current season online ...full episodes!

Back to Amy's journal.....

Phantom TOM is when you have ALL the symptoms of TOM, but it never happens....even cramps sometimes. REALLY a bummer!!

Yesterday you did GREAT!!!!

You aren't near the wildfires, are you? Those things are SO SCARY!!!!
Does Jillian yell at you and threaten you on the DVD? Some of the things she says absolutely cracks me (and DD, of course) up! :lmao:

I'm no WW expert, but don't you get extra points for exercising? And at least you know what you could have done better, which will help you prepare for the next time you are in the same situation. :)

How did the meeting with DD's school go? I know that is always a source of stress for you, I hope everything is OK and you have a plan forward. :hug:
Hope all is well, Amy! Are you getting snow again? BRRRRRRR!!!!! Today is the first we haven't got the wind....but it is supposed to pick up again this afternoon.

Have a GREAT weekend! TAKE A WALK!!
Thanks All!

Tracey: Definitely go onto NBC's site and see if you can catch up on episodes, you are behind. And stay off the Community Board, there are biggest loser threads with the winners in the title!

Julie: Okay, I get Phantom TOM ALL the time! Very weird to be a woman sometimes! I am about 35 miles from those fires but I could still smell them. Can't believe we are so dry we are having wildfires in January.:sad2:

Amy: It was a stressful day between stepdad and the meeting, but I coped.

First order of business: I lost five pounds! Very, very, very happy needless to say. And I was somewhat shocked, since TOM did make a very brief appearance yesterday. Go figure. Lasted about four hours and then was gone with the wind (literally, since we still have horrible winds here). A friend of mine and her daughter are doing the same meeting I am so it was nice to have some company. I walked for an hour at the rec center afterwards, that was beyond hard. I hadn't walked for that length of time in over two months and I could feel it big time. But I stuck with it. I am behind on minutes and I need to catch up!

Meeting at dd's school was okay. They were very nice and finally after 7 years in school, she has been formally diagnosed with a learning disablity. The general consensus is that her elementary school dropped the ball big time. She should have been diagnosed with this back when they tested her in Kindegarten and she could have been receiving special ed this whole time. She got some support but never had an IEP (Individual education plan). They were disgusted and apologized on the district dropping the ball. I just decided to be happy finally somebody took the time to figure it out. Basically her brain doesn't process information in the same way a normal brain does. She is intelligent, has average verbal and reading skills but things like math will never be easy. She literally doesn't process or see things the way we do. Poor little girl, she has probably been so frustrated. I know I have. So they are getting her an IEP, each teacher will have to work with her and amend assignemnts and she'll recieve special ed. There is no cure, just ways to help her work within her limits basically. So that was done.

Dinner with stepdad was fine. He and I both worked hard to not bring up any touchy subjects. No stupid comments about my weight and I didnt' say a word about dd's meeting. If my mom were here she would have been informed. Stepdad typically just says something stupid about how my mom's grandkids struggle in school (two of the five have learning disablities, my nephew being the other one) while his are all genius. What he doesn't know can't hurt ME!

Food was perfect yesterday and today has been good too. I started to snack and then decided to mop the downstairs and if I was still hungry go eat more. I wasn't so I didn't! Constant battle to keep from eating in the afternoons.

I will check with journals later today, my internet connection has been touch and go so if you don't see me much in the next two days, that's why! Until dh has time to figure out what the problem is on Sunday. Although it magically came back on so maybe it fixed itself!
CONGRATS on the 5lbs gone!!! :cool1: :banana: :yay: :cheer2: :thumbsup2 That is great news and hopefully will motivate you to chug along in the right direction.

I know what you mean about getting back into the exercise routine. But hang in there, pretty soon it will be easy walking that 1 hour. It comes back pretty quickly when you are consistent.

I'm glad DD is getting the help she needs. Better late than never, right?

You made it through your monthly stepdad meeting, so now you don't have to worry about it until next month! :goodvibes

Have a great weekend, and be sure to stick within your points.
Weigh to go, Amy!!!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: You are off to a great start in 2009!!!!

Hope you have a great weekend! :hug:
well done on the 5lb loss Amy :cool1: :banana: :worship:
I'm sooo proud of you :hug:
I think this year is going to be your year for a healthier you :)
Looks like the eating more has worked :)

Glad DD is going to get the help she needs now, sounds like shes at a good school :)
Thanks everyone, my five pound loss made me proud I must say!

Today and yesterday were both struggles but I managed. I went through a total of 15 flex points in the last two days. And too much salt. Right now I am up here on a Saturday night WIshing to get out of the kitchen! Came home from church tonight and was standing and grazing and had a wth sort of moment. Old habits die hard. So I disentangled myself from some cheese spread and escped to the computer. Dan and I walked tonight for 35 minutes, it was all we had time for before church and darkness. It was cold. Have I ever mentioned I hate winter? Well I do.

