Any Stern Fans on this Forum?

I know this is completely random.... but I miss Hank the Angry Dwarf.

Any others out there that are missed??
Another vote for Hank... I often think about his incredible knowledge of rock history.

And of course (not dead but) still miss tremendously Artie.

And how could we forget...

Hello Kinison my dear friend...the say that car crash was your end...

RIP Sam.

Who don't we miss?

Blue Iris, and Jackie Martling.
I miss Artie almost everyday :sad2:

There were times when he was more entertaining than Howard.
Sometimes Howard sounds annoyed and sounds like he doesn't want to be on the air , Artie balanced that out for me.
I miss Crackhead Bob. I never hear him on the air anymore since he moved to Texas(?). He had the biggest heart. I remember one time he was talking to Artie on the air and expressed real concern for him. It was such a nice change of pace from the other wack packer's looking for a hand out.

I miss Artie too. When the guy was on the show couldn't be better. I do understand Howard's reasons for not having him back. I almost think they need to bring someone else in.
I haven't been listening much this week but I am watching HowardTV. I loved hearing about Howard's parents relationship before they got married. I love Ben and Ray Stern and think they bring out the best in the show.
I miss Artie almost everyday :sad2:

There were times when he was more entertaining than Howard.
Sometimes Howard sounds annoyed and sounds like he doesn't want to be on the air , Artie balanced that out for me.

Melissa - I totally agree with you. I've already made my thoughts about Artie known in this thread, but ever since he 'left' the show, for me, the void has been huge, obvious and almost impossible to fill. I enjoyed the show before Artie, but he made it so much better.

I think there were actually many, many, many times when Artie was funnier and more entertaining than Howard. He had a way with telling a story that just drew me in. And when Artie would start to get too funny too often or the show would become too Artie-centric, Howard would tune out and cut him off. I think Howard had an ego thing where he didn't want Artie to steal any of his thunder, rather than seeing that it was comedy gold.

And yet, Howard will focus big chunks of the show on peripheral people that I could not care less about. I don't care what Steve Brandano (sp?) does. I don't care about Jason or Will or Jared (sp?). I don't want to hear 2 hours of yelling about what some other DJ at some other station said about him. I am tired of a lot of elements of the show that Howard will often spend way too much time on, but when Artie would get going on a long, detailed, hilarious story, Howard would often just cut it off or not pay attention.

Many folks will not agree with me when I say this, but I actually think Artie has a much more natural, inherent ability to be funny than Howard. Often times when Howard is on a rant or doing a 'bit,' it sounds too forced to me. It's like Howard is trying way too hard to be what he thinks is funny, which is usually being cranky, neurotic and whiny about something. Artie didn't have to try that hard - his comedic ability just came naturally.
Many folks will not agree with me when I say this, but I actually think Artie has a much more natural, inherent ability to be funny than Howard. Often times when Howard is on a rant or doing a 'bit,' it sounds too forced to me. It's like Howard is trying way too hard to be what he thinks is funny, which is usually being cranky, neurotic and whiny about something. Artie didn't have to try that hard - his comedic ability just came naturally.


I have not listened in months. You are right, it does seem Howard is forcing it. I am just bored. :confused3
I haven't been listening much this week but I am watching HowardTV. I loved hearing about Howard's parents relationship before they got married. I love Ben and Ray Stern and think they bring out the best in the show.

Howard's parents crack me up :lmao:

Melissa - I totally agree with you. I've already made my thoughts about Artie known in this thread, but ever since he 'left' the show, for me, the void has been huge, obvious and almost impossible to fill. I enjoyed the show before Artie, but he made it so much better.

I think there were actually many, many, many times when Artie was funnier and more entertaining than Howard. He had a way with telling a story that just drew me in. And when Artie would start to get too funny too often or the show would become too Artie-centric, Howard would tune out and cut him off. I think Howard had an ego thing where he didn't want Artie to steal any of his thunder, rather than seeing that it was comedy gold.

And yet, Howard will focus big chunks of the show on peripheral people that I could not care less about. I don't care what Steve Brandano (sp?) does. I don't care about Jason or Will or Jared (sp?). I don't want to hear 2 hours of yelling about what some other DJ at some other station said about him. I am tired of a lot of elements of the show that Howard will often spend way too much time on, but when Artie would get going on a long, detailed, hilarious story, Howard would often just cut it off or not pay attention.

Many folks will not agree with me when I say this, but I actually think Artie has a much more natural, inherent ability to be funny than Howard. Often times when Howard is on a rant or doing a 'bit,' it sounds too forced to me. It's like Howard is trying way too hard to be what he thinks is funny, which is usually being cranky, neurotic and whiny about something. Artie didn't have to try that hard - his comedic ability just came naturally.

I agree 100% :thumbsup2
Artie's humor was effortless , Howard actually sounds like he's trying too hard sometimes. Howard needs to go back to just being himself.
Unfortunately , Howard just seems to be a cranky , rich old man now :sad2:
I just finished listening to Howard interview Octomom. I am kinda disappointed. Therapy really did a number on him because I thought he would lay into her. I am glad he let some callers set that woman straight. She drives me nuts.
I just finished listening to Howard interview Octomom. I am kinda disappointed. Therapy really did a number on him because I thought he would lay into her. I am glad he let some callers set that woman straight. She drives me nuts.

