Anyone ever take kids out of school

If you think your children can cope with the absence and you have no worries about catching up in class then just take them on Holiday.
I use to be worried until I heard that certain religions take their children out of school for months to go home to parent country for special learning times, which is totally acceptable as it's their culture.
But it does make you realise that 10 days or so is no big deal on the scale of things. Take your kids to Disney, as our Headmaster said " life experience and schooling go hand in hand". :surfweb:
Have you asked them what their reasoning is for them not authorising it and how they have come to the conclusion they have?

Our school will authorise 10 days for holidays during term time, they then use a points system to determine whether any other days will be authorised, things like time of year, how many sick days etc are taken into account.

We run our own business and it isn't feasable to take time off at certain times of the year and therefore we usually have to go during term time. I always try to fix it so that there are bank holidays or insets in with our time though sho we don't have to take much out of class time. My DD has not had a day off yet this year and my DS only one due to sickness bug last week.

I personally feel that although WDW is a very fun holiday it's also a very educational holiday, my children have learnt such a lot from their trips!

I hope you can get it sorted :) Either way you aren't going to cancel are you! :goodvibes

Meeting with the head next week so hopefully I can arrange something
We are from Wiltshire area to have edited forum and it might be due to the sats in may but surly they test them throughout the year not just those 2 weeks maybe he could be tested when we are back

If you are from the Wilts area, then that is probably why it has not been authorised. As far as I'm aware, none of the schools in the West/North Wilts area allow authorisation of absence for holidays. It may well be due to SATs but your child would only be affected if he/she is in Year 2 or year 6, I believe. If that is the case, then they will just miss SATs - they can't be taken at a later date.

I really wouldn't let it worry you too much - I'm assuming that cancelling is not an option?
Firstly I apologise I have only skim read the replies and I am sorry if I am repeating anything already said!

We have taken our children out of school 3 times in the last 5 years they are 13.10.8 and 5 currently ( youngest has only been out of school twice!)

The first 2 trips we had no issues at all and went with full consent of the headteacher and staff. However our last trip was a very different story and I think highlighting what happened will be of benefit who finds themselves in the postiton we were.

We left asking for permission very late as it was a surprise trip for the children and we didnt want any slip ups so it was 10 days before we were due to go when I sent in the holiday request and accompanying letter explaining and apologismg for the late notice. We had no official reply which didnt really bother me at the time I assumed it was authorised and we went on holiday.

On our return the staff were really starnge with our children and all the kids never got an oppurtunity to talk about their holiday in circle time. I found this strange but again didnt really think there was wider implications.
2 weeks after our return we had parents evening where every single teacher told me attendance was a concern!! We went late september and staff were telling me attendance was 50% and I pointed out thats because we were so fresh into the year. Again I had no major concern over it just a bug bear that they had all not had the common sense to realise we had been on holiday.
Then during a multi agency meeting for my ds with special needs I was introduced to education welfare who was assigned to our family as we were deliberating putting barriers between our children and learning!! :scared1:
As you can imagine I hit the roof and it wasnt a pretty meeting but I was seriously hauled over the coals fr my decison to take the kids without permission ( first id heard of it but i would have gone anyway!)
my childrens attendance last year were in the 90-95% range with exception of ds2 who was 85% due to medical appointments! We know have a very stressful situation where education welfare want to have proff for every hospital appointment he attends and every day off school he has sick!!

Now had I have known this was going to happen and the stress it causes on a daily basis to our entire family I would not have chosen to take my kids in term time! I do think they get a lot of holidays to wdw and the smiles and stress free fortnight are priceless to us as a family but it has all become messy and very very stressful since our return. In fact at present communiction between home and schol has stopped completly and we are in the process of trying to move the children to a new school - this has distressed the children no end as they are so happy aand settled in the school.

My advice is speak to your head teacher and if there is any sign of a conflict think really hard before you take the children.
Sorry to be the negative poster but I wuld hate anyone else to have to endure what we are at present.

Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time.

I have a DD with a disability and know how hard it is to coordinate apts and school (and I don't have another 3 children to look after)
With holidays being so much cheaper in term time you can see why parents take their kids out of school to save money.

Personally I think the argument of "life experiences" and "holidays being educational" are slightly mis-leading. The children can have those same experiences in the school holidays. Let's be honest, if we can save some money by moving the dates we will. That's why I have taken my children out of school.

Now that both of mine are in secondary school we have our holidays in August and suck up the price rise.
Firstly I apologise I have only skim read the replies and I am sorry if I am repeating anything already said!

We have taken our children out of school 3 times in the last 5 years they are 13.10.8 and 5 currently ( youngest has only been out of school twice!)

