Anyone ever take kids out of school

So you are a teacher?

So not only are you affecting your children's education but everyone else's children in your class.

You must be so proud.

I'm an excellent teacher and an even better Mum, so yes, I am proud.:thumbsup2
Ask yourself if you want a near 70 year old teaching a bunch of 4 year olds? Would you continue in your job without fuss if you suddenly had to pay £200 extra a month (actually could you afford to lose that much a month) and then when you eventually retire what you were expecting has been reduced by tens of thousands of pounds? It's grossly unfair; the pension scheme is now only seen as unaffordable because the fund was used to pay the deficit!

off topic but teacher to teacher ... well said. This might be the last Disney holiday we go on if the pension contributions increase as much as is planned.

back on topic ... I teach A level students ... between each exam is approximately 15 weeks teaching. Missing two weeks of that impacts education ... and I realise none of you are suggesting taking students of that age out of class ... but it happens regularly ... the last student I saw this year who went to Florida for a fortnight - but actually missed three weeks 'as he didn't feel well' when he got home (jet lag?!). Primary age I think it really doesn't matter if they miss a bit of school ... at 16 it really does!

(oh and yes, I'm just really really jealous that I have to pay peak peak prices every time I want to go away!!!)
I'm an excellent teacher and an even better Mum, so yes, I am proud.:thumbsup2
Well said you and take no notice of some of the sarcastic and pathetic comments off self opiniated inconsiderate wallies we sometimes get posting their stroppy comments on here.
Wayne.Kenny I really think something needs to be done about the few on here that spoil it for the rest of us.
off topic but teacher to teacher ... well said. This might be the last Disney holiday we go on if the pension contributions increase as much as is planned.

It definitely will be for us. We'll cut back on a number of things: holidays, eating out etc. - as we already have because of increased petrol prices. The government are blind if they think that people will keep spending despite pay freezes and pension contribution increases. :confused3
Theres always one isnt there!

Children will be far more interested and fascinated by a teacher that has seen the world and has storys to tell than one who hasnt!
Firstly I apologise I have only skim read the replies and I am sorry if I am repeating anything already said!

We have taken our children out of school 3 times in the last 5 years they are 13.10.8 and 5 currently ( youngest has only been out of school twice!)

The first 2 trips we had no issues at all and went with full consent of the headteacher and staff. However our last trip was a very different story and I think highlighting what happened will be of benefit who finds themselves in the postiton we were.

We left asking for permission very late as it was a surprise trip for the children and we didnt want any slip ups so it was 10 days before we were due to go when I sent in the holiday request and accompanying letter explaining and apologismg for the late notice. We had no official reply which didnt really bother me at the time I assumed it was authorised and we went on holiday.

On our return the staff were really starnge with our children and all the kids never got an oppurtunity to talk about their holiday in circle time. I found this strange but again didnt really think there was wider implications.
2 weeks after our return we had parents evening where every single teacher told me attendance was a concern!! We went late september and staff were telling me attendance was 50% and I pointed out thats because we were so fresh into the year. Again I had no major concern over it just a bug bear that they had all not had the common sense to realise we had been on holiday.
Then during a multi agency meeting for my ds with special needs I was introduced to education welfare who was assigned to our family as we were deliberating putting barriers between our children and learning!! :scared1:
As you can imagine I hit the roof and it wasnt a pretty meeting but I was seriously hauled over the coals fr my decison to take the kids without permission ( first id heard of it but i would have gone anyway!)
my childrens attendance last year were in the 90-95% range with exception of ds2 who was 85% due to medical appointments! We know have a very stressful situation where education welfare want to have proff for every hospital appointment he attends and every day off school he has sick!!

Now had I have known this was going to happen and the stress it causes on a daily basis to our entire family I would not have chosen to take my kids in term time! I do think they get a lot of holidays to wdw and the smiles and stress free fortnight are priceless to us as a family but it has all become messy and very very stressful since our return. In fact at present communiction between home and schol has stopped completly and we are in the process of trying to move the children to a new school - this has distressed the children no end as they are so happy aand settled in the school.

