Anyone on the February 27th 4 night Wonder?

Thanks, I'm sure we'll have a BLAST! I'm glad we're doing the cruise at the end of the trip that way we can relax after all that craziness at the parks. 3:00 Pomenade Lounge sounds great! Hope to see everyone there!

ps. I hope your DD has the BEST b-day ever! :cake: :bday:
Can't wait till then We are doing 3 days at all the parks we will be driving from Tennessee on 2/22 stopping half way or a little more checking in at our resort on 2/23 package starts 2/24.
Girls :earsgirl: are both excited can't belive it is almost here :cheer2:
I need a good vacation :cool1: ..

See ya soon
Tigeriffic 27
Clarksville Tenn
:hourglass -13 days to go : :jumping1:
So far this is who's interested in the DIS Meeting at Promanade Lounge @ 3:00

Tink11 :cool1:
GavinsMom :cool1:
Chrisn :cool1:
Tigerrific27 :cool1:
rotty :cool1:
akt228 :cool1:

You guys have fun that are doing the parks & things before Cruise time! Don't get too wore out! ;)

Looking forward to meeting everyone!
Promenade lounge 3 PM,we'll be there.I Know I haven't said much but I've been listening.We too are doing the parks for 3 days before the cruise staying at the Carribean beach resort.We are all getting very excited.We got the cabin we requested 5522 category 10 w/secret porthole,looking foreward to seeing you there
Tink 11 - Where did you get a birthday magnet? That is a great idea.

We received our documents last week. I haven't been on here this week as everybody in my family has been sick. I'm just getting over bronchitis. As you can imagine I am so looking forward to some nice weather. I was just telling my husband that two weeks from tonight, we could be by the pool at the Radisson. How cool is that? :earboy2: :Pinkbounc
YEAH, Only two weeks until we fly to Orlando!!! We can't wait to see the BIG DISNEY SHIP!
I had the magnet made by one of the wonderful dis board members. You can use magnetic paper and create your own, but I can barley turn on the computer, so I posted for help. As usual they came through. My daughter will be so surprised! Speaking of my daughter- even though she will be 13, she is mentally impaired with other health problems. So, if you see her having a melt down please forgive her. I'm taking her now as she was unable to cruise in Sept. I think she will cope alot better just traveling with myself and older daughter. She loves to swim, watch movies, loves music, and Disney! The cruise has all of this and no long lines(which makes a cruise better for her than Disney world) She is soooo excited to go. I'm sure she will be fine cause she will be able to do all the things she loves.
Thanks Tink11
It's great that your daughter gets to come this time. I'm sure she will have a blast! You know, we all worry about our kids having a meltdown. I have a feeling they will be so busy that there won't be any time for a meltdown.
I hope to make it to the cruise meet. I sure would like to meet you all! :goodvibes
Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!! :lovestruc :love:
Just checked the weather report for the Bahamas- extended forcast predicts high 70's!! YEAH So looking forward to some warm sunny weather. My kids are off school today due to ice! So glad I don't have to drive anywhere today :) See everyone soon!
oh awesome!
So we pack shorts right!!!
Its so hard to pack when its icy, snowing and freezing outside!! :cold:

Almost there!!!
I had to drive to work today in the nasty weather. I don't think that I am too far from you Tink.
Thinking of being in the Bahamas two weeks from today makes it not seem quite as bad! :sunny:
Almost into single digits whoo hoo!! :Pinkbounc . Chrisn are you packed and ready to go? By your countdown clock you are almost out the door! Have a great time and save some energy for the cruise! Hope to see everyone soon!
I know, LOOK AT MY TIMER! No I'm not packed! Not a stitch of clothing in the suitcases. I have tonight and tomorrow night and that's all she wrote. What the freak have I been doing??? Working, running, cleaning, shopping. Packing has suffered but tonight I HAVE to do it! I will watch American Idol in my bedchamber while I pack LOL! Then I have to take care of the real important stuff like painting toe nails! Please send pixie dust my way to help me along. I'll post a report on my progress either tomorrow or early Thursday. Hopefully I can make everything neat and pretty. Wish me luck! :wizard:
What are your thoughts on what type of clothes to pack?

