Are people at DLR really that rude?

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I wonder how much of the marijuana that people on this board say they have seen or smelled in the parks can actually be attributed to medicinal purposes? It seems likely to me that people who DO use it for medicinal purposes are not lighting up in Disneyland!

If it's not rude people, it's pot. So, what can we do to change your pessimistic views of Disneyland? Dress in drag and do the hula? :rotfl:
It seems likely to me that people who DO use it for medicinal purposes are not lighting up in Disneyland!

Four things I could talk about all day: Cannabis issues, Disneyland, Cruising and the Foster Care system. Not necessarily in that order. And I've still never smelled burning cannabis in the parks.

I did just remember a gesture from my last trip that could have been considered rude. I was coming back to Disneyland from the hotel just as DCA finished with WOC, crowds were starting to pour into Disneyland. As I was walking up to the turn style line, this lady came up behind me and tapped me on shoulder and as I slowed and turned around to look she walked around and past me to rush up in front of me in line. I laughed, I thought her strategy was brilliant and I was way too delighted with Disney to in any way think negative about the experience. :cloud9:
And I've still never smelled burning cannabis in the parks.

As I was walking up to the turn style line, this lady came up behind me and tapped me on shoulder and as I slowed and turned around to look she walked around and past me to rush up in front of me in line. I laughed, I thought her strategy was brilliant and I was way too delighted with Disney to in any way think negative about the experience. :cloud9:

I have neither smelled it there either.

Hahahahaha. That is funny. I have never even heard of such a thing. It would have had me laughing so hard that more people probably would have gotten around me.:rotfl2:
If it's not rude people, it's pot. So, what can we do to change your pessimistic views of Disneyland? Dress in drag and do the hula? :rotfl:

I'm sorry if this is the impression you've gotten of me. I've not BEEN to DLR yet, so I don't have ANY view at all yet, let alone a pessimistic one.

I've simply stated that in planning for my trip, I've come across MANY, MANY posts in various threads here on this board where others who HAVE been there have commented on physical altercations in the park, line jumping, rude behavior, and pot smoking. I will form my OWN opinion when I visit next week.

I chose Disney because I prefer a family-oriented vacation. The reports of so many people on these boards simply caused me to ask whether I should adjust my expectations for DLR compared to my previous Disney experiences.

If you want to dress in drag and do the hula, by all means, be my guest. :thumbsup2 You might be surprised to learn that my views are actually quite liberal. I have nothing against those who choose to dress in drag. I'm from Iowa where gay marriage is legal and I quite support that. I would have no problem taking my children to Disney (land or world) right in the middle of Gay Days. However, illegal drug use around children in a family theme park is something I do not support. I don't feel that makes me "pessimistic".
I've simply stated that in planning for my trip, I've come across MANY, MANY posts in various threads here on this board where others who HAVE been there have commented on physical altercations in the park, line jumping, rude behavior, and pot smoking".

See, your version of MANY MANY posts is my version of "eh, there have been a few that have complained....". People like to complain. More often than not people have a great time at Disneyland and don't post anything at all. Everything goes in waves here--you will see a few (and certainly not MANY MANY) posts about rude people, pot smoking and line jumping....and then the next month it will be about how "X Hotel is terrible". All of a sudden you get a few people jumping on the hatred of X Hotel, then that blows over and it is off to the next topic.

I think you can easily find the same complaints on the WDW board (I know I have in the past)--but I tend to take all that with a grain of salt. Both WDW and DL are known for being very family friendly vacations and the vast majority of people who go there are decent people out to enjoy the parks.

I hope you have a great time!:goodvibes
I'm sorry if this is the impression you've gotten of me. I've not BEEN to DLR yet, so I don't have ANY view at all yet, let alone a pessimistic one.

I've simply stated that in planning for my trip, I've come across MANY, MANY posts in various threads here on this board where others who HAVE been there have commented on physical altercations in the park, line jumping, rude behavior, and pot smoking. I will form my OWN opinion when I visit next week.

I chose Disney because I prefer a family-oriented vacation. The reports of so many people on these boards simply caused me to ask whether I should adjust my expectations for DLR compared to my previous Disney experiences.