The first 2 trips we had no issues at all and went with full consent of the headteacher and staff. However our last trip was a very different story and I think highlighting what happened will be of benefit who finds themselves in the postiton we were.

We left asking for permission very late as it was a surprise trip for the children and we didnt want any slip ups so it was 10 days before we were due to go when I sent in the holiday request and accompanying letter explaining and apologismg for the late notice. We had no official reply which didnt really bother me at the time I assumed it was authorised and we went on holiday.

On our return the staff were really starnge with our children and all the kids never got an oppurtunity to talk about their holiday in circle time. I found this strange but again didnt really think there was wider implications.
2 weeks after our return we had parents evening where every single teacher told me attendance was a concern!! We went late september and staff were telling me attendance was 50% and I pointed out thats because we were so fresh into the year. Again I had no major concern over it just a bug bear that they had all not had the common sense to realise we had been on holiday.
Then during a multi agency meeting for my ds with special needs I was introduced to education welfare who was assigned to our family as we were deliberating putting barriers between our children and learning!! :scared1:
As you can imagine I hit the roof and it wasnt a pretty meeting but I was seriously hauled over the coals fr my decison to take the kids without permission ( first id heard of it but i would have gone anyway!)
my childrens attendance last year were in the 90-95% range with exception of ds2 who was 85% due to medical appointments! We know have a very stressful situation where education welfare want to have proff for every hospital appointment he attends and every day off school he has sick!!

Now had I have known this was going to happen and the stress it causes on a daily basis to our entire family I would not have chosen to take my kids in term time! I do think they get a lot of holidays to wdw and the smiles and stress free fortnight are priceless to us as a family but it has all become messy and very very stressful since our return. In fact at present communiction between home and schol has stopped completly and we are in the process of trying to move the children to a new school - this has distressed the children no end as they are so happy aand settled in the school.

My advice is speak to your head teacher and if there is any sign of a conflict think really hard before you take the children.
Sorry to be the negative poster but I wuld hate anyone else to have to endure what we are at present.

I think that it is outrageous how they are treating you!! :mad:
My advice is speak to your head teacher and if there is any sign of a conflict think really hard before you take the children.
Sorry to be the negative poster but I wuld hate anyone else to have to endure what we are at present.

Or try your Chair of Governors, it wouldn't happen in my school, not twice anyway, it's our policy! OK I don't know all the facts but I would advise the head that for the sake of the kids giving you a way out amicably and allow the children to settle has to be the right outcome. I hope it works out for you all.
We have never taken ours out of school, but as a Chair of Governor's we have a very flexible approach to holiday and I know of lot's of people in our school who have. Parents whether they are going to regardless can have an open conversation with the school and only if they really feel that 2 weeks will make a difference will they say anything. It is interesting that in a recent meeting we discussed our LA have removed attendance targets now so less of a reason for the school to object.

Cases like 'it's his birthday' get turned down but I know for self employed, forces, low (or mid-incomes) it can make a big difference. Is the education the same as 2 weeks of school? If you spend as much time in conservation station, future world, Walt's story, Animation courtyard, Living with the Land, World Showcase, Carousel of Progress, TTA (if you discuss how it's powered), almost forgot Spaceship Earth etc. coupled with opportunities for swimming and other PE plus developing social skills, understanding other cultures etc. then definitely. If on the other hand you find that stuff boring and only do coasters then...:confused3
We are from Wiltshire area to have edited forum and it might be due to the sats in may but surly they test them throughout the year not just those 2 weeks maybe he could be tested when we are back

SATS can only be sat on the day scheduled. Sorry.
We have never taken ours out of school, but as a Chair of Governor's we have a very flexible approach to holiday and I know of lot's of people in our school who have. Parents whether they are going to regardless can have an open conversation with the school and only if they really feel that 2 weeks will make a difference will they say anything. It is interesting that in a recent meeting we discussed our LA have removed attendance targets now so less of a reason for the school to object.

Cases like 'it's his birthday' get turned down but I know for self employed, forces, low (or mid-incomes) it can make a big difference. Is the education the same as 2 weeks of school? If you spend as much time in conservation station, future world, Walt's story, Animation courtyard, Living with the Land, World Showcase, Carousel of Progress, TTA (if you discuss how it's powered), almost forgot Spaceship Earth etc. coupled with opportunities for swimming and other PE plus developing social skills, understanding other cultures etc. then definitely. If on the other hand you find that stuff boring and only do coasters then...:confused3

DS will be the first to tell anyone all these have contributed towards his education, all these experiences have featured in his school/college work and Spaceship earth would be top of that list.
At the top of my list I would put a Disney cruise, without that 1st Disney cruise we did in 2003 (DS age 9) I don't think he would be who he is today, it totally changed his life. He changed from being very shy & having little confidence in a short 4 day cruise.

