Baby on the High Seas - A Fantasy Eastern Caribbean Trip Report *new 4/15*

Day 8, Part 3: Final Night, Magic Kingdom style!

After a quick trip on the monorail, we were once again entering the Magic Kingdom. Although I was worried about not making our reservation at The Plaza, we made it right on time. We checked in and were asked to wait for a few minutes, so we tried to keep Rory entertained. After about 5 minutes we were called inside and led to our table. It was our first time eating here, and we enjoyed it. We had a great server, and she was very good with Rory.

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I'm glad you got to the Plaza...we love it there. Love the pic of Rory drinking out of the water bottle. :)

After dinner we realized that Rory needed to be changed. Michael took him to the Baby Care Center, and when he came back, Rory was in a new outfit. In the remainder of the pictures from this evening and tomorrow, you will see many recycled outfits – at this point in the trip it turned into “wear whatever is somewhat clean” mode.

Those things happen.

We stopped for a few pictures on Main St. while on our way to Fantasyland.

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Love these.

We decided to ride the Carousel, as there was hardly a line for it, and we thought Rory would enjoy it. He did not want to wait in the short line, and was climbing all over the place in anticipation of the ride.

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I ended up picking him up so that he wouldn’t bother the other people in line.

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He just wanted to get to the horsie. :)

We chose a horse, and he was so fidgety until the ride started going. Then he loved it!

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I don't think I've ever known a child not to.

From there we went to It’s a Small World – again there was no wait. He started to look pretty tired (look at that yawn!), but after the ride he was fine. Maybe IASW is already boring to him?!

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:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: I promise I didn't tell him it was boring. ;)

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This was right after the ride – not ready for bed yet!

Still raring to go mommy.

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From there we went on the Teacups. Michael and I love rides, and the faster, the better. So whenever we would go on the Teacups in the past, we would work together to get that thing spinning FAST. This time, I was holding Rory and therefore wouldn’t be helping to spin, and figured that Michael would take it easy since our baby was with us. But no, he was making us whip around really fast.

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Rory loved it...until he didn't. What happened next was probably the scariest moment I’ve had in my life. Rory went from giggling and having a blast, to looking like he was in shock or going to have a seizure or something. I was SCREAMING at Michael to stop the teacup, which he did, but it took a bit to slow down. Rory ended up being okay, but it was so scary. I was embarrassed getting off the ride, as anyone watching probably thought we were the worst parents in the world for putting our baby through that.

I thought we might be calling it a night at that point, but Rory seemed to want to keep going. We headed over to Buzz Lightyear. I told Michael that we needed to spin the car as minimally as possible, but Rory of course wanted to control it, and had us spinning around quite a bit.

Continued in next post...

Oh my...that sounds so scary. I'm glad everything was okay.

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It looks like Rory know exactly where the camera is on this ride.

It was about 8:15 at this point and we decided to head back to the room. With one last look at the castle, we headed for the monorail and went back to the Grand Floridian.

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Beautiful picture of the castle.

Rory got a second wind once we were back, and was playing with his glow sticks again. He liked the extra bed in the room.

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He seems to be enjoying himself immensely. On a side note, I showed Mark this bed last night and I think he is now feeling an urge to stay at GFV for that Dumbo bed. ;)

I was out on the balcony and could see the Electric Water Pageant as it was outside of the Polynesian. I took some pictures of it, but then I deleted them, thinking that I’d get better ones when it stopped in front of the Grand Floridian. What I didn’t realize, was that I actually had a much better view when it was in front of the Poly. The DVC section of the GF is so far down to one end, that when it did stop in front of the GF, it was too far away to really see anything. So if you’re ever staying in the DVC section of the GF and want to see the EWP, make sure to catch it when it’s in front of the Poly!

Oh darn...that's too bad.

Rory was more interested in running back and forth between the room and the balcony than the Electric Water Pageant.

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He's such a cutie.

As I was heading inside the room, I could see fireworks and was confused since they were not in the direction of the MK. I later found out that they were the special Frozen fireworks. I didn’t have a great view, but it was still a nice bonus.

We put Rory to bed in the bathroom (ha!), and turned in ourselves not much longer after that. We wanted to be up early as we had some things we wanted to do before leaving in the afternoon.

