
Loves Mickey!
Jan 18, 2001
I am going to do another 100 days cheat free, trying to get through the summer successfully. Starting today, I am going to journal every bite I eat and stay within my WW points. I am also going to try to follow the WW healthy eating guidelines for # of fruits/veggies servings, 2 milk servings, 2 healthy oils, and a multi-vitamin.

Anyone want to start this journey with me?
My start date is today, 5/15 and my 100th day should be 8/22, approximately 3.5 weeks before we leave for the Disneyland 1/2 Marathon.

color changes (I think we need them more frequently this time -- my willpower has not been very strong, and I need motivation :rolleyes: )

10% = sienna and :sunny:
20% = indigo and :goodvibes
30% = dark red and :teeth:
40% = dark orange and :thumbsup2
50% = green and :cheer2:
60% = blue and :woohoo:
70% = red and :love:
80% = purple and :Pinkbounc
90% = magenta and :cloud9:
100% = lime and :banana:

What do you think? Anyone want to join me?

ETA: Hey, everyone, Disneyfanz04 made us clip art! Here is the url for it:


Just replace the { with [ and } with ] to put it in your signature.

Thanks, Michelle!

akasleepingbeauty (Rhonda) -- start 5/15 -- 18/100 :sunny:
Blueeyes101817 (Jen) -- start 5/15-- 19/100 :sunny:
deany -- start 6/21 -- 0/100
Disneybride2007 -- start 6/23 -- 0/100
Disneyfanz04 (Michelle) -- re-start 5/22 -- 38/100 :teeth:
donac (Dona) -- start 5/15 -- 110/100 FIRST TO FINISH and doing it again! :banana
goldcupmom (Julie) -- start 5/15 -- 100/100 :banana:
Honeibee (Judy) -- start 5/22 -- 4/100
jayna22 (Jana) -- start 6/30 -- 79/100 :love:
keenercam (Cam) -- start 5/15 -- 99/100 :banana:
mikamah (Kathy) -- start 5/27 -- 96/100 :cloud9:
Minnie (Minnie) -- start 5/16(-6 days due to injury) -- 25/100 :goodvibes:
mom23boys (Sharon) -- start 5/17 -- 7/100
princess vija -- start 9/9 -- 0/100
scifihippie -- start 5/24 -- 10/100 :sunny:
StitchIsOurHero -- start 6/26 -- 1/74
su3gs -- start 5/22 -- 6/100
Tasha+Scott -- start 7/2 -- 50/100 :cheer2:
TigerCheer2009 (Jen) -- start 5/20 -- 11/100 :sunny:
tommygirl79 (Rachel) -- start 5/18 -- 4/100
Twinkles6892 -- start 7/13 -- 0/100
winksst (Wendy) -- start 6/2 -- 47/100 :teeth:

I think I will join you. I would like to make sure that I exercise everyday and to stay below a certain number of calories. Today will be the day that I start.
im in cam--
I want to get in at least 4 bottles of water a day.....I want to exercise...I want to keep it under 150 lbs!
I actually did good today, so ill have my start date as 5/15/06
i see this all over this board...the "cheat free days." Does that mean you have no goodies at all...or you include a certain amount of "goodies" with your "new lifestyle" ...
I could never go 100 days without a bit or bite of something yummie...
babywewe said:
i see this all over this board...the "cheat free days." Does that mean you have no goodies at all...or you include a certain amount of "goodies" with your "new lifestyle" ...
I could never go 100 days without a bit or bite of something yummie...

babywewe -- "cheating" for the purposes of this thread is whatever you decide you shouldn't be doing.

For me, cheating is eating any food without writing it in my weight watchers journal and counting the points. So, for me, going cheat free for 100 days is writing everything down in my journal and staying within my WW points. If I eat something without accounting for it, or if I go over my points allowance (I also use my flexpoints and my activity points) it means I have cheated that day.

Also, some people are trying to go 100 consecutive days without cheating. Some people take days off for special occasions. I am going to go 100 consecutive days. Hopefully, I won't use too many flexpoints on any given day so that if I want a treat, it won't be a "cheat" -- it will be budgeted for and written down. I view the weight watchers plan as promoting that kind of thinking. You can really eat anything you want as long as you are willing to control portions and eat lightly to make up for the splurge/treat.

I hope you will join us. A lot of people say that posting to these cheat-free threads every day keeps them from cheating. They feel support and encouragement and accountability. I know I do! :grouphug:
Okay, so how did everyone do on their first day? I made it just fine. I journaled every single bite I ate. I ate a couple of extra points, but had earned 5 activity points at the gym, so I didn't even need to use all of them. I also had at least 75 oz water. I may try to get that up to about 90-100 oz a day, since I know there are so many benefits to water. I am going to try to avoid coffee after the morning, and since I really don't enjoy it, I'll avoid diet soda with lunch as much as possible.

How about you, dona and jen? How did it go? Be sure to tell me how to update your numbers in the first post. You get the pleasure of reporting in, and I get the pleasure of updating your numbers! :cloud9:

Oh, BTW, I did fine yesterday on fruits & veggies, but have to work on the healthy oils, milk and vitamin things.
Hi Cam-
I did good on my first the water in, im watching what i eat ..i think im going to add in "only eat when im hungry" to my list...and instead of the running program, i am going to make it work on the exercise..i keep getting really bad sinus infections so i cant work out how i would like to, but anything helps!
Cam...count me in... I am doing WW too, and I think that being accountable for EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth is a great challenge. Plus it will help me get to goal as of today, I challange myself to stay within my WW points, and stick to ALL the good health guidelines(which I normally do anyway). I WILL write EVERYTHING that I put in my mouth in my tracker. It is so easy to eat something and not write it down, and then it's like oh I didn't write it down so I didn't eat it.