He is turning into a real wuss. I wish the therapy would help him get over his selfishness. He is always %$#@&ing about not wanting to go somewhere or attend a function and who did not make THEIR plans to suit HIM. I wonder how long Beth will put up with that crap- Allison had the right idea. ugh.

Another thing I dislike about him is that he crucifies everyone on the show for their likes. Does he realize HE is in the minority about most things? And kiss @$$ Robin goes right a long with him, no matter how stupid he sounds.

I honestly have reached the point where I can care less what he has to say. I remember the days when I had to have every (terrestrial) radio on in the house so I did not miss a word he was saying. Not any more. :sad2:
Big Artie news!!

I wonder what Howard will say? I wish Artie was coming back to the Stern show. I love Artie but I don't know if I could listen to him without Howard. The dynamic between Howard, Robin, Artie, and Fred was radio magic.

I would definitely give it a listen...

Artie rocks!

Here's a pic from when I saw him 2 (or 3) years ago...
When I grow up I want to be Howard Stern so I can take a two week vacation, go back to work for 3 or 4 days, and then take another week vacation. I get Howard works hard but lately when I turn on the show I am more surprised to hear a new show rather than a best of repeat.

I am still a fan but I had to cut Howard TV from my cable. It just doesn't deliver enough new content to justify the cost. Especially since I know I could catch anything from the show in a replay.
When I grow up I want to be Howard Stern so I can take a two week vacation, go back to work for 3 or 4 days, and then take another week vacation. I get Howard works hard but lately when I turn on the show I am more surprised to hear a new show rather than a best of repeat.

I am still a fan but I had to cut Howard TV from my cable. It just doesn't deliver enough new content to justify the cost. Especially since I know I could catch anything from the show in a replay.

Yeah, I have been listening to Stern for years, but this new schedule is leaving me disinterested as well. Stern used to be part of my routine, now that I can't count on it I am finding other things to keep me entertained.
Count me in as one of the frustrated listeners. This schedule is totally killing any remaining interest I have in the show.

First of all, can we really even say that Howard works hard anymore? He doesn't need to work to earn a living anymore. He is financially set for life. He pretty much lets us all know in a variety of ways that he doesn't need to be doing a radio show and is basically just throwing us a bone by showing up at all. He gets antsy at the 3-hour point in the show and starts rushing it along or tuning out - that is, when he decides to do a show. He takes vacation every chance he gets. He doesn't want to be there. That's obvious to me.

What irritates me is the way the schedule is handled and how we don't get any forewarning as to when they will be doing shows and when they will be out. I realize that Sirius probably does not want Howard to announce which weeks he will be gone or which days he will be gone because they don't want to lose tons of customers for large chunks of time...or forever.

But it drives me nuts when Howard is gone for two weeks, then comes back for a week or two and then is suddenly gone again. I would rather they take the entire summer off, 2 weeks for Christmas and New Year's and a week for Thanksgiving, take any other expected holidays off, and then do 4-show/4-day weeks the entire rest of the year than to have this haphazard schedule. It would be easier to figure out when they would be there that way. This is not free, terrestrial radio anymore. This is a paid satellite radio service and I feel like we - as paying subscribers - have a right to know when they will be there and when they won't, ahead of time. Even if they only did 30 shows a year, I think we deserve to know when those shows will be.

And let's not forget that Labor Day is coming up - surely, Howard and the gang will have to take a full week off for that.:headache: Or will they? Maybe they won't?

There have been times when I thought it would be a 3-show week and it ended up being a 4-show week. Then there have been times where I was sure they would do 4 shows that week and instead they only did 3. There was even a time or two when I expected them to be gone the whole week because they were gone on a Monday, and I found out later that they had actually done a show on Tuesday! But because the schedule is so scattered and hit-or-miss, I get tired and bored with trying to keep up with it. It's getting to the point where it is not even interesting to me anymore because it takes too much effort to figure out when Howard will or won't be doing a show! :rotfl2:

Also, on another note - because of the recent discussions about Artie on the air and Howard totally closing up about Artie, even though Artie has now made it known that he wants to talk and wants to be on the show (just as a guest), here is what I think:

I think Howard must be afraid to have Artie on the show (and has outright forbidden it) because someone, somewhere along the line, may have accused him of triggering Artie's problems or making them worse. At the very least, I think someone may have accused Howard of ignoring Artie and not helping him or being a true friend. I just have a strong, strong feeling that this happened. And if I am right, then Howard probably took that criticism (and blame) very personally, obviously, and has decided that he can never have Artie on the show again - even to talk about what happened and even though Artie wants to come on - because he is too afraid of triggering something or being blamed by other people that he "didn't do enough" to help Artie.

I was reading between the lines of the very little that Howard said regarding Artie last week, but I am thinking that someone in Artie's camp - perhaps Artie's mom or sister, or maybe Dana or one of Artie's male friends - was the one who cast blame on Howard and made him think that anything Howard said or did was going to send Artie over the edge. Howard probably did not expect that reaction from anyone. It's not Howard's fault, of course - we all know this - but because Artie idolized Howard so much, perhaps some of Artie's 'people' felt that Howard should have done more to help him, or at least not put him in situations that may trigger his disease. They probably wanted someone to blame, and Howard was an easy scapegoat.

So I think Howard will not have Artie on the air because he is afraid of the repercussions and negativity directed at him if he does.


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