Are we finally sailing? The Disney Difference Sep/Oct 2016 it's a wrap!

I've heard the term used by South Africans in Australia.

'That's a great twin to have!!!

What awesome scores! I LOVE your Cog and Lumiere and little Lumiere.

And how awesome that Jo managed to get Disney magic to work.

Thank you! Jo is a diamond that is for sure.

Jo is going to kill me.....but I love the handbag. It brings a smile to my face.

I know right! How can you not love that red minnie bag? :lovestruc
I have been remiss as a friend. It took me nearly a week to find this. I am glad that I found it now and I am all caught up.

Disney did not have to do this. We were out of the cancellation window. We were thrilled.

That was nice of Disney to do, but this is what makes them so special.

Whilst we were away we were having some new kitchen flooring replaced.

It is great that you were able to have this done during the trip.

He is to fall very ill during our trip.

Oh no.

Jo's expression was priceless.

I can imagine this. I am actually surprised that this never happened to me. I usually have a small tube of hand cream, lip balm, hand sanitizer, etc. in my handbag. As my handbags could double as a suitcase, it would not surprise me if at some stage I overlooked one. I would never live this down though considering I work for an airline.

Stealing items whilst you fight on life support...

That seriously stinks.

What I liked is a button changes the time zone so I can have it on NY time or London.

That is such a neat feature.

I watched the movie Jungle Book twice which I thought was amazing.

Thanks for the tip. I have to add this to our movie rental list.

The week before I had my feed tube removed I had in for 6 months.

That was perfect timing.

I have a goal on this vacation to gain lots of kilos!

I hope you achieved your goal.

All Star Movies is cute.

I would not mind staying there myself. We surprisingly liked All Star Music last year.

I'm afraid they will be overrun with screaming kids.

That was our fear last year, but honestly, the opposite was true.

Anyone travelling west knows that bing! early morning waking feeling.

I am hoping to avoid this pleasure this year considering that we we gain the hours one at a time.

Jo wasn't happy that the mugs now don't have handles

I am not too sure what to make of this either.

I conclude they should offer both options.

That would be nice.

He said $5 so bargain snapped ( excuse the pun ) in went Gator into our cart!

That really is a bargain. I am glad he found a good home.

Jo took me on a detour to Pandora and got me this amazing surprise birthday gift of a bracelet and some charms. I was over the Disney moon...

I love your bracelet.

We had lunch at Earl of Sandwich. One of our favourites.

This is quickly becoming mine, too. I may be forced to have dinner there tomorrow.

we were set to see some friends we had meet at Animal Kingdom club lounge 3 years before and stayed in touch. It was lucky we were all there at the same time again.

How nice that your trips overlapped.

We then chatted and they gave me a lovely birthday gift of a Star Wars magic band..

That looks cool.

Why must I always be a beaver lol!

For me being a beaver is a result. I love this ride, but I am useless at it.

It is double the points though. It was a big mistake. Never upgrade... It's hard to go back.

Whenever I see the points it takes, this makes the decision an easy one for me, but then again, we only have one smallish contract.

Jo said she liked the one bed and extra space but would probably not use the points again.

That was our sentiment when we stayed in a one bedroom at Old Key West.

She would u turn by the end of the week.

It is probably a good job that we only had one night of this.

t is a warm cinnamon bun that is covered in icing.

Oh, I have to take Graham there. He loves his cinnamon buns.

I was sad that I had not got an ADR dinner for my 45th birthday October 1st which was also MK's 45th birthday!

The joined birthdays are really cool.

I pray they can at least save one eye.

I keep my fingers crossed for you.

It was an invitation for 2 to dinner at Be at Guest for October the 1st!

What an amazing surprise.

The CM comes back with a smile and a white box..

I am glad that you finally got Cogsworth. He is too cute for words.

Our server was actually rude and upset me deeply with a hurtful comment about my dietary requirements. Jo was furious.