Up next: Saying hello to a new friend, and goodbye to Disney World!

:yay::yay::yay::yay::yay: for bonus fireworks (we loved the Frozen fireworks).

No, I don't want you to say goodbye. :(
Congratulations on the news of the coming princess! Very exciting - it's also interesting to observe how different boys and girls can be (at least that has been our experience).

Your plans sound really good and I am always a fan of doing what you are comfortable financially - just one less thing to stress about (though I am sure going to Disneyland Paris would have been amazing)

I bet Rory will love Garden Grill. The rotating restaurant is so fun and realy good characters too - and we were pleasantly surprised by how much we liked the food there.

I think you would be fine with Rory at Flying Fish - it is a big open space and can get loud anyway so no issues with a toddler.


Love the pic of Rory with his sunglasses entering the Grand. I mean, gotta dress to impress there ;)

Your room looks great and those split bathrooms are one of the best things they have ever come up with.

The carousel is such a great ride and the kids seem to love it. I love how it is right in the heart of Fantasyland.

I understand being so concerned on the tea cups. You are definitely not the first parents in that situation. We had almost the same thing with Peter on Barnstormer where he loved it until he didn't and then was totaly freaking out

The mural on the side of the fold down bed is so cute!

Man, one can really can see the Frozen Fireworks from anywhere! Nice bonus!
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Sounds like a fun evening at MK, except for that Teacup scare! :eek: Yikes, I'd be screaming and terrified too! I'm glad he was okay. These kiddos are surprisingly resilient, but it's so scary to watch them in a moment like that.

That Dumbo backdrop on the bed is super adorable! I love that! :dumbo:
I decided it was time to finish up my TR and realized I never replied to these comments!

OMG that tea cup debacle sounds scary! Glad it all turned out okay and he was still good to go afterwards. I don't do the spinny stuff so Andrew knows not to spin if I'm on it, but Aria seems to love it. The Plaza has never really excited me food-wise but glad it was a great dinner! I love the photo of your family in front of the castle. And the Dumbo artwork behind that pull down bed at the VGF is so beautiful.

It was SOO scary. I was glad that he seemed to recover fairly quickly. The Plaza was basic, but good food. It was just what we needed after the decadent cruise food we had for 7 days.

Oh my...that sounds so scary. I'm glad everything was okay.

We were glad everything was okay, too! So scary!
:yay::yay::yay::yay::yay: for bonus fireworks (we loved the Frozen fireworks).

No, I don't want you to say goodbye. :(

They were really the only fireworks we saw during the whole trip, so although it was just from a distance, I was glad we saw something.

I know, the end of TRs are the worst! Probably why I've put this off for so long.

Congratulations on the news of the coming princess! Very exciting - it's also interesting to observe how different boys and girls can be (at least that has been our experience).

Thank you - we are very excited!

Your plans sound really good and I am always a fan of doing what you are comfortable financially - just one less thing to stress about (though I am sure going to Disneyland Paris would have been amazing)

Yes, if we were stressing about money, we wouldn't have enjoyed it very much.

I bet Rory will love Garden Grill. The rotating restaurant is so fun and realy good characters too - and we were pleasantly surprised by how much we liked the food there.

I was just looking at the menu again last night - looks good. Since Rory is under 3, do you think they will charge for him, or let him eat off of our plates? He doesn't need "kid" food, as long as some of the adult food is okay for his allergies.

I think you would be fine with Rory at Flying Fish - it is a big open space and can get loud anyway so no issues with a toddler.

Sounds good - we will hope for the best!


Love the pic of Rory with his sunglasses entering the Grand. I mean, gotta dress to impress there ;)

We just recently found his sunglasses and he wears them all the time now. He thinks he's a big shot in them.

Your room looks great and those split bathrooms are one of the best things they have ever come up with.

It was amazing. All hotel rooms should have the split bathroom.

The carousel is such a great ride and the kids seem to love it. I love how it is right in the heart of Fantasyland.

Riding it with Rory is making me enjoy it more now than I have since I was a small child.

I understand being so concerned on the tea cups. You are definitely not the first parents in that situation. We had almost the same thing with Peter on Barnstormer where he loved it until he didn't and then was totaly freaking out

So scary, and you don't know that the situation has turned for the worse until it's too late!