A true story about our High school Chair of Governor's, he tapped me on the shoulder outside the Lego store at DTD, with his wife and children, in school term time, we wern't the only ones to do it.:goodvibes
There ARE bargains to be had in the school holidays; you just have to DIY and be a little more flexible with your plans. Not easy for some but for us, well worth it.
It is common knowledge that the biggest problems with absences from school are not holiday related. I also know that not all holidays are equal; but then no two children / families are the same. This brings us right back to what Wayne said at the beginning of the thread: so many factors to consider there is no one (or 10) right ways to do it.

I do believe that my daughter gains a lot of "educational" experience from our trips. But it is not classroom style education so the school COULD be forgiven for not seeing the merit in it. However I won't lie, I don't take her out of school for an education. I take her because I want some quality time with my daughter where it is just the two of us. Sure I can do it in holiday time and if I would I could, just as I did until last year (with the exception of 2 school days the previous year) - but going in term time now with the economy and prices as they are is the difference between us having that time once a year as opposed to every 18/24 months.
I deleted my post because I don't think I'm in a position to comment (other than being forced to travel in the school holidays ;))
We have taken the children out before and always had the holiday authorised:

January 2008 we took the kids out for 10 days (DD9 & DS7)
September 2009 10 days out (DD11 & DS9)
October 2010 6 days DD (4 for DS who had some Inset days!) (DD12 & DS10)
October 2011 7 days (DD13 & DS11)

Now, however, DD is in year 9 has GCSE's next schools year - in fact she is actually starting her Maths GCSE in May (whilst still in year 9!). We simply are not allowed to take her out - which is understandable. What makes me sad is that DH is a Chef and not allowed holiday in August or at Christmas and due to my work involving the Marketing for 30 Garden Centres - April is unsuitable for me as it is my clients busiest time of year...

So there you have it! No more Disney trips for us for a while (am off to have a cry now!)
I'm not a parent but If I wanted to take my kids on holiday during term time, then I would, I would not be told what to do or be judged for it.
DS will be the first to tell anyone all these have contributed towards his education, all these experiences have featured in his school/college work and Spaceship earth would be top of that list.
At the top of my list I would put a Disney cruise, without that 1st Disney cruise we did in 2003 (DS age 9) I don't think he would be who he is today, it totally changed his life. He changed from being very shy & having little confidence in a short 4 day cruise.

Anyone in doubt how influential Disney holidays have on a childs education please read Matt's blog today "Mark Twain Google Doodle"
Wayne do you mind if I print this out and present it to the education welfare as " evidence" to our arguement that the children are learning valuable things whilst on holiday???
Louise x

If it helps go ahead, no problem.
I took my children out for 6 days on our last trip, the head had no problem with it.

We're booked for next year and I think I'll only have to take them out for 2 days next year (two week oct half term, ours starts a week before everyone else on the 12th, which is luckily the day after our arrival :) )

But if they had said no I would have told them I wasn't asking permission I was giving them notice.

I don't take my children to Florida for education, although they do leanr so much they can't at home, I take them because I work too much, I don't spend enough time with them (I'm sure every parent feels that way) and they need, as well as I, to spend 2 weeks of proper quality time with their family, no work, no schedule, no after school clubs, nothing but us and fun.

That to me is more important than anything, and it'll be that they will carry with them into adult life not what they could have learned in school those two weeks.

To the ignorant poster earlier in the thread, I assume you've never taken a day off, never got ill, never been on holiday?? I'm sure you have. Why is it ok for you to take time off work but a teacher isn't allowed? Everyone is entitled to time off no matter what their job!

I was also 100% for the strike, public sector workers get a bum deal, and that's coming from a self employed mum who gets no holiday pay, pensions, sick pay etc!
I take them because I work too much, I don't spend enough time with them (I'm sure every parent feels that way) and they need, as well as I, to spend 2 weeks of proper quality time with their family, no work, no schedule, no after school clubs, nothing but us and fun.

That to me is more important than anything, and it'll be that they will carry with them into adult life not what they could have learned in school those two weeks.

That is such a valid point. :thumbsup2 That was one of the biggest things that stands out to me from our first trip - the realisation of how good it is for DD and I to have time together where I am not trying to cram in all the household responsibilities that accumulate over the course of the week, after getting in near to 6.30 or 7 pm in the evenings, into what feels like precious little time we have together. It's one of (but by no means the only) reasons that I only stay onsite - no opportunity to feel like I should be doing anything other than enjoying our time together. There are countless others in the same position. You are the first person to raise it on this thread. :thumbsup2:thumbsup2


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