Aprincess72 Wedding TR! SBP/Raglan Road/Illuminations DP -Complete! Photo link added!

Everything looks gorgeous...more pics, more pics! You looked beautiful, the bridesmaid dress is so beautiful, the flowers, ahh...I could go on and on. thank you for posting the pic of the cake server for those of us who are not at the point where we've been able to order that kind of stuff yet. How cool that they gave you two bouquets! Can't wait for more. Keep it coming!
I had really been praying for a cold front! We had a cold front two weeks before the wedding so I was really hopeful! DF and I took a little WDW trip during the cold front and it was so nice! Of course this week it’s about 12 degrees warmer than the April averages! Its 90 degrees out on wedding day! I feel bad for the guys in their tuxes & suits but there is just no ventilation under my dress! UGH! I’ve never been so miserable hot in my life! I can’t imagine how those getting married outside in August & September can do this!

Well we’re off! I have not been nervous this entire time and now I’m nervous that I should be more nervous! I am worried about sweating all my makeup off in this heat!

Let me just roll back a second and explain how they run this show for any of you who are wondering! Mine was an intimate wedding.
They pick up the groom and his party about 45 minutes prior to your ceremony. The groom arrives at the BW and meets your WP in the lobby. She has the flowers ready and the photographer should be there. The groom should get some shots in the lobby and then they send him and his party on down to SBP. Brides get picked up about 30 minutes before the ceremony or in my case 15 since I was late! You meet your WP in the lobby and she gets everyone hooked up with the flowers. We should have had time for some shots there but since we were late we missed most of that! There’s a nice shot of us walking down the boardwalk in my Disney photo site which I will share soon!

Walking toward SBP I am trying not to get my heels stuck in the boardwalk.
Next to impossible I must say! I suggest considering wedge heels for any of you ladies getting married there! I was wearing heels for the ceremony but I bought sketchers for the rest of the day!
They hold us at the end of the entrance to SBP for what seemed like forever! It was kind of cute because I could see my soon to be husband in the distance. I also think this is only one of two times I actually heard the violinist! You spend so much time picking out music but I swear I barely remember it at all!

Here we are getting ready to go!

I don’t think he could hear me but I yelled at DF to stay right where he was! You see all this time we have had a running joke that he thought he could make it over the railing if he needed to escape! When I say “make it” I mean before my dad, the retired cop who takes his gun to church, could shoot! It took a long time for my dad to warm up to DF. He finally started to warm up to him at our engagement party when he met FILs. Keep in mind we dated almost 5 years! Lol

I hear the violinist start to play “When You Wish Upon a Star” which is MOHs queue to go. Jennifer tells her it’s time and off she goes! I’m so glad we picked the dress out for her that we did. She looks smashing!
My song was “Once Upon a Dream” but I don’t recall hearing it. I know music was playing but everything starts to become a blur at this point!


It doesn’t look like DF is going to try and make a break for it so I tell my dad he can go ahead and holster his weapon!

We walk up and the minister does the whole “who gives this woman…” thing. My dad just says “I do” but I really expected there to be a FINALLY in there somewhere! I’ll be 35 in two months and I think my parents thought I would never get married. My dad has resigned to calling my dogs his “granddogs” because he thinks that’s all he’s getting!

Here we are getting hitched:

It’s really a blur because in some ways it felt like the minister was rambling and there were times DF and I made eye contact with the ok ok let’s get on with it look. Not to mention I was miserable hot under that dress! My heels also kept getting stuck in between the boards.

I had some memorial flowers in a chair for my grandmother. I truly believe my grandmother was my soulmate so it was very difficult not having her with me for my wedding. No more so than her not being here every day though really. I also had the violinist play “Second Star to the Right” as a tribute song during the ceremony. I can’t believe I didn’t choke during the song! Honestly I think the heat and trying to get my heel unstuck distracted me enough to hold it together.

When it came time to start the vows, Jim did great. I almost cracked! I’m a big sap so all this time I have been thinking I wouldn’t be able to get through it. I choked at first but then I was able to get through it.
There were several funny vows that I had asked our minister to use but he didn’t. We had a hard time getting in touch with him before the ceremony. I had a conversation with him that was like being in the twilight zone. I had a feeling he didn’t listen to anything I was saying so I followed it up with everything in an email. Guess that didn’t work either.