The mural on the side of the fold down bed is so cute!

The details in the room were really great.

Man, one can really can see the Frozen Fireworks from anywhere! Nice bonus!


Sounds like a fun evening at MK, except for that Teacup scare! :eek: Yikes, I'd be screaming and terrified too! I'm glad he was okay. These kiddos are surprisingly resilient, but it's so scary to watch them in a moment like that.

It was terrifying. Hopefully Michael has learned and we'll take it easy next time.

That Dumbo backdrop on the bed is super adorable! I love that! :dumbo:

It is so cute. Maybe next time we stay there he'll actually sleep in that bed!
It is time for me to finish this thing up! I only have our final day left to post, so here goes:

We were all up around 7:00 and caught the sunrise from the balcony.

Rory enjoyed some cheerios from our bed.


A last look at Rory's "bedroom".


Our plan for our last morning was to walk over to the Polynesian and go to Capt. Cook’s for breakfast and then hopefully have a little pool time before check out. When I was growing up, we always stayed at the Polynesian and it always felt like home to me. I have some great memories of getting waffle sundaes at Capt. Cook’s. My mission this time was to get Tonga Toast.

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We walked over there, and checked out the construction of the new bungalows. We were soon at Capt. Cook’s and ordered our meals. It was kind of a nightmare in there even though there were many people working and hardly any guests. I’m a bit foggy on the details now (it was so long ago at this point!), but I remember Rory’s meal was really screwed up. When it finally came out properly, he enjoyed it. I enjoyed my Tonga Toast, too! We were disappointed that there wasn’t any real coffee there, so I ran up to the lobby to see if I could find some. With all the construction going on in the lobby, we were out of luck, so no coffee for us!

We were wanting to hit the splash area at the Grand Floridian, so we walked back to the room and got ready for that. This splash area was so cool with its Alice in Wonderland theme. Rory had so much fun. Michael was a trooper and braved the freezing water so that Rory could play. Rory went down the slide about 50 times.


Continued in next post...
I LOOOVE that splash pad! We will be staying at GF in May (2016) and I cannot wait to let my son play in there!
Haha I just wrote up about that splash pad today and how scared Aria is and how I wish they'd stop with the gallons of water pouring down! Glad Rory liked it, at least!

I never walked to the Poly from the GF! I bet that is a pretty walk, I don't think I realized we could do that!
(continued from previous post)

Although our ME bus wasn’t coming until 3:30, I was getting nervous about time, since we had to check out of the room by 11. We all had to shower and pack up the room, so we headed up around 10:15 to get ready. The split bathroom with two showers really came in handy. Michael and Rory went in one and I went in the other, and we could all get ready simultaneously. We quickly packed and were out of the room just in time.

We made it down to the lobby and checked out.


Rory enjoyed the little chairs they had down there.


After checking in for our flight and handing over our bags, we had about 1 ½ hours before our lunch reservation, so we walked around and explored the resort, the shops, etc. It really is a beautiful resort and I definitely want to stay there again in the future. Rory ended up falling asleep in the stroller and snoozed through much of our wandering.


At 12:35, we had a special lunch planned at the Grand Floridian Café. I’m not sure if I mentioned this in my TR, or just in my PTR, but a former co-worker of mine has a father who is a retired Disney employee. He also sings in the Candlelight Processional each year, so he sometimes has extra park tickets. He had given Michael and I tickets a couple of years ago, and when I wrote him a thank you note, he told me that I was the first person to ever do that. That is really shocking and sad to me! When Frank (my old co-worker) heard that we were going to the Magic Kingdom for a day, he talked to his dad and once again he gave Michael and I each a park ticket. We asked him if we could take him out to lunch to thank him, and were excited to finally meet him!

We arrived right on time for our reservation and he was waiting for us outside of the restaurant. It was funny because although I had never met him or seen a picture of him, he looked just like an older version of his son, so I recognized him right away.

We had a really nice meal with him, and he told us all kinds of stories about working for Disney. The last major project he had worked on was Test Track, so that is really special to him. He even gave me some really special gifts (memorabilia from Epcot).

Rory behaved pretty well during the meal, but he was definitely getting antsy waiting for his food, and it was obvious. Michael asked the waiter if we could get some bread or something for him, and I was surprised when he said that Rory’s food was ready, and asked if we wanted it then. I was kind of surprised that he hadn’t offered to bring it, since it was clear that he was hungry!