Good Luck to everyone!!!
Hey, everyone, Disneyfanz04 made us clip art! It looks like this:

Here is the url for it:

Just replace the { with [ and } with ] to put it in your signature.

I will also add this to the first post for new challengers to see.

Thanks, Michelle!
:wave2: OK, Cam, nothing else is working for me. So, count me in. :wave2:

I was actually even thinking of going to WW meetings but the only one close to me is at 8:00am on Saturday mornings and that won't work. :rolleyes2

OK well, tomorrow can be day 1/100. I'll get my Journal out tonight.

Geez, if I could lose 40 pounds before the Half I'm sure my knees would appreciate it!

Thanks Cam for starting this up again, just when I needed it most. (Hey....that sounds like a song....)

Welcome aboard, Judy! So glad to have you here. You add so much to any thread you join! :cheer2:
HI everyone.

I did great on my first day. I exercised and watched what I ate.

Today I exercised this morning and I was pretty careful with what I ate but I need to lower my calories even more. I did write down everything that I ate and made very good choices. I even went out to dinner with my husband but I shouldn't have eaten all the mussels, but I didn't have pasta only a salad and the mussels and I only had one slice of bread. NO soda and only water with dinner.

2 days down and 98 to go.

Tomorrow may be harder since I have a retirement party to go to and I don't know what they are serving. I set my calorie limit a little higher than I need to lose weight but I did it so that some days I can go out and some days I will eat a lot lower to help me lose weight. This way I have been doing it since last year and it seems to be working.

How did everyone else do today?
Count me in, Cam, but I can't truly believe I"ll make it. I'll be gone in FL from 7/5 - 7/23. I'm gonna try, but may not do so well. So, at the end of today I'm 2/100.
goldcupmom said:
Count me in, Cam, but I can't truly believe I"ll make it. I'll be gone in FL from 7/5 - 7/23. I'm gonna try, but may not do so well. So, at the end of today I'm 2/100.

Welcome, Julie! It will be great to have you here! Just think, by the time you leave for Florida, you could be 51 days cheat free! More than 50%!! That would be awesome! :cheer2:

Alright, guys, today will be a toughie. I did grilled chicken on a light english muffin for breakfast (instead of the bagel with cream cheese I really wanted ;) ), so I am on target, at least for the first 3 hours of my day. :rolleyes: The problem is that I have a business lunch and then my daughter's final HS wind ensemble concert tonight. So, I will have to get out to pick up a salad for lunch so that I am not tempted to eat something I shouldn't and then I will eat something at work before I leave at 6 for the concert. I will NOT buy anything at the concession stand at the intermission and will eat a sensible dinner when I get home at 9:30. I really am going to try to get in some milk servings today -- probably a mid-morning and mid-afternoon weight watchers yogurt at 1 point each.

I hope everyone else has a great day!
Hey can I join. I am doing Low Carb.

My cheating will consist of anything with flour or sugar. This is my 2nd day so this challenge comes at a good time.

mom23boys said:
Hey can I join. I am doing Low Carb.

My cheating will consist of anything with flour or sugar. This is my 2nd day so this challenge comes at a good time.


Hi, Sharon! So glad you joined us! :thumbsup2 Just let me know your start date -- today? Or yesterday?
Okay, I am going to try this again and I WILL keep up with it :)

My goals will be to stay within my calorie limits, journal ALL food, and drink at least 64 ounces of water each day. I have actually been doing this really well for the last month (with the exception of our trip to WDW Cam - lol!) so I am hopeful I will be more successful this go-around. Since I have done all of my goals since 5/15, just use that as my start date.

Thanks again Cam - I know how very busy you are and we appreciate the work you put into maintaining these threads!
keenercam said:
Welcome aboard, Judy! So glad to have you here. You add so much to any thread you join! :cheer2:

Oh Cam.... :blush: Thank you!

Well, my first day is typical of why this is so hard for me to do. Let me just say...I have a WONDERFUL husband. He's really very sweet and good to me. However...last night I told him all about the Hundred Days. I told him I was starting today. But I was running behind schedule doing stable chores this morning so he made breakfast. This is what I came in to....

Two fried eggs 4 points
Two slices WW bread 1 point
Brummel and Brown 1 point
4 strawberries Free
At least one cup of fried red potatoes with olive oil 4 points
Orange juice 1 point

Thats ELEVEN points! :faint: I said "Umm, honey, I'm supposed to be starting a Hundred Days today". He said "Well, that's not a bad breakfast."

It's half my points for today. HALF!


I guess I didn't have to eat it all, but, well, I did. :blush:

So, that's over with, and we press on. I have a lunch meeting today. This will be tough. Maybe I need an up-ramp to the Hundred Days. Maybe I can't start cold-turkey. Oh hey and let's not forget we are going out for a birthday dinner Friday night. (Where's the head-banging-against-the-wall smilie?!?!?!)

OK, I can do this. Yes I can do this. :bitelip:



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