Luckily he did use the bobble head ceremony we had written. We opted out of the unity thing because it really doesn’t fit our personalities. I was asking my WP one day if she had seen any creative things that could replace that. She gave me one idea that led me to think of the bobble heads. DH is a big bobble collector and we had seen the wedding ones and considered what we could do with them. When I approached him with the idea he really liked it. So we wrote something and asked the minister to read it in a serious tone. I think he elaborated a bit during the actual ceremony but here is what we wrote:

Two individual bobble heads stand alone. They represent Jim and Amber’s lives up to this moment. They are two distinct pieces with their own individuality. To symbolize the love, happiness, and humor in their home they will merge these together into one.
<click together kissing bobbles>
Now they are joined together as one and shall represent the commitment they have to one another and a lifelong journey together.

The wedding bobble heads are magnetic so they make a nice clicking noise when you put them together. It was cute and everyone was laughing hysterically. I’m glad we did it because out of the whole ceremony it fit us the best.

Our recessional song was “Hakuna Matata” but I don’t remember hearing it either. DH says he did but I guess I was thinking about other things!
At this point everything really just becomes one big photo session. I did not feel like I had time to enjoy the cake cutting, the toast, and all the other little things because it was mostly setting up for photos. I really wish I had paid for another hour of photography like I originally planned. Although I think DH would have killed me.

We gave all of our guest Mickey ears because we wanted a picture with everyone in their ears. I thought people would just put the on for the picture but I was shocked at how quickly people started putting them on! It was very cute! Almost everyone wore them the entire time. I loved it!

Here are some more pics:

The standard cake - mine chocolate with strawerry! YUM

Bobble heads unite!

Us getting the you know whats...

Us being dramatic:


Not the professional everyone in Mickey hat pic..
I asked Rosie & Jennifer to warn the photographer ahead of time that my mom thinks she's a photographer. She also doesn't really think about what anyone else is doing. So I knew she was going to get in the photographers way. In retrospect I should have had a talk with my mother about this ahead of time. She really wasted a lot of our paid photography time! Our Disney photographer was incredibly patient with her I must say.

Here are more pictures:





My rings are my great grandmother's mounts on new bands with Jim's grandmother's diamond. His band is made from the gold of my grandfather's original wedding band, my great grandmother's band, and his grandmother's pendant.

Hidden Mickey's on my veil:

Notice DH's bouquet... lol

One of my favorite guest pictures... my grampa kickin' back some champagne!

My brother & me

The wedding party

Us playing on the boardwalk:

First of all, I LOVE your dress - it's so pretty and you look beautiful in it!!! :bride: I also think it's SOOO cute that you had everyone take pics w/ Mickey ears! :earsboy: Priceless! Your pictures are awesome, thanks so much for taking the time to post! I'm an Intimate getting married at SBP also and it helps seeing some of those up-close pics - and the cake looks so much nicer than the pic they have on the DFTW website (thank God!) :goodvibes
I can't wait to see/read more!!! :hyper:
First of all, I LOVE your dress - it's so pretty and you look beautiful in it!!! :bride: I also think it's SOOO cute that you had everyone take pics w/ Mickey ears! :earsboy: Priceless! Your pictures are awesome, thanks so much for taking the time to post! I'm an Intimate getting married at SBP also and it helps seeing some of those up-close pics - and the cake looks so much nicer than the pic they have on the DFTW website (thank God!) :goodvibes
I can't wait to see/read more!!! :hyper:

Thanks Mary!
Your wedding will be awesome because you have an awesome planner!
One other question (for the moment ;) ):
How did you get the Mickey's on your veil???? Did you do it yourself? I want a simple white veil (I just bought one from Target online -we'll see how it looks) and was hoping to somehow add Mickey's to it......
Yours looks beautiful!!! :thumbsup2
I love the Mickey topiaries in the background of one of your pics at SBP...did you specifically ask for those? Soo cute! You two looked like you had soo much fun, and obviously are a super fun couple.