After lunch we still had a little time to kill, so after saying goodbye to our new friend, we hung out in the lobby of the GF until it was time for our ME bus. All too soon, we were on the bus and headed back to the airport. Rory was acting a little goofy.


We made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare, so Rory enjoyed watching the airplanes.


And that, FINALLY, is the end of this Trip Report. Although it took me forever to complete and was more work than I would have imagined, I did enjoy writing this, and really enjoyed everyone's comments. I know that it will be really fun to look back on down the road. This was an amazing trip, and thank you to all of you who followed along on our adventure.

We leave for WDW in 1 1/2 weeks, and have booked a May 2016 cruise, so we are looking forward to those trips. I haven't decided yet if I'll attempt a TR for our April WDW trip. I recently got promoted at work and need to focus on baby girl's nursery, but hope to have some time to do at least a short trip report.
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How are you feeling?

I'm finally feeling pretty good, thanks for asking! I'm 25 weeks and JUST getting over the (all-day) morning sickness.

I LOOOVE that splash pad! We will be staying at GF in May (2016) and I cannot wait to let my son play in there!

Lucky you! I can't wait to stay at the GF again. I wasn't sure how much I'd like the resort, but I ended up really loving it!

Haha I just wrote up about that splash pad today and how scared Aria is and how I wish they'd stop with the gallons of water pouring down! Glad Rory liked it, at least!

I never walked to the Poly from the GF! I bet that is a pretty walk, I don't think I realized we could do that!

That is too funny! I need to read about Aria's experience with it. I'm wondering how Rory would do with it now since he's a bit older, but judging on how he is in his swim classes I think he'd still love it.

It was pretty, right along the water, and didn't take long at all!
What a great wrap up! So nice you could have lunch with your benefactor. Rory is going to be a great big brother!

Jill in CO
Although no parks the last day, it sounds like a lovely one nonetheless. A little Tonga Toast, some pool time, a special lunch with a special friend. Thank you for sharing your trip with us.

Congrats on your promotion, and I am glad to hear that you are feeling better and can't wait to hear about Baby girl's arrival. I hope you'll at least give us a picture TR so we can see how Rory has grown.
What a great wrap up! So nice you could have lunch with your benefactor. Rory is going to be a great big brother!

Jill in CO

Thank you - sorry it took so long...

I think he will be a great big brother - he loves babies and pats my belly every day and says hello to her. He even thought she arrived in a box last week, but I had to explain it was just her crib sheets. :rotfl2:

Although no parks the last day, it sounds like a lovely one nonetheless. A little Tonga Toast, some pool time, a special lunch with a special friend. Thank you for sharing your trip with us.

It was a nice day! Thank you for reading!

Congrats on your promotion, and I am glad to hear that you are feeling better and can't wait to hear about Baby girl's arrival. I hope you'll at least give us a picture TR so we can see how Rory has grown.

Thank you! I will attempt to do that - he has definitely grown since September (especially since he eats more than most adults!). I will just have to stay out of the pictures since I have also grown since September!:rotfl:
Which cruise are you taking in May- we are cruising in May (2016) as well?

We're doing the May 7th Eastern Fantasy cruise. Pretty much the same itinerary as this one except for Tortola instead of St. Maarten. We loved the Fantasy and figured with two little kids this was an easy itinerary. Which one are you doing?
I love the Polly - actually probably my dream resort to stay at some point. We thought about it last trip but with the construction we weren't sure how it would be (I think we chose wisely to avoid). Glad you were able to get your Tonga Toast.

I love that splash area at GF - I really like the set up with that slide and how the end it in the water but kind of enclosed as well - looks like it would be great for young ones.

So nice that things worked out and you were able to meet up with your co-worker's father and thank him in person and just spend time with them. To have some private time with someone who worked on ride development, etc would be amazing!

Glad that the trip home was fairly smooth. Hope you enjoy your upcoming trips - definitely would follow along if you do another TR but you do have a bit going on in your life so understand not wanting to commit to something.