I would have been furious, too. People like this should not be allowed to work in the hospitality industry.

I love the Minnie bag. I think it is really cute.

I have been remiss as a friend. It took me nearly a week to find this. I am glad that I found it now and I am all caught up.

That was nice of Disney to do, but this is what makes them so special.

It is great that you were able to have this done during the trip.

Oh no.

I can imagine this. I am actually surprised that this never happened to me. I usually have a small tube of hand cream, lip balm, hand sanitizer, etc. in my handbag. As my handbags could double as a suitcase, it would not surprise me if at some stage I overlooked one. I would never live this down though considering I work for an airline.

That seriously stinks.

That is such a neat feature.

Thanks for the tip. I have to add this to our movie rental list.

That was perfect timing.

I hope you achieved your goal.

I would not mind staying there myself. We surprisingly liked All Star Music last year.

That was our fear last year, but honestly, the opposite was true.

I am hoping to avoid this pleasure this year considering that we we gain the hours one at a time.

I am not too sure what to make of this either.

That would be nice.

That really is a bargain. I am glad he found a good home.

I love your bracelet.

This is quickly becoming mine, too. I may be forced to have dinner there tomorrow.

How nice that your trips overlapped.

That looks cool.

For me being a beaver is a result. I love this ride, but I am useless at it.

Whenever I see the points it takes, this makes the decision an easy one for me, but then again, we only have one smallish contract.

That was our sentiment when we stayed in a one bedroom at Old Key West.

It is probably a good job that we only had one night of this.

Oh, I have to take Graham there. He loves his cinnamon buns.

The joined birthdays are really cool.

I keep my fingers crossed for you.

What an amazing surprise.

I am glad that you finally got Cogsworth. He is too cute for words.

I would have been furious, too. People like this should not be allowed to work in the hospitality industry.

I love the Minnie bag. I think it is really cute.


Welcome Corinna I am so pleased to have you join! Thank you for your kind comments. The Minnie handbag may come on another cruise in the future who knows !
I think it makes the perfect cruise bag as it is a bit of fun and looks big enough to hold everything you need around the ship, but small enough that it does not get in the way.


A woman of my thinking! It held those items for the evening perfectly! I became quite attached to it! I loved the way the clips went snap when you closed and opened it! Jo said her Grandmama had lots of handbags like that for all occasions I wish I had seen those. I love vintage bags.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around your dietary restrictions as they are so wildly different from mine if I cared to follow them. You eat sugar, you eat wheat, you eat meat. I know they are serious restrictions, but if I ate more than three bites of that cinnamon roll, my blood sugar would shoot through the roof and moments later I would crash hard in a sugar coma!

That sucks that the local police will not honor your UK plaquard, we'll have to look into that for international travel. We always bring fran's within the states.

How nice of that manager to get you in to BoG for your birthday! Now I will never forget your birthday! Are planning on celebrating your 50th there cause we are!

I can never go back to a studio for an extended vacation. It was OK for our last night on the last trip, but even that one night, I really missed the jacuzzi tub. I really love the kitchen because even if I don't make dinner (which I'm not planning on this upcoming trip), but I like to cook us bacon and eggs, French toast, and on this next trip, I plan on baking Muffins for breakfast one morning. I love our one bedrooms! Luckily we never travel often or long enough to have a problem with points.

I love the minine purse and enjoyed following it around the ship on FB!
I'm still trying to wrap my head around your dietary restrictions as they are so wildly different from mine if I cared to follow them. You eat sugar, you eat wheat, you eat meat. I know they are serious restrictions, but if I ate more than three bites of that cinnamon roll, my blood sugar would shoot through the roof and moments later I would crash hard in a sugar coma!

That sucks that the local police will not honor your UK plaquard, we'll have to look into that for international travel. We always bring fran's within the states.

How nice of that manager to get you in to BoG for your birthday! Now I will never forget your birthday! Are planning on celebrating your 50th there cause we are!