My advice is speak to your head teacher and if there is any sign of a conflict think really hard before you take the children.
Sorry to be the negative poster but I wuld hate anyone else to have to endure what we are at present.
Firstly WOW:scared1: to the PP I could never imagine something like that happening over a family holiday!! When you have parents who don't bother getting up to take there kids to school on time on a regular basis, so sorry for the stress your going through with that:hug: ................................................ Second I take my children out of school every or everyother yr for a Emily holiday of 2-3 wks and have no problem or guilt with doing so my hubby is in the RAF and so we see it as our guaranteed family time where daddy won't be home late away for the night and stress free etc! It's also in my mind very educational wether it be Disney or another country they learn so so much! I know this 1st hand as my parents did it with me every yr we went away for 3 wks to Disney or another country and I learnt loads! Another thing is I enjoy the Uk side of DiS much more then alot of the other threads they get so heated and petty it's a real disgrace and so welldone to all that manage to post with out the nastiness on these subjects ( well with the exception! Of one) I really don't think that post was needed and NO teacher needs to feel bad for going on holiday that saves them money & is at a time that they would like to visit! My sister in-law is an English teacher and so I know you guys to not get paid wonderful amounts and you work hours beyond the 9-5 so welldone you & go enjoy what ever family time you can :)
I think I may be tempted to take him out 5 days before term time ends in December if we are unable to go in August one year but we would have to seriously think about it first. He goes to a very good secondary school so I assumed there would be no chance of being able to take holidays during term time but their school policy seems to be the same as Primary school so maybe there is hope. I honestly don't think a couple of weeks off school makes any difference in the long run but there will be an awful lot of people who strongly disagree with me!
That caught my attention!!

Just for future reference, if your child has to attend regular hospital appointments then there's a chance you could ask for them to be discounted for assessing absences as a reasonable adjustment under the Equality Act. Then if you do take your kids out again, it might not put you over the absence threshold!
Firstly I apologise I have only skim read the replies and I am sorry if I am repeating anything already said!

We have taken our children out of school 3 times in the last 5 years they are 13.10.8 and 5 currently ( youngest has only been out of school twice!)

The first 2 trips we had no issues at all and went with full consent of the headteacher and staff. However our last trip was a very different story and I think highlighting what happened will be of benefit who finds themselves in the postiton we were.

We left asking for permission very late as it was a surprise trip for the children and we didnt want any slip ups so it was 10 days before we were due to go when I sent in the holiday request and accompanying letter explaining and apologismg for the late notice. We had no official reply which didnt really bother me at the time I assumed it was authorised and we went on holiday.

On our return the staff were really starnge with our children and all the kids never got an oppurtunity to talk about their holiday in circle time. I found this strange but again didnt really think there was wider implications.
2 weeks after our return we had parents evening where every single teacher told me attendance was a concern!! We went late september and staff were telling me attendance was 50% and I pointed out thats because we were so fresh into the year. Again I had no major concern over it just a bug bear that they had all not had the common sense to realise we had been on holiday.
Then during a multi agency meeting for my ds with special needs I was introduced to education welfare who was assigned to our family as we were deliberating putting barriers between our children and learning!! :scared1:
As you can imagine I hit the roof and it wasnt a pretty meeting but I was seriously hauled over the coals fr my decison to take the kids without permission ( first id heard of it but i would have gone anyway!)
my childrens attendance last year were in the 90-95% range with exception of ds2 who was 85% due to medical appointments! We know have a very stressful situation where education welfare want to have proff for every hospital appointment he attends and every day off school he has sick!!

Now had I have known this was going to happen and the stress it causes on a daily basis to our entire family I would not have chosen to take my kids in term time! I do think they get a lot of holidays to wdw and the smiles and stress free fortnight are priceless to us as a family but it has all become messy and very very stressful since our return. In fact at present communiction between home and schol has stopped completly and we are in the process of trying to move the children to a new school - this has distressed the children no end as they are so happy aand settled in the school.

My advice is speak to your head teacher and if there is any sign of a conflict think really hard before you take the children.
Sorry to be the negative poster but I wuld hate anyone else to have to endure what we are at present.

So sorry the school are doing this to you :hug: Why couldn't they have just told you that they weren't authorising it? At least you would have known - it makes you wonder doesn't it.

I feel really bad for your children as they have done nothing wrong and the teachers being off with them just isn't fair.

Hope it all gets resolved soon :grouphug:
I think what is happening to Louise and her family is a disgrace :(

Parents who want to holiday with their children should not be pilloried for it!

Just to clarify my situation for my fellow Disers:
I am a job-share which means that I do 50% of a timetable, sharing all of my classes equally with my colleague. We have had this arrangement for 6 years. When she was on maternity leave, I went full-time to cover her half of the timetable, so that our students' education would not be disrupted. When I go to WDW next year, she will be covering my classes for 3 days. In return, I will cover her classes for 3 days, so that she can settle her youngest son in to reception. The governors have approved this at it is no way detrimental to the students. My headteacher has also given me written permission. Thought I'd clear that up, in case anyone was wondering how I'd managed to swing it.;)

I have no intention of justifying or explaining taking my own children out of school - it is my decision.:)
We have taken my son out of school every year since he was 5, he is now 15 and has coped and caught up within a couple of weeks of returning.