If you want to dress in drag and do the hula, by all means, be my guest. :thumbsup2 You might be surprised to learn that my views are actually quite liberal. I have nothing against those who choose to dress in drag. I'm from Iowa where gay marriage is legal and I quite support that. I would have no problem taking my children to Disney (land or world) right in the middle of Gay Days. However, illegal drug use around children in a family theme park is something I do not support. I don't feel that makes me "pessimistic".

I find that people who obsess over the 1% miss a lot of the 99%. You're committed to the opinions of what *some* people report on the boards without taking their whole reviews, or the feedback of us regulars, in total context. Even the one recent TR that complained about a rude experience still said she had a fabulous time. The way you filter down for the bad and require extra justification for the good, that's a pessimistic attitude even if you don't own up to it.

I used to be a regular at WDW and I can tell you that it's as rude there as here. Does that help?

About dress in drag and do the dear that went right over your head.
I figured since you're a Disney fan you would have caught my hula joke. Obviously, The Lion King is not in your frequent rotation. lol...... ;)

The Hula Song
I find that people who obsess over the 1% miss a lot of the 99%. You're committed to the opinions of what *some* people report on the boards without taking their whole reviews, or the feedback of us regulars, in total context. Even the one recent TR that complained about a rude experience still said she had a fabulous time. The way you filter down for the bad and require extra justification for the good, that's a pessimistic attitude even if you don't own up to it.

I used to be a regular at WDW and I can tell you that it's as rude there as here. Does that help?

About dress in drag and do the dear that went right over your head.
I figured since you're a Disney fan you would have caught my hula joke. Obviously, The Lion King is not in your frequent rotation. lol...... ;)

The Hula Song

<sigh> Alright, I call "uncle". With your post, I am now officially done with this thread.

I don't know yet what I'll find when I go to Disneyland as far as rude people go, but I sure know what I found in YOUR responses. In my opinion, being patronizing and name calling is rude.
I find that people who obsess over the 1% miss a lot of the 99%. You're committed to the opinions of what *some* people report on the boards without taking their whole reviews, or the feedback of us regulars, in total context. Even the one recent TR that complained about a rude experience still said she had a fabulous time.

Yep, that was me (and I'll clarify your statement by stating that I was "sharing" my experience..not "complaining" about it)...and although we actually encountered our worst experience at DLR to date on this most recent visit...we also had some of the best experiences to date, as well.

Plus, I really think that one really insane experience on that one afternoon was (hopefully) a fluke, and that the vast, vast majority of DLR guests will not have to deal with a similar situation.

All things combined...I'll be honest and say that I feel the quality of the experience has diminished in the opinions of my family members and myself - to the point that we are going to focus on non-Disney vacations for probably a really long time.

I don't search out the negative in others, and I really wanted very much to have an outstanding, happy DLR visit. So, it's not that I'm dwelling on the much as I'm taking it into account in regards to the overall experience..which, like I said, has diminished enough over the last several years in comparison to earlier years, that we don't really have a desire to go back.

There are most definitely rude people at Disneyland...and as others have stated, there are rude people almost anywhere any of us go, such as the mall, the park, the movie theater, etc. I guess the difference for me personally, is that I didn't have to fork out thousands of dollars, and waste half of my husband's vacation time for the year to visit those other it doesn't phase me when those experiences are overshadowed by the rudeness of others. In my own opinion (which means nothing in the big scheme of things, lol...), when I put a lot of money/time/effort into a Disney trip, I want a better experience out of it than we've gotten during our visits over the past 4 years. I don't regret that we went...I just am not willing to sacrifice that much money/time/energy for that same experience anymore.
<sigh> Alright, I call "uncle". With your post, I am now officially done with this thread.

I don't know yet what I'll find when I go to Disneyland as far as rude people go, but I sure know what I found in YOUR responses. In my opinion, being patronizing and name calling is rude.

Seriously, if all you're going to do is obsess over the possibility of a rude person or the incredibly remote possibility of smelling pot, don't go. I'll be more than happy to take your place.

If you think that people are nicer at WDW, go there. Personally I don't think that's true. I've been to both resorts, and found far more rude people in WDW than at DLR. I related one incident earlier in the thread, and really that woman wasn't even intentionally rude, just clueless about the needs of her child and how it affected the people around him. I was at DLR for 3 days and have one incident to relay. In February I was at WDW for 8 days, and have at least one story of rudeness for every day we were there, from line jumping to blocking my daughter's exit from the hot tub to nearly being run over in line for breakfast by teenagers who had no adult supervision in sight... I could go on. But why? It didn't ruin my vacation, neither did the woman in line at PoTC. My vacation is mine to enjoy, not anyone else's to screw up.