We had very sad news this weekend, our neighbor across the street died. He was just 41 and left behind a wife and a daughter (she's 14). He had a lap band procedure done in early December and was doing very well, but got a clot that got into his chest and he died very suddenly on Thursday. All day yesterday I had a bad feeling watching people come and go from their house so Dan went over today to check and sure enough, he had died. He was very overweight and trying so hard to get healthy. Just makes me realize I need to forge on. Please pray for "V" and "R", the mom and daughter. They surely need prayers for the days ahead.

Although the actual day my mom died is the 12th, it was Saturday when she did so today sort of felt like the one year anniversary. Same sort of weather, gray, windy and cold. I can't believe its been a year. Find out about our neighbor go to church for some uplifting words and he preaches about death! 35 minutes of talking about death, facing death etc. And I wonder why I came home and ate! But it was a good sermon, just not the best timing for me personally!

Tomorrow we are spending the day with my sister in honor of a year ago, she is taking us out for lunch. First time I can ever remember her taking us out to eat! She has apparently cashed in some 401K. I am excited for a free meal but its Mexican so I need to be careful. It will be nice to see her. Then come home of course!

Oh and dd and I went with a friend of mine and her dd to see Bride Wars. Very funny movie! I have good friends, she knew this weekend is hard for me and wanted to make sure I had some laughs. I resisted all but a small amount of popcorn and drank a 32 oz bottle of water instead. Tuesday a friend is coming over to take me for coffee and Monday I intend to stay close to home and just get through the day. My last milestone is almost behind me and while I am sad, I am thankful I made it! With help from a lot of good friends, including my Wish Sisters. Thanks for sticking with me this past year, I am on the upswing and excited to be a new and thinner me!

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend, thanks for reading!
Good job making the best of your flex points! That's what they are for, right??

That is horrible news about your neighbor. They always say there are complications to any surgery, but what a shock to have something happen several weeks afterwards, after you think everything is OK.

You do have wonderful friends to help you through your tough next couple days. I think you are stronger than you realize and you will make it through just fine. :hug:

Be sure to plan ahead on the Mexican lunch and you will do great! :thumbsup2
Thanks Amy, it was very scary to hear about my neighbor on so many levels. And for sure, this makes me realize I need to lose this weight without surgery. Sadly if not for that lap band procedure, he'd still be alive.

Food today, not so great. Eating out is hard, eating out at Mexican harder still. I ordered a healthy chicken burrito (no guac, sour cream or cheese) and brought half of it home for dh's lunch. But the chips and salsa and worst still the queso did me in. I think I am going to call it quits with flex points for the week! I did skip a margarita or beer and resisted ice cream back at my sister's after lunch so I did some things right, just didn't resist chips like I should have. I was going to walk with Dan this morning but deciced to skip that and make a casserole and some cookies to take to my neighbors. Which she really appreciated, she has a house full of people so it helped out. But I lost my walk. I may walk tonight, frankly I am so bloated and tired. Nephew accidentally called at 6:00 this morning, he hit redial on his phone accidentally when he got up early and since Dan's cell was his last call we got woken up bright and early! Tomorrow is a new day, this weekend had its bumps but overall I did fine since I have the flex points.

Stepdad called and wants to take us to dinner tomorrow night since its the day my mom died, I suggested Applebee's, since they have a Weight Watchers menu!

If I get on the treadmill tonight, I'll update but don't hold your breath.:sad2:
Amy - CONGRATS on the 5lb loss!!! What a great number to see on the scale.

I'm very sorry to hear about your neighbor and will keep the mother and daughter in my prayers. You are so on target with the knowledge that you have to lose weight the right way - eating right and exercising in addition to addressing why you eat. This is the struggle we all are going through and we are here for you.

Someone noted earlier as you pass the first anniversary of a loved ones death, you are now past all of the 'firsts' and you survived each and every one of them. It wasn't easy to do, yet you did it. I hope the lunch with your sister went well. Mexican is a tough one for me - I love cheese and sour cream and Mexican food is something I try to avoid.

I'm so proud of you getting out and walking with Dan. I'm with you, I hate winter and I live in MN, so I know how hard it is to get out and exercise in the winter. Keep that up!

Have a great week!
:hug: Amy,

I'm so sorry to hear about your neighbor. :sad1: We'll keep his wife and daughter in our thoughts and prayers.:grouphug:

Sending a :hug: and lots of prayers your way today. I know that the past year has not been an easy one, but you have shown amazing strength during some difficult times. I am so proud of you, Amy. :hug:

Sending lots of love and prayers your way today from Ohio!:hug:
Amy, just a quick note to let you know I'm thinking of you today. Surround yourself with loved ones and you will get through this day, as difficult as it may be. :hug:

Mexican is hard, those chips and salsa are the worst! Maybe try avoiding Mexican for a while??

Did you hit the treadmill yesterday?


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