You looked amazing. I love your rings, and the hidden mickeys on your veil. The picture of your grampa is very funny. DF and I laughed so hard when we were going through your pics. Everything is great! Keep it coming!
this is such a great TR!!! thanks for all the tips especially the one about giving yourself plenty of time... I hate feeling rushed and maybe you're right, I should really think about the timing of everything.

your dress is gorgeous and you look so amazing in it!!!

and wow, now I'm even MORE worried about the temperature in September.. it's going to be wicked hot and hopefully my dress will be somewhat cooler.. that's sorta why I didn't want such a big, traditional dress.

keep the TR coming! i'm loving it!

ps, I'll be 31 on my wedding day! let's hear it for older brides! haha
loving the TR, you look like you're having so much fun! you really dont look 35, i'd have said mid to late 20s.
cant wait to hear more, did you have disney photography or an outside vendor?
Love all the pictures! You look absolutely gorgeous... I love the dress and the flowers.... I didn't even think of the whole getting heels stuck in the boardwalk thing! Thanks for bringing that up! Can't wait to hear more... lol love the pic of gramps drinking champagne... looks like he.. and everyone.. had a great time! :goodvibes
your TR sent shivers down my spine...everything looks so lovely! and your gown - absolutely gorgeous!! all your photos are superb, especially the whole gang in ears but I truly love the last one of the two of you on the Boardwalk:goodvibes

I can't wait for my wedding day!! I mean, the absolute best part is that this man is now your husband!! everything else is just icing on the cake ( sorry for the pun)!

wishing the two of you a happy, happy life together.....so now I'm ready for the next chapter of your TR- keep it coming! :rotfl:

I LOVE your TR!!! I could not hear my music either!!! I heard the first part of Canon in D for my entrance (maybe the first 15 seconds) and that was it. I made myself listen to my recessional and I even danced a little. But the whole ceremony was a blur. Hopefully your pictures will bring it all back to you:)

I sweat the whole day too...my guest did not understand how hot it got under that dress :scared:

You looked beautiful. Thank you for sharing!
One other question (for the moment ;) ):
How did you get the Mickey's on your veil???? Did you do it yourself? I want a simple white veil (I just bought one from Target online -we'll see how it looks) and was hoping to somehow add Mickey's to it......
Yours looks beautiful!!! :thumbsup2

My mom makes jewelry as a hobby so she had some swarovski crystals that she glued on to my veil. There is also one on my dress! She did a great job and also made me some awesome Mickey earrings to match!
I love the Mickey topiaries in the background of one of your pics at SBP...did you specifically ask for those? Soo cute! You two looked like you had soo much fun, and obviously are a super fun couple.

You looked amazing. I love your rings, and the hidden mickeys on your veil. The picture of your grampa is very funny. DF and I laughed so hard when we were going through your pics. Everything is great! Keep it coming!

At the beginning of wedding planning my mom was driving me nuts so I decided to give her a job to get her off my case! I asked her to make some Mickey topiaries for the wedding. She got carried away but they came out awesome! She also made mini topiaries as favors for all the ladies!
this is such a great TR!!! thanks for all the tips especially the one about giving yourself plenty of time... I hate feeling rushed and maybe you're right, I should really think about the timing of everything.

your dress is gorgeous and you look so amazing in it!!!

and wow, now I'm even MORE worried about the temperature in September.. it's going to be wicked hot and hopefully my dress will be somewhat cooler.. that's sorta why I didn't want such a big, traditional dress.

keep the TR coming! i'm loving it!

ps, I'll be 31 on my wedding day! let's hear it for older brides! haha

Thanks! I really wish i hadn't been so rushed!

Originally I was looking for a tea length dress and then the girl at the bridal shop said that would make me look shorter next to my already super tall husband. I tried on a few but she was right!
I told the girl at the shop I didn't want anything strapless or poofy. I would have gotten married in jeans and a Mickey Mouse t-shirt if I thought I could get away with it I tried on about 12 other dresses when she suggested I try that one on. Well darn if she wasn't right about the dress. After that I didn't like anything else!!!

On a side note... My only beef about the dress was the alterations. I never noticed until I saw the pictures that when the seamstress took it in on the side she didn't taper it down far enough. If you look in some of the pictures you will see where it puckered! GRRR! I guess it's just another reason to start planning my vow renewal... lol

I'm so glad I waited until after 30! It was worth it!!!
loving the TR, you look like you're having so much fun! you really dont look 35, i'd have said mid to late 20s.
cant wait to hear more, did you have disney photography or an outside vendor?

Thank you thank you! The check is in the mail....lol

I used Disney photography. All of the pics I have posted were taken by my mom or my MIL.
I'll post my Disney photos soon!
You look gorgeous! I hope I look half as pretty as you on my big day...

And by the way, I LOVE your hair! It looks so romantic & natural.:flower3:


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