You've been told repeatedly by veterans of both parks that there is nothing to worry about. It seems to me as if you just want to have something to complain about. If that's the case, you won't enjoy your vacation. Best just hand over all of your confirmation numbers to me now. I got back 4 hours ago, but I will definitely take one for the team and go again in your place.
Seriously, if all you're going to do is obsess over the possibility of a rude person or the incredibly remote possibility of smelling pot, don't go. I'll be more than happy to take your place.

If you think that people are nicer at WDW, go there. Personally I don't think that's true. I've been to both resorts, and found far more rude people in WDW than at DLR. I related one incident earlier in the thread, and really that woman wasn't even intentionally rude, just clueless about the needs of her child and how it affected the people around him. I was at DLR for 3 days and have one incident to relay. In February I was at WDW for 8 days, and have at least one story of rudeness for every day we were there, from line jumping to blocking my daughter's exit from the hot tub to nearly being run over in line for breakfast by teenagers who had no adult supervision in sight... I could go on. But why? It didn't ruin my vacation, neither did the woman in line at PoTC. My vacation is mine to enjoy, not anyone else's to screw up.

You've been told repeatedly by veterans of both parks that there is nothing to worry about. It seems to me as if you just want to have something to complain about. If that's the case, you won't enjoy your vacation. Best just hand over all of your confirmation numbers to me now. I got back 4 hours ago, but I will definitely take one for the team and go again in your place.

If you are trying to convince me that most people at DLR aren't rude, posting rude replies to me on this board, is not the answer.

Have you actually READ all of my posts prior to this? If you had, I am finding it hard to see how you classify them as "obsessing" or "complaining"? Initially, I ASKED a question based on posts I had seen on this board about rude behavior. My ONLY responses to the people who replied to that post were to state my opinion that I do not agree with pot smoking in a Disney park--whether that be Disneyland OR DisneyWorld. I stand by that. If you had actually READ all of my posts, I think you would have seen that I said several times that I have always had very good travel experiences, and fully intend to this time as well.

Honestly, I am really baffled as to why a 2 or 3 posters on this thread seem to think it would be helpful to reply in a critical and RUDE way? I have now been called "pessimistic", "obsessive", and a "complainer".

In the 6 years I've been a member of these boards, I have NEVER responded to ANYONE in a rude way. If I didn't agree with them, I simply posted NOTHING, because it is RUDE to respond to someone as a few of you have responded. I find that quite ironic in a thread about rude behavior.
We're headed out in just more than a week for our first trip to California and DLR. I've done a fair amount of traveling and always had good experiences, but I've been especially impressed with our Disney experiences. On both of our 2 trips to WDW and our Disney cruise, the CMs and just the people in general were so NICE and friendly.

People offered to table share with us in crowded restaurants, people struck up conversations with us in long lines, people shared fast passes they didn't need, etc.

In planning our Cali/DLR trip, I've spent a significant amount of time on the Disneyland section of the disboards, and it seems I've come across NUMEROUS posts where people talk about how rude and terrible people at DLR are--including the CMs! There is talk of line-jumpers, drinking and pot smoking IN the parks, fist-fights or near fights, etc. It's all making me a bit nervous.:confused:

So what do you think? Is the experience at DLR just different? Do I need to change my expectations compared to WDW?

While it's understandable that you may be nervous traveling to new places, starting a thread like this is bound to ruffle a few feathers. Over the year I've been checking out the disboards, I've noticed that comparing WDW and DLR negatively always upsets people. Especially when it's not even coming from an actual experience, but rather a perceived worry.

Also, therapeutic cannabis is very touchy subject in our state, because there are, in fact, very ill people caught in the crosshairs of the debate. As anyone that has lost or watched a love one suffer through illness and saw them greatly benefit from it, I can tell you this is just not something that's easy to swallow someone patronizing on any board, Disney or otherwise.

I wonder how much of the marijuana that people on this board say they have seen or smelled in the parks can actually be attributed to medicinal purposes? It seems likely to me that people who DO use it for medicinal purposes are not lighting up in Disneyland!

