Another lovely day in Oklahoma. . .

Hi, everyone! It has been too long since I've popped in. Hope you all are well. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the state of the world right now. I feel like Alice down the rabbit hole.

Hope you guys have a happy St. Pat's, too. We have Irish soda bread for breakfast, but that's about as festive as things will get for us. Maybe I'll have a little Bailey's tomorrow evening, too.

I like the clover, Jane!
Happy St Patrick's Day everyone. Loved the pics of the green river in Chicago, Dan, that you posted on the other thread. Great memories. ☘

It's sunny and mid 40's here in Michigan. With all this virus stuff going on I realized this morning it was a full 15 minutes before I checked my local weather. I always check that when I first get up.
:wave2:Greetings Friends! Doesn't anybody talk about the weather anymore? I had to revive this thread from Page 18!! At this point, the weather has not been cancelled, so how is it in your locale?

I guess since the whole world's gone mad, the weather shouldn't be any different. What the actual heck is with this winter? It's -15C here today (5F). That's December cold :cold:, even for Calgary. It's also been gray and stormy for the past 3 days with snow accumulations of 3". {{sigh}} I can't say it's improving anybody's mood. I guess I should consider it a blessing that on Monday, Health Canada ordered all people in travel-related quarantine to cease leaving their homes entirely. We couldn't bundle up and walk around the block now even if we wanted to.
Weather here is grey and drizzly - which does nothing good for my mood. :(

But we're all safe and feeling OK, so there's that. :goodvibes

My DH worked from home before all this, so he's all set up, and my DS is home from college doing online classes now. I'm obviously not substitute teaching, so I'm taking care of some organizing projects around here, plus the increased regular housework from having all of us home all day.

Recreation-wise, I've been binge-watching old MeTV shows, I've got a 1000-piece puzzle going, and I'm become mildly "techy" (which astounds my family!) - I've begun using Zoom to video chat with my niece and nephew, and I've finally started a YouTube channel.

I'm going for walks when the weather is nice, and walking on the treadmill when it's not. I've actually lost about 5 pounds. :cheer2:
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Weather here is grey and drizzly - which does nothing good my mood. :(

But we're all safe and feeling OK, so there's that. :goodvibes

My DH worked from home before all this, so he's all set up, and my DS is home from college doing online classes now. I'm obviously not substitute teaching, so I'm taking care of some organizing projects around here, plus the increased regular housework from having all of us home all day.

Recreation-wise, I've been binge-watching old MeTV shows, I've got a 100-piece puzzle going, and I'm become mildly "techy" (which astounds my family!) - I've begun using Zoom to video chat with my niece and nephew, and I've finally started a YouTube channel.

I'm going for walks when the weather is nice, and walking on the treadmill when it's not. I've actually lost about 5 pounds. :cheer2:
I had such grand plans for cleaning and household projects when we headed into quarantine! All of them have been derailed by working at home. It’s actually more relentless than being in the office because I can’t just shut my door and be left alone. I also had to lay-off 1/2 my staff on Monday so I’m picking up most of their administrative tasks so as not to overwhelm the few that are left. My days are actually pretty frantic and juggling all the devices (laptop, iPad and phone) is making me a little :crazy:. Pretty sure I tried to send a text off the tv remote yesterday.
Greetings ALDIO friends! Annette that weather report sounds awful! Temps here have ranged from mild to spring-like (60s & 70s F)

So far, so good on the health front. I'm retired, DW works from home, so we're "home bodies" by nature, but she really misses going out to shop and to the gym. We're being diligent about hand washing and disinfecting things in the house. I'm pretty sure there's not a germ left in this place.;)

We have seen the grandkids but we're keeping a distance and they aren't around like they normally are. They've been out of school since Spring break in mid-March. They won't be going back to school, not sure about any on-line stuff. They need something just to have some structure.

Can't say I've done anything constructive or productive, but that's par for the course. :sunny:
^That which I tried to share was not shareable, I'll try later... sigh.
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My theme was Groundhog Day around here.
Anyhoo, it was a Dennis the Menace cartoon of Dennis asking his mom when she places his plate of food in front of him.

Can't we go to a restaurant?

I'm sick of eating grocery.
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I was wondering where everyone was!! I've said for years that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a rabid weasel, and this year was no different. We had some warm days (for here, anyways) at the beginning of the month but ended up with snow for several days running. It mostly melted in the daytime (no sun, but warm-ish), but it's still disheartening to see snow falling at the end of March.