I can never go back to a studio for an extended vacation. It was OK for our last night on the last trip, but even that one night, I really missed the jacuzzi tub. I really love the kitchen because even if I don't make dinner (which I'm not planning on this upcoming trip), but I like to cook us bacon and eggs, French toast, and on this next trip, I plan on baking Muffins for breakfast one morning. I love our one bedrooms! Luckily we never travel often or long enough to have a problem with points.

I love the minine purse and enjoyed following it around the ship on FB!

I do eat a lot of sugar! I can only eat small portions at a time. So I eat little and often and lots of sugar for energy. Because I don't have much fat or muscle right now I have nowhere to store energy reserves. So I have to constantly feed it.

The one bed is fabulous. How nice to cook!

Oh yes we will be there for the 50th! Planning it now! See you there!

Thank you re Minnie purse. She is a cutie.
Day 4 continued

Today we needed to go to the town of Celebration to post a present to Pam's Mom. We were seeing Pam later in the trip and looking forward to it but missing Mom this time. Mom had mentioned she liked the English chocolate bar Galaxy and the savoury spread marmite. So we had brought them over to send to her.

Celebration is a lovely little town. We have eaten here before at a cool little authentic diner on Main Street. We parked up and went to the post office. Jo got a box and put all the items in. Wrote the address and soon it was winging it's way to Mom. Super easy!

Next we decided to go back to Disney Springs for lunch. First some more shopping and a look around without jet lag. How it has changed! The water is a lovely blue colour.


Despite protests Jo bought me more presents in Pandora. I was pleased she at least bought herself a separator charm she liked for her bracelet. I love my new earrings...


We then had lunch at the Earl.

We had a ADR at Prime time that evening. We love that place. We had a FP+ for TSMWM so we wanted to go in first to do that before having dinner. We decided to have some chill time by the pool. First though I fancied a trip to Twistee Treat the drive though ice cream soft serve. It is very rude not to have a trip out in the car and not swing by here. It's the real reason we rent..the ice cream is soooo goooddd...

Next by the pool. Minnie and me...


Later we drove to DHS and did our FP+ on it's a toy that's a game and a game that's a toy.. It sure has improved wait times since the third track was introduced we noticed.


It will not surprise you that I was still a beaver...


We then had a lovely surprise. The CM let us ride it 3 times in a row! Nobody else was waiting for this car where you remain in your wheelchair so we got pixie dust.

Then I wanted to look around the Star Wars store at Tattotine Traders and purchased a couple of Christmas presents for my friend bsck home and her husband. Two super too cool for school Star Wars wooly hats. I then spied a fabulous BB8 handbag around the size and shape of the Minnie bag. Jo read my mind and the words a whole world of no come forward. I did an over exaggerated mmmm and tossed my hair back like Miss Piggy in the muppets and Jo laughed. The bag remained on the shelf.....

We went to check in at Prime Time. This did not disappoint in food quality or service. Our server did not perform many antics just threw straws at us. This made us laugh. He was very nice and attentive. No rude comments here. Could not have been more helpful. I had meatloaf which was triple plus good. We are denied this pleasure in the UK. Jo had the buttermilk chicken and gasped at the portion size when it arrived. By the end of the meal the plate was empty and her stomach had chicken size shapes in it. We don't box things to go. We are eat it or ditch it folk. We both had cleaned our plates like good girls that night. We didn't have room for dessert much to my regret. Maybe some gummy bears watching Shark Tank later... Maybe somebody on the show will come up with a gummy bear hat like the joke hat you see that gives you two cans of drink and a straw...

I like to watch my balloon whilst I nod off to sleep. I forgot to add Jo got me this in MK yesterday for my birthday. As you can't have it on the cruise she wanted me to enjoy it for the week

We slept well. Tomorrow we would go into EPCOT in the morning and see Dana our friend who lives in Kissemee. Spoiler... Polly visits the medical centre at EPCOT following road rage that morning at the refillable mug station at SSR.....