I'm sure you didn't mean to be hurtful but making broad assumptions about something like this when you have been told repeatedly that it almost never occurs, just frustrates people that already feel you've called their home park rude. I don't think you really meant to do that, it just escalated.

I think you'll find that Disneyland visitors are generally a lovely, happy bunch of people and I'm sure you'll find that visitors and CMs still do all the kind and magical things you've seen before, you just have to let it in. :grouphug:
While it's understandable that you may be nervous traveling to new places, starting a thread like this is bound to ruffle a few feathers. Over the year I've been checking out the disboards, I've noticed that comparing WDW and DLR negatively always upsets people. Especially when it's not even coming from an actual experience, but rather a perceived worry.

Also, therapeutic cannabis is very touchy subject in our state, because there are, in fact, very ill people caught in the crosshairs of the debate. As anyone that has lost or watched a love one suffer through illness and saw them greatly benefit from it, I can tell you this is just not something that's easy to swallow someone patronizing on any board, Disney or otherwise.

I'm sure you didn't mean to be hurtful but making broad assumptions about something like this when you have been told repeatedly that it almost never occurs, just frustrates people that already feel you've called their home park rude. I don't think you really meant to do that, it just escalated.

I think you'll find that Disneyland visitors are generally a lovely, happy bunch of people and I'm sure you'll find that visitors and CMs still do all the kind and magical things you've seen before, you just have to let it in. :grouphug:
OK, I think Tink here does a good summary. As I said earlier, I have been going to DLR for 45 years and have never seen pot of any kind. I do not venture into the smoking areas because I do not like it. Maybe if I did I would smell it there.

As for rude people, there are threads a mile long on the WDW forum about the BTGs - Brazilian Tour Groups - that people claim repeatedly are extraordinarily rude. I have never encountered one so I cannot say. From what I read it is way more of an issue than anything I have seen in this thread about DLR rudeness.

I think the PP is beating a dead horse. I have taken my children to DLR since they were tots and they are now in college and high school. What the PP seems so worried about has just never been an issue for us over many trips. This is really making a mountain out of a molehill. It is like someone who has never been to WDW reading about the BTGs and becoming fixated on that and missing everything else that is great about WDW.

The vast majority of people at DLR and WDW are there to have fun and as a result have fun attitudes because they are excited to be there.

Also, therapeutic cannabis is very touchy subject in our state, because there are, in fact, very ill people caught in the crosshairs of the debate. As anyone that has lost or watched a love one suffer through illness and saw them greatly benefit from it, I can tell you this is just not something that's easy to swallow someone patronizing on any board, Disney or otherwise.
I really wish I could hug you right now, thank you for standing up and framing this issue in the realistic way we are facing throughout the MM community. On my last Disney trip, we came back home April 29th and I checked my messages to find that my long time girlfriend had passed away in her sleep just a few hours earlier. She was a lung and brain cancer survivor that had recently found out that the Cancer had come back but she hadn't told any of us, she was simply just done and she left. She was a warrior fighter for MM & Civil Rights issues and one of the most graceful, compassionate and courteous people that I've ever met. :grouphug: :love:
Thanks, HydroGuy, for your words of wisdom.
Let's all just focus on having fun at DL.
I've only read the first page (I assumed this would be a bickering thread and I am not into that) but I wanted to give my opinion. I am a WDW regular, been there about once a year for the past 4 years and this was my first trip to DL.

With that said, my DL experience was amazing. At WDW, there is usually one person/group or more who sours the trip just a bit. But at DL, everyone seemed very nice and friendly. I had a little girl jump in front of me when I was entering a ride queue, her mother made her apologize and I said it was all right and they could go ahead if they wanted, i could tell the girl was excited, so we had a nice little talk in the line.

I actually talked to a lot of random strangers (which I usually do not do in WDW) and everyone was super nice.

I was even there for the first grad night and for the most part the teenagers I saw were excited and mostly well behaved. There were one or two bad groups, but hey, I was an annoying teenager at one point in my life.

I am not sure if it is the Florida heat that drives more people to rudeness, maybe I just got lucky in the time/people around me in DL, but like I said my overall experience with other people's manners was much more positive in DL.
If you are trying to convince me that most people at DLR aren't rude, posting rude replies to me on this board, is not the answer.