I've started "teaching" organic chem online. I'm not doing any real teaching but instead providing narratives, links to YouTube videos, powerpoint presentations, data sets, etc. It's somewhat tedious, and I am sure the students find it the same, but everyone wants to earn their credits for the spring semester. My University has told us we are to stay home until at least May 17. They canceled graduation and the first session of summer classes will be provided online. We are NOT doing chem labs in the summer, so I am trying to find enough to do to justify keeping me employed. I am not really worried about being furloughed, but it's in the back of my mind. The University is working on the details but they are making a commitment to keep everyone paid, full-time, through June 30. It may have to happen through a combination of using all PTO, available FMLA leave, furlough/unemployment payments, etc... like I said, they are still working on the details. The BIG commitment at this point is that the University will continue to cover their share of everyone's health insurance, and if employees cannot pay their share, the University will cover it with a repayment plan in place for when full-time employment resumes. THIS IS HUGE. If I have to be stuck living in a place where health care is not a right, where it's tied to your employment status, where it's stupidly expensive, at least I am working for an employer who steps up to the plate and takes care of the employees, at least as much as is humanly possible.

DH and I finally cut the cable! We are watching 2 weeks of free slingTV and Netflix. We just finished watching "Ozark," all 3 seasons in 3 nights. Can't wait to see if they do a season 4! It's like BreakingBad, only from the white-collar distribution/laundering side of things. Without giving away anything, suffice to say, it doesn't go well for the lead characters... well, not for anyone, really. Now we are going to have to find another series to watch.

DD is here. She came up to stay with friends when her school first closed (for 2 weeks), then her state went on "Stay at Home" and now Maine is also on a "Stay at Home" mandate. Her husband is at home due to work and medical issues. She worries about him being home alone but she is immunocompromised so is feeling safest staying right where she is. He is talking about going across state lines to stay at his family's camp, which is in our state, to quarantine himself for 2 weeks, thinking that maybe he can then stay with DD. She isn't sure about this plan... nobody is, right now, and what if he gets sick while he is alone? No good resolution right now, I guess. It's a strange new world.

I wish I had more positive updates for everyone. DH and I, in addition to doing at-home course planning/teaching and binge watching Netflix, are trying to go for long daily walks, at least a couple of miles at a shot. We both have icky knees so some days have to be canceled, but we are making the effort. This stay at home hasn't been that hard on me, as I am basically a couch potato anyhow, but I know it's hard on many. I canceled my trip to see my sister in March (over spring break) and had rescheduled for Easter, but now that's not happening either.

Today's plan is to go for a walk with DH, do some grading, and DH just suggested that we spend some time planning our summer garden. That sounds like fun! I'm also working on that endless list of household chores that I've always said "but I don't have time for this." Well, now I do, so hopefully I'll put the time to good use.

Hoping everyone is healthy and safe, and staying busy. Stay in touch... no more burying this thread on PAGE 18
HAPPY 'ALMOST' EASTER! ALDIO Disers...20200410_122851.jpg

We are displaying holiday decorations here^ now. Summer will not leave things alone on our coffee table, I hope this is age related... sigh.
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One of our biggest disappointments this Easter has been the lack of a pic of our DGDs with the Easter Bunny. We have pics from every year since they were infants and this was probably going to be their last year anyway (they are 7 & 8 yrs old.) This morning we found a social distancing Easter Bunny! E.B. will come by and wave at the kids from the street :)

Easter Egg hunt will take place indoors because it'll be chilly here on Sunday. Thinking I'm going to make Dole Whips from the recipe floating around.:earsboy:
One of our biggest disappointments this Easter has been the lack of a pic of our DGDs with the Easter Bunny. We have pics from every year since they were infants and this was probably going to be their last year anyway (they are 7 & 8 yrs old.) This morning we found a social distancing Easter Bunny! E.B. will come by and wave at the kids from the street :)

Easter Egg hunt will take place indoors because it'll be chilly here on Sunday. Thinking I'm going to make Dole Whips from the recipe floating around.:earsboy:

Wonderful a wave from the Easter Bunny! This will be a more memorable one. :goodvibes
Just checking in on the ALDIO gang. :wave:

We actually got some sun here today, after a rainy start.
happy sun.jpgI'm happy it turned around!

I managed to find toilet paper at Walmart this morning. :cheer2:

And DH's friend came over to fix the piece of siding that blew loose in the storm the other day. :thumbsup2 It was nice to stand around in the driveway (a few feet apart, of course) and chat.

How's everyone else's day going?
Went for a walk today, a bit chilly but at least it's sunny and the wind was calm. Looks like by the weekend the temps will remain above 50s so spring is nearly here.:)

Our lockdown got extended to May 3rd, likely to be extended again. I'm such a homebody it doesn't bother me much:)

Nice to see you here Pollyanamom (although I see you all over the boards);)
And good to see you both. We woke up to 2 inches of snow this morning. All gone now. That afternoon sun, even if cold out, really radiates good heat to the snow.

I'm looking forward to a Friday Walmart pickup for whatever we need, though still no Lysol or similar wipes.

Good to see you guys.


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