Any other DISers trying to concieve? Reread OP for the QOTD!

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Christal, I had a little brown spotting at lunch today, too. :( Today is only CD26 for me, so again it looks like AF will be arriving early. I don't know if it's the Metformin, or just a coincidence. :confused3 At least I can ride the thrill rides at WDW...I need to measure DS again to see if he's made the cutoff!
Hi y'all, I've been busy. Brother has been in town and dealing with some reflux issues that were really bad (2 hours of screaming) and PDD. I have been reading, but not near as much time for reply.

Allison :hug: sorry you saw spotting and that you think AF will be showing. I do know you thought this month was out, but I know it still sucks.

Beth, that looks like a line to me as well! Congrats! I never got a line darker than that with First Response (the reason why I will never use them again ;))

Nicole, I hope all will go well for you when you try IVF again.

To all the other ladies... best wishes and thinking lots of good thoughts for you!!!!
Congrats on your pregnancy. I know for a fact that my pregnant BFF and close family members who have recently had their 2nd and 3rd babies all got pregnant on the first try. So that's really hard. :(

Thank you and I wish you much luck! :flower3:
We are doing well here. I am so happy for you and your sweet little Izzy. Who is taking care of her while you work? When did you go back? I can't believe it has already been three months. Yes, I agree 21 months is a good age difference. Did you see that Carla is pregnant again? Her kids will be even closer than mine I think! :scared1:


Glad to hear all is well with you! I just started back to work on Jan. 3rd -- it was hard but my job is so busy (lawyer) and now that I am back in the swing of things -- it is easier to leave her -- especially because she is in good hands. She goes to daycare (small group - her and 2 other kids in a ladys house down the street) on Mon and Fri -- she is with my MIL on Tues, with my mom on Thurs and I work from home on Wed -- so all in all its pretty good!!

I saw that Carla was preg. again and I am SO happy for her! After all her struggles and so many years of infertility treatments and all those IVFs it happened naturally -- I must admit - I am kind of holding out hope that I get pregnant naturally this time around -- I am hoping that Izzy miraculously fixed me in some way -- BUT -- with my infertility condition that would be very very rare -- (like 1% get pregnant on their own) but who knows - maybe that will be me!! But I am planning still on the IVF at the end of the year. For now - just enjoying Izzy.

TTC girls - let me tell you this - from experience -- I tried to TTC for 2 years and ended up going through IVF with alot of other things involved and it was quite expensive -- but the wait was all worth it to have my daughter -- hang in there -- I have been were you are -- it is so hard in the process -- the struggle, the heartache, the is emotionally gut wrenching -- but hang in there!

There were 2 quotes I heard during my infertilty stuggle that I taped to the wall above my desk to get me through the sad times:

"We parent the children we are ultimately destined to parent" (sometimes these kids don't come to us the way we thought they would - but your child is out there and they will find you when the time is right - open your heart and mind to all paths so they can find you!

"Out of great sorrow comes great joy" -- I found out that my baby was a girl EXACTLY one year from the date of my devasting infertilty diagnosis. It was just amazing to me when I had my ultrasound and they told me I had a healthy baby girl growing in there that exactly one year prior to that - I sat in a doctors office and listened to him tell me that I would never be able to get pregnant on my own and would need to use a donor to have a child. That was by far - the worst day of my life -- and then one year later to the day -- it was one of the happiest days of my life!

Sorry to be so preachy -- but having gone through this infertlity struggle and journey I just really want to share some positive thoughts with others -- kind of a pay it forward thing to thank all those that supported and helped me.

Sorry for the rambling -- can I still blame my sappiness on pregnancy hormones??

Hey, Nicole! I definitely think you can blame the sappiness on hormones. Really.....I know what it's like to be hyped up on all the hormones for IVF and it takes a LONG time to get out of your system. So, sappiness allowed. :goodvibes

I always sing that Rascal Flatts song.....Broken Road.

"I set out on a narrow way many years ago. Hoping I would find true love along the Broken Road. But, I got lost a time or two, wiped my brow kept pushing through. I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you. Every long lost dream led me to where you are. Others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars. Pointing me on my way, into your loving arms. This much I know is true. That God blessed the Broken Road that led me straight to you."

For whatever reason, that was road I had to travel to get Kate. I wasn't always happy about it, but she's the reason. I guess I could have gotten pregnant right away and had another baby (probably 2 in that time), but then I wouldn't have HER. She was worth the wait, worth the needles, worth the pain, worth everything.

