anyone here do WW without meetings or online?


DIS Veteran
May 28, 2006
I tried WW online and was unsuccessful :guilty: The meetings that I can attend in my area are about 35 miles away and in the winter road conditions can be dangerous in the North Pole.
So I want to start WW in my own! Has anybody here tried it? Anybody want to be buddies?
I weigh 236.5 and want to lose at least 40lbs. Hopefully by this time next year!!
TIA, April
I don't do ww online-- (I need the support of meetings and accountability of weighing in )
But I did start WW just last week-- and am loving it.( lost almost 6 lbs) :banana:

WW introduced a new program just starting today-- Haven't had a chance to review it yet.
I also have been checking out the message boards at you can get a lot of support there.
When I lived in Italy I did WW on my own and was very successful. I lost close to 60 pounds. I got all of the material from my sister, joined a gym and frequented WISH a lot and with all of that I found success. My down slide was when I moved back to the US and discovered the land of food-a-plenty and fast food, I gained back 24 pounds. I rejoined WW in August of this year and now attend meetings and have lost 17 pounds. It can be done on your own, or with the meetings, it is all about your level of commitment and the level of support you receive, both are key factors in being a success.

Good luck!
I was going to WW and then my pre paid coupons were all used up and I was going to buy some more and then it hit me. I'm paying WW $12/week when I could be paying myself $12/week. I stopped going to WW but continued the WW Plan - very rarely could I stay for the meeting anyway w/dd1 & dd4.

Anyway, I'm putting the money I pay myself in my savings for our trip in May 07 to WDW - I think right now I have somewhere between $250-$300. On the weeks I lost weight and/or did really good exercising I paid myself $20/week. But as long as I try I don't penalize myself - I still get a minimum of $12. There were 2 week I think I didn't pay myself because I just was not trying at all! I kinda had mentally given up!

Yesterday I just found this site and what a coincedence (sp?) because I had a really lousy week and only exercised once and I was thinking I have got to become more motivated. So I joined the December exercise challenge - it looks like people pick minutes (I'll do that in January) but for December I posted I would try and do cardio 3x/week.

WW can be done w/o the meetings but I think it is harder. I guess it depends upon your support system as well. I'm not the most social person so I didn't really sit and chat w/the others - well I did have dd1 & dd4 w/me so they kept me busy if I attempted to stay for the meeting. Good luck to you.
Hi April!

I just restarted WW this morning, and this time I'm doing it without the meetings or online support. I know that the meetings are helpful to a lot of people, but they didn't do a thing for me. It ended up just being one more obligation that I had to keep...with DS3 in tow. I felt like I was throwing money out the window, so the PP's idea of paying herself sounds like a much better deal to me. I lost weight while on the program, but then I had back surgery and ended up gaining everything I lost back. :rolleyes:

Would love to be buddies! Our starting weights are pretty close, and I've got a whopper of a goal lined up for myself. I can use all the support I can get. PM me, if you're interested.

Good luck!
Angela :)
I can't loose without going to the meetings. No matter how hard I try, I just really must have the "official" WI.

WISH really helps. I find the support here great. Also, you can learn a lot from the WW website when your learning.

I also love This is a great weight loss website. I find this one of the best tools I have.
I would love to have a online friend to do this with! :thumbsup2 I will PM you in the next day or two !!
I've been doing WW solo since Aug of this year and have lost 36 lbs. I started at 209 and I'm at 172.5. I've had motivation (Christmas cruise) but I have a feeling once the cruise is over I'm going to be looking for more support if you want to have another buddy. I would like to lose another 15-20 lbs. I've thought if I don't keep it up I might join the meetings in Jan, but with two young kids they are more of a pain than a help and I didn't really find the topics to be too useful.
Looks like a few of us will be doing WW without meeting or online!!! Let's set up a support system then. I know if I have another person, even online, I will be more motivated!!
My biggest challenge is getting the fruits and veggies in!! So post your tips here!!!
I have a friend who lost 80 pounds on WW and never went to a meeting, nor was she on-line. She borrowed her sister's WW info and did it on her own. Her husband also lost about 50 pounds and they've kept the pounds off for two years now. It is possible.
I haven't been to a meeting in 8 weeks which is when I returned to WWs. I weigh in and then off to the gym. I get more benefit from the gym then from those lame meetings. I've lost 26 lbs in 8 weeks so something is working.
Having just gone through 14 weeks of "at work" WW sessions I don't know. It is the weekly weigh in that seems to keep me motivated. I have lost every week except when I went on a 2 week vacation, but I lost that weight and more within the first 2 weeks back.

It looks like we don't have enough support at work to keep going (need 15 people) so it looks like I will try to go it alone. I'm thinking of having my own weigh in so I can at least keep myself honest. Ask pretty much anyone that goes to the meetings, it is not necessarily the meeting, it is the weigh in that keeps them motivated.

I do go to the weekly weigh ins. I have to as that keeps me motivated. If I knew I only had to check in on the computer once a week then I would keep eating! Knowing I have that way in keeps me in check. I just don't do the meetings.
I sort of follow WW. I can't see paying for something that is pretty much common sense to me. Some of the girls I work with do it too and we try to help each other out. We've had quite a few starts and stops this year but as I see my weight slowly creeping up a few tenths of a lb every few weeks, I have to get serious. Obesity runs in my mom's family and I am not going to have the same problems they have. I'm about the same weight I was when I delivered my DS almost 11 yrs ago :eek: I lost the weight twice and put it back both times.......

I really have to get this under control, I look pg, my clothes; even the big ones, are tight and I am starting to have rolls of back fat. I'm not attractive anymore and that makes me sad.

I'll try to help anyone I can if y'all want to try to get a group going here.
I've done WW online a few times and it has always worked for me. I just can't see paying to lose weight, but I'm not sure how to do it on my own. I remember how many points I should have a day and what a lot of the foods are that I enjoyed eating, but I can't remember the point values for a lot of different foods.
mom0299 said:
I've done WW online a few times and it has always worked for me. I just can't see paying to lose weight, but I'm not sure how to do it on my own. I remember how many points I should have a day and what a lot of the foods are that I enjoyed eating, but I can't remember the point values for a lot of different foods.

For points info look here: Scroll down and there are tons of points and recipe links. I got all my WW info from reading the site and their message boards.
If anyone is intersested in doing WW without meetings or online PM me!! We will help motivate each other and it will work :thumbsup2 !!
Come on ladies!! We can do this!
Right now the plan is to maintain for the next 2 weks. Then on Jan 1st we are going to work on getting the puonds off to see a new you!! WHOO HOO! Come on ladies and join the fun!! :cheer2:
Maybe between now and then we can share recipes?
I will post the WW pinwheel lasagna recipe this afternoon.

So let's share our WW friendly recipes so we have time to get some food preparations together :)


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