Last year we were on Holiday for 8 weeks in Florida, a one off special, we took stuff with us and the teachers gave us items to read etc. The school was great. Again he caught up and he is in Credit classes all subjects.

This year he was out I think 3 1/2 weeks in total because of certain Holidays in the 5 weeks that we were away this year in sept/Oct., he did tests etc while we were away.

No doubt there will be gasps etc from some people, but each to their own,certain jobs can't take school holidays and we are in those jobs.

We are back 4 weeks I think now and he is top of his class and has done more than needed, but the child has too work hard at this age now after this amount of time out of school.
When they are young it is no bother taking them out of school.
We take our son out at school time because there is no other time for us to be able too.

I must be really lucky, both my sons schools have been great and have agreed life experience is just as important as school and should go hand in hand. ( a quote from his Headmaster ).
I have always assured them my son will catch up, I think they know he will now as it's been a few years happening now. :surfweb:
Got a letter back saying I'm not allowed to take kids age 6 and 9 out in may for 2 weeks i have booked my holiday and now not sure what to do if we change have got till 30 nov to get free dining and I wanted to spend mine and sons birthday there as we did my daughters 7th.

Don't understand how they let other family's go in school time in my school sometimes twice a year
I'm. So sorry they said NO personally I wouldn't worry too much as it will just go down as unauthorised absence! We go for 3 wks & so this happens to us everytime!! I would go in & explain that the trip is very important to your family and that it is booked! Ask if their is any reason why they have said No? Hopefully talking to them in person might help :) crossing fingers for you.
Not sure whether you're saying that others in your school have been allowed to take their kids out and you haven't :confused3 Or whether you're referring to other schools. Unfortunately, it is down to the school and their policies. For example, our school doesn't authorise absences. So we apply, they say 'no' and then we go anyway.

You don't say what age your child(ren) is/are. Could it be to do with SATs as they are normally in May?

We do try to limit the number of absences DS has for holidays (usually tagging a few days on to one side of a half term) but he is not a sickly child and doesn't have odd days off for any other reason so, as far as I'm concerned, his total absences are probably no more than any other child in the school.

*The only other thing you may want to be concerned about is that if your child's total absences (here, 1 day counts as 2 absences) exceed a certain number, the school is obligated to report it to the authorities and then you're into the realms of truancy measures, however, even if that were to happen, the LEAs don't issue fines straight away - you should get at least one warning (that is what happens in the Wiltshire area anyway). It might be worth checking your local education authority's policies.*

*Not trying to stir up or cause any panic, just make the OP aware that, if the school has a policy not to authorise absences, this is what could happen.
Not sure whether you're saying that others in your school have been allowed to take their kids out and you haven't :confused3 Or whether you're referring to other schools. Unfortunately, it is down to the school and their policies. For example, our school doesn't authorise absences. So we apply, they say 'no' and then we go anyway.

You don't say what age your child(ren) is/are. Could it be to do with SATs as they are normally in May?

We do try to limit the number of absences DS has for holidays (usually tagging a few days on to one side of a half term) but he is not a sickly child and doesn't have odd days off for any other reason so, as far as I'm concerned, his total absences are probably no more than any other child in the school.

*The only other thing you may want to be concerned about is that if your child's total absences (here, 1 day counts as 2 absences) exceed a certain number, the school is obligated to report it to the authorities and then you're into the realms of truancy measures, however, even if that were to happen, the LEAs don't issue fines straight away - you should get at least one warning (that is what happens in the Wiltshire area anyway). It might be worth checking your local education authority's policies.*

*Not trying to stir up or cause any panic, just make the OP aware that, if the school has a policy not to authorise absences, this is what could happen.

We are from Wiltshire area to have edited forum and it might be due to the sats in may but surly they test them throughout the year not just those 2 weeks maybe he could be tested when we are back
Have you asked them what their reasoning is for them not authorising it and how they have come to the conclusion they have?

Our school will authorise 10 days for holidays during term time, they then use a points system to determine whether any other days will be authorised, things like time of year, how many sick days etc are taken into account.

We run our own business and it isn't feasable to take time off at certain times of the year and therefore we usually have to go during term time. I always try to fix it so that there are bank holidays or insets in with our time though sho we don't have to take much out of class time. My DD has not had a day off yet this year and my DS only one due to sickness bug last week.

I personally feel that although WDW is a very fun holiday it's also a very educational holiday, my children have learnt such a lot from their trips!

I hope you can get it sorted :) Either way you aren't going to cancel are you! :goodvibes


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