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I am so sorry that you ran into so many unpleasant servers when dining off site. I seem to remember Michael mentioning some corporate reshuffle about Longhorn and maybe that caused the decline?

I love it that you share your birthday with the MK! I am one month and five days younger than the two of you... But I do feel special that I at least share the year with the MK. And I am planning seeing you and @franandaj there on Oct 1, 2021!!

The Minnie purse is adorable! I would be too embarrassed to carry it around, but good for you that you do just that!
Great update :) You were too kind to send mom chocolates. I'm sure you know this already, but they're all gone already! and none melted in transport.

I love the story of the Minnie handbag. Too cute. Did it fit your phone inside? it doesn't look very big.

The earrings are very nice.

I'm so glad 50s Prime Time made up for the service at Longhorn.

Too cool getting to ride TSMM that many times in a row!

A Twistee Treat outing sounds perfect :teeth:
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I am so sorry that you ran into so many unpleasant servers when dining off site. I seem to remember Michael mentioning some corporate reshuffle about Longhorn and maybe that caused the decline?

I love it that you share your birthday with the MK! I am one month and five days younger than the two of you... But I do feel special that I at least share the year with the MK. And I am planning seeing you and @franandaj there on Oct 1, 2021!!

The Minnie purse is adorable! I would be too embarrassed to carry it around, but good for you that you do just that!

It could indeed be the reshuffle I did not know about that thank you. How cool party in MK in 2021! Nice you share a birthday that year also.

Great update :) You were too kind to send mom chocolates. I'm sure you know this already, but they're all gone already! and none melted in transport.

I love the story of the Minnie handbag. Too cute. Did it fit your phone inside? it doesn't look very big.

The earrings are very nice.

I'm so glad 50s Prime Time made up for the service at Longhorn.

Too cool getting to ride TSMM that many times in a row!

A Twistee Treat outing sounds perfect :teeth:

I am pleased the Galaxy did not melt in the post. The bag does not fit a phone but I have a cool WDW phone bag just for that! It has a strap that goes around the body. Yummy Twistee Treat!
I am following along at work at 2:30 am. Nothing like trip reports to get me through a slow night. Looking forward to the rest of your report!
I am following along at work at 2:30 am. Nothing like trip reports to get me through a slow night. Looking forward to the rest of your report!
Welcome! Thank you for joining. You on night duty oh my! Poor you. I hope the hours go quick for you.
That was sweet of you to send chocolate to Pam's Mom! And you definitely got some extra pixie dust from the CM who let you ride a few extra times.

I could never eat an entire meal by myself in a Disney restaurant. We always take things home with us becuase with the full kitchen you can reheat leftovers! Either that or we split meals. I love the fried chicken there, but have not tried the meatloaf.
That was sweet of you to send chocolate to Pam's Mom! And you definitely got some extra pixie dust from the CM who let you ride a few extra times.

I could never eat an entire meal by myself in a Disney restaurant. We always take things home with us becuase with the full kitchen you can reheat leftovers! Either that or we split meals. I love the fried chicken there, but have not tried the meatloaf.

You would enjoy the meatloaf I think. I really love it! Thanks for your kind comments!
So glad to read your TR! You have a wonderful way with words.

Huey is such a cutie!
I am sorry to hear that you have been experiencing so many health issues lately; I admire your positive attitude!
Glad that you received so much pixie dust at Disney to make up for the poor service at other establishments.
Great score on all the trinkets!

Looking forward to reading more!
So glad to read your TR! You have a wonderful way with words.

Huey is such a cutie!
I am sorry to hear that you have been experiencing so many health issues lately; I admire your positive attitude!
Glad that you received so much pixie dust at Disney to make up for the poor service at other establishments.
Great score on all the trinkets!

Looking forward to reading more!

Hello and welcome! How lovely to have you join. Thank you for your kind comments. I do enjoy my trinkets and gismos a plenty!


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