Have you actually READ all of my posts prior to this? If you had, I am finding it hard to see how you classify them as "obsessing" or "complaining"? Initially, I ASKED a question based on posts I had seen on this board about rude behavior. My ONLY responses to the people who replied to that post were to state my opinion that I do not agree with pot smoking in a Disney park--whether that be Disneyland OR DisneyWorld. I stand by that. If you had actually READ all of my posts, I think you would have seen that I said several times that I have always had very good travel experiences, and fully intend to this time as well.

Honestly, I am really baffled as to why a 2 or 3 posters on this thread seem to think it would be helpful to reply in a critical and RUDE way? I have now been called "pessimistic", "obsessive", and a "complainer".

In the 6 years I've been a member of these boards, I have NEVER responded to ANYONE in a rude way. If I didn't agree with them, I simply posted NOTHING, because it is RUDE to respond to someone as a few of you have responded. I find that quite ironic in a thread about rude behavior.

Seriously, if you don't see how rude you have been here, you're never going to get it. You can send me a private message with those confirmation numbers whenever you're ready and I'll send you my address. My daughter could use some Disney time right about now.
#1 it is not legal to smoke pot anywhere in the usa.
despite california's "decriminalization" of cannibas it is still illegal.
if you have MM you may use it but it is still illegal.
the disney properties are not "public" places they are private property, it is illegal to smoke pot in DLR. PLEASE PLEASE QUIT FEEDING ILLEGITIMATE INFO TO PEOPLE. ANY IDIOT WHO SMOKES ANY ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE IN DLR SHOULD BE REMOVED. IF YOU ARE ON MM THEN GO TO YOUR CAR OR BACK TO YOUR HOTEL GEEZ PEOPLE. The replies on this thread are crazy. i have never been to WDW but yes there are rude, hateful inconsiderate people every day at DLR. JUST DON'T LET THEM GET TO YOU. GRAD nights, any time there is an AP event and sundays seem to be the worst, lots of self entitled people who just don't care about anyone else. but... it is still DISNEYLAND. I have been going to DL since 1967, i have made hundreds of trips..the only time i have seen any problems (since the bad old days of the "70's") are over the last couple of years. with the increase of AP holders who let their children run wild in the park.
just for your info i'm an avowed cannibas user and MM advocate, but would never think of using in DLR...if you think this is an ok thing to do then please go to Knotts or Magic mountain..i'm sure they would love to see you.
just keep your focus on your family and if you witness anything untoward then report it to a CM.
#1 it is not legal to smoke pot anywhere in the usa.
despite california's "decriminalization" of cannibas it is still illegal.
if you have MM you may use it but it is still illegal.
the disney properties are not "public" places they are private property, it is illegal to smoke pot in DLR. PLEASE PLEASE QUIT FEEDING ILLEGITIMATE INFO TO PEOPLE. ANY IDIOT WHO SMOKES ANY ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE IN DLR SHOULD BE REMOVED. IF YOU ARE ON MM THEN GO TO YOUR CAR OR BACK TO YOUR HOTEL GEEZ PEOPLE. The replies on this thread are crazy. i have never been to WDW but yes there are rude, hateful inconsiderate people every day at DLR. JUST DON'T LET THEM GET TO YOU. GRAD nights, any time there is an AP event and sundays seem to be the worst, lots of self entitled people who just don't care about anyone else. but... it is still DISNEYLAND. I have been going to DL since 1967, i have made hundreds of trips..the only time i have seen any problems (since the bad old days of the "70's") are over the last couple of years. with the increase of AP holders who let their children run wild in the park.
just for your info i'm an avowed cannibas user and MM advocate, but would never think of using in DLR...if you think this is an ok thing to do then please go to Knotts or Magic mountain..i'm sure they would love to see you.
just keep your focus on your family and if you witness anything untoward then report it to a CM.
Yes!!! :thumbsup2
I would have said the opposite based on our experiences.....hotel staff at WDW Poly were so rude to another family while the club lounge was packed and we all watched - made them leave to get room keys for everyone in their party before they could feed their kids (which they did, promptly and received no apology), a balloon seller on mainstreet USA snapped at my 4yo to "just hurry up and pick a balloon, I don't have all night" and other small stuff like that. We just kept saying to each other - I guess all the magic is at Disneyland! I think that both places are capable of creating or destroying magic - it all comes down to individuals. You will have a great time I'm sure!
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