I spent a lovely weekend in the hospital getting rehydrated. Geez, pregnancy is hard on me. But, I'm more than halfway there, so I don't have much longer. Just keep pressing forward!

I wanted to pass on a note about a Tyra Banks show. Her people put out a call for people struggling with IF. They got Resolve involved, as well as a bunch of national IF organizations. Then, they started soliciting for guests using this.....


Do you know a woman who is obsessed with becoming a mom? Have you seen and heard her struggle for years, felt her unvoiced jealously and seen her desperation first hand? Have you watched silently for too long as she gets her hopes up only to be disappointed and heartbroken when she can’t conceive? Has she tried extreme methods and spent a lot of money to get pregnant with no luck? Do you want to finally tell her she needs to stop the emotional and physical stress on her body and seriously consider adoption or a surrogate alternative? If you know a woman who is obsessed with becoming a mom and getting pregnant, then SUBMIT BELOW.

She's basically preparing people to ambush infertile women to tell them to get over it and stop trying - as if it's anyone else's business. You'd think she was talking about people obsessed with exercising or people obsessed with shoes and, oh, won't it be funny to tell them that they need to quit with the obsession?

Anyway, I don't find it entertaining to have women who are hurting enough confronted on TV and told to get over it or "just adopt". I sent a nice letter to the show expressing my opinion.

Oh, GypsySue! My BFP with Kate looked just like that. Then, I took another one and it was lighter and I went into a panic. But, it got darker and darker and, obviously, worked out just fine! Congratulations! Keep us posted.
Hey guys I can't believe that you got pregnant on your own Carla. I was so happy for you when I saw that post. Things are well we decided to stop the iui's and just take it naturally I am going to be 40 in April so I wonder how fertile my eggs are. We are planning a trip to Disney in April. On another note my cousin is going through infertility. His wife is pre menopausal so they are using donor eggs with IVF. They have gone through 3 treatments so far. Since they live in England I guess the insurance will not pay for it. (That is what my aunt tells me). So my cousin is a sperm donor I kid my Aunt and tell her that she has lots of grandchildren already. The difficult part is that my other cousin Erin my cousin's sister can get pregnant on a whim.
Thank you all sooooo much for your support. It means so much to me.

I took another test today and it looked exactly the same, so then I took one of the internet cheapie test and it didn't show up at all! So I am freaking. So far only the First Response is showing anything.

I go into tomorrow for the blood test. I wanted to go today, but I had to be in Ft. Collins at 6:00 am today for work. Stupid work--don't they know I have priorities here??? So I will go in first thing tomorrow and I should get the results tomorrow afternoon. I am so worried, y'all, I really am.
Good luck GypsySue.

Hi Lisa! How've you been? Good to see you again :)
:wave2: Lisa! Good to see you!! I have been wondering if you were still TTC.

Oh Beth, good luck today! I'm out of the office all day today, but I'll be anxious to check the DIS when I get home! I hope all is well. :goodvibes
Thank you all sooooo much for your support. It means so much to me.

I took another test today and it looked exactly the same, so then I took one of the internet cheapie test and it didn't show up at all! So I am freaking. So far only the First Response is showing anything.

I go into tomorrow for the blood test. I wanted to go today, but I had to be in Ft. Collins at 6:00 am today for work. Stupid work--don't they know I have priorities here??? So I will go in first thing tomorrow and I should get the results tomorrow afternoon. I am so worried, y'all, I really am.

Hang in there! Just a few more hours!!! :thumbsup2
I hope you get the good news you're waiting for!!

Well, no real news at all here...I don't know what's going on. AF isn't here yet. But the spotting is still going on. And it's still just when I wipe. It's frustrating because my AF is usually regular to the minute...I spot for a couple of hours, then full on...This is strange to have two days (and counting) of spotting with no full on AF...*SIGH*
I'm not going to take another HPT. I refuse to put myself through that. I'm just going to wait it out and see what happens with this spotting situation....

Anyway, have a great day everyone!!
Cristal, sounds like we are in the same boat! I had some brown spotting yesterday at lunch when I went to the bathroom, but nothing since then! My heart starts pounding everytime I have to go to the bathroom. Today is CD27 for me, so still a little early to get excited. I refuse to test as well. After my chemical pregnancy back in April, I'm afraid to get an early BFP only to start bleeding a few days later and be devastated. Not gonna do that to myself again. So I'm just waiting (and going pee every hour! LOL!).
Cristal, sounds like we are in the same boat! I had some brown spotting yesterday at lunch when I went to the bathroom, but nothing since then! My heart starts pounding everytime I have to go to the bathroom. Today is CD27 for me, so still a little early to get excited. I refuse to test as well. After my chemical pregnancy back in April, I'm afraid to get an early BFP only to start bleeding a few days later and be devastated. Not gonna do that to myself again. So I'm just waiting (and going pee every hour! LOL!).

