Are You A Disney Bigot?

Dec 31, 2006
Now before you pull out the popcorn boxes, let me explain!

I have friends and relatives that are of every ethnic persuasion, color, gender bias, and political leaning. Love 'em all!

However, I have discovered that I simply cannot be friends with, or even associate with, people who mock my love for Disney.

Co-workers who have ribbed me about my Christmas Mickey watch, hmm, they now hear about the important meeting fifteen minutes too late!

Relatives who ask "you're going to Disney AGAIN"? Novelty soaps and scalp ticklers for them for Christmas.

Really, who wants to put up with "those kind of people"!

Gradually, over the years, we've discovered that our circle of friends and family includes either other Disney Fanatics or people who have learned NEVER to Mock the Mouse in front of me:upsidedow

Anyone else?
Yeah, but does bigot FIT the best?

big·ot (bĭg'ət)
One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

[French, from Old French.]

WORD HISTORY Bigots may have more in common with God than one might think. Legend has it that Rollo, the first duke of Normandy, refused to kiss the foot of the French king Charles III, uttering the phrase bi got, his borrowing of the assumed Old English equivalent of our expression by God. Although this story is almost surely apocryphal, it is true that bigot was used by the French as a term of abuse for the Normans, but not in a religious sense. Later, however, the word, or very possibly a homonym, was used abusively in French for the Beguines, members of a Roman Catholic lay sisterhood. From the 15th century on Old French bigot meant “an excessively devoted or hypocritical person

snob (snŏb)
One who tends to patronize, rebuff, or ignore people regarded as social inferiors and imitate, admire, or seek association with people regarded as social superiors.
One who affects an offensive air of self-satisfied superiority in matters of taste or intellect.
[Earlier snob, cobbler, lower-class person, person who aspires to social prominence.]

snobby snob'by adj.

The noun elitist has one meaning:

Meaning #1: someone who believes in rule by an elite group
I don't like the word bigot either.
I am a disney supporter, a disney fanatic, disney officianado? :cheer2:
But Kickapoo, look at it another way...:scratchin what if they are mocking you, not the mouse? :scared1: Any way you look at it, their negativity isn't work the pixie dust to turn them into toads. pixiedust:
We are who we are and the rest just don't get it. :thumbsup2 Know that you aren't alone and snicker at them behind their backs.:p
I have friends that don't understand, but they don't mock or make fun of me. I don't discuss my Disney plans with them either. If they ask me a question, I will answer them, but I don't get into a debate with them on how I spend my money or time. I have a very good friend that is on Disney property tonight at a convention and she will not go to the parks. She did not even tell me that she was going until she was on her way down, she sells Real Estate. One day, she said,"explain Disney to me." I replied," I can't explain it to you, I need to have you and your family take a trip with us." Well, That has never happened.
I prefer the designation "enthusiast". My DH and I were just talking about this today. I find that casual aquaintances and strangers are more likely to dismiss Disney rather than actual friends.

I was at a child's birthday party today when a friend asked about our trip. It came up that we go to WDW often and her friend said "Isn't that boring?" Yes, but we worry about Disney's fiscal health and just spend our $$$ there out of kindness. Then she started talking about their trip to the Bahamas. I just wanted to say, "Ew, the Bahamas. Who would want to go there?" (Note: nothing against the Bahamas -- just happens to be what came up. I happen to love Castaway Cay ;) ) This happens often when making small talk with folks.

What's with the Disney hatin'?
Well, maybe, should we just be a tad sorry for the unenlightened? It is their loss.
It is sort of like the Peter Pan story ... if you have held on to just a little bit of the joy and wonder of childhood, you can go back. Once you shut off your imagination and grow old, emotionally, then you can't get what all the fuss is about.
But if you have to try to drag a nonbeliever along, like my husband, grumpy, you can always discuss the business prowess of the Disney Company and the foresight of Walt Disney in his Real Estate dealings and even the profits they are making off of all of us Disneyphiles. Maybe they will at least appreciate that.
Well, maybe, should we just be a tad sorry for the unenlightened? It is their loss.
It is sort of like the Peter Pan story ... if you have held on to just a little bit of the joy and wonder of childhood, you can go back. Once you shut off your imagination and grow old, emotionally, then you can't get what all the fuss is about.
But if you have to try to drag a nonbeliever along, like my husband, grumpy, you can always discuss the business prowess of the Disney Company and the foresight of Walt Disney in his Real Estate dealings and even the profits they are making off of all of us Disneyphiles. Maybe they will at least appreciate that.

Stewart's "Disney War" is a good book for even nonbelievers.

I agree with your analysis of the unenlightened. I think Disneyphiles have a spark of childhood wonder left in them that is wonderful!
I did tell one woman that it's a good thing she doesn't want to go to Disney World because I don't want anymore people in front of me in line for Fantasmic.
My friend's 15 year old son called me a Disney freak! His mom laughed. I told them that they were quickly talking their way out of free accommodations in Disney. That shut him up!
True story:

On our last trip, we were at EPCOT walking towards the Land when DS10 stopped dead in his tracks and Gasped! :eek:

I thought he must have seen something really disturbing, like someone puking or peeing right in front of him. I'm telling you, it was a gasp worthy of truly shocking behavior.

I looked and could not see anything awful that might have freaked him out, so I asked what was wrong.

In absolute HORROR, he told me that "those. people. have. a ..................
..........................................................................................................................UNIVERSAL STUDIOS bag!!!!!! :crazy2: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :crazy2:

"Just keep walking", I told him. "Just keep walking".
I've been told "Somewhere there's a support group for you"....... :grouphug:

I say "Yes there is!!!! It's called the DIS!!!!!!!!!" :disrocks:

sadly :sad2: , they have NO CLUE what I'm talking about!! :lmao:
Its true we all know or atleast can find out alot more info about disney then the average Joe. I just found this place(DIS)because of a book I bought, which led me to you guys, which led me to buying DVC, which led me to disney world alot more often, Which led me to more Happiness in life.

Just want to say thanks to everyone

My friend's 15 year old son called me a Disney freak! His mom laughed. I told them that they were quickly talking their way out of free accommodations in Disney. That shut him up!

I freely refer to myself as a Disney freak, for some reason it just doesn't hold a negative connotation for me.
We are Disneyphiles.

According to Wikipedia, phile as a suffix is used to specify some kind of attraction or affinity to something, in particular the love or obsession with something.

This describes my family. Some are just a bit more "phile" than others.;)

We are Disneyphiles.

According to Wikipedia, phile as a suffix is used to specify some kind of attraction or affinity to something, in particular the love or obsession with something.

This describes my family. Some are just a bit more "phile" than others.;)

Ah...that's the suffix I was searching for....well done, HBC! :thumbsup2

And I know exactly what you mean by that last line in your post! ::yes::


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