Thanks for writing the report - definitely had fun following along - best of luck with your new addition :goodvibes
We're doing the May 7th Eastern Fantasy cruise. Pretty much the same itinerary as this one except for Tortola instead of St. Maarten. We loved the Fantasy and figured with two little kids this was an easy itinerary. Which one are you doing?
What a small world. We are booked on that cruise as well. We just might not keep it. I am going back and forth between keeping that cruise and switching to the 4 night dream. Are you doing a disney trip pre or post cruise? i worry about it being too long of a trip for my son. I think Rory is a couple months older than blake- who will be 2 in June. In January when he was 19 months old we did a 2 night pre-cruise stay at AKL, and then the 7 night cruise. He was sort of over vacation by the end of the 7 nights- and we travel quite a bit. So I cannot decide what to do. A 4 night seems REALLY short. A 7 night seems a little long- and there are no 5 night options on a Fantasy class ship. Either way- I will let you know what I decide...
I love the Polly - actually probably my dream resort to stay at some point. We thought about it last trip but with the construction we weren't sure how it would be (I think we chose wisely to avoid). Glad you were able to get your Tonga Toast.

I think you made a good choice, too! It has taken a lot of restraint for me to not switch our upcoming Boardwalk reservation to the Poly DVC, but I think BWV is a better choice for us this time around (can walk to 2 parks, and way less points!).

I love that splash area at GF - I really like the set up with that slide and how the end it in the water but kind of enclosed as well - looks like it would be great for young ones.

Rory had so much fun. I can't remember what the splash area is like at Boardwalk, but I'm hoping he's not disappointed!

So nice that things worked out and you were able to meet up with your co-worker's father and thank him in person and just spend time with them. To have some private time with someone who worked on ride development, etc would be amazing!

It really was great talking to him. He has so much passion for Disney, especially Epcot. I think he really enjoyed talking to us, too because we also love Disney so much.

Glad that the trip home was fairly smooth. Hope you enjoy your upcoming trips - definitely would follow along if you do another TR but you do have a bit going on in your life so understand not wanting to commit to something.

Thanks for writing the report - definitely had fun following along - best of luck with your new addition :goodvibes

Thank you! I will let you know if I start a new report!

What a small world. We are booked on that cruise as well. We just might not keep it. I am going back and forth between keeping that cruise and switching to the 4 night dream. Are you doing a disney trip pre or post cruise? i worry about it being too long of a trip for my son. I think Rory is a couple months older than blake- who will be 2 in June. In January when he was 19 months old we did a 2 night pre-cruise stay at AKL, and then the 7 night cruise. He was sort of over vacation by the end of the 7 nights- and we travel quite a bit. So I cannot decide what to do. A 4 night seems REALLY short. A 7 night seems a little long- and there are no 5 night options on a Fantasy class ship. Either way- I will let you know what I decide...

Oh, that is so funny! I think that we are going to do maybe 2 nights before the cruise, and then 1 night after. Rory will be 2 on May 10th, so they are pretty close in age!

I do think a 4 night cruise is really short. Our first cruise was a 4 night, so we could see how we liked cruising. Our next was a 5 night (Magic NYC to Canada), and then this 7 night. Michael and I agreed that anything less than 7 nights would just feel too short now! Definitely let me know if you do end up going on the May 7th cruise - it would be fun to get the boys together!
I was just looking at the menu again last night - looks good. Since Rory is under 3, do you think they will charge for him, or let him eat off of our plates? He doesn't need "kid" food, as long as some of the adult food is okay for his allergies.

I don't think I saw this answered yet. You shouldn't be charged for Rory, but if it's like our experiences there, they'll bring him the kids' food anyway (I think there was mac and cheese with goldfish or something - obviously, you might need some modifications for his diet). And he can have as much of the adult food as he wants too.
Loved the report! :thumbsup2

Glad you strolled over to the Poly. Captain Cook's Tonga Toast is good, but I really like it up at Kona with the strawberry sauce too. Yum!

What a fun splash pad - though I think that Izzy would not like the dumping water (terrified of it at Aulani) - but she would love the slide, so I don't know which would win out. :confused3

Very cool about the former CM providing tickets and telling you stories at lunch. That sounds like fun! Almost a "dining with an Imagineer" type meal! :rotfl:

Congrats on the promotion and hope you continue to feel better with the pregnancy. Have a wonderful trip and I hope you at least share a mini-TR or something! :goodvibes


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