Any tricky CP interview questions?

okay thanks for your mom and me kinda thought they'd do scenario question about PhotoPass and that kinda worries me

I recently applied for CP and my phone interview is in... 17 hours... eep! I'm glad I came across this thread, it's been so much help! I feel *a little* bit more confident in my answers.

I just wanted to stop in and say hello and thanks! :goodvibes
Specific issues related to the role that PC you decide to choose. So when you select your role as first choice, think of some problems that may arise and consider how we could cope.
My daughter went through the web-interview tonight. She did not get a phone interview but was told that she could re-apply March 2011. Needless to say she was very disappointed but says that she will apply the next time around. She doesn't plan to graduate until May 2012 so there is still the "next time". I was very naive and I thought pretty much everyone got the phone interview unless you were just waaayyy out there on the web-interview.

She is wondering where she went wrong. She picked the following roles: Merchandise, Attractions, Full Service FB, and Hospitality. I wonder if the roles she picked were full or if there was a problem with the way she answered her questions. She was quite torn on a couple of them like the one "The guest is always right." She answered Neutral on that one because the guest isn't always right but wonders if that one did her in. Some of the questions really deserve a more detailed response. She only put neutral on a couple of the questions but she also didn't pick many SD/SA answers--she was pretty much agree/disagree. Some of the questions seemed to be so loaded and you really felt like you should pick the obvious ones that Disney would expect you to say--but she was intent on being honest.

Any ideas or suggesitons from the seasoned CP'ers on the situation or how did those of you who passed the web interview answer some of the questions?
My daughter went through the web-interview tonight. She did not get a phone interview but was told that she could re-apply March 2011. Needless to say she was very disappointed but says that she will apply the next time around. She doesn't plan to graduate until May 2012 so there is still the "next time". I was very naive and I thought pretty much everyone got the phone interview unless you were just waaayyy out there on the web-interview.

She is wondering where she went wrong. She picked the following roles: Merchandise, Attractions, Full Service FB, and Hospitality. I wonder if the roles she picked were full or if there was a problem with the way she answered her questions. She was quite torn on a couple of them like the one "The guest is always right." She answered Neutral on that one because the guest isn't always right but wonders if that one did her in. Some of the questions really deserve a more detailed response. She only put neutral on a couple of the questions but she also didn't pick many SD/SA answers--she was pretty much agree/disagree. Some of the questions seemed to be so loaded and you really felt like you should pick the obvious ones that Disney would expect you to say--but she was intent on being honest.

Any ideas or suggesitons from the seasoned CP'ers on the situation or how did those of you who passed the web interview answer some of the questions?

The customer is always right in disneys eye and many other businesses as well. This very easily could have been the problem. I think most but 2 or 3 of mine were strongly answers. Many of the skills and qualities questioned in the web interview are learned with age and other work experience. I think by the next interview time, a lot of her views will change. You should be honest with the interview because you won't be able to fake it when you are there working for them.
My daughter went through the web-interview tonight. She did not get a phone interview but was told that she could re-apply March 2011. Needless to say she was very disappointed but says that she will apply the next time around. She doesn't plan to graduate until May 2012 so there is still the "next time". I was very naive and I thought pretty much everyone got the phone interview unless you were just waaayyy out there on the web-interview.

She is wondering where she went wrong. She picked the following roles: Merchandise, Attractions, Full Service FB, and Hospitality. I wonder if the roles she picked were full or if there was a problem with the way she answered her questions. She was quite torn on a couple of them like the one "The guest is always right." She answered Neutral on that one because the guest isn't always right but wonders if that one did her in. Some of the questions really deserve a more detailed response. She only put neutral on a couple of the questions but she also didn't pick many SD/SA answers--she was pretty much agree/disagree. Some of the questions seemed to be so loaded and you really felt like you should pick the obvious ones that Disney would expect you to say--but she was intent on being honest.

Any ideas or suggesitons from the seasoned CP'ers on the situation or how did those of you who passed the web interview answer some of the questions?

I just had to say that the same thing happened to me last year. I went through the online interview and was told that my responses did not meet the requirements for the roles and I was crushed. I took the online interview again this year and was able to schedule my phone interview! Just wanted to share to give your daughter a little hope! Sometimes you just need a little more experience with the interview process. :) ... there's a Walt Disney quote that I like that sounds a little strange at first, but when I thought about it, it made a lot of sense... "You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you." So ya, I wish your daughter all the luck in the world with her next online interview! and to finish off with another of my favorite Disney quotes "All of your dreams can come true, if you have the courage to pursue them."
I just came from a face to face interview. (Mine was last week at the Orlando casting center)

There weren't any tricky questions for me. But there were questions. (Can you lift 25+ lbs? Can you work in the dark? Enclosed spaces? Memorize text? Improvise? Any criminal history? etc..)

The only Disney-personal questions I received were when I mentioned I wanted to do Character Attendant as a first or second choice. The interviewer then asked me to give examples of how I would say '____ has to leave'.

(Since you can't ruin disney magic and say "Donald needs a break..."

So she would name characters, and I would give reasons why they had to leave.
"Donald Duck has to get ready for a date with Daisy..."
"Princess Tiana is going to visit her friends down in the (Bayoo, Baiyoo?" Can't spell..)
"This Country Bear has to go practice before their big performance tonight! You can see him at this theater..."

I was told I would have been hired on the spot for Part Time, if I had 3 days availability. :woohoo:
I remember when I went to WDW when I was 4 or 5, my parents told me that the character attendant for Donald said that he had to go to the bathroom when he left:lmao:
Hi all! I'll be applying for the Fall '11 CP in a few months and I'm freaking out!

Photopass photographer will be my #1 choice, has anyone else applied and able to give me some tips on the questions I'll be asked (other than the obvious photography experience question)?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I'm going to be apply for F/FA 2011 in a few months and am really excited but really nervous. I really want a role in entertainment, character attendant, or attractions. If I'm given attractions what are the odds of being given a ride like GMR? I've always loved this ride and would love to work there.
i got asked how pat jobs would help me
an if i worked at bbb then how would i react if a little girl was shy and didnt want to come and get dressed up
THANK U BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer2:

You know your arrival day already?
I see your in custodial, im in Quick-Service Food and Beverage.
Ohhhh btw they only send an email, they didn't send me the Little Packet I see they usually send. That happened to u?
Hello all,

I'm brand new and I thank you all for all of this advice and input!

I have my phone interview tomorrow at 9:15 AM and I have read all 14 pages of this topic twice, so again thank you all!!!

I'm a tad bit nervous because it's been a while since being interviewed at all, so this phone call should be interesting. AHH
just had my phone interview yesterday and I was in a sweat for nothing. My roles I picked were BBB hostess, character attendant, and attractions. My interviewer asked alot about my experience in dealing with makeup (I'm a theatre geek and LOVE using any sort of stage makeup) and what not. So nervous about what the results are going to be!!!


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