Looking at the forecasts and printed material that I could find - it doesn't seem like it will be in the 80s when we are cruisin'. (though that's better than freezing in NJ!)

I was thinking of bringing mostly shorts for DD6 and DD4 - but I think that we may need more pants and long-sleeve shirts.

Thinking to much? Maybe I should just let my wife pack! ;)

Thanks for any help

See you all soon...
I'm packing all types of clothing, everything from sweatshirts/sweatpants to shorts & sandals. I really don't know how I'm going to lug all of this around though. I have two bags to check and two bags to carry on..........UGH!
Oh......And a two year old in a stroller!

Can't wait to get onboard and RELAX!!!

I'm already packed and just waiting now! :teeth:
We will be leaving in a week from yesterday.i went shopping for Briana and Kaitlin got Briana some new bathing suits that were on clearance from last summer for 4 and 5 dollars , and Kaitlin a new dress.
We are getting the luggage holder put on are van I am borrowing it from a friend .
Spoke to the teachers they will recieve thier assiments for the week .
I just have to shopping for me.
Well have to get the girls up for school .Talk to you all soon :grouphug: :chat:
We still need to pack, but like everyone else we will bring a variety. Thinking positive thou only bring one pair of jeans and one sweatshirt, if need be they do have laundry services available. Just bring dryer sheets as they don't have them on board. Oh, don't forget to pack two swim suits- who wants to put on a cold wet bathing suit? YUCK!!!! Hoping the water is not too cold we are planning on doing the banana boat ride a C.C.
Ok, here's my 2 cents...
I've been checking the weather daily and its high 70s, so for the many of us up North, that's gonna feel like a heat wave! I'm packing capri's, (shorts+pants=capris) !!! I got plenty of t-shirts, dresses and figure on wearing the jeans and sweatshirt while traveling. I have WAY too many bags, filled with everything from over the door shoe holders to clothespins to duct tape! I have all my documents, and tips, and books and dramamine.... did I forget anything? The passporter packing list is a good guide, Calgons is extensive, I had to buy more luggage!!!

I am packing for DH, otherwise he'll wear the same thing everyday, he still insists he needs no pants, shorts are fine, (he snowblows in shorts), lots of undies, and for DD, who has no idea we are cruizin...!!!

I have this fear I'll be the one on the Ship that forgot my luggage, my family will be dressed to the nines, and I'll be the one wearing the shiny silver duct tape dress at Tritons, and the duct tape swimwear at the goofy pool! It is waterproof right? :rotfl:
I know who's cabin I'll be knocking on if I forget something! ;)

Well, I stayed up till midnight packing and I still didn't get my toes done! I'm about 90% done. Like an idiot, I waited until last night to pull my DS's shorts out of the drawer and of course only one pair out of 6 still fit him so joy, I have to run and buy shorts on my lunch break, pay bills at the mall, get money from the bank, cut hubby's hair, find DD who is 17 today some walking sandals, finish packing and paint my freakin toes! Then double joy, I have to get up at 12:01 am and print SWA airline boarding passes! Can ya tell I'm beggin for sympathy here? Pretty pathetic when I'm fortunate enough to be able to vacation like this! It's soooooo exciting! :goodvibes

By the way, I packed a little of everything. Jeans, capris, shorts, hoodies, drawstrings (my favorite!), etc. And I'm very proud of myself because I packed only half of what I usually do but still ended up with the same amount of luggage. How does that happen?!

It's almost neat and pretty!
My fear is I'll forget my tickets or Gasp! the most inportant thing-Money! I have nightmares about this. I only take one credit card to use while I'm gone so if I lose my purse, I'll only have to cancel one.
I need to get in gear and go through the summer clothes, to make sure they all still fit, or I'll be running to the mall for new ones(why does winter tend to make us gain weight?) :confused3
If I know me, I'll be packing on Friday night and wondering why I didn't do it ahead of time!


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