Yesterday was day 100! I did it, in way too many days and with not so good food choices, but I did it.
Congratulations Cam on 100 days Cheat Free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:banana: :cool1: :cheer2: :banana: :cool1: :cheer2: :banana: :cool1: :cheer2: :cool1: :cheer2: :banana: :cool1: :cheer2:
Have a wonderful time in Disneyland and good luck with the marathon!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
I've been off track the past 2 days, but am back on today, making today day 88 cheat free!!! Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Keep up the good work!! :cheer2:
Hello everyone,

How are ya? I'm wondering if you all went to Disneyland with Cam, and if so, I want to come too. I am finished day 91. My brother and sister-in-law came to visit this weekend, and they are both doing WW also, so I actually had a pretty low point weekend with them and then started the week with their inspiration. My goal is to finish the 100 days before October first.

Hope you all are doing great. :cheer2:
Had a few cheat days so I'm now day 93/100. I'm trying to make my 100 days on Oct 1st.

Hope everyone is doing great.

Cam-How was the marathon? Hope you had a great trip and were happy with the race. I'm sure you did great. :banana:
Hi, everyone!
WOW! I sure missed you all! I did in fact make my 100 days before I left for Disneyland, thank God! I was sooooo off plan out there that I came back 5 pounds heavier after 10 days of not journaling or counting points.
The 1/2 marathon was a huge success for me in that I did much of it without a partner, on less than one hour of sleep, in the brutal sun and with some totally unexpected and outrageous hills. I really am so glad I did the inaugural DL 1/2 marathon, but I don't anticipate doing it again. I thought of you all very often during the event and was glad I'd stayed cheat free enough that I wasn't carrying around as many extra pounds as I would have been if I hadn't been CF. :blush:

I am so glad to see everyone hanging in here. :thumbsup2

Congratulations, Julie, on getting to 100 and to everyone else holding to the challenge. I really, really have to get back on track to lose more before the full marathon in January, so I may even start another challenge.
I hope all our challengers will continue to check in here and pushing forward to 100 days cheat free!
Hi, fellow challengers! I have now finished day 79. I just returned from my birthday trip and it was amazing! Unfortunately, I stopped counting points and started enjoying my food--this cost me three cheat days. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

The trip was incredible! My brother and his friend (who works for Disney) talked me into going on Expedition Everest and I loved every second of it. I went back the next day and went on it four times. There were no crowds. I easily did everything I wanted to do more than once. It was the best trip I have taken in years.

I did not wear the boot around the parks. After some experimenting, I determined that I was more comfortable and pain free in my sandals than in the boot. Today I have to confess to the doctor because there are tan lines on my feet. Oh well. I think it was worth it.

I hope that everyone is doing well. I will try to catch up later. Tomorrow I leave for a training in Chicago, so I will be gone for another three days. I'll check in then.
Jana -- I am so glad you had such a great time. I LOVED EE and got to ride it many times when I was at WDW alone at the end of March. I am really glad to hear you enjoyed it. Isn't the theming awesome? Congrats on getting through 79 days cheat free!

It occurred to me today that we leave for the FULL marathon in just 100 days from today! :eek: Yesterday was the first day I'd been on plan since 9/14 and it felt so good that I think I am going to try to make it a trend. With Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year's in the mix, I don't have any real expectation of getting a full 100 days CF in between now and the full marathon, but every day that I can get through on plan will be a huge accomplishment for me.

Keep up the great work, fellow challengers! :grouphug:
I am finishing up day 96, but just finished my weekly flex points, so will need to be extra good tomorrow and friday.

Congrats Cam on finishing the 1/2 marathon. You must be so proud. :thumbsup2

Jana, so glad you enjoyed yourself on your birthday trip. You deserved it with all you've been through with the foot.

Keep up the great work everyone. :cheer2:
Keep up the good work. When you finish you will a great sense of accomplishment
I'm still day 97. Only 3 more days, but didn't make it thru the past 2 days without any flex points left. Now it's a new week.

Keep up the great work! :cheer2:
Yesterday was day 98 for me, though I used up 25 flex points. I'm on track today, for #99, and hope tomorrow will be my 100!!!!!

Hope everyone is doing great!!!!!!!!!
I have finally finished my 100 days cheat free. The past few days were a wash, but today I did it!!!!!! Thank you all so much for the support, encouragement, and motivation. It has helped having you all along with me. I have lost 13 pounds since I joined WISH, and hope to continue losing, slowly and steadily.

Cam-Thanks so much for starting this thread and keeping it updated the whole way. You're awesome.

Keep up the great work everyone. :cheer2:
Congratulations, sweetie! You did it! And you've lost 13 pounds already? How awesome is that?!?!?!??! :thumbsup2

Let's get this celebration started! :banana: party: :cheer2: :woohoo:

Oh, and these guys just insisted on sharing the celebration:
:rockband: party:

Soooo happy for everyone who has shared this journey. Coming here each day or every few days :rolleyes: to check in with you guys and to share the challenges and triumphs of every day fought has helped me so much. I just KNOW I would have gained back most if not all of the 50-something pounds I have lost since my heart surgery if I didn't have my WISH buddies to help me stay on track.
Love you guys, mean it! :grouphug:


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