It's just so frustrating! I just keep saying, "If i'm going to get AF, I just wish it'd get here so I can get on with the next cycle! If not, I wish this spotting would go away!!" :headache:
And I'm with you on the bathroom visits...I think my hands are so dry (from the washing) that they're going to fall off soon! I can see how doctors, nurses, and anyone else who has to wash their hands 50 times a day can have dry skin problems!! LOL I actually have one spot on my hand that is cracking a little from so many washings...:rolleyes:

Oh well...keep us posted. :thumbsup2
Not so good news. The blood test is positive, but the HCG levels were pretty low from where they should be. So they are going to test again on Friday, but if the numbers don't rise, then this would be a chemical pregnancy.

This is so heart-wrenching.
Not so good news. The blood test is positive, but the HCG levels were pretty low from where they should be. So they are going to test again on Friday, but if the numbers don't rise, then this would be a chemical pregnancy.

This is so heart-wrenching.

:grouphug: I'm so sorry. At least there's still some hope that your HCG levels will go up by Friday. :grouphug:

Since my last post, my spotting has gotten a little heavier. Last time I went to the bathroom, I actually had a little on my pantyliner...:sad1:
Not so great news for several of us :guilty:

Everyone have a good evening.
Oh, Beth, I'm so sorry! I hope it's not a chemical pregnancy. I went through that in April and it is very hard. :hug:

Christal, hugs to you, too!

What a night. :(
So very sorry everyone.:sad1:
This has been some night for you all.:grouphug: I had my visit from AF and her dog spot last week.
This is the first I have heard of a chemical pregnancy. If I may ask, what exactly is it?
A chemical pregnancy is a very early miscarriage. Women who aren't TTC and aren't testing so early often can have a chemical pregnancy and not even know'd just think your period was late.

Back in April, I had a BFP on CD30 with a digital test. I took another digital test the next day and it was a BFP. Then I decided I needed to see two lines, but when I did those tests, I had a BFN. I bought a different brand line test and had a very faint BFP. I did another digitial test around CD34 and had a BFP. The next day, on CD35, I started bleeding. :( No need for a D&C or anything like that because, from what I understand, everything is fertilized (which is why you may get a BFP because you do start producing HCG), but it never implants. I had to have a ******l ultrasound and there was nothing there. My blood test numbers were WAY low. After that, I decided I wouldn't test so early again because it was just too hard to handle!
Well, it's a crappy morning. :sad2:

Cramps are here with a vengeance, and I had a little heavier spotting this morning. But AF still won't just get here already! :headache:
I'm sure I'm not pregnant at this point, so now I've gotten to the point that I just want to get on with the next cycle. Now I actually WANT AF to get here full force. Go figure...:rolleyes:

Hope everyone's hanging in there today. :grouphug:
It's going to be a busy day here at work, so have a good day everyone!
Beth :hug: I do hope it isn't a chemical pregnancy. I will keep tons of good thoughts for you.

Christal, I can totally understand what you mean about AF and wanting to come with a vengence so that you can move on.

I admit I was happy to get AF on Monday. I was waiting to go back on BCP to help with my flow now that we have our little one. I think we both decided with all the heartbreak I went through and the scary delivery where I got so sick that we emotionally aren't ready to try this again for a long time... possibly not ever again. Not what either of us had hoped for, but then again we never dreamed it would take so long to try to have a child in the first place.
What a sucky day for this thread. :hug:

Beth - I suffered several checmical pregnancies, too. I told myself at least I could get pregnant, but it didn't really help. I am holding out hope for you for your next beta. :flower3:

Christal and Allison - Man that AF! Hopefully next cycle will bring better news.

I expect AF next week, and I have missed my last two periods. If I don't get one this month, I am going to have to talk to my doctor. Would anyone like to donate their AF to me?

Elaine - I have a friend whose pregnancy and delivery were so awful that she decided not to have another child. I can't imagine how emotionally scarring that can be for you.

Nicole and Carla - enjoy those little girls! :cloud9:

:yay: to Lisa and D&D.

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